When Lu Ping led people to rush out of the moment, I suddenly sat upright on the motorcycle and suddenly twisted the gas pedal. The roar of motorcycles suddenly resounded in the chaotic night sky.

The motorcycles of feichedang are all modified, and their performance is very good. Even if I hit the wall with it just now, it is only damaged, but not scrapped. This moment, I will be under the seat of the motorcycle horsepower suddenly increased, whistling, I will be driving the motorcycle quickly forward in the past.

Before I hit those people, my body suddenly jumped off the motorcycle, and the motorcycle slammed to the ground, but it still slid forward at a high speed.

The motorcycle rubs against the ground and makes a harsh sound. Even sparks come out of the motorcycle. And those people are quick to respond, watching the motorcycle body hurtle toward them, they subconsciously avoid the body shape.

Originally, I calculated in my mind, this collision, should be able to hit a lot of enemies, but in fact, only two people were hit, these two people directly became disabled, and another person was blown, also fell to the ground, issued a painful cry.

This face-to-face defeat did not affect the overall prestige of the party. Almost all the other members did not pay much attention to the three fallen companions. They were still pounding at us with ferocity. In a blink of an eye, the people of the flying car party and my side gathered together. Both sides waved their weapons and fought.

At the same time, the leader of the flying car party, the aircraft head, also quickly rushed to my side, with the knife in his hand to me straight. This stab seems simple, but in fact, with the power of his impact, with the sharpness of his machete in his hand, if he is stabbed, I'm afraid his body can be directly pierced.

As soon as I frowned, I rolled on the spot, trying to avoid the knife attack, but the response of the aircraft head was extremely rapid, and he played the knife skillfully and accurately. As soon as I saw that I was about to avoid opening, he turned the knife and rowed down directly.

I tightly avoided to open the blade, but my clothes were cut by him, even my back in an instant, all felt the cold of the blade.

At this moment, I can't help but be surprised. The flying car party is indeed a well-known gang in H Province. As a leader of the flying car party, this aircraft head is really not comparable to those outside younger brothers, and his individual combat ability is also very strong.

At the moment when I was shocked, the head of the plane had attacked again. The knife in his hand was pulled horizontally towards me, and the scabbard had been thrown away by the head of the plane. However, the attack from him blocked my left and right sides, which was extremely sharp.

I don't have any weapons in my hand. I dare not greet them with this sword. However, my body can only retreat again.

But the head of the plane, like a tarsal maggot, watched me retreat, and he kept up. I didn't wait for me to make a response. At this time, there was a member of the flying car party with a machete on the edge, who was chopping at me.

My body was leaning, and his machete almost fell close to my body. This man's reaction was much worse than that of the plane's head. He missed his strike, and I didn't give him a chance to change his moves again. I felt like lightning, I quickly put my hand on his wrist. With a sudden force, the man's face suddenly showed pain, and his machete relaxed I took advantage of the opportunity to seize the knife and kicked him aside.

In fact, this scene of confrontation happened very quickly. In a blink of an eye, I got the machete. However, the speed of the aircraft head was not slow. His knife cut me from the top to the bottom. I was shocked. It was too late to retreat and almost impossible to dodge. In a hurry, I raised my knife to block it.

His machete fell on my machete, making a crisp sound of iron handover. At the same time, I felt a strong force coming from my hand. This force was transmitted from my arm to my body. I felt my whole body sink.

Just this time, I know clearly that this aircraft head is not only agile, but also has a lot of strength than ordinary people.

I looked up and looked at the blade of my machete, which was actually cut by his knife. This is enough to show how sharp the machete in his hand is.

However, I did not hesitate to move, a knife block down, only then a lag, I will swing a knife toward the body of the aircraft head. The body of the head of the plane subconsciously stepped back two steps. Until then, his attack on me stopped a little.

In this idle, the plane frowned and looked at me solemnly. It seemed that he did not expect that I could cope with his continuous attacks.

In a trance, he once again flashed a chill in his eyes and said to me in a deep voice: "Jiangnan wind, you really have some abilities. Unfortunately, today, no matter you, or your brothers, will come to a good end."

While he was talking, the rest of my eyes scanned the whole audience. So far, my more than 200 brothers had already fought with the flying car party. The scene was very chaotic. The sound of weapons handover, shouting and pain were converged into one and came one after another.

My more than 200 brothers can be regarded as the elite of beacon fire. Most of them are warriors who have experienced bloodshed with Lu Ping. They have countless fighting experiences in school. They are brave, brave and brave. Now, they have shown a very strong momentum against the long-standing flying car party in the war society.However, compared with the elite members of the party, they are always a notch lower. After all, the flying car party is a big gang in H Province. Their people are all despicable masters. Their strength is extraordinary. They must be stronger, more ruthless and fiercer than students. Therefore, the battle has not lasted long. Even though there are more people on my side, they still fall behind. If this trend continues, I'm afraid it won't be long before my brothers on my side will be defeated.

Seeing this situation, my heart was tight, and my eyes were burning at the head of the plane. No matter whether my brother will be defeated or not, as long as I subdue the aircraft head, the balance of victory will still incline to my side.

Suddenly, I said to the head of the plane in a cold voice: "who wins and who loses. It's too early to say now!"

As soon as the voice fell, my body was like an arrow on the string, and I rushed to the head of the plane. At the same time, I raised my machete in my hand.

The head of the plane saw me coming ferocious, and quickly waved the knife in his hand, and I fought together. I took the lead in cutting from the top to the bottom in the air. When the plane stopped, I raised my knife to block it. Without waiting for him to fight back, I stabbed him with a knife. His body retreated. I kept up with him and continued to attack.

I preempted and got the upper hand, and the constant block and evasion of the aircraft's head made me a little anxious. He took out his real ability and fought with me.

The chopper at the head of the plane is longer than mine, which is very beneficial to him. However, although I have not practiced the sabre technique seriously, the Kung Fu is basically the same. With the help of my kung fu foundation, I can use the knife as well.

In fact, although the strength of the aircraft head is strong, compared with my real strength, it is not so good. It is only because so many people are present, especially Sheng Mingjie, Peng Xuefei and others, who are still standing and watching. It is not convenient for me to use my real ability. Let alone, I can resist the aircraft head.

Soon, I found a gap, a knife toward the shoulder of the aircraft head, the clothes on the shoulder of the aircraft head were cut by me in an instant, and even a piece of meat on his shoulder was cut by my machete. It was time and bloody.

After evading my attack, he began to swim in the circle of war between beacon fire and the flying car party. When he saw my man, he made up for it. When I caught up with him, he had to face the sneak attack of other members of the flying car party.

After a while, several brothers on my side were attacked by the head of the plane. Some of them were scratched, some were stabbed, and they were very miserable. Originally, the overall situation was at a disadvantage. In this way, our situation became even more precarious.

In my eyes, I felt a little anxious. I pinched the handle of the knife and began to attack the men under the aircraft head. These people were more difficult to deal with, but their strength was much weaker than that of the aircraft head. Within a minute, two people were cut by me and had no strength to fight again.

At the same time, I'm still chasing the nose of the plane. And the head of the plane seemed to have made up his mind and didn't fight head-on with me. Instead, he swam in the circle of people and attacked my brother.

There are more and more brothers in distress, and the scene is becoming more and more chaotic. The members of the flying car party blocking in front of me also come one after another. For a time, it is not easy for me to catch the head of the plane.

My heart became more and more anxious. Seeing that the brothers who came for me were constantly disabled, my eyes could not help red. Simply, I gave up the pursuit of the aircraft head for the time being, and directly killed and slashed at many enemies around me.

Although I didn't show my real strength, I still had more than enough to deal with these people. Especially, at the moment, I had a fire in my heart. As long as the enemy fought with me, within three rounds, I would hurt them. Even those who were waiting for the opportunity to sneak attack me should avoid my edge.

Under the night sky, I was chopping and killing, the head of the plane was cutting, my brothers of the beacon fire society were chopping and killing, and the people of the flying car party were chopping and killing. At this moment, the whole scene was in a state of chaos. There are people bleeding constantly, people are constantly crying, people are constantly falling down, my body has more scars, and my clothes, is soaked by the dripping blood.

While I was suppressing an enemy, suddenly, I felt a chill behind me. Immediately, I gave up the person in front of me without hesitation, and my body rolled on the ground. Looking back, it turned out that the person who attacked me was the head of the plane that I had been fighting for.

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