For a moment, the first-class person of the plane did not move. At this time, Peng Xuefei and Sheng Mingjie came over.

Obviously, they have been looking up at my situation. Just now, because I and the people of the flying car party entered the alley, they did not see the situation. Now, the battlefield is transferred to the road outside the alley, and they all come here.

Their arrival is also in my expectation. Naturally, I know that Sheng Mingjie and others most want to see how I fell into the hands of the car racing party. It is precisely because they are too poisonous to my mind. Therefore, the second and most important purpose of my today is to let these people open their eyes and have a good look at whether I depend on women Little white face.

Anyway, at least, I want Peng Xuefei to be satisfied with my performance today. She said that impersonating her boyfriend today is also a test for me. Of course, I will try my best to pass this test.

At this moment, the huge scene became extremely quiet, and time seemed to be still. The head of the plane and his men don't know the origin of Lu Ping and others.

When they saw him, they were shocked to see that they didn't come to the scene.

However, Peng Xuefei and Ouyang Jing are no strangers to Lu Ping. They know that this is the arrival of my reinforcements. For this situation, Peng Xuefei just relaxed her eyebrows, and there was no unnecessary expression to show. Ouyang Jing, who is also in the provincial Capital University, will definitely know that Lu Ping and the 200 people behind him belong to our school. They all belong to my beacon now. I am isolated and helpless. Suddenly, there are so many reinforcements. Ouyang Jing's face becomes extremely ugly.

Time passed quietly in the silence. Finally, the front of the plane couldn't stop. He was about to open his mouth, but at this time, a chorus of voices burst out of the silent night sky: "Hello, boss!"

It was Lu Ping and others who made this sound. More than 200 of them blurted out such neat words, which showed their extraordinary momentum. Moreover, when they were shouting, all of them could not help but take a step forward. In this way, it seemed that they were more energetic.

Such momentum, even more set off the grandeur of my eldest brother. In an instant, my momentum rose abruptly. I was no longer alone or chased down. I had 200 younger brothers. I had my own strength and my own status.

At this moment, Sheng Mingjie and others were completely stunned. They just took turns to bomb me in KTV. They looked down on me one by one. They said that I was a soft potato. They said that I could only pretend to be forced without any real skills. However, I was safe with so many motorcyclists of the flying car party for such a long time. Now, I have so many more subordinates As if to give them a hard slap, to their sarcasm, slander of the major refutation. No one dares to look down on me any more. Even Sheng Mingjie, who is high above, can't help frowning.

On the other hand, the other side of the party, is also ruthlessly Leng next, after more than 10 seconds, they wake up.

All of a sudden, the head of the plane burst out laughing and said to me, "I've heard that Jiangnan wind has held a beacon fire party in the school, but the name is not on the road. Now, do you call your little brothers to come here and kill all the household things together?"

The head of the plane made people around him laugh. As they laughed, Lu Ping suddenly opened his feet and took two steps forward. Facing the ridicule of the party members, Lu Ping did not change color. His face was as calm as water. He looked at the head of the plane calmly and said, "just now, you should have sent some motorcyclists to intercept our boss?"

Hearing this, the smile on the plane's head immediately froze. Earlier, when he entered the alley, he was worried that there was a way out at the other end of the alley, so he took the lead in sending a group of people around to drag me.

Now, hearing Lu Ping's words, the head of the plane's eyes couldn't help being cold. He looked at Lu Ping tightly and asked in a cold voice, "where are their people?"

Lu Ping's mouth was full of sarcasm. However, he didn't hide anything to play with. Immediately, he clapped his hands,

suddenly, the two hundred brothers behind Lu Feng were divided into two groups, giving way to a way to let people see through the road.

I saw seven or eight people lying at the end of the road, black and blue. They didn't even have the strength to open their eyes. Their dazzling motorcycles also fell to one side and were damaged to the detriment. On the whole, they were in a great mess. They didn't have the style of the motorcycle party.

This scene, although silent, is a very good announcement. Just a second ago, the head of the plane said that my beacon fire was a household business. Now, seeing this picture, it is tantamount to slapping the head of the plane with facts.

The expression of the plane's head became ferocious. He gnashed his teeth and said, "you are cruel. I swear that all of you will pay the price for tonight's behavior."At the same time, the head of the plane raised the knife in his hand and pointed to Lu Ping. Then, it pointed to 200 people behind Lu Feng. At this time, I was no longer sitting on the motorcycle safely. In a flash, I suddenly started the motorcycle, turned the front of the car, and finally pointed to the first-class person of the plane.

After a while, I stood up and said to the head of the plane: "you are a notorious party, and I have known it for a long time. Previously, you have provoked me several times by three parties. Now, I also want to tell you that this time, I will not let you go easily."

As soon as I said this, they didn't respond. Sheng Mingjie's group of female students first made a noise. A girl asked Ouyang Jing, "I didn't expect that Jiangnan wind is the leader of a group. Ouyang Jing, how is his gang's influence in the school? There are more than 200 people here. It should be considered a big gang? "

When Ouyang Jing heard this, his face became more and more ugly. When he started to quarrel with me, I was still a nobody to him. Suddenly, I became the leader of a gang of 2000 people. He was really unwilling to accept this fact. For the girl's problem, he just said indifferently: "I don't know."

Although Ouyang Jing didn't say anything, the girls still couldn't help talking about it. Another girl couldn't help but sigh: "it seems that we really underestimate the Jiangnan wind. Under the attack of so many riders, he has been safe and sound. This is a very difficult thing in itself. Just listening to his words, it seems that there is no relationship between him and the flying car party It's just a dispute, but there have been some conflicts. It seems that they want to calculate the general ledger. We can see what the final result will be! "

As soon as the voice fell, several girls all agreed to nod their heads and then turned their eyes to me.

After that, they did not want to accept the fact.

At this time, the head of the plane, facing his men, gave a few winks. After a while, the people behind him spread out, and there was a sense of platoon.

I secretly see this scene change in the eyes, but on the surface there is no trace.

At this time, the head of the plane once again said to me, "Jiangnan wind, don't be stubborn. I appreciate that you are a man. If you go back with me, make a mistake to our boss and submit to our flying car party, maybe we can forget the past and reuse you."

The words from the head of the plane made me a little surprised. They also intended to throw olive branches at me? This makes me feel a little funny, I lightly pick the next eyebrow, ask: "is it?"

When I said this, my waist was no longer straight, but inclined forward. My whole upper body was almost lying on the motorcycle. This seemingly lazy movement was actually my cover up. I put my hand behind my back and quietly made a gesture to Lu Ping behind me.

And the aircraft head in front of me suddenly showed a serious look, and said to me seriously: "yes, you mix up in school, even if you are a child king, there is no way to compare with the gangs in the society, and our car party is not only a big gang, but also cherish talents. As long as you join in, the future is limitless."

I don't care whether the plane is fooling me or really trying to win me over. Since he is willing to waste words with me, I will cooperate with him. As soon as his voice falls, I grinned and replied, "well, if I want to be the leader of your party, maybe I can consider it."

On hearing this, the plane's head glared angrily. He didn't talk to me any more. He directly raised his knife in his hand and yelled: "listen to all orders, all of you. Don't let go of any of them. Cut them to death!"

At the command of the aircraft head, all of a sudden, those members of the flying car party who had been in a good posture, just like a tsunami, suddenly rushed towards me. Even the head of the plane, he scratched the tip of his Western knife on the ground and came straight to me.

Of course, I have seen for a long time that the head of the plane winked at him to prepare his subordinates. At the beginning, our fighting scope was limited to the alleys. The alleys were too narrow. Many of them were left behind and had no chance to play. Now, after the arrangement of the aircraft head in advance, all their members spread out. After the command of the aircraft leader, he They spread out the net and jumped at us together.

In an instant, my hand behind my back made a gesture again. Suddenly, Lu Ping and my two hundred brothers all took out their weapons from their arms. Then, a swarm of bees went to meet them at the head of the plane.

A great war broke out!

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