Even so, I am a cheap man. It happens that I am very happy with this gun. Just now, I am still worried that I can't take the initiative to deal with Sheng Mingjie. Now I want to come, in fact, I just need to cooperate with Peng Xuefei. Anyway, we two work together, and there will be a day when Sheng Mingjie will die.

Speaking of it, I also have to thank Sheng Mingjie. If it wasn't for him, I would not have the chance to pretend to be Peng Xuefei's boyfriend, let alone such a chance to watch a movie. Thinking of this, I nodded immediately and said with a little excitement: "OK, I'll accompany you to see it!"

When my voice dropped, the bell suddenly rang, Peng Xuefei took the opportunity to say: "class, let's go first!"

With that, Peng Xuefei took the lead in entering the classroom, and I followed her. However, as soon as I entered the classroom, I looked at the next Sheng Mingjie with the remaining light and found that his eyes were looking at my side with incomparable sharpness.

Sheng Mingjie's background, strength and city government are all very deep. It's not a good thing that I'm targeted by him, but my main purpose is to get close to Peng Xuefei. In order to please her, I have to do it even if I go up the mountain and go down to the sea of fire. I am duty bound to fly this kind of thing. Without thinking about it any more, I immediately stepped up two steps and walked into the classroom.

Today's luck is good. Peng Xuefei still has a vacant seat beside her. I just sat there. There is no displeasure on Peng Xuefei's face. In other words, her heart has not been so exclusive to me.

It's a pity that Peng Xuefei only had two classes this morning. After class, she went straight away.

But I temporarily changed my mind and began to arrange lunch.

Time flies by, and at noon, I and my brother who participated in the war last night, ate and drank in the hotel. Although last night's war was one in which we fought more and fought less, it was still the famous flying car party. The brothers were really excited about this. Everyone at the table had a good drink, a good chat, and a lot of blood.

I can feel their youth and heroism. They are a group of young people who have great development space. This war, not to say, is immortal, but it has laid a solid foundation for my future status, and it also gives my brothers more confidence and makes them proud of being a member of the beacon fire.

A dinner party ended in laughter and laughter. After I was full of wine and food, my brothers scattered. However, I didn't go to school. I took a taxi back to the villa and had a good sleep.

When I fell asleep, I suddenly woke up from my sleep. At the moment of waking up, I only felt that I had something very important to do. After a long delay, I remembered that I would go to the cinema with Peng Xuefei tonight.

Immediately, I looked at the time. Fortunately, it was just over 4:00 p.m., I was afraid Peng Xuefei would forget the appointment, so I sent her a short message to ask about the specific time and place she had agreed to tonight.

Fortunately, Peng Xuefei didn't cheat on me this time. After I had been waiting for ten minutes, she finally sent me a short message, which was concise and clear: 7:30, brilliant studio.

The next time, I wash my hair, take a bath, change my clothes and hairstyle, dress myself up in the sun and then drive out.

Less than seven o'clock, I arrived at the appointed place. After that, I waited here safely for about half an hour. Peng Xuefei finally arrived.

Today, she is the same as usual, but her dress is the same as that in the morning. She doesn't make any special dress up for my date. I know that's because she doesn't attach importance to this date. However, she hasn't fallen in love with me. Naturally, she won't be excited because she has a date with me. And I made this dress up to win her favor.

After meeting, we went into the cinema together, where I was responsible for buying tickets and other trivial matters, while Peng Xuefei was sitting on the side waiting.

After buying the ticket, we sat together in the lounge and waited for a while. During this period, Xia pengxuefei did not take the initiative to talk to me. She still kept her cold posture, and she was a little worried in the cold.

It was about time for the film to be shown that we walked into the screening hall together. Because it's not a weekend, and the movie isn't premiere, the screening room looks very lonely, with only a few couples in it.

When the lighting of the projection hall is turned off and only the fluorescence on the screen is mapped down, the atmosphere in the whole cinema is somewhat charming.

Until this time, Peng Xuefei said to me: "Jiangnan wind, thank you. It seems that you have to pretend to be my boyfriend for a period of time, at least in front of Sheng Mingjie."

This words let me can't help but joy, at the same time, my heart head out of a doubt. Although Sheng Mingjie is gloomy, there is no denying that he is excellent. Judging from various indicators, Sheng Mingjie is very well matched with Peng Xuefei. Moreover, the parents of both sides intend to match them up. Why, Peng Xuefei doesn't like Sheng Mingjie at all and would rather let me pretend to be her boyfriend?

Is Peng Xuefei really did not want to fall in love, or is she too selective?

Perhaps, as she said, there are many people who meet the qualification of her boyfriend, but those who enter her heart are unique. Sheng Mingjie, obviously, has not entered Peng Xuefei's heart.In my heart, I was wondering. Suddenly, my nerves were tight, and there was a kind of dangerous breath rising from the cold. At this time, two figures suddenly came to me and Peng Xuefei.

My premonition, I can't say clearly, the way is not clear. It comes from the acute premonition that I have been in danger for many times. Some of them are in a trance, but they really make me feel insecure.

immediately, I looked up at the two people in front of me. They are a man and a woman, two young people, the male is a textured head, wearing a pair of gold glasses, looks like In his hand, he also carried a plastic bag containing some snacks and drinks, which seemed to be intended for the movie. And the woman, with a public face and straight hair, seemed to be OK at first glance. She carried a leather schoolbag on her back.

These two people wear the same style and the same color of the couple's clothes, let people see at a glance that they are male and female friends.

From the appearance, they are nothing special. In this cinema, there are many men and women like them. This moment, my heart can not help wondering, is my own nerve too sensitive, produced illusion?

But I still secretly increased my vigilance, once this pair of men and women have any change, I will wait for the opportunity to move.

Just when I was wondering. Peng Xuefei's high cold voice rang, she said bluntly: "two, please give way, don't you know, blocking other people's sight is a very impolite behavior?"

Hearing this, the straight haired woman in the couple saw the movie ticket in her hand and said, "you seem to be sitting in the wrong position. These two should be ours."

Hear her. I can't help but feel relaxed, and I realize that they are here to take their own seats.

I bought the movie ticket just now and put it in my pocket. I subconsciously reached out and took out the ticket to see if it was correct. But just then, the gentle man in front of me suddenly moved, and his whole body suddenly jumped at me.

The aisle between rows of seats in the cinema is too narrow. And this gentle man is so close to me that I have no chance to dodge. Under helpless, I had to stand up and bump into each other with my body.

This collision, I immediately found that under the gentle appearance of this gentle man, in fact, there was an extremely strong physique. His strength was amazing. Especially when I suddenly got up to resist, I almost couldn't carry him. I secretly used my own strength to push him forward with my body.

But at this time, I was acutely aware that the plastic bag in the hand of the Sven man fell to the ground, revealing his hidden weapons behind.

This is a dagger that stabbed me in the belly as I collided with the textured man. I didn't dare to make it big. In a hurry, I held out my hand and grasped the blade of the dagger.

A sharp edge. Cut off the skin of my hand, dripping blood from my hands, but I have no mind to care about these, I firmly grasp the dagger at the same time, with my head fiercely hit his head.

Immediately, the texture head of the man's head back, and my own head, also have a kind of drowsy feeling, this is because I use too much strength.

At the same time, I held the Dagger's hand, and suddenly I exerted force. The texture head didn't compete with me. The dagger fell off his hand, but I didn't catch it. The dagger fell to the ground.

Then, I directly picked up the body of the texture head, and rolled over from the corridor to the seat in front of me. He was crushed by me. I shook my fist and punched him in the face.

This few times, I use the force is not small, and the blood in my hand, also drops to his face.

Texture head was hit by me a little dizzy, but I did not have too much entanglement with him, a turn, I turned from the seat, turned to the original aisle.

This scene of change, happened too quickly and suddenly. Rao, at the beginning, I secretly raised my vigilance, but I was still a little nervous. However, what I was nervous about was not myself, but Peng Xuefei.

Obviously, this man and a woman are so direct to me. Although I don't know who they are, Peng Xuefei is with me at the moment. I can't let her be hurt by accident, even if it is a little bit.

However, as soon as I turned over and looked at Peng Xuefei, I was completely stunned.

Because at this time, Peng Xuefei has been the hair of the woman to control.

The bag on the woman's back, I don't know when she put it down. In her hand, she was holding a triangular army thorn, controlling Peng Xuefei.

This army thorn, virtual put on Peng Xuefei's neck, as long as a force, can directly stab her neck to wear.

I was in place, dare not act rashly, the chaotic scene, suddenly stopped at this moment.

Those who sit in the back row to watch the film, because the light is dark, some people do not see the thrilling scene clearly. He thought it was a joke. Immediately, someone called out, "the people in front of me should sit down quickly and disturb others to watch the movie. Is there any public morality?"As soon as the man's voice fell, someone immediately echoed: "that's it. Get out of here without looking at it!"

Some people, clearly saw me and texture head fight, they also just as a general fight and frolic. There was no fear, but a cheerful look.

Under the public's gaze, the woman suddenly opened her mouth to me and said, "your girlfriend is in my hand. If you don't want her to be hurt, you'd better not move around and come with us obediently."

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