When this woman talks, I look at Peng Xuefei, although she is in danger at the moment. But her look, did not appear flustered, on the contrary, kept very calm, she looked unchanged to the hair of the woman said: "I do not care who you are sent, but do you know, from the moment you intend to hold me, it is doomed to your end."

Peng Xuefei said this, I immediately knew that she was angry.

This man and a woman disguised as a couple to watch the movie. Now it seems that they should be a pair of professional killers. However, they do not seem to know the identity of Peng Xuefei, and by doing so, they have sentenced themselves to death.

However, when the woman heard Peng Xuefei's words, she showed a slight sneer and said, "listen to your tone, it seems that you have a big head! But unfortunately, I'm not interested in your identity. I only know that you are his girlfriend. If you subdue you, he will have to listen to us. "

Voice down, send out a woman's eyes provocatively to me, and Peng Xuefei's eyes can not help but look at me, seems to be waiting for me to make up my mind. In the end is to protect Peng Xuefei's safety, to be caught with his bare hands, or to resist desperately.

For a while, this question made me feel a little big headed and threatened me with the people around me. This is a thing I hate and angry from the bottom of my heart. Although the real relationship between Peng Xuefei and me is not close, I have to consider her safety. If Peng Xuefei has any mistakes, I have been in this school for such a long time and spent so much thought, all my previous efforts will be wasted. My hope of saving my father and Ziyi was almost lost.

However, this pair of men and women used to kill me as soon as they came up. If I put my hands down, they would certainly not be soft hearted to me. It is very likely that my end will be a dead word.

Just at the moment of my struggle, I knocked the texture head of the seat in front of me and got up. His glasses fell to the ground. There were more blood stains on his face.

As soon as he got up, he suddenly turned over, turned over from behind to this side of the aisle, picked up the bloody dagger on the ground, and stabbed me in the abdomen.

Suddenly, I felt a pain from my abdomen. Through my nerves, it flows to my body, and the blood in my body can't help but rush towards the wound, and my cold sweat can't help but come out.

Although the gentle man stabbed this dagger very fast, but if I really want to dodge, or stop him, I am not unable to do it. However, I am so indifferent, because my heart has made a choice, that is to give up resistance, I can not take Peng Xuefei's life to risk.

When Peng Xuefei saw that I was stabbed by a dagger, her eyes immediately showed a worried color. Then she was no longer as calm as she had been before. Her face turned cold and angry, and she yelled to the woman who held her in a cold voice: "you will regret it."

Hearing this, the woman's expression was still relaxed. She slowly took back what she had in her hand and replied to Peng Xuefei: "ha ha, I don't regret it later. I can catch you and talk about it. But by then, your boyfriend should be a cold corpse

Say, send out a woman to textural head to indicate next. Immediately, the textured head pushed my body around, put the dagger against my back, and said in a cold voice, "go!"

I turned my head and looked at Peng Xuefei, but my steps had already gone forward.

At the moment, my abdomen is still bleeding. Even if I cover it with my hand, it only slows down the bleeding speed. But if it goes on like this, I'm afraid that I will bleed to death without killing me by this pair of killers.

Although my body is forced to move forward step by step, my mind is in a rapid flow. For this man and a woman, I have already moved to kill. As long as I have a chance, I can turn the situation around and kill them.

But I still have two worries in my heart. First, Peng Xuefei is still on the edge. The other side is extremely cruel and unscrupulous. I am afraid that once I fight back, the other party will threaten Peng Xuefei. Secondly, I want to find out who sent these two professional killers to deal with me.

At this time, the blood from my body soaked the air with a trace of bloody breath. Soon, it was noticed by other movie watching audience. When I thought of the fight between me and the texture head, and the confrontation between me and the women, immediately, some people understood what was going on. Some people couldn't help but exclaimed: "kill! Kill

As soon as the audience got up and started to watch the movie, some people immediately got up and started to watch the movie.

Screams, runs, even if the audience in this screening hall is small. However, the scene was also chaotic and uncontrollable. Some people ran past me, and the movements of my textured head and women could not help being affected.

The texture head is extremely venomous to the dagger against my waist, and said to me viciously: "if you don't want to die now, just be honest with me."

As soon as his knife touched, my back waist suddenly felt a sharp pain. Although there was a clothes separated, I still could keenly feel that the part where my back waist was touched must be bleeding.This moment, my inner killing intention can not help but increase a point. At present, I have been on the steps, Peng Xuefei has some distance from this side, even if the other party wants to control Peng Xuefei again, it is not so easy. As for the two killers, who sent them in the end? Now I don't care.

And my counterattack was that at this moment, I pretended to be tripped, and my body staggered forward. The texture head didn't expect that my action was so smooth and lost the control of the dagger. But his reaction was also very quick. He directly waved the dagger and flew at me and stabbed me.

When my body deviated, the thrust of texture head fell into the air, and his figure fell on the steps. I seized the opportunity. A sudden kick to his body, his body will be uncontrolled to roll down the steps.

But texture head is worthy of being a professional assassin, his reaction ability is extremely fast, this fall, did not throw him how, soon, he adjusted his posture, again rushed to me.

At the same time, the woman with the spear in her hand rushed to me. Her eyes gave out a cold light in the dark projection hall, and she also cried out: "I can't control so much, just kill him!"

The words of the straight haired woman's voice clearly showed that they, P, had begun to kill me.

At this moment, the audience in the screening hall are almost running, and they can hear their screams outside. However, in my current situation, it is impossible to wait for people outside to support me.

Even though my physical fitness is very strong, just now the texture of the dagger inserted very deep, my abdomen blood has been flowing, so, I must make a quick decision, quickly solve this man and a woman in front of me, otherwise, my life will be in danger.

At the moment, both of them are attacking me at a high speed. The texture head was on the steps below me. He was hurtling towards me with a bloody dagger, and the women were standing on the sidewalk next to me, holding the army spurs.

In order to avoid the thorns in the hands of women with straight hair, and to take advantage of my advantage in high places, I did not shrink back or even, without a bit of hesitation, rushed down the steps against the texture head.

The steps are not long, a few steps, I will come to the texture head. The texture head stopped the pace in time, waved the dagger in the hand, and stabbed me suddenly.

My body subconsciously deviated to the side, but to my surprise, the texture head seemed to judge the deflection of my body. Originally, the dagger stabbed at me, and turned temporarily, it was extremely clever to cover me under the edge.

When I was seriously injured, my body movements were not particularly flexible. In addition, the texture of the head stabbing was beyond my expectation. In a hurry, my body was deflected again, and my waist was cut by the edge of the dagger, and my clothes were cut and bloodstained.

Just now, although I wrestled with the texture head, I found that he has great strength, but I don't know what his real strength is. Now, this face-to-face, I have a clear judgment in my heart. He can use a small dagger with such flexibility. His skill must be extraordinary. Maybe, he is an old assassin.

However, at the critical moment, my reaction speed was not slow. I had no time to take care of my waist. Before the texture head attacked again, I used a simple and violent way, and my body directly hit him.

In this collision, I had the advantage of occupying a high position. The texture head was caught off guard and rolled down the steps, and my body rolled down with him. Finally, the body of texture head and I almost fell on the ground at the bottom.

After a fall, the dagger in texture head's hand fell on the steps, and my abdominal wound, and shed a lot of blood, scattered all over the ground.

I felt unbearable pain in my abdomen. Even, I felt my strength was slowly pulled away in this rolling, and my teeth trembled.

However, at such a critical juncture, I couldn't stop to breathe. As soon as I bit my teeth, the whole person quickly rode on the body of the texture head. Suddenly, my fist was facing his face and smashed heavily. Just once, the bridge of the texture head's nose was collapsed by me, and blood flowed out of his nostrils.

But before I hit again, my back was cold, I was acutely aware that the straight haired woman also rushed over. I had no time to think about it, and my body immediately rolled on the ground.

When my body stabilized, looking back, the woman with straight hair had pulled up the texture on the ground, and they both glared at me at the same time. Their twinkling eyes showed deep killing intention.

I can't help but take a deep breath. These two killers are more difficult than I thought. I raised my head and looked at Peng Xuefei's direction. At this time, in order not to trouble me, she had already run to the door, but she did not run away. She just stopped at the door and watched. Her eyes were filled with a faint sense of urgency.

Seeing this scene, I finally relaxed a little. I didn't need to worry about Peng Xuefei's safety any more. But in my turn, two killers, a man and a woman, rushed to me from two directions.

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