He is a fierce man, which is also a threat to me. Since I am not killing him now, it is not right if I don't kill him. Then, the best result is that he will submit to me. In this way, my secret can be avoided and my hidden danger can be eliminated.

The tone of my voice was so firm that it could not be doubted by a silver haired man. After that, my eyes were coldly fixed on the silver haired man to see what his reaction was.

He was thrown on the ground by me, and his painful face twisted. But when he heard what I said, his body suddenly stunned for a moment. Then, his eyes showed an incredible color.

My identity is a student, and his identity is the leader of the flying car party. He is a famous figure in the underground boundary of H Province. To let him be my younger brother sounds like a fable, which is hard for ordinary people to accept. However, when he looked into my eyes and found that I didn't mean to be joking at all, he couldn't help lowering his head. It seemed that he was thinking.

When I was in a state of complete recovery, he was not in a complete state of mind for me.

As time went by, he didn't open his mouth to speak, nor did he show any expression. However, when my patience began to change towards impatience, he suddenly uttered a low voice and said, "it's not impossible to want me to mix with you, but you have to take something that convinces me!"

Something convincing? I thought for a moment, isn't it enough for me to frustrate him severely? Just when I was wondering, suddenly, the silver haired man moved. One second before, he was still lying on the ground. But this second, like a quick cheetah, he suddenly started to jump from the ground. His speed of movement was even faster than that of his previous fight with me!

Obviously, he was just pretending to think, but he was actually accumulating strength. Now, this attack is likely to be the strongest blow he has made with all his strength. If I am hit, the situation on the scene will probably be reversed.

But since I have taken the initiative, how can I give up all my efforts at the critical moment? More importantly, although my heart is clear and clear, my breath has become stable, but my vigilance has not relaxed at all.

Seeing the silver haired man in the process of attacking, he stretched out his hands and was about to pinch them to my neck. My body suddenly retreated. At the same time, I stretched my hands forward and clasped them on one of his hands to stop his movement.

The silver haired man's hard work was easily blocked by me. He stopped at first, but he didn't give up. He tried hard to get rid of my hands.

However, he was hurt by me very seriously, just that moment, has already consumed his whole body strength, at this moment, how can I get rid of my hand, at this time, my hands, for him, is a pair of pliers.

As a result, he couldn't get rid of it. His face was ferocious and grinning. Even the blue veins on his neck burst out. Unfortunately, it still didn't work. He didn't give up his heart. I said to him in a cold voice: "don't struggle fearlessly. You can't fight me. If you resist again, you'll have to die."

Hearing what I said, he stopped. At this point, he gave up the struggle, and his eyes showed a dispirited color, especially helpless. Yes, he has already known clearly that he can't break free when he stealthily attacks me. If I kill him at this time, he will have no power to resist.

Suddenly, as soon as I put my hands down, his steps immediately pedaled back three steps. Then, he looked into my eyes and asked in some doubt: "why didn't you do it?"

I did not avoid his eyes, also looked at him, said seriously to him: "defeated by me, you may feel very unwilling, but in fact, the gap between you and me is irreparable, and I really want to subdue you."

Now, hearing my words, he did not feel surprised, his body relaxed a lot, in the eyes, there is no malice to me, it seems that the heart is chewing this problem.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I then advised him: "if you send sun Yunlong into the campus and get close to Peng Xuefei, I know that you intend to take the Shanghai Gang and find a backing for the car racing party. Now, I can tell you clearly that mixing with me is more promising than taking Shanghai Gang! "

I just said this sentence, the words between the lines, is full of confidence, arrogant incomparable, but there is not a bit of hypocrisy. After hearing this, the hesitation on his face became even worse.

Although, I did show a strong side, defeated him, destroyed his sneak attack, but he did not make up his mind, he asked me a question: "by what?"

I still looked straight into the silver haired man's eyes, gently opened his lips, and said word by word: "with, my ambition is to unify the whole city."

This is my first time. After disguised as Jiang Nanfeng, I showed my real strength. It was also the first time that I told him my determination and ambition buried in my heart in front of him.Hearing the speech, even as the leader of the party, he couldn't help but take a cold breath. He seemed to think that my words were too incredible.

He said to me in a calm voice: "H Province is a city with complicated forces, and it is the headquarters of the national big sea gang. In addition, there are some powerful gangs such as the green dragon Association. Do you think unification means unification? The ambition is good, but it is too ambitious

How can I not understand what he said about these situations, but everything is possible in the world. The key lies in my determination and efforts. Since I have become enemies with the sea Gang, even if I don't deal with them, they have to deal with me. Why can't I trample them under my feet?

If I even trample on the sea Gang, will I care about other gangs? Although this ambition is far away, I will try to complete it with indomitable will. No matter whether the final result is successful or not, I will not give up.

I didn't tell him what I thought in my heart. I just said to him in a cold voice: "although unifying underground forces in H Province is a distant thing in the eyes of many people, it is only a goal in my view of Jiangnan wind, and I am moving forward rapidly towards this goal. I believe that in the near future, I will be able to achieve my wish

Hearing my words, his dispirited eyes suddenly burst out a trace of brilliance, which was very short-lived, but I still caught it. Obviously, I have become a miracle in his eyes. It seems that he has found some characteristics in me.

Strike while the iron is hot, I continue to add a handful of oil to him, and once again firmly said: "think about it, just now, you still regarded me as a mole ant and thought that I would die, but in the end, I turned the impossible into a possibility and defeated you. You have also said that I have secrets in my body. What I want to tell you is that I have my ability. You just have to believe me. "

My words touched him again. His brow frowned and seemed to reflect on what had happened just now. At this moment, his face really showed a sense of shock, but on this basis, he still did not make up his mind.

He took a breath, slowly said to me: "Jiangnan wind, I have to admit that you are very strong, you are far stronger than I imagined. If it was not for the competition with you, I would not even imagine that there are young people like you in H Province. I also admit that your words really make me very excited, and I do believe that your ambition is not ambitious. But after all, you are a student, and I am the leader of the party. If I become your subordinate, who will be convinced? I'm afraid it would be hard for me to accept it as a member of the party. "

I said so much, but I just want to persuade him to become my subordinates. Now, hearing his words, I immediately know that his heart has been greatly relaxed, but his face still can not be justified.

In this case, I have to follow the vines and follow the vines. I give him proper kindness and prestige, and say to him, "in fact, you don't need to think so much. There are only two ways in front of you, one is the dead end, the other is to mix with me. I don't think you will choose a dead end. As for my subordinates, I didn't let you become my person publicly. You can keep secret from the people under your party for the time being. That is to say, on the surface, you are still the leader of the party, and I am still a student. But secretly, you have to be my man, and if I need to, you have to listen to me the first time. Otherwise, I'd rather kill you now. "

Death is the most impossible way for him. He put down his face and begged for mercy from me, that is, he didn't want to die. Therefore, whether he was willing or not, all he could choose was to mix with me.

Time, a short stop, he clubbed in place thinking for a long time, then opened his mouth to me and asked: "are you not afraid that I and you will be false with the snake, on the surface promise you, when you come out of this door, let my men besiege you, or I will tell you your secret?"

Hearing this, my heart suddenly rose again a trace of killing intention, he said these two points, it is my heart worry, if this person is treacherous enough, he can falsely promise me in order to survive, and then deal with me later.

But since I have chosen to accept him, I must show my own courage. I took a deep breath and calmed down my inner agitation. Then, I slowly said to him, "there is no doubt about employing people, but I don't need to doubt people. Since I let you mix with me, it means that I recognize you to a certain extent. I believe that you will not do anything to disappoint me, otherwise, I promise you will never have a better ending

After saying this, my eyes did not avoid looking at him, eyes are resolute and decisive.

And his eyes were fixed on me. He didn't open his mouth and didn't even blink. He just looked at me like he wanted to see my heart through. Just now, the silver haired man came from my thoughts from anger to depression, from shock to doubt, from rejection to thinking.

But at this moment, I couldn't understand his mind, I didn't know what he was thinking.

Although my surface is very calm, and even a great general, but my heart, but there are some waves, there is a trace of tension, I am waiting for his response, at the same time, I also care about his answer, if he agrees, it is better to say, if he refuses, I can really do nothing.In my heart ups and downs, he moved, he moved his own steps, toward me. At this time, he was seriously injured, and he had just spent too much energy, so his steps were very slow, step by step, and the corners of his mouth are still covered with blood.

However, to this moment, his eyes have become very calm, like a Wang well, calm, and incomparably deep, let me more and more can not guess his mind, more do not know, he came to me is what.

In the current situation, it is clearly that I am at the top, I am persuading him, and I am forcing him to choose, but my heart is also tense and intense.

However, no matter how fierce my heart is, my face is still calm, my eyes are still firm, my body is still motionless, and my expression is not affected, as if I don't care about his actions.

Soon, he came to me, and his hands suddenly waved to the middle. At this moment, I couldn't tell whether he was testing me or trying to use the opportunity to test me again.

I secretly clenched my fist and raised my vigilance. However, at this time, the two hands of the silver haired man formed a posture of clasping fists to me. One leg of him bent down and one knee fell to the ground. At the same time, in the open hall, he sounded his sonorous and powerful serious voice: "I am Mu Nan, willing to be the younger brother of Jiangnan style. The boss is up, please accept me

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