Soon, I had another chance. A man suddenly hit me with the iron chain in his hand. I looked at the opportunity and held one end of the chain tightly in my hand. Then I pulled the man down from the motorcycle and his motorcycle fell to the ground. And his chain, already in my hands.

Although I did not show my real strength, but several battles have passed, I did not hinder, but let the other side hurt two people.

Such a scene made Peng Xuefei's old classmates look a little dignified. They were waiting to see how I was repaired by the party. As a result, I didn't make a fool of myself. On the contrary, I played some prestige. This had to make those people show their displeasure. Even several of them clenched their fists, as if they were eager for other members of the party to hurry up I crushed it.

However, Sheng Mingjie's face has softened. His eyes are still fixed on me, but his expression is indifferent, which means that he can see through everything. Peng Xuefei, beside him, looks a little complicated at the moment. From her surface, she can't see what she is thinking.

On the other side, seeing the situation, the head of the plane became more angry. He immediately ordered some people to come up and deal with me.

This time, there were more people rushing in than before. And the weapons in their hands are not just chains. Some are machetes, some are clubs, some are steel pipes, and even one person is holding a mace!

I know that if I go on like this, my situation will become more and more dangerous. The number of people on the other side is not generally large. I can't afford to just avoid and spend so much time with them.

When the other side rushed to me, I suddenly raised the iron chain in my hand and waved it flexibly. But these people are not stupid. As long as I make a move, before I take back the iron chain, they will take advantage of this gap to attack me.

Although I tried my best to avoid it, but I could not use my real strength. Suddenly, I was hit by a bat.

Seeing that my body was hit, Peng Xuefei's old classmates suddenly flashed a light in their eyes. However, some girls screamed out because my situation was too dangerous.

Sheng Mingjie, a hypocrite, pretended to be urgent to Peng Xuefei at this time: "Feifei, it seems that the wind in the south of the Yangtze River can't hold on. There are so many people in the party who haven't done anything about it. He's like this. I don't know what's causing the party, but he's your boyfriend after all. If you need help, I can negotiate with the people of the party."

Sheng Mingjie's intention of saying this is very obvious. He is still raising himself and belittling me, and relieving Peng Xuefei's worries.

However, Peng Xuefei did not pay attention to Sheng Mingjie, her eyes have not been flowing, has been staring at the situation on the field, eyebrows light frown.

I couldn't help but glance at Sheng Mingjie, and then quickly looked at the formation of the flying car party. At this moment, my heart secretly decided to take out some real means.

But there is a person, but before I move, first step out, this person, is the leader of this group of flying car party, aircraft head.

Perhaps, the head of the plane was really in a hurry, or maybe he heard Sheng Mingjie's words and was afraid that he would really come up to intercede. All of a sudden, he yelled: "get out of the way!"

When the plane roared, the people around me who were entangled with me immediately stepped aside, and I also looked at the head of the plane. It turned out that he was riding on his big motorcycle, raising his knife in his hand, and all the people behind him also made good posture. A slow and sick motorcycle motor roared one after another.

At such a glance, I can see that the head of the plane is going to lead his motorcycles to rush towards me. With so many motorcycles, just hitting me can definitely turn me into a puddle of meat.

My eyes trembled and I had no time to think about anything. I suddenly spread my legs and ran forward quickly.

In the moment I pulled out my legs, the roar of the head of the plane roared in the night sky: "all members, give me a rush!"

As soon as the order was given, the head of the plane and all the members of the flying car party behind him immediately increased their horsepower and rushed towards me with their motorcycles.

The motorcycles under the seat of the flying car party roared and roared. The momentum they brought out almost bombed the whole sky. And the momentum of the sky was close behind me, as if they would crush me as long as my steps stopped slightly.

I am facing the wind, crazy forward sprint, all the strength in my body burst out, hands and feet completely away, run desperately.

This scene is really fierce. My nerves are already tense and stimulated to the extreme. Dozens of heavy motorcycles are chasing a person. What a shock this scene is.

In the end, no matter how fast I am, even if I try my best, I can't match the speed of the motorcycle. I feel the roaring sound of the motorcycle motor behind me, which makes me closer and closer. Even, the people behind me have begun to attack me frequently with the iron chain in their hands. I dare not stop at all, and my pace is getting faster and faster. At the same time, my eyes flow rapidly, looking for opportunities to avoid The edge of the party.

I know that if I run in such a straight line, I will surely die. Then, I can only find a way out by the road where I run. Seeing that the motorcyclists will catch up with me, even the back of my head, I can feel the strong wind brought by the iron chain in their hands. Suddenly, I glimpsed a dark lane in front of me on my left. At present, I thought Also did not think much, immediately left turn, toward the alley in the past.As soon as my figure deviated, the motorcyclists of the party whistled past the straight line where I had been running, and missed the lane where I had escaped.

The alley is composed of two rows of residential buildings, not wide and dark. Only at the entrance of the alley, some scattered lights are reflected in.

After I ran into the alley, I did not immediately enter the deep lane, but put down the chain in my hand and quickly set up a defense line. Then, I walked to the deep lane.

Before I took two steps forward, suddenly, the roar of motorcycles sounded at the entrance of this lane. Then, the lights of motorcycles came in from the outside. I glanced back and found that the motorcyclists' motorcycles had turned their direction and aimed their attack at this lane.

In the moment I looked back at them, two people from the other side were driving motorcycles to the lane, trying to chase me.

However, they just sprint into it. With a bang, the two motorcycles almost fell down at the same time, and the people on the two cars were thrown.

Obviously, the motorcycles of these two people were tripped by the iron chain I arranged. As a matter of fact, the iron chain arrangement just now is a little far from the ground. As long as those punk men look at it with a little heart, they will not make such a mistake. However, the place is a little dark. Moreover, the iron chain is relatively close to them, so the light is not so bright. Most of their attention is on me There will be such a result.

The rear wheels of the motorcycles were still whistling on the ground. Most of all, they blocked the people who attacked me from behind.

The people behind did not drive motorcycles straight into the alley. The leading plane took the lead to get off the motorcycle and walked into the alley. As he walked, he yelled at me: "Jiangnan wind, today, even if you insert your wings, it's hard to escape from my palm."

The sound of the head of the plane vibrated in this lane, which was particularly loud and clear. However, I ignored him and continued to go deep into the alley. For me, the terrain of the lane was the most favorable. The space here was narrow, which restricted their movement. Their motorcycles could not drive freely, and I was not easy to fall into their encirclement, so I only took care of it Run in here.

And the plane head walked to the two punk men who fell down, and unconsciously stopped walking, yelled at them and said, "bucket, don't get up quickly. If you let the Jiangnan wind boy run away, I want you to look good."

After that, the plane turned to the people behind him and said, "you guys, go to the other end of the alley by motorcycle. If the wind from the south of the Yangtze River really comes out from there, you can hold him back. "

The men took orders and went into action at once. At the same time, the people who fell down earlier also got up from the ground. They hurriedly picked up the iron chain I arranged, and then lifted up their own motorcycle, and then stepped onto the motorcycle and continued to pursue me.

Because the lane is too narrow, it can only accommodate two motorcycles in parallel. If all of their motorcycles come in, the people in the rear will not be able to move. Therefore, the plane had to send a small number of people to chase me deep into the alley. The rest of the people would park their motorcycles outside the alley and run with him to pursue me.

At this moment, the quiet and dark lane became extremely noisy, and my pace unconsciously accelerated, almost galloping toward the depth of the lane.

But after a while, the motorcycles that chased me roared to me. The first two people who had fallen down were driving their motorcycles to me.

One of the people with white skin, who was far away from me, threw away the iron chain in his hand, while the other with black skin, holding a mace in his hand, continued to sprint, trying to hit me while holding up the mace, waiting for an opportunity to move.

When I was low, the iron chain was waving over me. The next second, his motorcycle was about to hit me. I was leaning aside and avoided. However, the mace in his hand waved at me fiercely, and I rolled on the spot, which made me escape.

When my body got up from the ground, I didn't stop and continued to run to the deep alley. The two men were chasing me and attacking me. The situation was very dangerous.

Fortunately, this lane is not wide. There are black and white punk men's motorcycles chasing me in the rear. Other motorcycles can only be behind them. In this way, I can resist the situation I face. It's just that I didn't run long here, and I ran to the end of the alley.

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