These men in black suits who appear at first glance know that they are of extraordinary origin. The momentum they show can not help but make people feel a strong momentum. Their psychological quality is also quite high, and there is no discomfort because of the bloody scene and chaos.

But their existence is only to foil their eldest daughter, Peng Xuefei.

When the first lady's three words rang out at the scene, almost everyone in the field was stunned. They looked at Peng Xuefei's eyes and couldn't help but feel awe. No one dared to move or speak. This momentum alone was enough to frighten the people at the scene.

But I, although my whole body was aching and weak, and even my consciousness was a little vague, I still reflected. It turned out that Peng Xuefei had just stopped at the door to watch. She not only looked, but also called her own bodyguard. For me, she didn't worry about identity.

Although these bodyguards didn't come when I was fighting with the killer, they came after the event, but the whole process didn't take long, and they came in time. What's important is that Peng Xuefei, the goddess of high cold, is because I don't hesitate to expose my identity and call these men. This moment, my heart can not help but have a trace of moving, feel oneself from Peng Xuefei and a step closer.

However, Peng Xuefei himself did not seem happy to see his bodyguard coming. Even, her face did not change much, and her eyebrows were still frowning.

At this time, in the black suit team, there was a fierce leader who was about 1.9 meters tall and as strong as a grizzly bear. Suddenly, he took a few steps forward. Without saying a word, he threw his feet like lightning to the two security guards in front of Peng Xuefei.

Suddenly, the two security guards were kicked off like sandbags, and finally fell to the ground. They couldn't get up again because of the pain, and even vomited acid water from their stomachs.

But the brave leader didn't look at them any more. He said in a sharp voice, "I'm tired of living even if we dare to block the way of our eldest lady."

His voice was very thick and rough, and his momentum was even more frightening. After finishing his speech, he faced Peng Xuefei, and then showed a gentle face, even servile. He asked Peng Xuefei, "are you OK, madam?"

Peng Xuefei did not delay much, cold voice straight way: "my friend is injured, I want you to send him to the hospital as soon as possible."

The leader immediately replied, "understand!"

As soon as the voice fell, his eyes turned to me. However, he looked at me with a strange look. He didn't know why Peng Xuefei and I were so close, or he wondered why I was so hurt.

Of course, the leader's action did not hesitate, he personally went to the battle, a will I set up, quickly ran outside.

At this time, Peng Xuefei instructed other bodyguards: "these two killers, no matter what way you use, check their origin for me!"

Smell speech, those bodyguards answer with one voice: "yes!"

Immediately, all bodyguards began to move up, some in front of the road, some stay at the scene.

Peng Xuefei, surrounded by many bodyguards, followed the leader. Her steps were a little quick and her face was serious. Obviously, she was worried about my injury. In fact, I could hardly hold on to it. After all, I lost too much blood and had no strength.

This time, the security guards and staff of those cinemas did not dare to put one more fart, nor did they dare to stop us, nor did they say anything to wait for the police to come.

But before we got out of the projection hall, suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps outside.

Then, a number of policemen swarmed in and entered the projection hall. These policemen were armed, in a hurry, and they were very rigorous. As soon as they entered, they collided head-on with Peng Xuefei's bodyguards. All the police were stunned.

The police responded. Some of them didn't know the situation of the scene. They thought it was related to Peng Xuefei's bodyguards.

Immediately, the leading policeman raised his gun at the fierce leader who was holding me and ran in the front. He murmured: "don't move!"

However, the leader was not afraid of the police at all. Even if he was pointed at by the other party, he did not have any fear. On the contrary, he put out his hand directly, put the spear of the leading police aside, and said in a loud voice, "the sea Gang is working, people are idle, and don't worry about your own business."

When the police arrived at the scene of the crime, they became idle people in the leader's mouth. Even when he said this, the leader didn't stop and went out at a high speed, and Peng Xuefei was also close to him.

Haibang, the two words like Hong Zhong, fell on the ears of the police again. The guns in their hands were quietly put down, and none of their people dared to intercept again.

The security guards and staff of those cinemas were even more astonished. They didn't expect that what they intercepted earlier was the eldest lady of the Hai Gang. At the thought of it, they could not help feeling frightened.Under the gaze of passers-by, the leader is going to walk out of the cinema. However, at the moment, my consciousness has become more and more vague, and my whole body is becoming more and more powerless, and I am about to shock.

Peng Xuefei saw that my state was not right, and immediately asked me, "Jiangnan wind, how do you feel? Hold on

Since I met Peng Xuefei, I have never seen her so flustered. When I saw her like this, I couldn't help laughing at her.

Peng Xuefei saw that I even laughed. After a while, her face became cold again. She gave me a cold look and said, "I can still laugh. It seems that I can't die for a while."

But listening to Peng Xuefei's words, I felt that my eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. I didn't have time to respond to her. A very heavy dizziness came to me.

In a trance, I felt Peng Xuefei calling my name nervously, and my body seemed to be held up by the leader directly. I was a big man and was held by another man. I felt extremely uncomfortable, but I couldn't do anything or say anything. My consciousness dissipated. At this moment, I completely fainted.

I don't know how long after that, when I woke up again, I saw the white ceiling, my arm was bandaged, my abdomen was bandaged, and my other hand was still infused with liquid. Soon, I judged that I was in the hospital ward at the moment.

I looked around. The ward was empty and there was no one around. My heart couldn't help being disappointed. After all, Peng Xuefei, to a great extent, had something to do with my injury. She didn't accompany me. Maybe, I didn't occupy a small position in her heart. It seems that it's a long way to go to get into her heart.

At the moment when I was lost in my heart, a nurse came in from the outside of the ward and said to me, "you wake up, you are injured so much, you lose so much blood, you are sent to the hospital so late, but you only wake up in one night. It's really a miracle."

When I heard the nurse's words, I came to realize that I had been in a coma all night. No wonder it was already light. However, for the nurse, it might be a miracle, but for me, it was nothing. I lost too much blood, but it didn't hurt my roots. With my physical quality, I could still carry it.

With some thoughts in mind, I couldn't help but whisper to the nurse, "Miss nurse, did anyone come to see me during my coma?"

Smell speech, the nurse's eyes can not help a bright, immediately respond to me: "yes, your girlfriend has always been, to tell you the truth, you really found a good girlfriend, not only looks beautiful, but also cares about you, she sent you to the hospital, and then has been with you, but she suddenly disappeared, I am still a little puzzled!"

After listening to the description of the nurse, I immediately understood that the girl friend she was talking about must be Peng Xuefei. Unexpectedly, she did not leave me alone and was still with me. This made me a little surprised, but also moved me. I didn't expect that she was such a cold person at ordinary times. This time, she would accompany me for such a long time.

At this time, a voice suddenly came in from the outside: "don't think about it. I stay here to see if you can survive. The result is not bad. You wake up quickly."

The voice was a little indifferent, which was a familiar tone style. Obviously, Peng Xuefei came. Immediately, I looked around. If it was true, Peng Xuefei walked in from the door.

Her face is not as radiant as usual, and she looks a little haggard. I know that she may be caused by not sleeping all night. Her actions show concern for me, but she says cold words. This is also a characteristic of Peng Xuefei.

The little nurse in the ward saw Peng Xuefei come in. She nodded to Peng Xuefei and said hello, then went out.

And I sincerely said to Peng Xuefei: "thank you for sending me to the hospital. At the same time, I also told you I'm sorry. Those two killers came to me, and I hurt you to get involved in the incident."

This short sentence is from the bottom of my heart. Although part of the reason for my injury is that I have taken care of Peng Xuefei, the two killers are obviously attacking me. That is to say, even if they are not in the cinema, they will assassinate me in other places. Peng Xuefei is innocent. I don't want her to be hurt because of me, nor can she be in danger.

Peng Xuefei listened to my words, her expression could not help but be stunned. Then, she turned her eyes to me. There was some gentle color in her eyes. She said to me, "you don't need to thank me. To send you to the hospital, it's just a simple gesture. Although you are not my boyfriend, when you are injured, you are my boyfriend's identity. Besides, you don't have to say sorry to me. I should be the one who should say sorry

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