The tone of the man's voice, as indifferent as his face, seemed to be announcing something, and there was no room for discussion.

I heard this and realized that this time, the leader of the flying car party wanted to find me personally. Although, I don't know why the leader of the flying car party should appear personally, but I know that once I fall into the tiger hole, my next game will not be good. After all, the contradiction between me and the flying party has reached an irreconcilable point.

So I almost did not hesitate to say, "if I don't go?"

The man heard this and immediately made a more cold voice: "then we will only take your body with us!"

His voice fell, almost all members of the flying party, made a whine, like the noise of hunters capturing prey, which also announced that I did not have rebellious capital.

I also know that I am indeed in the end of the road. I don't say I have no time to call my brothers. Even if I call them over, it will not work. Because they are not the opponents of the flying party army at all. Even if I can fly, I am afraid they can not escape their palm.

After thinking, I opened the door and walked down the car.

The driver saw me get off, and I sat behind him. I looked down the vast army of motorcycles, and then looked at the men on the next eight heavy duty motorcycles. Finally, I sat on the heavy duty motorcycle of the man with sunglasses in front of me.

As soon as I sat on, he immediately made a gesture. In a moment, the motorcycle in front of me turned around, and then started to move quickly.

Then, with my heavy motorcycle, I followed the front motorcycle, and seven other heavy motorcycles, which were on my left and right, followed by those in the rear.

On the open road, countless motor roars gathered together. The sound pierced the sky and reverberated for a long time. The flying Party's posture was displayed vividly at this moment. They were worthy of being a gang that could rank on the h-province row. How powerful the scene was.

The motorcycles in front of us started to slow down after about half an hour. Finally, they stopped. The motorcycles behind them slowed down slowly. The motorcycles carrying me and the seven motorcycles around me didn't stop. Even the speed was not reduced. Even, they accelerated a little bit, and drove straight forward.

I counted carefully, the motorcycles in front of me were hundreds of meters long. Their total number, I'm afraid, is thousands.

This is what I really see. How strong the flying party is, the flying car Party opponents I met before are just a lot of cattle and sheep. At the same time, I also have some reaction. Here is the place where these people take me to see the leader of the flying car party. It is very likely that this is the headquarters of the flying car party.

Eight silver motorcycles passed through the crowd and drove into a field surrounded by wire mesh, and drove to a factory building in front of them before stopping at the door of the building.

From the outside barbed wire gate to the factory building, the distance is also more than 100 meters. The factory in front of me is also occupying a huge area. Therefore, it can be seen how the main camp of the flying car party is.

And the flying car party is the people in the underground world. They are driving such a large camp, but they are not destroyed by the police. It is conceivable that the leader of the flying car party has the ability, which is not ordinary.

At first glance, all the people on eight silver motorcycles got off the car, and I followed.

One of them opened the door of the workshop in front of me, and seven others gathered around me, urging me to go. I know that I have been trapped in the headquarters of the flying car party. There are countless members of the flying car party waiting for me outside the wire mesh. At this time, even if I want to resist, it is futile.

Even if I came here, I was safe. I came into the workshop surrounded by eight big men. When I got inside, I found that the actual area inside the workshop was much bigger than I thought, but it didn't seem empty at all. A row of motorcycles were put together in order, some were put on the ground, some were lifted up, and others were busy around Here is a large motorcycle transformation factory.

I was led by eight big men around the world, and then stopped after I walked tens of meters. Here is the end of the plant, and there is a door at the end, which looks like it leads to the back of the plant.

After stopping, the man who had carried me once again made a cold voice to me and said, "go in!"

His tone, still so indifferent, like a machine. Obviously, there is the place where the leader of the flying car party is located in this door. I can't help but wonder what the leader of such a gang can be formed.

Although I was shocked by the momentum of the flying party from my heart, I didn't show fear on my face. Immediately, I walked straight into the door in front of me.

Behind the door is a passage, which has rooms for all residents on both sides. On the wall, there are some strange graffiti, which seems to have a very artistic sense.The passage is not long. I walked out of the passage after a short time.

When I went out of the passage for a moment, I suddenly froze, the scene in front of me can not help but let me suddenly open up.

At the entrance, it is a very spacious and bright hall. Its space is vast and the decoration is magnificent. There are stairs at the back, which can lead to the upstairs.

I didn't pay too much attention to the decoration of the hall, because I saw several people sitting on the sofa in this hall. One of them was in his thirties, with silver hair, and looked very cool.

He was wearing a jeans suit, but he didn't wear anything inside. Maybe it was just to show his strong chest. At one glance, I guessed the identity of the silver haired man. He was the leader of the party, because there were three women around him.

These three women are all beautiful women. They are all dressed in open bikini. They are sitting on the sofa with the silver haired man. They are still flirting with each other. The silver haired man's hand caresses every inch of the three women's bodies. One of the three beauties is curled up in his arms, one is feeding him fruit and the other is serving him red wine.

This scene, extremely extravagant, but also full of a wild breath, they seem to be immersed in it, I came, the silver haired men did not look up at me, maintain the state of what to do.

I don't know why, at this moment, my nerves are not tight, and my heart is also slightly relaxed. I walked forward a few steps. Since the silver haired man didn't care about me, I didn't care about him. I sat down on a sofa next to him.

Until my body sat down, the silver haired man changed from a half lying posture to a sitting posture. He opened up the woman beside him and said to me, "Jiangnan wind, you are very brave. You are the first one here to sit down so ostentatiously."

When a man with silver hair talks, he does not feel angry. He has a oppressive momentum on his body. However, I can't be too weak because of his powerful momentum. What's more, he sent people to bring me here with such solemnity, but he didn't directly deal with me. I think he should have other purposes.

Therefore, I picked the next brow indifferently and responded with a relaxed way: "is it? I don't know if you would let me go out with such swagger

Hearing this, the silver haired man couldn't help laughing and said, "ha ha ha ha, Jiangnan wind, I found that you are not only capable, but also very funny. This time, I asked my eight King Kong to invite you to come here to settle an account with you!"

Now he finally got to the point. My expression became more and more rigorous. I stared at the silver haired man without expression and said in a deep voice, "there is more than one account between us. It's just that I also want to find you to calculate."

Hearing the speech, the silver haired man who was still brave and smiling a second ago turned cold. He snorted coldly and said, "hum, you abandoned sun Yunlong in front of you, and then injured so many of my subordinates. You are provoking my flying car party and challenging my bottom line. Now, you have the courage to settle accounts with me."

The silver haired man's words are not unreasonable, but they are always led by the party. I'm also a little upset. I said, "tell me, how do you want to calculate this account?"

My tone is still provocative. However, the silver haired man's look did not change. He said, "I heard that you and Peng Xuefei are close. Originally, sun Yunlong entered the University for the purpose of approaching Peng Xuefei. Now, you can completely replace sun Yunlong. And you hurt my staff before. Only if you join our party can you make up for my loss and restore the dignity of my party. "

Hearing this, my expression on my face was stunned for a moment. Before, on the way to my destination, I thought about several ways he would deal with me. However, I didn't think that he came to me in order to win me over. That is to say, the words that the plane pulled me up on that day were not to deceive me, but to really try to win me over. Even, I was asked to replace sun Yunlong to approach Peng Xuefei.

At the thought of this, I couldn't help but smile at the corner of my mouth.

See me suddenly smile, the silver haired man's look suddenly changed, he snapped: "what are you laughing at?"

When I said this, the silver haired man looked at me with a fierce look, as if he was about to attack.

And I still with this smile, to the silver haired man provocatively said: "I laugh you fanciful, want me to join the party, unless you directly get me a boss Dangdang."

I said this to the head of the plane last time. Now, I repeat it again in front of the leader of the flying car party. It is because I can never surrender to others. On the contrary, if I can accept such a big gang as the flying car party, it will be a great good thing for me.

However, I am now a turtle in a jar. It's really fantastic to say such words. Moreover, I have successfully angered the leader of the party.

And he saw me so arrogant, swept his unquestionable majesty, immediately, his eyes sent out a frightening cold light, his body suddenly stood up, at the same time, the spacious hall, he rang out his angry shout: "wanton, long heard you are crazy, did not expect you really crazy to the boundless, do not give you some color to see, you really do not know life and death."

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