These sudden police are fierce and domineering. What's more, some of them are criminal police, some are special police, and all of them are fully armed. People who don't know think there are any terrorists in it.

As soon as they rushed in, they all pointed their guns at us standing people. After a while, the chaotic room became silent. Those who were beating Du Haichao also stopped their movements. Du Haichao's friends, friends and friends, were beaten on the ground and groaned. They would see the police and immediately look like their father.

After a while, they came to the spirit and called for help: "police uncle, help me, help us!"

While they were calling for help, a very severe voice came from the corridor outside the box: "I'd like to see who is so bold as to bully Mr. Du."

As soon as the voice fell, the policemen who lined up here from the door could not help but give way to a road. Judging from the actions of these policemen, the speaker should be their leader.

Accompanied by a burst of strong footstep sound, a man with a little fat body, with a quick step, shuttled from the road that many policemen left behind.

Obviously, this fat man is the one who just talked. He is about 40 years old and has a big cake face. He is not a good stubble at first. When he sees the miserable situation in the box, especially when he sees Du Haichao being beaten into a bad shape, his expression becomes extremely angry and his eyebrows are all up.

Immediately, his lion roared in the box: "who did this?"

With that, his sharp eyes quickly swept everyone in the field, when he saw me. His angry expression was slightly stunned. However, see Sheng Mingjie and Peng Xuefei that moment, his expression did not change, it seems that he did not know the identity of these two people.

In this moment, the box was silent again, as if everyone was waiting for the man's trial.

Peng Xuefei, standing on the side, is indifferent to what kind of situation, even if it is such a state, she is the same, her face is still no obvious change.

On the other side, Sheng Mingjie's face is as calm as Peng Xuefei. In addition, his eyes seem to have a trace of contempt.

Sheng Mingjie beat Du Haichao in public. Now, Du Haichao's rescuers are coming. He still maintains such a posture, as if so many fully armed police officers are nothing to him.

Even, in the face of the fat man's question, Sheng Mingjie unexpectedly made no secret of the reply: "I did it!"

All of a sudden, the eyes of the whole audience turned to Sheng Mingjie, especially the captain. He raised his eyebrows and looked at Sheng Mingjie with an inexplicable and angry expression.

At this time, the fat man did not wait to speak. Du Haichao, who was beaten to shock, finally came to his senses. He looked at the changes of the situation in the eye field in a trance. In an instant, his dispirited eyes showed the essence of joy. He was miserable, and even his black and blue face showed a trace of joy.

With this unspeakable joy, Du Haichao suddenly tried to shout at the fat man: "director Zheng, help me, these people want my life!"

After shouting, Du Haichao directly glared at Sheng Mingjie and me with venomous eyes.

I didn't care about Du Haichao's eyes, but I was a little surprised that this fat man was actually a long game. I'm afraid. Only when Du Haichao is in danger will he have such a big man. Come to the scene with such a grand display.

It seems that today's business is a bit troublesome. However, it is Sheng Mingjie's business. Since he has such courage to admit himself and dare to teach Du Haichao a lesson in public, he should be able to find a way out for himself.

At the same time, director Zheng noticed Du Haichao's eyes. Immediately, he glanced at Sheng Mingjie and me. Then, he went straight to me and said in a cold voice, "Jiangnan wind, have you not had enough of the last prison disaster? In broad daylight, you are so lawless that even if there are people behind you, it is difficult to cover you any more. "

After all, Du Haichao had something to do today. He took the lead to rush out. This is enough to say that he had a deep relationship with Du Haichao's father.

However, I did not respond to his words. This is Sheng Mingjie's home court. I would like to know how he will deal with this matter.

My idea just came out. Director Zheng's figure has already come to Sheng Mingjie. He stares at Sheng Mingjie and asks sternly, "what's your name? What do you do? In the full view of the public, you are suspected of gathering people for fighting and deliberately injuring people. Since you have admitted it, come with us! "

According to the name of Sheng Mingjie asked by director Zheng, it can be seen that the director is not stupid. He is still resourceful to get into the post of police chief. Since Sheng Mingjie dares to lead people to beat Du Haichao, and in front of so many police officers, he directly admits that he did it himself. Therefore, director Zheng has expected that there must be something to rely on behind Sheng Mingjie. However, due to Du Haichao's face, he still wants to catch Sheng Mingjie.As soon as Zheng's voice dropped, he waved his hand. Immediately, several policemen came forward.

Seeing this scene, Du Haichao, lying on the ground, was reborn. It seemed that even the pain on his body suddenly eased a lot. He held a chair on the side and let his body slowly climb up from the ground.

Then, he looked at Sheng Mingjie with extremely disdainful look, and said: "Sheng Mingjie, I always heard people say that you are so powerful. Hum, now the police come, what can you do to me? I think you are just a man in vain. You dare to fight with me. We are not finished with this matter. "

It turns out that although Du Haichao knew Sheng Mingjie, he was not familiar with Sheng Mingjie. It can be said that he was completely unaware of Sheng Mingjie's background. He only heard others say that he was a bully. At this moment, he had his own dependence. His face was decadent and faded, showing a happy expression.

However, his cheerful color just showed, suddenly, Sheng Mingjie's figure flashed in silence. In an instant, he flashed in front of Du Haichao, and without hesitation, he flew up and kicked him in the abdomen.

Suddenly, Du Haichao, who had just stood up, knocked over the chair and hit the table. Then, he fell down again and spat out a mouthful of blood.

All of this came so quickly and suddenly, no one thought that Sheng Mingjie was still so bold to fight Du Haichao even when the police were holding a gun. What's more, he hit Du Haichao so hard that he almost didn't die.

The people present, even the police, were stunned, and everyone felt unbelievable.

The first to react was director Zheng, whose eyebrows rose again, glared at Sheng Mingjie, and said in a sharp voice: "you? It's a big deal. "

Said, he immediately ordered: "what are you still in a daze to do, quickly catch this person."

Obviously, director Zheng was angry. No matter what, he was also the chief of the Bureau. Sheng Mingjie, under his nose, started to fight Du Haichao. This was completely because he didn't pay attention to him, or he was worried. I'm afraid that he would start on the spot against Sheng Mingjie.

However, when the police stepped forward to arrest Sheng Mingjie, several of his subordinates stepped forward and blocked Sheng Mingjie. Their momentum is still strong.

Seeing this, director Zheng was furious. He yelled at Sheng Mingjie and said, "what are you doing? Do you still want to resist arrest? "

In the face of director Zheng's anger, Sheng Mingjie just snorted coldly. There was no awe or contempt in his eyes when he looked at director Zheng. Moreover, his eyes stayed on Director Zheng for less than a second.

Immediately, he turned to Du Haichao and said with profound meaning: "you du family, you really don't want to have a foothold in H Province."

Sheng Mingjie said this, arrogant incomparable, majestic, he actually in front of so many police, let out such a bold speech.

For a while, the people in the field couldn't help being stunned again, but I had a faint belief in Sheng Mingjie. With his depth, he would not speak out freely. If he dares to say such words, it should be proved that he has this capital.

However, director Zheng couldn't tolerate his arrogance. The flesh on his angry face was trembling, and he said in a sharp voice: "what a big tone!"

For Zheng's anger, Sheng Mingjie simply ignored. He just took out his mobile phone at will and made a call. The call was quickly connected. No one knew who Sheng Mingjie was calling, but he briefly described his situation to the phone, and then hung up.

At this moment, the police didn't act any more. It was because Sheng Mingjie was too domineering. He was a monster. They were all suppressed. Soon after Sheng Mingjie hung up, director Zheng's mobile phone suddenly rang.

People at the scene immediately understood that it was probably Sheng Mingjie's phone call that played a role.

Director Zheng's eyebrows could not help frowning. He took out his mobile phone in disbelief. As soon as he saw the number on it, director Zheng's body suddenly froze for a moment. Then, he connected the phone, and just wanted to say hello, but it seemed that he was first opened by the other party. Finally, he just nodded and said three yes, and then the call ended.

The time of the call was very short, but director Zheng, who finished the call, looked very different from that just now. His eyebrows were raised because of anger, and his cold and solemn face became pale. He even squeezed out a smile. He was embarrassed and flattered. He said to Sheng Mingjie, "Mingjie, this is totally a misunderstanding. I don't know it's you !”

Director Zheng's attitude is simply in two extremes. At the moment before, he looked at him coldly. At this moment, he bowed his head and bent down, and there was no director's manner. Even Sheng Mingjie's address was unconsciously changed to you. All these changes were due to a phone call.

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