There was no way out at the end of the alley. It was a wall that looked a little broken. The height of the wall was four or five meters. Even though I was strong, I had no ability to fly over the eaves. I had no choice but to stop running and turn around slowly.

In a flash, two motorcycles and the motorcycles behind them all stopped. Several lights lit my whole body, and the wall behind me fell into the vision of each other.

After a while, the head of the plane arrived with a large group of people running after me with him.

Seeing the situation in front of him, he couldn't help laughing, and said: "Jiangnan wind, you just had a good time? Now, do you want to show us again? "

The other people laughed, too.

In the process of their laughter, those who drive motorcycles because the front is the wall, it is not easy to use the method of driving into me, so they simply get off the motorcycle. In their eyes, I can't escape now. It doesn't take so long for so many of them to catch me in the dead end. Maybe it's because of this idea that they didn't even extinguish the fire of motorcycle.

In the face of this group of ferocious flying party, I did not show the color of panic, just tightly staring at them.

After a few laughs, the head of the plane immediately ordered: "cut off his legs for me first!"

At an order, many people rushed to me. The first one to rush over was the man with a mace. His body was tall and strong, and there was a ferocious scar on his face, which made his whole person look very fierce. Maybe it was because the iron chain I arranged before let him eat a shriveled one, and his resentment towards me became very deep. As soon as he rushed to me, big stick Son on the fierce wave over.

Unarmed, I was not easy to parry, so I had to avoid my own body, and the other side's reaction was quick. Seeing me bend over to avoid, his next attack hit me directly from top to bottom.

At the same time, there are other people attacking from another angle. It is impossible for me to escape from the side now. However, at the critical moment, my body retreats like lightning.

But as soon as I retreated, the more aggressive the other side was, making me even more powerless to parry. I had to retreat again and again. Soon, I retreated to the root of the wall and could not retreat.

This group of people is worthy of the elite members of the flying car party, far from being comparable to the peripheral younger brothers. They are not only skilled in motorcycle technology, but also have great power, fast attack speed and incomparable quick response.

See that I have no way out, holding a mace, hit more fierce.

My figure flashed, and his mace smashed on the wall, which made the lime layer on the wall fluffy, and a lot of scattered dust fell on me. But I just avoided opening the mace, and before I had a breath, another man's iron chain suddenly hit me. I was busy rolling on the ground and rolled to the corner of the wall. If I continue to linger like this, I am afraid that even if I have the best skill, I will be trapped to death by the other party.

When my eyes were cold, I immediately grasped the iron chain that was thrown to me. When the other party took back the iron chain, I pulled it violently, and the man holding the iron chain couldn't stand.

This man may also hate that I hurt him to fall down, and his attack on me was almost pressing step by step. However, now I have caught the iron chain in his hand, and for a time, he was a bit at a loss.

I didn't pay attention to him. When the iron chain in my hand was long enough, I directly and quickly twined the iron chain on the other side of the mace, and then pulled it hard. The mace fell off from the man's hand. I took it and smashed the mace on the man's body.

Suddenly, this tall man was hit by me, at the same time, he has shed a lot of blood.

This scene, let the other punk men in the field can't help but be a little frightened. Everyone can see that my stick is not light. In particular, the head of wolf tooth stick is oval hammer shaped, and the hammer surface is full of iron thorns. The iron thorn with the hammer surface strength can pierce people's body, but no one can bear it. The person I hit can't cry out the pain 。

However, I didn't care about his situation, his body shape a sprint, ran in the past, and another stick hit the arm of the man holding the chain. Suddenly, the man gave out a cry of anguish, and the chain in his hand fell naturally.

I took the chain in my hand, and quickly hit the other attackers. One stick and one chain were in hand. The attack on those speeders did not fall for a moment. There were many people on the other side, and the target was big. Wherever I hit, some people suffered. Several people in the front were hit by me. Some people abandoned their weapons, retreated backward, and some lay on the ground in pain.

At this point, the momentum of their elite car party disappeared, and I, however, became brave and domineering.

If the other party takes a step back, I will go further. As long as there are slow footed people, I will not fall down, or iron chain, or wolf toothed stick, and I will not miss it. For a while, what I showed was the posture of one man in charge and ten thousand men not to open.

The flying car party needs people, weapons and strength, but their people in front of me play the side who is oppressed. In particular, some people in the ranks behind them want to rush to do me, while the people in front of them retreat because they are afraid of me. As a result, the scene becomes very chaotic, and five or six people are knocked down by me, even if they are Four of them were not injured, and five of them were on the ground.It was totally unexpected that the head of the plane, which was extremely rampant, did not force me to death, but let me occupy the upper hand. Finally, he held back his strength and cried out in anger: "the people in front of you should stand up, and the people behind you should be prepared to smash with your weapons!"

Hearing this, I can't help but be surprised. This aircraft head has a certain position in the flying car party. It's true that he has some real skills. Just from his mind, he is absolutely flexible. If they all throw weapons at me, I can't bear it.

At the moment, I have been in the end. If I fight again, I will never have good fruit to eat. I didn't think much about it. I quickly stepped forward to the motorcycle where the engine was still ringing. Then, I suddenly released the gas pedal, and without hesitation, I pounded against the dilapidated wall in front of me!

This move of mine made the plane head shocked. They may not have expected that I had such courage to directly hit the wall. Of course, I didn't want to die because I found that the wall looked very high, but in fact it was broken and not strong. So I was sure I could break it. However, it is not absolute, but it is better than waiting here It's much better to die.

At this moment, I took the full horsepower of the motorcycle and ran into the wall crazily. Immediately, with a bang, the wall was smashed by me. I even rushed out from the lane with my motorcycle.

As soon as I rushed outside, my friction car stopped in a hurry, and my heart was also stunned. Because, outside the wall, there was a huge group of people who were waiting in a hurry.

Suddenly, my heart couldn't contain a sudden tremor. In the dark, the large group of people in front of me looked very different, just like bloodthirsty hungry wolves. Their number was 200, which seemed very grand.

However, these people are not as mature as the gangsters in the society. Some of them even have a little childish air on their faces. Their clothes are very uniform. They all wear black sportswear, and the streetlights slightly reflect on them, which makes them look very powerful.

When I saw this moment of them, their eyes were also straight on my body. A breath, I will react to come over, my face, then ease, my mouth raised a smile. Because these 200 people are not my enemies, but my brothers, brothers of the beacon fire society.

Among them, Lu Ping, the leader, was one of the three great overlords. Most of the members of the 200 odd beacon fire club are the elites of his original Lu Gang.

Their appearance, in my expectation, also gave me a surprise.

Earlier, the headman of the plane broke into the KTV and threatened to take me away. At that time, I was indifferent and even arrogant. In fact, I was thinking about countermeasures.

When Sheng Mingjie bought me a safe time in the box, I already thought of a way out. I can't rely on Peng Xuefei, let alone Sheng Mingjie, his old classmates who look down on others, despise me. However, I am not good at directly crushing many people of the flying car party without showing my real strength.

So, at that time, in the box, I sent a message to my brothers quietly, asking them to come quickly. Just now, after I dodged into the alley, I used my mobile phone to send them a coordinate.

Now, they come, I'm not surprised, but they come so timely, it makes me a little surprised. Today, one of my purposes is to give the party a hard blow. They have repeatedly asked me for trouble and never died. I was already angry. The tiger didn't get angry. They really thought I was a sick cat.

I'm just in a flash. Just as I'm wandering, there's a loud voice from the head of the plane: "don't let the south wind run away, chase!"

Then there was a rustling sound coming out of the alley. The people of the Party of flying cars actually knocked down the wall.

Stepping on the broken walls and bricks, their large army came out of the alley collectively. There were a lot of people and momentum of the party. Even though they had damaged some people in front of me just now, this did not affect their overall strength and momentum.

However, when the leader of the plane led a large number of flying car party boys out of the wall, they were stunned for a moment, not because they found that I did not escape, but because they saw my brothers of the beacon fire society. They did not know my brothers at all, so that they could not tell whether these people who appeared suddenly were enemies or friends.

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