I can't figure it out. I still think that it has something to do with her father, but if it really has something to do with her father, Peng Xuefei will appear at the party with me in public? Doesn't that mean going against her father in disguise?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel more puzzled. But Peng Xuefei obviously won't explain anything to me in this respect, so I can't ask.

Then, Peng Xuefei looked at the time, and then said to me, "well, it's decided. I still have something to do. I'll leave first. We'll see you tomorrow."

I immediately responded, "see you tomorrow!"

As soon as my voice dropped, Peng Xuefei turned and walked towards the front of the library.

Looking at the back of her leaving, my eyes could not help but squint up, my heart also fell into meditation.

These days, I incarnate Jiangnan style and mingle with campus. I even do a lot of sensational things in order to get close to Peng Xuefei. However, my ultimate goal is to get close to the Haibang and rescue my father.

Previously, I had some knowledge about the Haibang, but my understanding was limited to the two halls under it. Four halls and five halls. These two halls are not enough for me to get a glimpse of the essence of the Haibang.

At present, Sheng Mingjie's party tomorrow is an opportunity for me. According to Peng Xuefei, tomorrow's party can be regarded as a grand banquet. All kinds of big people will be present. So, there will be important people in the Haibang.

Even Peng Xuefei's reason for having to go made me wonder that the leader of the sea Gang might be present. I'm even more at the party tomorrow.

When Peng Xuefei's figure completely disappeared in my field of vision, I woke up from my mind. For tomorrow's party, I didn't know what would happen. However, no matter what I faced, I couldn't change my determination to go there. On the contrary, I was still vaguely looking forward to the unknown of tomorrow.

With this complex state of mind, I went straight to the parking lot. Anyway, Peng Xuefei is not here now. I didn't mean much to stay at school, so I just went home.

When I got to the parking lot, I was shocked to think of the young man I met here when I first came to school this morning. I don't know what kind of person that guy is. Although I don't have much contact with him, I can feel his unusual.

At this time, the yellow sports car in the parking lot has disappeared. It seems that he has left the school, and I have no further thought about it. I drove away from here at full speed.

Today, I went back to the villa earlier. When I got to the villa, I found that uncle snake and uncle gang were sitting in the living room. They seemed to be talking about something. When I came back, they immediately said hello to me.

I politely responded to them. I was about to go upstairs, but before I went up the stairs, I suddenly remembered one thing, that is, since the Sheng family has a deep background here, why don't I ask Uncle snake to see if they have any understanding?

Thinking of this, I immediately turned around and was about to ask Uncle snake. As a result, uncle snake took the lead and said to me, "young master, do you know the party that young master Sheng will hold tomorrow?"

All of a sudden, I was stunned. I didn't expect that what uncle snake said and what I thought in my heart actually got together. What kind of coincidence is this.

Without much thought, I quickly stepped up a few steps, went to the snake uncle, solemnly said: "I know, and that Sheng Mingjie also invited me. This Sheng Mingjie has been able to invite so many famous people. What kind of background are they

After hearing the speech, uncle snake and uncle Gang looked at each other. Then, uncle snake stood up from the sofa and said seriously: "Sheng family, the background on the surface is in the white road, and has a lot of relations with officials and politicians. The Sheng family has a lot of big industries and rich family wealth. In the underworld, many big gangs sell their face. But if we really want to talk about their background, we really don't know. It is estimated that many people in H Province don't know. Even our master once said a word about the Sheng family. "

To me, the owner of the manor is also an enigmatic figure with extraordinary ability. His comments on the Sheng family can not help but make me more interested. I immediately asked Uncle snake, "what's the word?"

Snake uncle took a deep breath, and then said in a deep voice, "the Sheng family is so strong that it is unfathomable. Don't offend the people of the Sheng family."

Hearing this, I was shocked that the master of the manor was so powerful that even such a powerful person would say such a comment on the Chu family. It can be seen that the Sheng family is really too strong to see the bottom.

For a long time, my identity of Jiangnan style relies on the advantages given by the owner of the villa. Now, I am a little frustrated. Even the owner is helpless to the Sheng family. So, what can I do to Sheng Mingjie?

At this time, uncle Gang also stood up and said to me, "young master, the Sheng family and the Haibang are relatively close. Moreover, both of them hope that Sheng Mingjie and Peng Xuefei are together, and you are pursuing Peng Xuefei, so you must pay attention to it. If you can't force yourself, don't fight against Sheng Mingjie."It seems that what uncle snake and uncle gang were talking about in the living room was exactly what Sheng Mingjie and I were talking about. Even if they both said such things, it was definitely not alarmist.

I nodded seriously and responded, "I understand!"

Then, I went upstairs, until the evening, Peng Xuefei's words, uncle snake and uncle Gang's words, did not disappear from my mind.

Sheng Mingjie is not an easy person to deal with. I have a task in my body. It's not good for me to bump into him. It's just that Peng Xuefei and I can't live together peacefully.

This night, my brain in the non-stop rotation, turn tired, I will be drowsy sleep.

The next day, it was a sunny day. After I got up, I felt my injuries were better. I took a shower and took care of the wound that had begun to heal. Then, the maid in the villa brought me a luxurious formal dress. I know that uncle snake prepared it for me in advance. It was specially worn for the party. It is more expensive than the clothes I used to wear at school.

After I put it on, I took a look in front of the mirror, which made me dizzy. With such a dress up, I am closer to the image of a rich second generation. I believe that even people who know solo can't recognize me.

When everything was ready, I looked at the time. It was almost the time agreed by Peng Xuefei and I took the invitation card that Sheng Mingjie sent to me and drove to the school.

Although, on the way, I drove fast enough, but when I got to the school gate, it was still a few minutes after ten o'clock. At this time, Peng Xuefei's car had stopped at the school gate. At the moment, she was leaning against the car waiting for me.

Today's Peng Xuefei, wearing a white gauze skirt, looks a bit intolerant of human fireworks, coupled with her delicate face, high cold temperament, is completely a fairy existence, I suddenly saw her, can't help but be a bit stunned.

Of course, this was just a moment. Soon, I drove to Peng Xuefei, and the window fell down. I said sincerely to her out of the window: "sorry, I'm late."

Peng Xuefei looked at me and looked at my dress. She didn't say anything more. She only said two words from her mouth: "get out of the car!"

Her tone of voice as usual, with the tone of command, I can't help but some inexplicable, at this time, Peng Xuefei has turned to the driver's seat of her car, at the same time, she added: "take a car with me."

After hearing this, it suddenly dawned on me that Peng Xuefei asked me to go to Sheng Mingjie's party with her. If we separated two cars, it would not be really together. She wanted me to have a car with her on purpose, so that it would be formal.

I did not shy, immediately got out of the car, into her car, immediately, Xia Xiaoxiao started the car, to the destination.

Sheng Mingjie held this party, the address is in a big villa. This villa is a famous tourist attraction in H Province.

If you can make a private party in a tourist attraction, you can see that the Sheng family is powerful!

The villa is located in the suburb outside the city, which is not close to our school. It took us nearly an hour to arrive.

When the car drove to the outside of the villa, my eyes suddenly brightened, and I was shocked by the grand occasion. Outside the villa, there were several rows of luxury cars and several limited edition sports cars. It was a comprehensive world-class luxury car show.

Pengfei doesn't seem to care about it, but she doesn't look for a red one.

As soon as the car stopped, the windows didn't come and went up. Suddenly, a figure flashed out of the window.

He was lying by the window and said to Peng Xuefei, "elder sister, when is it? Elder brother Sheng has been waiting for you for a long time. How can you come now?"

The tone of the speaker was full of enthusiasm. Although there was some complaint, he could hear that he was glad to see Peng Xuefei's arrival.

However, when I heard this voice, I was slightly stunned because I felt familiar. What's more, I was surprised that this man was Peng Xuefei's sister. Does that mean that he is Peng Xuefei's younger brother?

I just don't know if he is Peng Xuefei's brother. If he is, Peng Xuefei is the daughter of the sea gang leader. Isn't he the son of the sea gang leader?

With this shock of doubt, I turned my head, this moment, outside the window called Peng Xuefei sister, also found my existence, can not help but look at my side.

In this way, our two eyes could not help but look at each other. When I saw him, I was stunned, and he, too.

What I can't imagine is that I met this guy who was driving a yellow convertible that I met yesterday in the school parking lot.

At this moment, I was shocked to the point that I could not add more. At that time, I could see that this man was a little extraordinary, but I didn't expect that his identity was actually Peng Xuefei's younger brother.Now, knowing this relationship, I couldn't help but look at him and Peng Xuefei. In a trance, I was shocked to find that their facial contour was really similar, and both of them were exquisite to the extreme.

And he obviously did not expect that the person sitting in Peng Xuefei's car would be me. Seeing me, the enthusiasm on his face immediately cooled down. His expression began to solidify, and his eyes showed an incredible look. Then, he said in a cold voice: "how is it you, Jiang Nanfeng?"

Looking at his attitude, I can clearly feel that he is quite dissatisfied with me when I come in front of Peng Xuefei's car.

But did not wait for me to open the mouth to say what, Peng Xuefei suddenly asked him: "when will I come, what are you worried about?"

With that, Peng Xuefei didn't give him a chance to respond, so he just lifted the window.

Through the window, I saw him outside. Stand up straight body, however, his eyes are still cold staring at me, his face is very disdain to me.

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