I didn't expect that Peng Xuefei asked me for something. It turned out that it was about Sheng Mingjie's party. When I heard about it, I couldn't help feeling excited.

Frankly, I decided to go to this party. This is because Sheng Mingjie has frequently appeared in my field of vision recently. It seems that as long as Peng Xuefei exists, my life trajectory will easily overlap with him.

The more times I mingle with Sheng Mingjie, the more I find that his ability is extraordinary. His background is unfathomable, so I made a decision in advance to go to this party. After all, Sheng Mingjie invited me. If I don't go, he thinks I'm taboo.

However, Peng Xuefei asked this question so seriously that I couldn't help hesitating. For a while, he didn't say what he wanted to go to. Instead, he replied casually: "Sheng Mingjie invited me to this party, but it's not so important to me. I'm just an outsider. It doesn't matter whether I go or not. Therefore, I don't know whether to go Or not. "

Hearing what I said, Peng Xuefei's face became more and more dignified. She looked into the distance and said leisurely: "Sheng Mingjie, when he was a teenager, he became famous in the circle of the province. Whether in the white or the underworld, his reputation is very loud, and many people are very polite to him. After he was an adult, he went abroad to study for a period of time. This time, he came back. It seems that he doesn't want to leave. Maybe he will stay here for a long time. Therefore, this party is a party that he is familiar with. Moreover, I heard that this party is also related to his taking over the Sheng family's industry. "

I don't understand why Peng Xuefei suddenly introduced Sheng Mingjie at this time. He is always mysterious in my heart, but Sheng Mingjie and Peng Xuefei should have known each other for a long time. Therefore, Peng Xuefei's understanding of him is not a strange thing, but I don't know why Peng Xuefei said these things to me.

Pengjie invited many celebrities to the party, and then he said, "most of the celebrities I met in the entertainment party were white celebrities."

When Peng Xuefei said these things, my heart was suddenly shocked. For Sheng Mingjie's strong background, I had a sense of mind, but I didn't expect that he was so powerful. The people Peng Xuefei said, different sects and a wide range of people, let me have some unimaginable, looking at the whole H Province, there are several people who can have Sheng Mingjie's such a wide range of people Pulse?

However, shock return shock, Peng Xuefei just said here, I can't help but ask her a: "what about you? Go or not? "

Smell speech, Peng Xuefei slightly frowned, some helpless said: "because of the unavoidable reason, tomorrow, I must go."

When Peng Xuefei said this, her expression was obviously melancholy. Obviously, she didn't want to go, but she had to go. The person who allowed Peng Xuefei to execute orders unconditionally, I think, should be her father. After all, the leader of the sea Gang deliberately arranged Peng Xuefei and Sheng Mingjie.

Thinking of this, my mind can not help wandering up, it seems that the Sheng family's industry is certainly not small. And this party is certainly not simple. I don't know whether the leader of the Hai Gang will come to the scene in person?

While I was thinking, Peng Xuefei suddenly said, "Jiangnan wind, what are you thinking?"

Peng Xuefei's words, my thoughts suddenly pulled back, I quickly replied: "did not think what ah, how?"

After saying this, another question appeared in my mind, that is, what is Peng Xuefei's reason for asking me to say these things?

Peng Xuefei has always been very cold. In terms of temperament, she is also elegant and silent. I have never seen her. Why does she treat Sheng Mingjie's party so seriously when she is so formal?

See me again distracted, Peng Xuefei could not help but white my one eye, said: "I just spoke to you, you did not hear, also said did not think what?"

Hearing this, I immediately explained to Peng Xuefei: "I'm sorry, but I didn't expect that this party held by Sheng Mingjie should be so grand. I think that there should be few such strong parties in H Province. I really can't think of why Sheng Mingjie invited me to attend it?"

In my impression, Sheng Mingjie is a man of self-restraint and magnanimity, but he always seems a little arrogant. Maybe he didn't give me any trouble because he looked down on me in his heart and didn't pay attention to me at all.

Frankly speaking, I originally wanted to explore Sheng Mingjie's situation, but now, I'm really not willing to go. After all, I'm a rival in love. If I go, maybe I'm looking ugly. The surprise he said should be ironic!

At this time, Peng Xuefei said to me: "no matter what Sheng Mingjie invited you for, tomorrow, I hope you don't go."

Peng Xuefei's words, can't help but let me some stunned, is this her ultimate intention to talk to me this time?

I didn't think much about it. I couldn't help but ask her, "why?"When I speak, Peng Xuefei's eyes have been staring at me, her eyes have a trace of helplessness, a trace of impatience, almost my voice just fell. She said to me, "don't you worry, will Sheng Mingjie deal with you tomorrow? You are very good at school, and you do have the ability. However, in the big scene like tomorrow, if Sheng Mingjie really wants to deal with you, can you cope with it? "

After listening to her words, my expression was obviously stunned, not because Peng Xuefei said that in case Sheng Mingjie would deal with me tomorrow, but Peng Xuefei's reaction to me, she would put herself in such a position for me. At this moment, my heart once again flowed a warm current, and I couldn't help asking, "are you caring about me?"

Looking at me like this, Peng Xuefei's manner immediately returned to normal, and became cold again, and said to me, "no matter whether you care or not, you are not allowed to go tomorrow."

Peng Xuefei's tone is very formal, and, she said so much, the purpose is not to want me to go to Sheng Mingjie's party, but in this moment, my heart suddenly became firm, I honestly refused her, sonorous and forceful said: "sorry, this time, I may let you down, tomorrow's party I must go!"

In fact, I didn't mean to violate Peng Xuefei's request, but I had a reason to go.

But in Peng Xuefei's heart, she thought that I was contradicting her. She burst out anger in her eyes and forced me to ask, "why?"

I was staring at Peng Xuefei tightly. I was not frightened by her coldness, only slightly pondered. Then, I took a deep breath and answered very seriously: "Feifei, you should know, as long as you put forward something, I will do it under normal circumstances, but I can't promise you this matter."

My attitude is very resolute, which makes Peng Xuefei even more displeased. Even, her eyes stare at me. Her voice became colder and colder, saying, "why can't we just do this?"

Smell speech, my expression can not help but become more serious, I looked at her deeply, once again very serious reply: "because, I care about you, care about my image in your mind, I don't want to be looked down upon by you. I know that Sheng Mingjie's strength is not simple. His background is beyond my ability. I also know that he likes you, and I am your nominal boyfriend. Therefore, he and I are destined to be in a hostile position.

There are some gaps between him and me, but these gaps are congenital deficiencies. I don't want to pursue you. As a man who also likes you, how can I bow to Sheng Mingjie? How can I shrink back? If it is, then, how can I be worthy of you. I have my principles. I'm sorry, I can't do what you want. I have to go to the party tomorrow

I said so much at one breath, expressing my sincere feelings. There are some words I deliberately said to Peng Xuefei, and some of them are really my thoughts.

Sheng Mingjie is really crazy, but I may not be afraid of him. If I have not competed with him, I will be afraid to retreat. Why should I pursue Peng Xuefei? Especially Peng Xuefei's character is very strong, how can I show my cowardice.

After finishing the words, my eyes will be straight staring at Peng Xuefei's face.

Peng Xuefei was stunned at first. Then, she was shocked. The dissatisfaction in her eyes began to quietly disperse. Then, there was a splendor that covered her eyes again. It was a completely different look to me.

This time, Peng Xuefei did not argue with me any more, but said faintly: "I understand, I am too subjective, you can go to the party tomorrow. But you must take care of yourself. "

After saying this, Peng Xuefei suddenly woke up. Perhaps, she realized that her words were somewhat ambiguous. She could not help adding: "don't think too much about it. Tell you these things is completely because you are still my boyfriend on the surface. I don't want to disgrace myself because of your existence."

Seeing Peng Xuefei like this, I suddenly felt that she was always cold and had a lovely side. I couldn't help but smile and said with a little relaxed: "don't worry, I'll pay attention to it. Besides, Sheng Mingjie is not a very broad-minded person. Tomorrow's party is so grand and there are so many distinguished guests, he may not care about me."

That's what I said, but it's just my response to Peng Xuefei's words, but I don't think so in my heart. If Sheng Mingjie really wants to deal with me, I'll only have soldiers to block it.

And Peng Xuefei listened to my words, also no longer doubt what, she some meaningful look at me, deep voice said: "Jiangnan wind, you know? Today, you let me see a real you. I was worried about it. Let's go to the party tomorrow

Hearing her words, I suddenly felt a bit stunned, a real me?

I am a little unclear, so, however, I can feel that Peng Xuefei's attitude towards me has really changed, and what she said later made me surprised.

As her fake boyfriend, I went to some small occasions with her. After all, acting was for those people. But tomorrow's party was a feast. Peng Xuefei was a very respectable person. She would have invited me to go with her.For a while, I couldn't react.

Peng Xuefei saw that I did not immediately respond and asked me, "why, you are not happy?"

I quickly recovered and said, "of course I'd like to, but I didn't expect you to make such a decision."

Peng Xuefei said casually: "it's nothing. Since you promised, we'll make an appointment. At 10:00 tomorrow morning, we'll meet at the school gate. How about it?"

It seems that Peng Xuefei is really going to go with me. I don't know why she made this decision. Maybe she deliberately made it to Sheng Mingjie. Therefore, she is willing to put my fake boyfriend on the stage in such a big field.

No matter what, I can have such a chance to be with Peng Xuefei, what will I not like? So, when she said this, I immediately nodded heavily, which was a promise.

However, at this time, I suddenly thought of a problem, that is, Peng Xuefei said at the beginning, she said that because of the unavoidable reason, she must go to the party tomorrow.

I really can't figure out why Peng Xuefei, who didn't want to go to the party, had to go.

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