The head of the plane saw me dodging. Instead of displeasure, he gave me a sneer and continued to pursue me. I adjusted my posture and raised my sword to meet the head of the plane. However, at this moment, several enemies attacked me at the same time.

Suddenly, my body was greatly suppressed, but I didn't get discouraged and fought hard. From time to time, there were enemies that I cut down. However, I failed to deal with the aircraft head wholeheartedly. His state was quite comfortable.

I can't help but look up at the battle scene and find that most of my brothers have fallen down. No wonder so many enemies came to attack and kill me.

Until this moment, I really saw the situation. Although there were only about 70 people on the other side, the two hundred people on my side had completely gained the upper hand.

Seeing the change of my look, the plane suddenly gave a cold hum and said to me, "hum, Jiangnan wind, you have finally found that your situation is not right. As I told you earlier, your student dolls are just household things. It's useless to have too many people. You'll be sent to death when you come up. Previously, I kindly invited you to join us, but you didn't like it. Now, even if you want to join, it's too late! "

With the fall of the aircraft's voice, the enemy's attack under his hand can not help but become more fierce.

Group warfare is not a one-man single fight. In terms of individual combat, I can pass the head of the plane and any enemy on the scene. If I use my real strength, even if they attack me with so many people, I will not feel guilty. However, it is not convenient for me to reveal my real strength. If I go crazy and cut down so many people with one stroke of strength, it will be too bad for others The doubt.

My mind was in a trance. Suddenly, I was bound with a layer of iron chain. It turned out that two enemies held together the two ends of an iron chain, and suddenly tied me down while I met the enemy.

At the first sight of the plane, he looked very happy and said, "kill him for me!"

As soon as the voice fell, some of the people who had been suppressed by me rushed to the front immediately.

At this moment, my situation was in danger.

At the same time, Lu Ping's roar burst out in the night sky: "go and save the boss!"

Even the onlookers tightened their nerves and fixed their breath on my side. Even some timid girls screamed out.

But at this critical moment, a roar came from the other side of the road: "kill!"

After a sound, followed by countless people shouting in unison: "kill!"

These sounds came too suddenly, and very timely, accompanied by the killing words, was a burst of dense and hasty footsteps.

All of a sudden, those enemies who were going to kill me stopped. Their eyes suddenly turned away and followed the sound to the passers-by. Other people, including the head of the plane, also cast their eyes. My brothers, Peng Xuefei and Sheng Mingjie, as well as myself, couldn't help but look at the past.

Suddenly, what we can see is a large team of 600 or 700 people. The one who rushes in the front is a short boy. His body is flexible and he runs fast. The army behind him also rushes forward with the momentum of vastness. Each of them has a bright machete in his hand, which is frightening.

Seeing these people, my eyes suddenly trembled, and there was a flash of light in my eyes, because this big army was my brother in the war, and the little man in the lead was my little follower, Chen Xiao.

Such a battle, suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, so that my body seems to be galloping up thousands of troops, a kind of pride unconsciously burst out.

I really didn't expect that Chen Xiaohui would suddenly show up with so many brothers, which was totally unexpected to me.

Although there are more than two thousand brothers in Fenghuo, they are students after all, and most of them have limited strength. It is not a problem for them to fight with other students. But today we are faced with a powerful flying party. How dare ordinary students dare to take risks to meet the enemy? They will lose their lives.

Therefore, when I saw Lu Ping with his men, I only thought that Lu Ping had a stronger appeal to the old members of the Lu Gang, and that their courage and strength were commendable, I would not hesitate to come to support me.

But it turns out that 200 of them are just vanguard troops, and Chen Xiao can pull out six or seven hundred brothers. Chen Xiao is good, and so are many of them.

I can't help it. With the participation of these hundreds of brothers, it's certainly not a problem to crush these people of the car racing party.

Just after the first World War, although my two hundred brothers lost a lot, the 70 elite of the flying car party also lost more than 20. Up to now, the total number of them who can fight is no more than 50. Even if the strength of these 50 elite members of the party is strong, it is absolutely impossible for them to be equal to our hundreds of troops.

When I was gratified, the onlookers suddenly responded. One of Peng Xuefei's female classmates couldn't help but exclaimed: "are so many people coming now also under the Jiangnan wind?"Another girl immediately agreed: "it seems that they are. They look like students."

Another female voice then sounded: "if this is true, then we really underestimated him before!"

Hearing these voices, Sheng Mingjie on one side could not help becoming more indifferent. In his eyes, some unwilling look flashed. Beside him, Peng Xuefei's eyebrows have been fully stretched out, and she has recovered the high and cold color of the past. She is very indifferent to stand aside and watch the situation in the field.

At the same time, the people at the head of the plane also responded, but when they realized that the majestic hundreds of people were my people, their expressions suddenly froze. Even, they forgot to attack me. Even their leader's plane head showed an incredible look on his face.

But the head of the plane also reacted quickly. At the moment, he then anxiously ordered the opponent: "what are you doing? Hurry up and subdue the Jiangnan style

It is self-evident that the intention of the aircraft head is to catch the thief first and subdue me to control the overall situation.

Those people were not slow to react. When they heard the command, the two enemies tied to me with iron chains suddenly pulled. They wanted to hurt me and control my body so that their companions could attack me.

It's just that how can I let their plot succeed? After fighting with them for so long, I've been holding back for too long. Now, it's time to break out.

Suddenly, I took a breath. One hand caught on the iron chain and pulled it. The person at one end of the chain pulled it over and cut him in front of his chest.

the blade of the knife went from his chest to his belly. Suddenly, fresh blood splashed on my face, and a scream broke into the bloody air.

At this time, the surrounding other enemies swarmed towards me. As I moved my body to avoid the attack, I waved my machete to resist the attack. On the other hand, I whipped the iron chain in my hand and beat the enemy's waist.

In a few blinks of an eye, I wounded two enemies. The others did not give up and continued to attack me.

However, at this time, when Lu Ping Ping's remaining brothers saw the arrival of reinforcements, their morale suddenly rose, and they vigorously killed with the enemy. The hundred people led by Chen Xiao also quickly rushed into the battle group.

A war of extremely unequal numbers has been launched again. The number of people on my side is now more than ten times more than that of the flying car party. Not to mention the combat effectiveness, just the distribution of space will immediately upset the formation of the other party.

The war naturally turned into several small fighting groups. This time, my pressure was relieved. I got rid of the iron chain and launched a fierce attack on the enemy.

Many of the enemies around me were suddenly attacked by our army, and they had to distract their minds to deal with it. As a result, when they met me, there were few who could bear it. In a flash, I solved three more people.

The remaining enemies are also in danger, not because they are weak, but because they have too many people to deal with. With one person's strength, they are hostile to ten armed people. Even if they are elites, even if they play their whole body's solutions, it is very difficult for them to resist.

As the leader of the plane, his mouth would be crooked. His eyes were red. He glared at me angrily and roared: "Jiangnan wind, I'm going to kill you."

With that, the head of the plane attacked me again with a machete.

The blade at the head of the plane was very fierce. In an instant, I immediately raised the knife in my hand to resist it. Soon, he changed his moves and attacked me again.

It can be seen that the head of the plane has also taken out its real ability. Both strength and speed are one point faster than before. I dodged his edge, did not fight with him, just parried and dodged, but at the same time, I did not forget to attack and kill the enemies around me.

These enemies are too busy to deal with my younger brother. How can they resist my sneak attack? With my body moving, three more people were cut and wounded by me.

Seeing this scene, the plane's head was ferocious, even its facial features were distorted, and other enemies seemed to feel it. It's no way to go on like this. They are also angry. From time to time, some people yell, play a stronger strength than at the beginning, and fight fiercely with my brothers.

This makes me have a new understanding of the power of the elite members of the flying car party. I thought that if there were so many people on our side, as long as one of them met, the other party would be defeated. However, I didn't expect that it inspired the blood of the elite of the flying car party. Even, there are very few elites who are able to defeat ten with one enemy, and they are not inferior.

The fighting became more and more fierce, with all kinds of voices mixed together, very chaotic.

And I continued to swim my own body, help my brothers, smooth out a few difficult enemies, and then, the formal confrontation with the aircraft.

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