By this time, the head of the plane had already had a few more scars. At the same time, it was also stained with a lot of blood. Some of the blood splashed on his face, making him look more ferocious. In particular, he seemed to be extremely angry, and his breathing became very heavy.

A pair of me, he will his own knife, thoroughly play out. Now I don't need to play catch the thief and catch the king first. I have the strength to absolutely suppress the enemy. Therefore, I am not in a hurry to subdue the aircraft head. I take out the defensive posture, or parry, or dodge, and slowly entangle with him. At the same time, I wait for his opportunity to launch an attack.

Under such circumstances, after only three minutes or so, I cut the body of the aircraft head several times, and I have never been injured again.

After a while, the noise in the field gradually became more comfortable. Many people came to my side and surrounded me with the head of the plane in the middle.

The more anxious the head of the plane was, the less he could hurt me, the more anxious he became.

When the outer circle completely surrounded me and the head of the plane. The movement of the aircraft's head can't help but be stunned, because all the people gathered around were my brothers, and at this time, the sound of fighting outside became smaller and smaller, leaving only a few painful howls.

Obviously, we have won the war, and the people of the flying car party, except for the aircraft head, have been subdued by us.

At the moment, the head of the plane, like a trapped beast, stares into his eyes. Deep in his eyes, he is shocked. He can't believe the result.

The time is ripe. It's time to subdue the aircraft head. As long as we take him, our side will win the victory completely. I seize the moment when the head of the plane is confused, I suddenly take out the machete in my hand, which directly cuts on the back of the hand holding the knife of the aircraft head. As soon as he had a pain in his hand, his knife fell to the ground naturally.

Taking advantage of this situation, I stepped forward is a foot, suddenly kicked in the legs of the aircraft head, his body immediately wilted down.

After fighting for such a long time, his physical strength was very strong, and the strength of my foot was absolutely moderate. The body of the aircraft's head immediately fell on the ground, and for a time, he could not even stand up.

I looked at the knife in my hand. There were many jagged holes on it. Obviously, it was damaged by the knife of the aircraft head. From this, we can see how hard the head of the plane cut me down and how sharp his knife was.

Thinking like this, I directly threw away the chopper in my hand, picked up the knife dropped from the aircraft head, pointed to the aircraft head and said, "previously, you were arrogant and wanted to take me. Now, you are my prisoner. What else do you have to say?"

As soon as I pointed the knife at the nose of the plane, I began to wonder what to do with it. The conflict between me and the flying car party is already very deep. They have been making obstacles to me one after another. If I don't give them a profound lesson, I'm afraid that I can't frighten them at all. But it's really a bit difficult for me to kill the head of the plane as I am now.

And the head of the plane listened to my words, suddenly spat with bloody saliva and said to me: "if you lose, you will lose. I have nothing to say. If you want to kill, you can do as you like."

This aircraft head is also a bloody man. He is not only powerful, but also becomes so angry when he sees that his subordinates are injured. He refuses to bow to me at the moment of crisis. But no matter how bloody he was, he was the enemy who wanted to kill me, and a group of them hurt so many of my brothers.

I can't let him go easily. After thinking about it, I lifted the knife and was about to fall towards the head of the plane. But suddenly, a voice came in from outside the circle: "stop it!"

Immediately, I stopped the movement in my hands and looked around. My brothers who surrounded this place could not help but look around. The crowd naturally made way for a road.

Sheng Mingjie and a group of his old classmates shuttled from the road, of course, Peng Xuefei was among them.

Sheng Mingjie was the one who stopped me just now.

As soon as he walked in front of me, Sheng Mingjie said to me bluntly: "Jiangnan wind, in the KTV before, this man sold me a face and didn't embarrass you there. Now, I have a request. You can also sell me face. How about letting him go?"

Sheng Mingjie of course refers to the head of the plane. Kneeling on the ground, he suddenly hears this and looks at Sheng Mingjie with doubts. Other people's eyes also turn to Sheng Mingjie.

But I just glanced at him faintly, and my heart couldn't help sneering. This hypocrite even meant to mention the things in the box. Previously, where he cared for me, he simply let the aircraft leaders deal with me outside. Now, the head of the plane fell on my hand. This hypocrite could say that I let people go. He is too damn good to be a man!

I snorted softly and said to Sheng Mingjie, "what do you say? I didn't hear you clearly! "

Sheng Mingjie certainly knew what I meant when he saw my attitude. However, he didn't get angry. He just said, "Jiangnan style, in fact, I did this for your own good. You may have some staff in school, but you can't compare with the flying car party at all. You should be clear that in terms of the number of people, there are more people in the party than you I'm afraid your students will have to practice for years. If you want to deal with this brother Guang now, the contradiction between you and the party will only get deeper and deeper. You can't cope with it. You let him go. It happens that I have some contacts with the leader of the party. I'll help you to talk about love and ease the contradiction between you. What do you think? "Hearing this, I can't help but despise this hypocrite. He said these words, which is to let everyone understand that I am so far away from the flying car party, but he is on the top of the flying car party, that is, I am with him one day after another, and his high-ranking king can also solve the crisis for me. Finally, what he does is like I have asked him.

At this moment, I laughed, and I couldn't help laughing. There was a deep disdain in the smile. I said to Sheng Mingjie with a little cynicism: "if I don't accept your kindness?"

Seeing me like this, Sheng Mingjie's face was not easy. He grinned and said in a negative voice, "then you will regret it."

I ignored his face and turned to the head of the plane. Then, I lost a cold voice to Sheng Mingjie: "sorry, I do things personally, never say regret."

As soon as the voice fell, my knife suddenly waved down and cut it directly towards the head of the plane.

At this moment, all the eyes of the field can not help but stare at my blade, and my bright spot catches, and a cold light flashes through the eyes of Sheng Mingjie.

I know that Sheng Mingjie has already expressed anger at me for disobeying his wishes, but he has not shown it clearly.

Even though the hypocrite is coming from, his own strength may be very strong, but it can not change my knife.

I fell this knife, directly from the forehead of the aircraft head to his mouth, a knife, clean and clean, left a terrible scar on the face of the aircraft head.

Blood came out of the scar on the plane's head face in a flash, and it looked extremely cruel. Even if the head of the plane is a bloody man, he can not help but make a sad cry, and his body is more uncontrollable to fall on the ground, hands covered the face, rolling left and right.

I put the knife in my hand on one side, dripping blood from the tip of the knife.

Then I looked at the aircraft head, and said in a cold voice, "this time, I will forgive you, but if there is the next time, you will not be so lucky."

Before I waved, I had decided not to kill the head of the plane, but left a clear mark on his face. This scar was to remind him of the end of his confrontation with me, and it was also a warning to the flying party.

Pengxuefei behind the group of old students, in my hand knife fell, but also thought I was going to kill. They all looked pale and breathless. They could not help but cry. Rao was so. Some of the girls turned around in fear, and they dared not look at such bloody scene. After all, the scar on the head of the plane was too ferocious.

But one person's performance is very exceptional. This person is Sheng Mingjie. He has no color change on his face except for his anger. He looks at me coldly and says, "good words and advice will not be heard. Later, you will be well received."

His words, a double-language, secret, I do not know what he means is, flying party people want me to look good-looking, or he himself want me to look good-looking.

However, after he said this, he immediately turned to pengxuefei and said seriously: "Fei Fei, no matter what the Jiangnan wind and you are, he is too dangerous and likely to bring you unnecessary troubles! I advise you to stay away from him. Otherwise, I will mention it to my uncle. "

Hearing this, my heart suddenly stunned, uncle? Sheng Mingjie refers to pengxuefei's father and the leader of the Haigang, right?

I know the background of Sheng Mingjie, but I don't know. He has direct contact with the gang leader. Even, it seems that his family has a little relationship with the gang leader?

Thinking of this, I am more and more sure. Today, pengxuefei asked me to come to see Sheng Mingjie. This hypocrite is really too difficult to entangle. He didn't pursue pengxuefei, but he showed his kindness everywhere. It was a warm man, and he cared for pengxuefei. However, he suddenly mentioned uncle, as if he was right to him Pengxuefei also means threat. It can be seen that he is both soft and hard.

It is not a simple thing to get rid of such a person. No wonder pengxuefei will pay such attention to it, and I will come to disguise her boyfriend.

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