His words poured out with his momentum. In an instant, the whole hall was filled with a sense of suffocation, which made people shiver.

Immediately, the three women around him seemed to get some kind of hint and directly got up and left the hall, while the silver haired man's eyes were straight at me, and their eyes were full of bloodthirsty fierce light.

Looking at his posture, it seems that he is going to come up against me. I can't help feeling a little relieved in my heart, because this is what I have to do. Once the other party is angry, he will lose his rationality. In this way, my passive position will become active.

Compared with the anger of the silver haired man, I showed more indifference. I sat on the sofa safely, looked at him slowly, and said, "Sun Yunlong, ha ha, he is just a waste. You sent him to approach Peng Xuefei for several years. Has the result been achieved? This is your first failure; previously, you sent several waves of people to deal with me, but they were all defeated by me. That is the second time that you failed with my mercy. A man who failed twice in front of me, do you think I will be his younger brother? "

My words are reasonable and reasonable. After listening to this, the silver haired man's anger suddenly reduced a few points, but his brow was frowned. Then, he said in a cold voice: "Jiangnan wind, it is because of this that I take you seriously and send someone to bring you. Otherwise, I'll have you killed. So far, I haven't invited anyone so actively. It's an opportunity for you to join my party. Do you really refuse to accept it? "

This time, the invitation of the silver haired man was full of menace and gave me no choice at all. However, I was obviously not frightened. I gave him a playful look at him and said with a loud smile: "if you are for this purpose, I'm sorry, I will let you down. To be someone else's younger brother, I was not born with this habit! "

Hearing this, the silver haired man's eyebrows became tighter and tighter. His body moved forward a few steps, and his momentum became stronger and stronger. While walking, he said to me coldly: "Jiangnan wind, very good, you are very good! I have invited you again and again, and your tone is still so strong. Since you refuse to join the party, I will call until you join. "

The silver haired man's words are particularly direct. As soon as his voice falls, his whole momentum suddenly changes and becomes strong to the limit. His steps are virtually accelerated. He shows a fierce tiger descending the mountain. Suddenly, he flies up and kicks at me. The fierce force of his foot makes my nerves tense.

My body, almost subconsciously, rose from my seat. At the moment when his foot was about to kick me, my body quickly dodged to one side. With a bang, the large sofa behind me was directly kicked over by him.

But after the silver haired man did not hit me, there was no stagnation at all. His whole reaction and movement were as fast as lightning. He suddenly turned around and directly hit me with a hook.

I didn't expect that the opponent's move would be so fast. First, the foot was followed by the fist. The fight was completely in two directions, but he made it extremely coherent.

It was too late for me to hide. My body suddenly fell backward, and the other side's punch fell through again. But when I stood up straight, a fist hit me heavily on my chest. It turned out that the other hand of the silver haired man turned into a fist. It hit me like lightning. I couldn't control it. My body staggered back three steps and then stopped.

After I stood still, a feeling of chest tightness eroded me, almost making me unable to kick. Thanks to my excellent physical quality, otherwise, this blow just now would be enough to break my ribs.

At the moment, I realized that the strength of the silver haired man is really strong and strong. This is only shown in his three moves. His strength can match his status as the leader of the car racing party. No wonder he has the confidence to sit here alone and dare to let me in.

At this time, he also flashed a little doubt. It seemed that he did not think that I had the strength to carry his heavy blow and didn't fall down. However, his doubts flashed away. In a flash, his angry countenance showed up, and he yelled at me: "hum, a little bit of ostentation, you dare to play in front of me and die!"

As the sound dissipated, his body hit me again. This time, his momentum almost soared to the peak. I just felt a strong wind coming to my face. Before I could react, my body seemed to have suffered a heavy blow of ten thousand pounds, and my whole body flew backwards.

Even though my physical quality is excellent, I can't stand the heavy blow. After flying backwards, I fell and sat on the ground with a bang. I was in great distress. I felt that my body was torn, and I bared my teeth in pain.

My heart is extremely shocked, I did not expect that he should be so strong. Now in retrospect, he did not use his real ability at the beginning of the three moves against me. His strength is absolutely superior to Zhang Wenshan and Fu Gang. As long as I am not in a violent state, even if I play my strongest strength, he is not his opponent.

But in the shock, suddenly, my heart suddenly flashed a very bad premonition, for a moment, I looked up and found that he had attacked again.He was like a cheetah. He kicked a leg and kicked me fiercely. Just looking at his posture, I knew that he used more strength. This time, I was not as lucky as I was just now, because I am still sitting on the ground. Even though I react, I have no chance to dodge.

The next second, his feet heavily kicked in my body, my body suddenly soared up, thrown out, in the air I couldn't help spitting a mouthful of blood, and finally, my body fell to the ground, this moment, my bones with scattered, actually can not lift a trace of strength.

The silver haired man didn't mean to show mercy at all. When he saw me fall, he walked slowly over and asked me, "Jiangnan wind, now, I think you should consider it?"

At the same time, I was amazed at the strength of his strength. At the same time, there was a faint anger in my heart. He was too overbearing. As a student of mine, he didn't have any weight. He looked at me with disdain. But the moves he used would make me disabled. I slowly clenched my teeth and replied firmly: "even if it's a hundred times, ten thousand times, I still have the same answer. "

No matter what kind of crisis we are facing, I will never yield easily or even beg for mercy like Du Haichao. Especially, I am facing a gang leader at the moment. I am even more unconvinced in my heart because I am facing a gang leader. I will never submit to his violence.

He saw me dare to refute, his face also began to change ferocious, he came to me, suddenly stepped on my abdomen, the depth of his eyes, that scorn color changed even more, he scorned me, with a voice like God said to me: "in front of me, you'd better not be hard of mouth, because I have a hundred ways to torture you!"

I didn't pay attention to his words, but his actions made me shiver all over my body, because his foot just stepped on my wound, especially after he finished speaking, he squeezed it hard.

After a while, my cold sweat gushed out like a spring. The pain in my heart made me cry out. My wound seemed to be completely opened, and there was warm blood flowing out.

Seeing this, he thought I was about to soften up and said to me more contemptuously: "why, do you feel the pain? Just now, didn't you have a hard bone? Jiangnan Feng, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. I'll take a fancy to you for what you're a rascal in school. It's because you broke my plan. I want you to take the place of sun Yunlong and continue to be my puppet. You're so damn proud of yourself! "

His words, every sentence is full of contempt, but let me realize that it is useless to try to be brave. If you want to live, you have to show my card.

Thinking of this, I immediately endured the sharp pain, and tried my best to say to him: "I am not just a gangster, I also have a strong background. I hope you can weigh it up and don't set yourself on fire then! "

Now my identity is Jiangnan style, and I feel that the master of the manor has a lot to offer. Therefore, I can only use this to let the cruel man take care of him. At least, it won't kill me.

However, what I didn't expect was that my words not only did not threaten him, but also aroused his anger. Without hesitation, he yelled at me: "you TM dare to threaten Laozi, the whole H Province, the people I fear. You can count them with a few fingers. You really treat yourself as human beings!"

With that, he raised his foot again and gave me a fierce kick. Suddenly, my body directly slid to the corner of the wall. The heavy impact sound made my bones seem to be broken. My cold sweat kept on, and even my body could not help shivering.

My wound blood is still flowing, the pain of my whole body nerves are tight up, my head seems to start dizzy. When I was in a muddle, he came to me again. He stepped on my face with one foot, kneaded and trampled, and said: "Jiangnan wind, to tell you the truth, I've seen a lot of unruly people like you, and they didn't come to a good end in the end. The reason why I waste time with you is that I don't value your ability. I want to find someone better than you It's easy to be loyal to your dog. However, you have one thing that other people can't have. That's the relationship with Peng Xuefei. She seems to be very special to you. Because of this, I want to win you over. However, you've delayed my time too much. I'm going to be impatient. I hope you won't be stubborn! "

At the moment, my face is stuck on the cold ground, while being heavily trampled by the feet of a silver haired man, as if I was a mole ant under his feet. He was so disdainful to me that he could trample me to death at any time. Moreover, he wanted to absorb me, not because he appreciated me, but because he clearly used me. This is the biggest trample on my self-esteem.

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