When I was discharged from the hospital, the sunshine outside was dazzling, and the time was approaching noon. Instead of returning to the villa, I went to school.

Just arrived at the school gate, my mobile phone ring ring suddenly, a look is Chen Xiao call.

I got through the phone, and Chen Xiao's voice came immediately: "boss, where are you? Someone came to the class just now and sent you an invitation."

Hearing this, I immediately understood that this invitation was sent by Sheng Mingjie. It came very quickly. Without hesitation, I directly said to Chen Chuang: "I know. Wait for me. I'll go to the classroom immediately."

With that, I quickened my pace slightly and walked towards the classroom. Although my injury has not recovered, my physical function is relatively strong, and walking fast is certainly not a problem.

When I got to the classroom, I went to the last row and sat next to Chen Xiao. Immediately, he handed me the invitation and asked curiously, "boss, what is Sheng Mingjie? It seems that he looks like a cow

I glanced at Chen Xiao and asked, "what? You know him? Is this invitation from him? "

Chen Xiaoxiao shook his head and replied: "it's not. It seems that it was sent by one of his subordinates. However, you know, there is a message circulating on campus now, that is, Sheng Mingjie is Peng Xuefei's fiance. Although Sheng Mingjie is very mysterious, it is not difficult to imagine that he has a big head and many people are a little curious. What kind of fight will happen between you and him? "

When I heard this, I couldn't help smiling. Sure enough, Sheng Mingjie, a sinister villain, had a way of doing things. Yesterday, he went to the classroom and personally sent an invitation to Peng Xuefei to show that he attached great importance to Peng Xuefei. To me, he only invited Peng Xuefei orally, and the invitation was sent to the classroom. However, he knew that I was in the hospital today, but he sent the invitation to the classroom. This may also be his trick He seemed to wish that the whole world would know his existence, and there were even rumors that he was Peng Xuefei's fiance.

Only in such an invisible way, I seem to be provoked by him. However, these nothingness things are not important to me. What's more, Peng Xuefei doesn't want to see him. I'd rather pretend to be her fake boyfriend than have anything to do with Sheng Mingjie. That's my advantage. As for what obstacles Sheng Mingjie has made to me, I can only see what to do.

I will mind convergence back, no longer and Chen Xiao talk to go on, put the invitation card away, I will lie on the table, waiting for the class.

This is the last class in the morning. After a while, the bell rang. I went to the canteen to have a meal with Chen Xiao and other students.

After dinner, I still didn't go back to the villa, just in the afternoon there was no class, I called the high-level of beacon fire and held the first major meeting since its establishment.

In the past, I probably didn't care about this gang, but now it's different. The beacon fire is growing stronger and bigger, and its scale has taken shape. Even through the fight with the flying car party, it can be extended to the society. I can't help but begin to pay attention to it.

Of course, the more important thing is that now we have offended the flying car party. In addition, I was attacked last night. Maybe I am in a crisis at any time. I must be prepared and ensure the safety of my brothers. Therefore, I spent the whole afternoon in the meeting. In the meeting, I not only explained the current severe situation to everyone, but also worked out the corresponding measures Even though I choose the way of war, I choose the way of development. After all, I intend to develop the beacon fire to a large extent, no longer limited to the campus.

Therefore, I have to screen out a group of elite teams, this group of elite, had better have passion and blood, dare to venture, dare to take risks. Finally, I gave Chen Xiaohe and Lu Ping full responsibility for the specific selection.

After the meeting, it was evening. Instead of staying at school, I walked directly to the school parking lot. However, as soon as I entered the parking lot, I found two figures standing beside my car. They were Peng Xuefei and Sheng Mingjie.

Suddenly, my heart suddenly burst. In my consciousness, Peng Xuefei doesn't like to stay with Sheng Mingjie, especially when she is alone. How can they both appear at the same time at this moment? What's more, they seem to be waiting for me by my car.

With this doubt, I stepped up two steps and went straight to them.

Peng Xuefei saw me and said, "Jiangnan wind, you are discharged from hospital very quickly. You are not here in the afternoon."

Smell speech, I looked at Sheng Mingjie, then stare at Peng Xuefei, a simple response: "a person to stay in the ward is too stuffy, go back to school to breathe."

With that, I was about to ask them how they were here. At this moment, Peng Xuefei suddenly turned around and walked towards her own car. While walking, she said to me, "get on my car and take you to a place."

I was stunned, but I knew in my heart that Peng Xuefei was definitely not aimless. He and Sheng Mingjie must have something important to look for me together. Therefore, I did not hesitate for long. After Peng Xuefei got on the car, I directly sat in her co driver's seat.

Sheng Mingjie, however, gave me a deep look in his eyes, and then he got on the car he came to.After Sheng Mingjie got on the bus, he took the lead in starting the car and drove to the outside of the campus, followed by Peng Xuefei.

Outside the school, Sheng Mingjie's car led the way all the way. Peng Xuefei followed him wherever he drove.

This time, I was confused again. What is the situation? Peng Xuefei and Sheng Mingjie, that is to say, Sheng Mingjie is going to take us to a place now?

When I was puzzled, Peng Xuefei timely explained to me: "Sheng Mingjie has investigated the people behind the two killers last night. Now, he takes you to settle accounts."

Hearing this, my brain couldn't help but be stunned. I didn't expect that it took less than a day for Sheng Mingjie to find out the person behind the killer. So, the two killers yesterday were not sent by Sheng Mingjie?

If he killed me last night, why not invite me to his party. But if Sheng Mingjie is not the successor of this scene, who will it be?

This question, like a thorn, has been stuck in my heart. If it is not pulled out, my heart will be uncomfortable.

However, at this time, I also had some reactions. It must be Sheng Mingjie who found out the result and wanted to prove it to Peng Xuefei. Peng Xuefei directly brought him to me.

After all, Sheng Mingjie himself is also suspected, so he is so keen on this matter. In this way, he can prove his innocence. Secondly, he can be courteous in front of Peng Xuefei. Peng Xuefei must have thought that I was the real victim of this incident, and she would bring Chujie to school to find me.

Otherwise, with Sheng Mingjie's attitude towards me, he would not have taken the initiative.

Gradually, the sky became more and more dark, the city lit up a neon, flashed out of the window.

Finally, Sheng Mingjie's car stopped in front of her, and Peng Xuefei's car immediately stopped at the door of a five-star hotel. Immediately, all three of us got out of the car.

Sheng Mingjie took the lead and Peng Xuefei and I followed him closely. He took us straight to a box door.

At the moment, at the door of the box, two cold looking men were standing. When they saw Sheng Mingjie coming, they immediately nodded respectfully and said, "young master!"

Then, he turned to Peng Xuefei and said, "Miss Peng!"

As for me, I was directly ignored by these two men in suits. Then, they opened the door of the box. Peng Xuefei and Sheng Mingjie went straight in. However, I stopped outside for a second. Vaguely, I had a glimmer of expectation in my heart. I wanted to see who had sent someone to kill me last night.

After hesitating for a while, I still opened my feet and went in. As soon as I got into the box, I was stunned.

The box is decorated elegantly and looks brilliant. But at present, it is in a mess. There are some blood stains on the wall and on the floor. Several men in expensive clothes were knocked down on the ground, groaning in pain, and one of them was held by others and knelt on the ground. Seeing the man kneeling on the ground, I was shocked. He was Du Haichao.

In front of my eyes, Du Haichao has dishevelled hair and is black and blue. Obviously, he has been beaten by Sheng Mingjie's men. There are blood stains on his white suit and a lot of food stains. He kneels on the ground, just as he repents, and the whole person's head is pulled down. It seems that Du Haichao is still living a good life after being abandoned by me. However, at this moment, his image is in a terrible state.

Seeing him like this, my first reaction was shock, but at the same time, I suddenly thought of a very important point, that is, the person behind the killer.

Peng Xuefei said that Sheng Mingjie took me to find the person behind the killer. Now, I see Du Haichao, and he is still like this. Isn't it to say that Du Haichao is the one who sent the killer to attack me?

Although I have doubted Du Haichao, I am not sure. Even, I have some self denial, because Du Haichao is a white Taoist family. Generally speaking, he will not take the risk to find a killer to deal with me.

Not only me, but Peng Xuefei on one side saw Du Haichao with a trace of shock in her eyes. However, she only slightly frowned and didn't say much. Instead, she looked at me.

I didn't act in a hurry. I took another look at Sheng Mingjie. His face was calm, and I couldn't see his mind at all.

Sheng Mingjie felt my eyes and immediately motioned to me to go to Du Haichao. His meaning was very obvious, that is to let me deal with Du Haichao.

I think Sheng Mingjie will not lie in front of Peng Xuefei. Moreover, Du Haichao really wants to kill me again and again. So, this time, he is probably the culprit behind the scenes.

Thinking of this, I can't help but block a breath, the flame is slowly rising.

Last time, I was forced into prison by his father's men. I suffered a lot in the prison. At that time, I had no choice but to bear it. Later, after I was rescued, I did not investigate this matter again. However, I didn't expect that Du Haichao didn't give up his heart and even used killers to assassinate me. Is can endure which cannot bear, he one and three provocation me, this tone, how can I swallow.The corner of my mouth, gently up, went to Du Haichao, I looked down at him, cold voice said: "Du Haichao, long time no see!"

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