While I was thinking, Peng Xuefei frowned and asked Sheng Mingjie, "Sheng Mingjie, are you threatening me?"

Previously, Sheng Mingjie has always been gentle and careful to Peng Xuefei, and Peng Xuefei is not good at giving him a look. Now, if Sheng Mingjie says something wrong, Peng Xuefei is immediately displeased, and the cold face of the goddess is really quite powerful.

Sheng Mingjie, who threatened Peng Xuefei a second ago, broke his face a little bit. He quickly explained, "Feifei, I don't mean that. You know, I'm just for your safety, I am."

Without waiting for Sheng Mingjie to finish speaking, Peng Xuefei resolutely left the scene and walked directly to her parking place.

Sheng Mingjie saw this and immediately wanted to catch up with him, but Peng Xuefei gave him a cold look and motioned that he would not come over. Sheng Mingjie stopped at once.

This scene, I can't help but feel more comfortable. Peng Xuefei, as expected, has the demeanor of a heroine among women. When she gets angry, Sheng Mingjie doesn't dare to fart more. We should have such courage to deal with such villains.

Of course, I didn't pay too much attention to it. Instead, I turned my head and asked my brothers to send the injured brothers to the hospital. Although we won the war against the car racing party, we dispatched more than 800 people to defeat their team of dozens of people. This is not something to be proud of. What's more, there are many injured people here.

Immediately, my brothers began to act, and at this time, Lu Ping and Chen Xiao, the two leaders, also came to me. Chen Xiao took the lead and said to me, "boss, is there nothing wrong with your injury?"

I shook my head and said with a light smile: "thanks to your boy's timely arrival, otherwise, even if I'm ok. The brothers are about to lose their grip. "

Chen Xiao shook his head in embarrassment and replied, "boss, you are so powerful that you need support because you are in big trouble. Therefore, I discussed with Lu Pingcai that he should lead some elite brothers to come first, and I will continue to gather other brothers to support later."

I didn't know how Chen Xiaohe and Lu Ping arranged, but anyway, I won the battle. To be exact, we won the battle. Although we had more people than few people, it was a surprise that a school Gang defeated a big social gang. In this war, Lu Ping and Chen Xiaoxiao both made their first contribution 。 Most of all, they helped me to teach the party a hard lesson.

I glanced at all the brothers and said in a loud voice, "thank you all today. For the injured brothers, the medical expenses are Chen Xiaobao. At noon tomorrow, I will hold a banquet to invite you to have a meal."

Hearing this, many brothers can't help calling out. This is a group of hot-blooded young people who will fight regardless of the danger for the righteousness in their hearts. At the same time, they are a group of pure young people. They are not like gangsters in the society. They have complex thoughts. They are only for the faith in their hearts.

Then, I said hello to these brothers again, and then left the scene first, and they also scattered one after another.

It was not until this time that Sheng Mingjie and his old classmates left in silence. The current ending was quite different from what they had expected. Many of them had changed their eyes when they looked at me.

I didn't care about the attitude of these people. I did what I should do. At least, I did what a man should do. In the end, I succeeded in getting out of danger, and taught the people who dealt with me. All these things were put in front of them. If they look down on others in a low way, I have no choice.

Unconsciously, I quickened my pace and walked to the side of the road at the other end of the alley. I was holding the mentality of trying to see if Peng Xuefei had gone, but to my surprise, Peng Xuefei did not go. As soon as I was standing by the side of the road, she drove over, the window fell down, and she said to me, "get in!"

I remember that before I left KTV, I repeatedly said that sending Peng Xuefei home was my boyfriend's responsibility. I also promised Peng Xuefei that no matter how dangerous it was outside, I would be OK. Now, I have done it, and Peng Xuefei also gave me this opportunity to leave with her.

But I can't help but look at my own body. My whole body is covered with blood. If I get in her car, it will definitely make her car stained with blood, and it will also bring blood to the car. If this makes Peng Xuefei uncomfortable. Isn't that good?

Peng Xuefei seemed to see my hesitation. She said in a cold voice: "I don't pay so much attention to it. If you don't get on the bus, I'll go first!"

Smell speech, I quickly took off the coat with blood, directly thrown on the side of the road, and then, quickly sat on the car, the car slowly started, and then, Peng Xuefei took me away from here.

However, from the rearview mirror, I found a figure standing behind and watching. This is Sheng Mingjie.

As the car drives farther and farther, Sheng Mingjie's figure in the rearview mirror is becoming smaller and smaller, but in the dark, he gives me an extremely gloomy feeling.

After driving for a long distance, Peng Xuefei suddenly said to me, "I'm sorry, Jiangnan wind. Today, this is what I've done to you."This is a sudden sentence. Let me suddenly stupefied, I did not expect, Peng Xuefei opened his mouth unexpectedly is to apologize to me, my heart suddenly has a warm flow, then, I smile slightly, reply: "nothing, since I promise you to play your boyfriend, I should act in the end, but also play well, the most important thing is to make you satisfied, haha."

Hearing this, shapeng cheffey glanced at me, and then looked at the front of the car. While focusing on driving, he said: "your performance today is OK, but do you know that the consequence of your doing so is to cause more trouble!"

Get Peng Xuefei's affirmation. Of course, it's the happiest thing in my heart. I really don't care about other things. The smile on my face is still there. However, my voice is a little more serious: "are you talking about the Revenge of the car racing party? I should be more aware of this point than you. It is difficult to reconcile the contradictions between the party and me. The brother Guangge must have a high status in the party. However, no matter how I deal with him, the party should retaliate against me or will retaliate against me. "

I mean, obviously, I'm not afraid of the Revenge of the speeders, or that this is a fact that can't be changed. I can't change it.

But Peng Xuefei listened to my words, but can't help shaking his head, said: "do you know what kind of person is the boss of the car party? What's more, I'm not talking about the car racing party. "

Peng Xuefei asked me in the first sentence. I didn't even know who the leader of the party was, let alone understand him. And Peng Xuefei's last sentence made my pupil shrink suddenly.

I put away the smile on my face and asked in a deep voice, "do you mean Sheng Mingjie?"

Peng Xuefei replied coldly: "yes, it is Sheng Mingjie. His ability is not what you can imagine. If you don't show the scenery today, you may not attract his attention. But now, you can ask for more happiness! To give you this reminder, it is also to make up for you to help me today, we are clear, get out of the car

Peng Xiaofei, how can I stop with the car, and then I'm still thinking? I got Sheng Mingjie's attention for no reason. It's obvious that I suffer a loss, OK?

But Peng Xuefei at this moment has returned to the state of high cold. Don't say I feel depressed, I'm afraid, even if I ask, she won't tell me what, but I had to consciously get off the car.

Then, Peng Xuefei did not even call a call, directly accelerated, and quickly left my field of vision.

The place where I was left behind is still some way from the school. However, I didn't take a taxi, just walked towards the campus. In the process of walking, my mind has been thinking of Peng Xuefei's reminder to me.

In fact, even if she didn't remind me, I also vaguely felt Sheng Mingjie's hideous terror. He was really unpredictable. It was because of this that Peng Xuefei paid more attention to him, and only after he returned home did he think of using his fake boyfriend to force him back.

Since he is Peng Xuefei's trouble, that is my task. If I want to capture Peng Xuefei's heart, of course, I have to help her out.

However, it may not be easy to deal with Sheng Mingjie.

Thinking about it, my steps can not help stepping into the campus, at this moment, the night is very deep, came to the parking lot, driving my car will go straight to the villa.

Back to the villa, I casually dealt with the wound, then fell asleep.

The next day, I still maintain a smart posture, driving a sports car to school.

When I entered the school, I found that the atmosphere in the campus was somewhat different from that in the past. After a little attention, I knew the situation. It turned out that it was last night that we defeated the car racing party, which spread wildly in the school.

Because of this. The name of our beacon fire has become more and more loud, and my name of Jiangnan wind is also suddenly at the height of the sun!

Public opinion is initiated by the public. If I want to control it, I can't control it. What I can do is to face it calmly. At the same time, I will not let my beacon fire produce arrogance.

After parking, I got out of the car and went to the classroom. But I just got out of the car and walked a few steps. Suddenly, a car shot out of the air and drove directly to me, blocking my way.

This is a cheetah, the grade is very high, my step stops abruptly, my eyes are fixed on the car in front of me.

Leaning slightly, the back door of the car opened and a figure came down. When I really see this person clearly, I found that he and I had an indissoluble bond last night, Sheng Mingjie.

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