In the full view of the public, Sheng Mingjie is dissatisfied, but on the surface, he can still show such magnanimity, and I, as Peng Xuefei's boyfriend, of course, should have the demeanor of a gentleman. No matter what he said to me, I just stretched out my hand, held it with him and said, "thank you!"

Then, Sheng Mingjie turned around and walked toward the inside. Peng Xuefei and I naturally walked towards the courtyard.

But at this time, I suddenly heard the voices of the crowd, someone said that someone from the sea Gang came again.

Although there was a lot of noise around me, the word "Hai Bang" was like a Hong Zhong, which directly exploded in my heart.

I'm here to attend Sheng Mingjie's party. To some extent, I'm here to get close to the Haibang. It's better to have a glimpse of the root of the Haibang. Right now. My idea is coming true.

Perhaps, it is because I am a little excited, so that my pace slightly stopped.

Peng Xuefei saw my abnormality for a moment, and asked me in doubt: "Jiangnan wind, what's the matter with you?"

My nerves a tight, then, feigned a smile, casually answer a sentence: "nothing."

After hearing what I said, Peng Xuefei didn't pursue her. However, she seemed to hear that someone from the Haibang came. Therefore, she turned around and looked at the rear. I took this opportunity to look at the back quietly.

Sure enough, the courtyard fell into the mouth, and a dozen sea Gang people came. Compared with the whole audience, these ten people were really not many, but they showed an extremely strong momentum, which caused many people present to look at them involuntarily.

When my eyes touched them, my heart suddenly burst for two times, because among the dozen people from the Haibang, many of them were familiar to me.

Zhang Wenshan, Zhang Wenyuan, Zhang Wenyuan, Zhang Wenyuan, Zhang Wenyuan, Zhang Wenyuan, Zhang Wenyuan and Fu Gang, Fu Gang, the leader of the fourth hall, as well as he Yunxiang, the highly skilled Haibang elder, are among them.

He Yunxiang, along with two other characters who also look like elders. At the forefront, Zhang Wenshan and Fu Gang, as well as several other figures of similar rank, walked behind the elders, and Zhang Wenyuan and others followed Zhang Wenshan.

Obviously, the people from the sea gang are headed by he Yunxiang and other elders.

Although I didn't see the leader of the Hai Gang coming, I could clearly feel that the Hai Gang attached great importance to Sheng Mingjie's party.

The so-called enemy's road is narrow. After such a long time, when I see these familiar figures, my heart will inevitably ripple. Unconsciously, I think of those heartbreaking scenes in Wutang. I disguised myself as thirteen, but Fu Gang brought Xu nan to identify me. Finally, Ziyi committed suicide in pain. It was the knife in my hand that stabbed my favorite person, That knife was the biggest pain in my life. It's the same knife. Let Ziyi coma to today did not wake up.

I can't let Ziyi go with regret. I can't watch her become a vegetable. Therefore, I try my best to become a Jiangnan wind, close to Peng Xuefei, just to make her wake up.

Now, Peng Xuefei and I are so close to each other, and those important people of Haibang are right in front of me.

At this moment, the group of people from the sea Gang have already seen Peng Xuefei and Peng Yu, and are coming towards this side.

Seeing them getting closer and closer to me, my heart suddenly raised again. They brought me not only a painful past, but also an important future. My current identity is Jiangnan style, playing a full-fledged second generation. In case they find out that I am the clue of Suluo, my plan to approach Peng Xuefei will be completely ruined, not only that And I will be treated in a terrible way.

After all, the relationship between me and the sea Gang is the enemy of life and death, and Suluo is also the wanted object of the sea gang.

Soon, he Yunxiang and others came to Peng Xuefei. They nodded respectfully and said, "young master, young lady!"

Peng Xuefei and Peng Yu nodded symbolically, while he Yunxiang, after receiving Peng Xuefei's response, directly and subconsciously looked at me who was close to Peng Xuefei.

At this time, he Yunxiang's eyes narrowed slightly, but he couldn't hide the light from his eyes. Fu Gang and Zhang Wenshan and others behind him had more direct eyes.

Frankly speaking, my heart at the moment is really nervous, but the more such a time, the more I want to keep calm, can not show a little horse's feet, perhaps, they are just curious about me standing beside Peng Xuefei.

I deliberately showed a trace of playfulness on my face. I looked at he Yunxiang and others defiantly and deeply, pretending to be the same as seeing them for the first time. My expression, coupled with my clothes, now I am a rich second generation.

At this time, Sheng Mingjie, who was in front of me, folded his body and came back. He held out his right hand directly to he Yunxiang and said, "elder he, thank you for coming to my party. I warmly welcome you."He Yunxiang also stretched out his right hand and held Sheng Mingjie together. He said in a voice, "this is our luck. Today, we will see Sheng Shao's demeanor."

Sheng Mingjie smiles and nods, then shakes hands with the other two elders to express greetings. After that, he met the people of the Hai Gang towards the inside.

It was not until all the people of Haibang left that my heart was completely relieved. At this moment, I was a little grateful to Sheng Mingjie. If it wasn't for the timely appearance of his host, I really worried about he Yunxiang's venomous eyes and Fu Gang's insight into everything. However, as long as I don't show any obvious characteristics, nothing will happen What's the problem.

However, the only regret is that the leader of the Hai Gang didn't come to see his true face.

While I'm deep in thought. All of a sudden, Sheng Mingjie put his elbow against me and said, "Jiangnan wind, what's wrong with you? Your reaction is like paralysis of nerves!"

My heart was empty, sighed Peng Xuefei's observation, but on the surface, I laughed, and replied to her: "I've heard that Haibang is the largest group in the provincial capital. Today, I see you, the style is really extraordinary, as your boyfriend. I do feel a little bit of pressure. "

Smell speech, Peng Xuefei white my one eye, appear a little don't agree, then, we went to the deep courtyard together.

After a while, we went to the front door of the villa. The door was open, and we could see clearly the situation in the living room of the villa. The living room of the villa was very large, but it was clean and tidy, and it looked in good order. In the middle, there is a red carpet, and around it are long tables and sofas for people to rest.

Walk into the living room. I saw a familiar guy at a glance, Ouyang Jing.

Ouyang Jing was beaten by me and forced to kneel down. In my heart, Ouyang Jing didn't take him seriously for a long time. However, Ouyang Jing used to hate and fear me. But today, he showed his arrogant side. When he saw me coming, he came straight to me with a glass of champagne.

Just in time, there are a few very fashionable and elegant women, come to say hello to Peng Xuefei, and then, she takes Peng Xuefei to one side to talk.

Without Peng Xuefei by my side, Ouyang Jing's eyes could not help but look down upon me. He stood in front of me and said to me in a strange and gloomy way: "Jiangnan wind, I really didn't expect that you dare to come to such a place."

On hearing this, a silent smile appeared in the corner of my mouth. I replied to Ouyang Jing: "Ouyang Jing, I didn't expect that you dare to talk to me like this."

Said. When I look at Ouyang Jing, I don't realize that there is a fierce light in my eyes.

Ouyang Jing couldn't help but stare at me. He was a little tongue tied and said, "you, can't you do it to me? I tell you, this is shengshao's territory. There is nothing wrong with you coming here. The wrong thing is that you are too close to Peng Xuefei, and Peng Xuefei is destined to be Sheng Shao's woman. Just wait! "

For this incompetent and arrogant person, I really can't mention what interest, he is at best just a jet, but I don't want to talk to him, I said slowly: "well, I'm waiting, I'm waiting for your dog barking more arrogant day!"

As soon as the voice dropped, I turned straight away from the living room and walked outside the gate. Ouyang Jing, with an angry face, gritted his teeth in situ.

It was about 11:30, and the party was about to start. At this time, some new comers came into the entrance of the courtyard. They walked slowly into the noisy courtyard, idle. My eyes wandered aimlessly on these people.

suddenly, Peng Xuefei, who was still chatting with me, came to my side. She whispered to me those people:

, "the one who walks in front of him, and the one with serious face is the provincial public security director; the one who walks beside him, the one with the head in the middle, is the deputy mayor; the right side is a shovel Gang, closely followed by him." The one with a belly and a big back is the president of the thunderbolt Club; the one with a straight suit at the back is the richest man in the province and the chairman of Shanzhu group. He is a well-known venture capitalist. Accompanied by him, he is a famous first-line star "

Peng Xuefei introduced a lot of people to me, who are really just like her yesterday Tell me, there are gold and silver in the business field, the important officials in the official circles, the big men in the underworld, and the popular students in the entertainment industry. It can be said that everyone takes them out separately. They are quite famous people.

Among these people, I only met the director of the public security department once. He rescued me from prison. I have never seen the rest of them, or I have only seen them on TV.

At this moment, I was completely aware of the power of the Sheng family. These big people are all busy people. But because Sheng Mingjie held the party, they all came to attend. Their faces were filled with warm smiles. It seems that it is their great honor to be able to attend Sheng Mingjie's party.

Although I realized the power of Sheng family, at this moment, I really feel the gap between myself and Sheng Mingjie.Sheng Mingjie is very powerful, rich, powerful and has connections, and I am. But can only do the camouflage under the dark night, hide the identity, do anything to have to worry about.

This kind of gap is really predestined by nature. However, Peng Xuefei doesn't like Sheng Mingjie's excellent man. So, what kind of person can get into her eye? Or into her heart?

Perhaps, this is an unsolved question. I'm afraid even Peng Xuefei herself can't answer it. It seems that, so far, no man has been able to enter her heart. How can she know who she will fall in love with?

When I was wandering, Peng Xuefei's voice sounded in my ear: "Jiangnan wind, I didn't cheat you?"

I was stupefied, for a moment, a little did not know what to say, just nodded.

Peng Xuefei saw that I was a little bit out of my wits and couldn't help saying, "these are just external things. Comparing you with Sheng Mingjie, the gap is not small, but in fact, it's just that Sheng Mingjie has a good background."

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