Peng Xuefei spoke at the same time, her body also suddenly stood up from the seat, only three words, will show her domineering to show, her majesty is beyond doubt.

In an instant, all the people in the audience subconsciously closed their mouths, and no one made a sound. Even Sheng Mingjie, who was high above, did not open his mouth again. However, his deep eyes flashed a trace of embarrassment, but in a moment he was covered up and left. Then, his face recovered calm.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the box is very quiet, but there is a hidden breath of depression. Perhaps, these men and women who love face usually associate with Peng Xuefei with the friendship of classmates, and have not been so angry with her. For a while, their faces can not help becoming a little embarrassed.

Peng Xuefei's face is even colder than before. She glanced at her old classmates coldly. Then, she said in a cold voice, "please don't forget that Jiangnan wind is my boyfriend."

In a word, Peng Xuefei doesn't need to say anything more. Just such a sentence can remind her old classmates that they slander me, because I am her boyfriend.

Peng Xuefei is also worthy of being a big family. After she said this, almost all the people in the box bowed their heads. No one spoke, and no one dared to refute.

Then, Xia Xiaoxiao's eyes turned to Ouyang Jing on one side, and said in a cold voice, "Ouyang Jing, don't be embarrassed to admit that at the beginning, you were beaten to kneel on the ground by the wind from the south of the Yangtze River. I really saw it."

Hearing this, everyone can't help but look up at Ouyang Jing. In an instant, his face turned red and red. Even the dim light could not cover his shame.

I said the same thing, no one believed it, but from Peng Xuefei's mouth, the effect was quite different. At this moment, those noble men and women, looking at Ouyang Jing's eyes, were obviously full of suspicion.

However, Ouyang Jing denied that I had beaten him in public and denied him kneeling for me. But Peng Xuefei's words, like a slap in the face, made him unable to raise his head.

The truth has been revealed. At this moment, Ouyang Jing didn't dare to refute it, which shows from the side that this matter is true.

"Unexpectedly, Ouyang Jing has been beaten by the Jiangnan wind. It seems that this Jiangnan style is really capable of it!"

"Not necessarily. We may not know what's going on in the middle of this. Maybe, Jiangnan style only has some skills. It relies on brute force to beat Ouyang Jing. However, isn't it related to Ouyang Jing's family in their school? How can Jiangnan wind continue to study there

"It's not easy, because Peng Xuefei, according to Ouyang Jing's character, has been humiliated so much. How can he not retaliate? It must be Peng Xuefei who sheltered the wind from the south of the Yangtze River, which made Ouyang Jing dare not retaliate."

"So, Jiangnan wind is still a little white face who depends on women to eat."

Although the voices of these people's discussions were very low, they could be heard faintly. When they reached Peng Xuefei's ears, she immediately glared at the group of people. All of a sudden, they all stopped talking.

Immediately after that, Peng Xuefei once again said in a cold voice: "I brought Jiangnan wind, not to let you comment on him. I ask you to give him the least respect. Thank you."

With that, Peng Xuefei sat down again. Her face was as cold as frost. Although she stood up and didn't say a few words, she blocked those noble old classmates into silence. She didn't dare to put another fart.

I know that she is doing this for her own dignity. She does not allow others to slander her boyfriend easily. At the same time, she clearly points out that Ouyang Jing is lying, which is the fan of red fruit and the slap on the face of those who believe in Ouyang Jing.

However, in this way, my boyfriend has lost the opportunity to perform, and I have become a little white face in their mouth. Moreover, I don't know what to refute. It's really helpless.

For a while, the atmosphere in the box was still a little strange, and I felt embarrassed everywhere. Of course, the most embarrassing person was Lu Yi. His dishonorable deeds were known by his old classmates, which was humiliating enough. However, he had just lied and denied it. Now Peng Xuefei pointed it out clearly, which made him even more oppressed.

A little inclined, maybe Ouyang Jing really couldn't bear the psychological unhappiness. He glared at me and walked out of the box.

Seeing that Ouyang Jing left so angrily, Sheng Mingjie, the host, immediately followed him out.

Until this time, the atmosphere in the box was relieved. One of the girls took the lead in breaking the silence and said, "Hey, it's not interesting to say that some of them are not. We have a hard time getting together. Don't make it unpleasant. Don't sit down. If anyone wants to sing, I'll help him."

As soon as her words came out, other people couldn't help echoing them. After a while, the atmosphere in the field became jubilant again. Some sang, some chatted, and some drank. Of course, they let go of the surface, but in fact, they were still a little resentful of me. Some people would look at me from time to time.I didn't pay attention to these people's eyes, just quietly drinking their own wine, Peng Xuefei beside me was also silent sitting, we two did not as usual, joking, now our identity is not good, casually say anything, but so do not speak, we do not look like real boyfriend and girlfriend.

After holding on for a while, I was just about to open my mouth to ease the atmosphere. Suddenly, Peng Xuefei first said to me: "Jiangnan wind, I didn't expect to bring you any trouble. The people of the party should still be outside, or should I send someone to pick you up?"

Peng Xuefei's words, let me suddenly stupefied, I just felt that Peng Xuefei was not happy, not only because her old classmates insulted me, but also because those people from the car party were blocking me. Her original intention may be to let me set up a situation for Sheng Mingjie, but in the end, I was directly taken as a laughing stock here, and was still in danger. Peng Xuefei felt a little guilty for this, and she repeatedly held injustice for me, and now she wants to send someone to escort me.

But if I leave like this, I will become a little white face in their eyes, and I will be looked down upon by Peng Xuefei, although she may be really considering my safety now.

After thinking about it for a while, I still firmly said to Peng Xuefei, "no!"

Hearing my answer, Peng Xuefei didn't say anything more, just took a deep look at me.

I didn't look at her, but pondered the situation under my eyes. Actually, I was not too afraid of the people of the car party. Now I am more concerned about my performance in front of Peng Xuefei. So far, my fake boyfriend seems to be not qualified. Not only did Sheng Mingjie not care about it, but also let them look down on me. Even, Peng Xuefei and I did The strange atmosphere of the two people is not much like that of a boyfriend and a girlfriend.

In order to make the two of us more natural, I took the initiative to ask Peng Xuefei what song to sing, and I went to give her some. She reported a song title, I immediately went to order for her, by the way, I also ordered one for myself.

Peng Xuefei has a noble status and is respected by others. Even though she just reprimanded the people present mercilessly, as soon as she started singing, those people stopped speaking and listened to her singing quietly.

This is the first time I heard Peng Xuefei sing. I didn't expect that she sang very well. Turning off the original singer was just like the sound of nature. I couldn't help but immerse myself in it.

When Peng Xuefei's one song finished, the audience immediately burst into a burst of warm applause.

And when it's my turn to sing, those people don't even mean to respect me. I don't care about what to say and what to drink. I just sing quietly and do my best.

After I finished the song and put down the microphone, Ouyang Jing and Sheng Mingjie came in from the outside. I don't know what Sheng Mingjie said to Ouyang Jing just now. Now, Ouyang Jing's face is still ugly, but it's not as red as before. He walked in and glared at me, and then sat down on one side.

Sheng Mingjie went straight to Peng Xuefei and said mildly, "Feifei, I just saw that the group of people from the party are still outside. It's quite chaotic. In order to avoid accidents, I'll take you back when the party is over."

When I heard that the party members were still there, all of them could not help looking at me. This time, their eyes showed the color of expectation again. They were eager for me to collide with the party and see how I ended up.

However, my attention was not here. I heard another intention in Sheng Mingjie's words. He intended to use the flying car party as a cover to send Peng Xuefei home. At this time, it was the best time for my fake boyfriend to play. So, I quickly turned to Peng Xuefei and said, "Feifei, I'll give you a ride. I'm not at ease. ”

the intention of my words is quite obvious, that is to say to Sheng Mingjie. I am Peng Xuefei's boyfriend, and I am also the one who wants to send them. He can't be sent for the time being.

Sheng Mingjie immediately heard that I was aiming at him. He said in a sharp voice, "Jiangnan style, I know you may have some fists, but a group of people from the flying car party outside are not rubbish. I have promised them that it's none of my business to get out of the box. You can't protect yourself when you wait. What else do you say to send Feifei

Sheng Mingjie's words were like a wind vane, which immediately led people's topic to me. In order to hold Sheng Mingjie well, they were so bold as to satirize me once again. All kinds of voices rang out one after another:

"well, this kind of person still dares to pretend to be forced. If he doesn't rely on Peng Xuefei, does he dare to go out alone?"

"It's not just that a person dares not to leave, and then she says what to send Peng Xuefei. In fact, she wants to rely on her protection."

I automatically ignored these voices and said directly to Sheng Mingjie: "Sheng Mingjie, I now tell you clearly that as a man, protecting his girlfriend is the most basic ability. I will be responsible for Feifei's safety, so don't worry about it."

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