In recent days, although I have suffered many hardships, I have never encountered such a situation as today. This is not only the destruction of my body, but also the destruction of my soul. His cruel words, like a steel needle, pierced my heart. At this moment, under the feet of a silver haired man, I am really inferior to a dog.

I feel more and more head pain, thinking began to be confused, but I can clearly realize that there is a killing intention in my body. So far, I have a killing heart for the silver haired man. However, my body can not support my killing power. Even if I want to stand up from the ground, it is so difficult. My limbs are as heavy as lead Heavy, hard to move at all.

Seeing that I haven't been moving for a long time, the silver haired man suddenly took off his feet, bent down and grabbed my hair. He lifted my body up and fell on the wall. His other hand, like a pair of pliers, pinched my neck and fixed my body on the wall.

Then, the silver haired man used his contemptuous and overbearing tone to drink to me: "think it's ok if you don't talk? Jiangnan wind, give you another chance, say quickly, would you like to be my running dog? "

I opened my eyes in a trance and saw the ferocious and terrifying face of the silver haired man. In my eyes, I was extremely contemptuous.

I tried to get up the strength of the whole body, but only said to him, "my day, your mother!"

The words I said were very weak, but they fell in the ears of the silver haired man. His eyes immediately burst into fire. He nodded his head fiercely and said, "you are looking for death on your own!"

As soon as the voice fell, he immediately loosened my neck and clenched his fist. He hit me again and again. His fists repeatedly hit me. He even stopped my body from sliding down with his fist. My back head repeatedly hit the wall behind him in the process of his painful beating.

No matter how hard my bones are, I can't stand his beating. His strength is too strong. Every punch of his has the power of a thousand gold. I'm really broken up.

I feel the unprecedented pain, my mouth constantly out of blood, my face interweaved with sweat and blood, and my heart to his killing, is more and more thick.

His atrocity made me feel angry, very angry. The pain stimulated every cell in my body. The fire made my body crack. The anger in my body became more and more fierce. Even, my body began to have irregular convulsions.

Finally, the silver haired man felt my abnormality. He thought I could not hold on, and suddenly stopped attacking me. He gave me a scornful glance, then went to the table, took a cloth and wiped his bloody hands.

Suddenly, the silver haired man's voice, like a ghost, suddenly rang out: "for the last time, be my dog, or die!"

His voice was so gloomy and severe that in an instant the air seemed to be enveloped in the air of death. His eyes were directly directed at me through the gloomy air. His eyes were full of killing intention. It seemed that if I said no more words, I would die immediately. At this moment, he is the king of hell, a vicious devil.

And I am in the silver haired man's terror, become more suffocating, at the same time, my legs have been completely unable to support my body.

My body pasted on the wall, so along the wall, slowly slipped to the ground. At this moment, I forgot the pain, forgot the pain, and forgot everything. In my heart, I had only hatred and killing intention towards him. I felt my eyes were stained with scarlet, and I could not see the things in front of me. But the anger in my body was burning to the point of explosion.

In a trance, there seems to be a force, a force of anger, from my heart, surging to my whole body.

At this time, he has already wiped his hands, do not know when, he picked up an extremely sharp dagger on the table, and kept playing in his hands.

At this time, I suddenly raised my eyes, with my blood red eyes, staring at the silver haired man who was ready for my compromise, but when his eyes touched my red eyes, suddenly, his eyes changed, the cold light in his eyes was fierce, he had completely lost his patience, and directly said to me: "I don't know what's good or bad, die!"

While speaking, the dagger in his hand suddenly threw out, it was like a flying knife, with the breath of death, quickly stabbed at me.

The edge of the dagger flashed my eyes fiercely. I seemed to see the God of death eroding to me. In an instant, my eyes opened and a red light burst into my body. The flames were surging in my body and burst out in a roar.

When the tip of the dagger was about to shoot into my eyebrow, my hand suddenly raised and caught the flying dagger.

Immediately, the silver haired man's look suddenly shocked, his eyes showed the color of extreme shock, he looked at me, looked at me like a dead dog, slowly, slowly stood up from the ground.

My eyes are more and more red, my body gradually straightened, my fist tightly pinched up, the dagger in my hand, in my infinite force, actually began to bend, its sharp blade, as if into a piece of scrap iron.Blood from the dagger, through the tip of the knife, drop by drop, drop by drop, the sound of blood landing, in this silent hall, brought out the breath of terror.

The smell of blood, more and more stimulated my nerves, my eyes seem to be full of blood, like the God of death staring at the silver haired man, my brain taut string suddenly broken, and then, the breath in my chest with endless power, gushed out of my body.

In the hall, suddenly burst out my wolf howling roar: "the damned person is you!"

My voice is very hideous. When I say this, the anger in my body has been completely replaced by the intention of killing, and the murderous spirit is naturally released from my body.

At this time, the silver haired man's eyes opened wider and wider. He did not think that I, who thought I was dead, would take the dagger at the most urgent moment, and even stood up miraculously. He even bent the blade of the dagger with his bare hands. This series of actions, together with my last words, almost made the silver haired man gape.

At this moment, he was shocked, completely shocked, but the silver haired man was not a gangster after all. As the leader of the speeder party, he had seen the world and experienced life and death. He would not be frightened by me. My action just shocked him. It doesn't make him fear.

A moment later, he was suddenly shocked and his eyes were full of fierce light.

At this moment, the body shape of the silver haired man came to me again. His pace was very slow, but every step added momentum.

As he walked along, he nodded to me and said, "you can still stand up, Jiangnan wind. You really make me look at you. However, how about that? In front of me, you are still a mole ant. I can trample on you at any time. I want to see how long you can struggle."

As soon as the voice fell, his momentum had reached the extreme strength, and his eyes were extremely domineering, like thunder. Without waiting for me to make any response, his body directly rushed to me. In the blink of an eye, his body came to me. With a bang, he suddenly stretched out his hand and hit me in the chest.

This palm, without any fancy, is straight, simple and rough, but it is not difficult to feel that he used a lot of strength, and before the palm was reached, the wind of the palm had already blown.

But I did not dodge, it is not my arrogance, this is my natural performance. Because, I don't know why, at this moment, I don't feel afraid at all.

When the palm of his hand slapped on my chest, I felt a huge force from his palm to my body, but my body did not move. The breath in my body was chaotic, as if there were several air currents. In my body scurrying like, and, this palm, miraculously let me confused breath, become calm down.

My manic breath was calmed down, but the blood in my body surged up more. From the beginning of the attack on me, he always showed a domineering and arrogant look. However, when he saw that he hit me so hard, I didn't have much reaction.

Finally, the look on his face changed, and there was an obvious surprise in his eyes. But the surprise was just a flash. The next second, his look was covered by anger again. One of his hands turned into a fist and hit me harder.

This time, my body still did not move, but my fist suddenly loosened, and the dagger in my fist suddenly fell. At the moment of the dagger landing, I had already squeezed my iron fist again and hit straight out, hitting him with his fist.

At the moment when the two fists were exchanged, there was a dull sound. My body was only half a step back symbolically, but his body was back four or five steps in succession. He could stabilize his body. He quietly shook his arm, as if to relieve the pain on his arm.

Then, the silver haired man showed a more and more furious side, he released the momentum of the whole person, his body jumped high, like a dragon in the sky, when his body fell in front of me, he waved his fist, if the meteor fell to the ground, straight bombarded my head.

Seeing that his fist was about to hit my head, my head fell sideways. Finally, his fist hit my shoulder.

His strength and boxing skills are the same as his personality. He is domineering and brave. If I put it in front of him, I will not be able to catch a fist. However, I feel his ferocity, but my body does not feel pain. I even carry it with greater strength Yes.

At the same time, my fist hit the body of the silver haired man even more fiercely.

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