Sheng Mingjie's domineering spirit and Sheng Mingjie's power are clearly revealed. He didn't give Zheng director what facial expression, just not cold and lukewarm said: "since it is a misunderstanding, now you have nothing to do, you can go away!"

Hearing this, director Zheng's body suddenly stood up, as if he had been ordered, and replied, "yes!"

When the voice dropped, he ordered his subordinates to go out. One of the policemen questioned director Zheng: "director, but Mr. Du."

Before he finished his words, director Zheng scolded him coldly: "you and I can't control the affairs of Mr. Du. Don't be wordy. Get rid of it."

On hearing this, no one hesitated any more. All the policemen withdrew. They came quickly and retreated as quickly.

In this situation, Du Haichao and his friends turned pale. Du Haichao, especially Du Haichao, looked a little silly for a while. The guy who pretended to be a tiger just saw director Zheng and thought that he had something to rely on. He showed his pride and dared to speak to Sheng Mingjie. To my surprise, before he was forced to play for a minute, the plot had such a reversal. Sheng Mingjie just made a phone call, and the angry police rolled away like Sun Tzu.

This time, Du Haichao was beaten back to the prototype and fell directly from heaven to hell again. His already weak body was completely withered, just like the dying old man. He was lying on the ground timidly, covering his chest, coughing constantly, and the corners of his mouth were covered with blood.

Du Haichao's appearance, how pitiful, how pitiful, but all of this is his own fault, no one sympathizes, even, Sheng Mingjie after the police left, once again went to Du Haichao's side, a foot on his chest, condescending to say: "Du Haichao, you can't change the dog eating excrement, I'm very disappointed with you!"

Taiba seems to have lost his breath, but he can't even breathe in shengba's mouth.

This scene, fell in Peng Xuefei's eyes, but she did not have the slightest look change, for Du Haichao's tragedy, she had no sympathy, for Sheng Mingjie's fierce, she did not shock, from beginning to end, she was like an unrelated spectator, light watching the scene change, up to now, she seems to have little interest to go on, she gently glanced at her eyes Du Haichao, a dead dog, shook his head and left.

Sheng Mingjie did all this to show Peng Xuefei. At the moment, Peng Xuefei has gone out. Of course, he doesn't need to stay here. Besides, Du Haichao is like a mole ant to Sheng Mingjie. He disdains to pester him. He takes back his feet, then bends down and says to the weak man word by word: "Du Haichao, you know, There are people you can never get rid of. If you could sincerely repent and reform, I would probably forgive you, but you didn't, wait. You will all pay for your stupidity. "

Finish. He did not look at Du Haichao any more. He stood up straight and left with pride.

When he came to me, Sheng Mingjie said to me: "the culprit is here. You can handle it at will."

The voice falls, he then carelessly Ling ran left.

This scene seems to be Sheng Mingjie avenging me. In fact, he is trying to make an example. At last, he said something to Du Haichao. I feel that he said it to me on purpose. He did all this for me. He just wanted to let me know how powerful his ability is. As long as he gets angry, my end will be the same as Du Haichao.

Although his arrogance annoys me, there is no denying that his ability is beyond my imagination. I guess he has a deep background, but I can't guess how deep he is. From today's scene, Sheng Mingjie has reached the point of covering the sky with one hand in this city.

When I was slightly stunned, Du Haichao, like a dead dog, suddenly tried his best to beg for mercy with me: "Jiangnan wind, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, please let me go!"

Du Haichao's weak voice drifted into my ears, thinking of Sheng Mingjie's strength and Du Haichao's inferiority, I suddenly felt that if I continued to keep up with Du Haichao, I would lower my grade, as if I were gnawing at Sheng Mingjie's remaining bones.

I really don't have the desire to deal with Du Haichao. He was disabled, but now he has been beaten like this. Later, his Du family will collapse, and Sheng Mingjie has done everything. What am I going to do with Du Haichao? What else can I do for such a soft bone that has completely lost its threat?

Thinking of this, I didn't even bother to get close to Du Haichao. I gave him a look of disdain directly and said calmly, "Du Haichao, I have warned you before, but you are really unreasonable. You can't live by yourself. You're going to die sooner or later in your character, so do yourself! "

With that, I didn't want to stay for a second. I turned around and left the box.

Outside the hotel, Sheng Mingjie has disappeared, but Peng Xuefei is still waiting for me in the car. Seeing me walk in front of the car, she immediately said to me in a cold voice: "Jiangnan wind, I'll take you back to school."It is rare that pengxuefei has this enthusiasm for me. Rare shengmingjie is not around. I got on the car naturally. However, I can't help remembering the things I just had until I got on the car. More accurately, I was thinking about Sheng Mingjie.

Sheng Mingjie's ability has been refreshing my initial judgment on him. He is extremely profound and indecisive. I asked pengxuefei, "Sheng Mingjie, what is the background?"

Pengxuefei focused on driving, did not see me, but secretly said: "a person you can't afford!"

She obviously put Sheng Mingjie higher than me. It sounds like, although some people are striking, I have no doubt about the authenticity of pengxuefei. It seems that today, this incident is not that Sheng Mingjie avenged me, but he was angry with pengxuefei. The main thing is to demonstrate to me, let me know his strength, and then retreat from difficulties.

However, I have always been a man who is always in trouble, especially in dealing with pengxuefei, I can not retreat.

I don't know, the car stopped at the school door, Peng Xuefei put me down, and then she took the lead to leave.

And I walked to the school parking lot and drove back in my own car.

This point, it is not early, into the night is very deep, the road to the villa is more and more remote, rarely see other vehicles, and my mind, with the car flying, wandering.

Anyway, the killer is solved. I will deal with it with all my heart. I am afraid that this is shengmingjie. Even if I don't actively provoke him, he may not tolerate my existence. In the dark, he has warned me several times, that is, I will not leave pengxuefei for a day and I will not be peaceful for a day.

My heart sank a little, and my car was just passing a fork. But at this time, a flickering light suddenly shook my eyes, I looked up, and found that the light at the fork was very dense and extremely harsh.

My car flies by, I feel a little bit trance, still don't understand what happened, a moment, those dazzling lights, appear in the back of my car. Then, many motorcycles turned from the fork way, one after another, one in one row.

The number of these motorcycles, many of them can not be counted at all. My heart suddenly, suddenly, I think of the flying party!

But just as I reacted, suddenly, bang, my car tires. It seems that something has broken, the body starts to slip and drift. I am busy stepping on the brake. At this time, there are countless motorcycles in front of me. They echo each other with the motorcycles behind my car and come to me together.

Flying party, is really a gangrene, can not walk anywhere to throw them, I did not think, they will find me at this time. And, looking at their first and last splinter formations, I immediately realized that they were prepared.

Just now, because I was thinking about my heart, my speed was not fast. And these motorcycles, from the appearance, quickly catch up, the speed is amazing, the means are rough, actually directly cut my tires.

I slammed on the brake and twisted the steering wheel, but my eyes were looking at the members of the flying party who were flying towards me in front of me.

This time, the flying party sent a lot of people, many of them can not be counted at all. But through the shining light, I see that the four motorcycles in front are different from other motorcycles. These four vehicles are heavy motorcycles, which are quite aggressive and difficult for ordinary people to control.

The four motorcycles are silver, and the other motorcycle lights behind shine on the heavy duty motorcycles, making their silver more shiny and shining.

Obviously, the four people on these four motorcycles are the top people in the flying car party. Through the rear-view mirror, I see that there are four silver heavy-duty motorcycles with the same appearance. They are all eight heavy-duty motorcycles.

From the number of the flying party and the high-level people on the eight heavy duty motorcycles, I clearly realized that this time, the flying car party has been absolutely true to me.

Thinking of this, I can not help but breathe, my car tires, and the ground closely friction, issued a very harsh friction sound. Fortunately, my steering wheel is well controlled, the car has been taxiing for a long time, and finally stopped.

At this moment, the motorcycles in front and behind me all drive to the front and back of my car, and the distance between them is only a few meters away. These motorcycles completely block the road in front and behind me.

Originally in front and rear of me, eight heavy-duty silver motorcycles, even drove directly to the front and rear of my car, completely intercepted my car.

In such a situation, don't say I have injuries. Even if I am in good condition and play my peak strength, I can't deal with them. Moreover, almost all of them have weapons in their hands.

The situation is very severe. My nerves are strained. However, I didn't wait for any action. I snapped a few crisp sounds. It was the glass of my car that was smashed by the people on the motorcycle.

By this time, I was able to see the appearance of the eight people. Each of them was very tall and strong. They were wearing black locomotive jackets, which showed their stone muscles. Their faces were also very unified, and they were all wearing sunglasses, which seemed cold and ruthless.Suddenly, a man near my driver's seat said to me in a cold voice, "Jiangnan wind, please come with us. Our boss wants to see you!"

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