Hearing this, I was suddenly surprised. Peng Xuefei, she not only accompany me in the hospital for the first time, unexpectedly, but also told me I'm sorry. It's not a simple thing to say sorry to others for such a tall lady like her.

However, after speaking, Peng Xuefei fell into silence, her brow frowned, as if thinking about something.

Seeing Peng Xuefei show such a look, I can't help but cast a puzzled look at her.

Peng Xuefei felt my doubts, and then said, "Jiangnan wind, don't you wonder who it is that will invite professional killers to assassinate you? Those two killers are not only camouflaged, but also vicious, and their methods are very professional. I think the people who invite them must be very difficult. "

Curiosity, of course, I would be curious. That day in the cinema, I was curious about who would kill me like this. What the other side wants to kill is definitely not my original identity, but my new identity, Jiangnan style.

At the beginning of Jiangnan style, I didn't have many enemies. Those little dregs didn't have the ability to invite professional killers. Suddenly, the faces of Du Haichao, sun Yunlong and Ouyang Jing suddenly flashed through my mind. I couldn't help thinking about them.

Ouyang Jing is a rich second generation. It's been a while since he was bullied by me. According to the law, if he retaliates against me, he should have done it already.

SUN Yunlong's background is the flying car party, which has been in constant friction with me recently. They want to move me, but also send people to kill me openly and ask for killers, which should not be their way.

Du Haichao, his father He is a senior official. He is on a white road. He should not be so desperate.

These three people are all suspected, but I found that they also have the basis of being rejected. For a while, I was a little uncertain.

But all of a sudden, in my mind, there is a person's shadow, this person is Sheng Mingjie.

Sheng Mingjie has a strong background and deep personal thoughts. He is absolutely capable of finding professional killers, and he may kill me secretly.

The most important thing is that when Sheng Mingjie went to the classroom to look for Peng Xuefei that morning, he heard Peng Xuefei ask me to watch a movie tonight. Before entering the classroom, I clearly saw that Sheng Mingjie was staring at me with sharp eyes. Maybe he would kill me because of a little thing.

Sheng Mingjie is really terrible in his heart. He is too deep. He is more profound than Du Haichao. I can still figure out Du Haichao's ideas, but I can't guess Sheng Mingjie's mind at all.

While I was deep in thought, Peng Xuefei's voice suddenly broke my thinking: "don't think about it. Since I have been involved, my people will quickly investigate this matter, and soon, there should be clues. You've lost too much blood before, and then you've been in a coma for so long. You don't have anything in your stomach. Come on, have some porridge first

Said, Peng Xuefei brought me a bowl of porridge, so it seems that she just went to buy porridge for me, but also steaming hot.

I'm really hungry, but I'm wearing gauze on one hand and dropping on the other. In my current state, it's not easy to lie on the hospital bed and want to eat.

Peng Xuefei saw my embarrassment. She frowned and said reluctantly, "I'll feed you!"

The voice dropped, Peng Xuefei actually really fed me.

This time, my heart can't help but burst out two times, feeling shocked and happy, I suddenly felt that I was a blessing in disguise. I was hurt, but I was getting closer and closer to my goal.

However, I just had two mouthfuls of porridge. The door of the ward was suddenly opened, and a familiar figure entered the ward. This person was no other than the one who was deep and terrible, Sheng Mingjie.

I didn't expect that Sheng Mingjie would appear in my ward at this time. Moreover, he still had a bunch of flowers in his hand. He just walked in two steps, but his steps stopped. His eyes were staring at the ward.

Peng Xuefei's action of feeding porridge to me obviously fell into his eyes. At the same time, Peng Xuefei also felt that someone was coming. She could not help but stop her hand movements and turn her head to look at people.

After finding out that the other party is Sheng Mingjie, Peng Xuefei asked directly, "Sheng Mingjie, how can you come here?"

Sheng Mingjie smiles, walks inside a few steps, and says softly to Peng Xuefei, "Feifei, I'm relieved to see you're OK. I come here to see if you have anything to do, and I want to thank the Jiangnan wind. "

With that, Sheng Mingjie's eyes turned to me. He inserted the flowers in his hands into the vase beside the hospital bed. Then, he said politely to me, "I heard that you protected Feifei in the process, so I thank you."

Hearing this, I can't help but feel a little funny. Sheng Mingjie said this, as if he and Peng Xuefei were a pair, and I was just an outsider.

"You don't have to thank me. As Feifei's boyfriend, I should protect her for what I should do," I saidFor Sheng Mingjie, who is above all, my words are obviously full of provocation.

Sheng Mingjie heard this, but he snorted coldly, and said with some displeasure: "Jiangnan wind, don't forget that this accident was caused by you. I told you before that you are a disaster star and will bring danger to Feifei."

At this moment, Sheng Mingjie looked at me with a chill in his eyes.

His expression, his tone, his every word, all let me depressed. Just now, I suspected that he was the source of this disaster and the instigator behind the scenes. Unexpectedly, now he has made such a righteous statement, saying that I am a disaster star. For a while, I have a fire in my heart.

Anger, so that my eyes can not help but stare at Sheng Mingjie. In an instant, the atmosphere in the ward has become incomparably cold. It seems that the temperature of the air has dropped a few minutes. At this time, Peng Xuefei put down the porridge in her hand and snapped in: "enough!"

Two words, instantly broke the cold atmosphere, Sheng Mingjie and I stare at each other's eyes, subconsciously relaxed.

Peng Xuefei then said: "the most important thing at present is to find out who is behind the plan."

Smell speech, I haven't said anything more, Sheng Mingjie took the initiative to say: "don't worry, this matter is wrapped in my body, soon there will be results, Feifei, I will not let your side, there are any security risks."

On him? He said it as if it had nothing to do with him. If it was he who ordered the killer to assassinate me, how could he account for Peng Xuefei?

What was he thinking in the end and what was the meaning of the last sentence? Don't let Peng Xuefei's side have security risks. Is he referring to the people behind the two killers, or me? And is he saying this to put aside his own suspicion?

Anyway, right now, I don't have evidence. It's not feasible to rely on speculation alone.

When I was slightly stunned, Sheng Mingjie said hello to Peng Xuefei and quickly left the ward. He came fast and walked freely. He felt that he was just pretending to be forced to play twice here.

After Sheng Mingjie left, Peng Xuefei fed me porridge three times, five times and two times, and then told me to have a good rest. He said that the police affairs had been settled down, so that I could take good care of myself. After that, she left here.

All of a sudden, I was alone in the huge ward. I didn't lament anything here. I just took out my mobile phone and sent a message to Uncle snake. I didn't tell him about my injury, but said that I had something wrong last night, so I didn't go back. Let him not worry.

After sending a text message, I face the ceiling, stupidly in a daze. To today, my plan to approach Peng Xuefei has made great progress. From her attitude towards me, I think that time is a good thing. As expected, Peng Xuefei has changed her outlook on me. However, there are too many obstacles in the process, and the road is doomed to be uneven. From time to time, my life will be threatened, although each time I can save the danger, each time the opponent is not enough to really kill me.

But now Sheng Mingjie, but let me feel a kind of unknown, as if his appearance, has become my biggest obstacle.

I can't understand him. Just now he came to the ward, he said I was a disaster star in front of Peng Xuefei. He also said that he would find out the person behind the killer as soon as possible. Obviously, he wanted to keep Peng Xuefei away from me. At the same time, he also paid some attentions to Peng Xuefei. However, it also showed that the killer yesterday might not have been assigned by him.

However, I still can't believe him. I always feel that he will create all kinds of impossibilities. For example, yesterday, he threatened me to stay away from Peng Xuefei, but finally invited me to his party.

Originally, I was still hesitant to go to the party held by Sheng Mingjie, but at this moment, I decided to go and have a look.

Although I don't know what purpose Sheng Mingjie invited me for, I can take advantage of this opportunity to have a deeper understanding of him.

Having figured this out, I didn't stay in the hospital. I called the nurse directly and told her that I was going to be discharged.

When the nurse heard me say that I was discharged from hospital, she flatly refused me without thinking about it. She said that my current condition still needs rest and can not be discharged.

But when I directly pulled out the infusion tube and stood on the ground from the bed, the nurse suddenly showed a look of incomparable surprise, and she rushed to call the doctor.

The doctor didn't agree with me when he saw that I was in such a hurry to leave the hospital. However, he looked at me as if there was nothing wrong with me. After that, he had nothing to say. My physical fitness exceeded his expectation. However, he had to agree with me to leave the hospital.

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