Bang, his body did not fall to the ground, I directly hit the fly back out. Then, his feet fell on the ground and tried to stop, but the impact on his body was too strong to stop.

Finally, his whole body bumped into the wall before stopping. This time, the corner of his mouth uncontrollably shed blood, and his face finally had no previous arrogance, anger also subsided, and was completely replaced by shock. He looked at me in disbelief, and was shocked: "how could this happen?"

My eyes are still red, my blood is still flowing, my eyes are still evil people, I cold stare at the silver haired man, and said without expression: "now, it's my turn to do it!"

After that, my body suddenly moved. I didn't run or jump, but I slowly walked towards the silver haired man step by step. I didn't show any special show, but the momentum of my body was virtually the ultimate bravery.

The silver haired man did not move. After being shocked, he adjusted his state as quickly as possible. He began to accumulate his own strength and put on a fighting posture.

When my body was two meters away from him, the silver haired man moved. His whole body erupted a more violent breath, and his attack was also very violent. After approaching me, his legs and hands were used, and all kinds of attacks were constantly loaded on me.

It has to be said that his strength is very strong, his moves are very complicated, and there are all kinds of boxing and palm techniques. But after he was beaten out, he didn't seem confused at all. He was very organized. This shows that his moves have reached the level of perfection, with strong strength, fast speed and sharp attack angle.

I'm not flustered in the face of his offensive. My brain thinking is extremely simple, without any distractions. It's just the instinctive movements of my body, which makes me good at Taiji.

No matter how fast his speed is, I use static braking, and no matter how strong his strength is, I can overcome his strength with softness, and I can easily defuse his attack.

After a fight, the sweat on the face of the silver haired man could not help but come out. It was clearly that he rushed up to attack me, but in the end, it turned out that my body stepped forward slowly, and his body kept retreating.

Just when a silver haired man didn't react properly, I punched him on the shoulder, and his body fell heavily to the ground.

Strong he, in this moment, revealed a trace of decadence, he actually began to pant up.

I looked down at him, eyes can not help but add the color of contempt. My voice was cold and frivolous, and said, "you're just like that!"

The silver haired man suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley from high up. His momentum began to reduce, but he was not reconciled. Especially when he saw me in such a posture, he gave a big drink and roared: "I'll fight with you!"

Said, the silver haired man a bite teeth, suddenly stood up, again to attack me.

And my body is still not dodging, only three or two rounds, I will kick his back fly out, his body suddenly lying on the ground.

In fact, I am very clear, with my current ability, absolutely stabilized him, and even, without any effort, I could easily defeat him. But previously, I have been holding on, because the blood in my body is boiling more and more, and I don't want to lose control of my consciousness.

However, at this moment, I found that these are not beyond my control. Maybe I really need to vent. The killing intention in my body is getting stronger and stronger, which has reached the point where I can't help it. Especially, when I see his face, my anger can't help rising, the fire is overflowing in my body, his attack on me and his insults to me are all pouring in This moment, all into an impulse.

My body, suddenly rushed to him, at this time, he just got up from the ground, I suddenly rushed to him, he was not defensive at all, was directly hit by my body, I grabbed his clothes, let his body not stay away from me, my fist hit his face twice in succession, just two times, let his face bloody, dizzy, for a time He lost his resistance completely.

In this gap, my violent body poured out boundless killing intention. As soon as I clasped his neck, I pushed him against the wall. At this moment, my purpose was very simple, that is to kill him.

He was just shocked by the transformation of my strength, but at this moment, he felt my cold killing intention, he felt fear, and finally showed a look of horror in his eyes.

But I didn't care about his fear. I concentrated my strength on my fist and bombarded his head with a fist. I couldn't help shouting: "go to death!"

As long as this punch is hit, even if he doesn't die, but seeing that my fist will fall on his face, the silver haired man can't help but roar: "no! You can't kill me

Others are crazy, he is not the strength of the performance of madness, but the madness of emotional control, he is now on the verge of collapse, even his voice seems so heartbreaking.

Of course, this does not mean that the silver haired man is timid, but that my momentum is too magical, which is beyond human cognition. In the face of the devil like me, I'm afraid no one can do it!The silver haired man's words of compromise made my fist stop in front of his face at the right time. The strong wind came from my fist. Even the muscles in his face trembled.

Since my intention to kill him has been born, naturally I will not be merciful. At this moment, I will stop because his words suddenly touched my nerves. My consciousness is still a little confused, my blood is still surging, but my heart has recovered a trace of clarity.

I looked straight at the silver haired man and said in a cold voice, "give me a reason not to kill you!"

The silver haired man looked into my eyes and listened to my words. His eyes were even more frightened and swallowed his mouth involuntarily. However, his tone was very decisive and said: "Jiangnan wind, I don't know why you suddenly become so strong, but your strength is too abnormal. This is not the strength that a student can have. You must have a secret and kill me Your secret will be revealed. "

When he said this, the silver haired man's mouth has been bleeding. Obviously, he was hurt by me, but in his frightened eyes, he tried to show a resolute meaning, which was his last chance to save his life.

As a matter of fact, his words really seemed like thunder, which exploded in my heart and opened the chaos in my heart. My consciousness woke up quietly in this second, and I seemed to have a cold sweat behind me.

Before that, I really wanted to kill him, and his behavior really angered me. If I didn't kill him, it would be hard for me to hate him.

What's more, just a moment ago, my mind was completely replaced by this killing intention. Even I lost myself. But at the moment, what he said brought me back to my consciousness and made me aware of my current situation.

Now I, kill this silver haired man is not difficult, difficult is, after this, I should with what kind of posture, to face this matter. The party sent so many people and made so much noise when they surrounded me. I fully believe that this news will soon spread to the people who have the intention.

Many people outside are clear about the hatred between the party and me. It would be an accident if I could go out safely from the base camp of the party. But if I not only went out, but also killed the leader of the party, it would not be so simple as an accident. It was just the existence of the adverse weather.

All along, I have been hiding my real strength. Today, if this silver haired man had not forced me into a desperate situation and forced me to die, I would not have behaved so violently. However, if my abnormal strength was really known by outsiders, it might not be far away from the day when I exposed my real identity. I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, or be careful Better.

Really, just like the silver haired man just said, I am a weak college student, it is impossible to have such abnormal strength. At the moment, my fist is still in front of his face, but my heart began to hesitate.

"If I don't think about it, I'll take advantage of it to see if we don't have a chance to see it," he said

Hearing this, my heart was free from the state of contemplation. I suddenly picked my eyebrows, looked at the silver haired man, and asked, "is that right?"

When my consciousness comes back, I can't help falling into hesitation again. If I kill him. Then my identity must be leaked, but if I let him go like this, I will be in danger as well. The car riding party is always a hidden danger for me.

I took a cold look at the silver haired man. With this light glance, my full of momentum was revealed and his eyes suddenly contracted. He said quickly, "as long as you let me go, I promise I won't trouble you again. Moreover, this secret will rot to my stomach. Don't worry, I can't tell you such a disgraceful thing."

The silver haired man seemed to see through my mind and completely expressed my worries. As the leader of a gang, he could not help lowering his face and pleading with me like this. It can be seen that he really wants to survive, but I can't trust the living people, especially a living enemy.

Now, I'll throw you two hair on my body

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