Hearing Peng Xuefei's words, my heart can't help but touch. If I remember correctly, this is Peng Xuefei's first time in front of me to tell her views on Sheng Mingjie. It turns out that Sheng Mingjie in her eyes is only of good fortune. As for his own personal ability, Peng Xuefei didn't say, but in fact, Sheng Mingjie and I, in terms of personal ability, which one is stronger or weaker Who knows?

Thinking of this, I suddenly feel a lot relieved. Sheng Mingjie is strong, and Ren is strong. As Peng Xuefei said, many things are nothing but external things. In the end, what I want to compare with him, or to argue with, is Peng Xuefei. As long as I can catch up with Peng Xuefei, then, to a certain extent, I am still better than Sheng Mingjie.

I looked at Peng Xuefei. At this time, her eyes were already looking forward. Her profile was very beautiful, natural, smooth and exquisite. However, I seemed to see a different side of Peng Xuefei, on the surface. She is aloof and aloof. In fact, she is very independent and has a slightly hot side.

Peng Xuefei's simple words broadened my mind a lot. I couldn't help but take a deep breath. My eyes flowed in the courtyard again. Suddenly, I saw some people coming into the courtyard where the courtyard fell into the mouth.

Among these people, I actually saw several familiar people, one of whom was mo Qinglong, President of the Qinglong Association. The other is mu Nan, the leader of the flying car party that I have just conquered.

Mo Qinglong and Mu Nan also saw me. However, Mo Qinglong didn't recognize me. Therefore, his eyes did not stay on me too much, while Mu Nan deliberately pretended to be unfamiliar with me.

The appearance of these two men once again refreshed my understanding of Sheng Mingjie. To be more accurate, it was my understanding of the strength of the Sheng family. You should know that the Qinglong Club headed by Mo Qinglong and the four halls and five halls of the Hai Gang still existed as mortal enemies. Last time, in the headquarters of Wutang, if Zhang Lei didn't suddenly come to rescue me, I'm afraid Mo Qinglong would have died under he Yunxiang's hand 。

Now, when Mo Qinglong attends such a party, he must know that there will be people from the Hai Gang, but he doesn't care. Obviously, it's the strength of the Sheng family that makes him ignore this point.

But this time, I didn't have any extra thoughts. I just thought that today's party, it seems, will be very interesting.

People came in scattered, not long ago, this villa courtyard near the long table, almost full of people, I was bored watching, next to a voice came: "sister, come here, he Changlao has something to say to you, is the father's meaning."

This sentence was called by Peng Yu to Peng Xuefei. On hearing this, Peng Xuefei's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, revealing a hint of doubt. However, her steps did not stop, and she went straight to he Yunxiang and others.

I looked at Peng Xuefei's back, but my heart turned into a wave. Originally, I wanted to pry some information about the Haibang, but today, the leader of the Hai Gang didn't come, which is a pity for me.

I didn't expect that he Yunxiang sent a message to Peng Xuefei when he Yunxiang didn't come. Seeing that they were in a hurry, I had a hunch that it might not be a good message. Now it's Sheng Mingjie's party. It's very likely that the message from the leader of the Hai Gang is related to this party.

I just had this premonition in my heart. Suddenly, I felt a proud look from the side. However, when I felt this unique vision, I turned my eyes subconsciously and found that the person staring at me was the host of the party today, Sheng Mingjie.

Sheng Mingjie looked at me straight, with a look of arrogance in his eyes. When he looked at my eyes, he directly stepped forward and came to me.

Although Sheng Mingjie did not deliberately show his momentum, I was keenly aware that there was a sense of dignity in his body, which was oppressed by me virtually.

In the courtyard of this villa, there are so many dignified people. Sheng Mingjie doesn't go to entertain them, and the party is about to start. He doesn't make preparations, but he comes to my role which should be redundant. I don't know what his intention is.

However, my face did not reveal anything, on his arrogant look, my eyes did not deviate, but chose to look at him.

Sheng Mingjie walked up to me. His eyes swept the audience. Then, he asked me, "Jiangnan style, what do you think of my party?"

After hearing the speech, I was stunned for a moment. Then, I pretended to be natural and said, "yes, it's very good. Merchants, celebrities and talents are gathered together. Even if we look at the whole province of H, we can't find a few people who can hold such a grand party!"

This is not a compliment to Sheng Mingjie, but a matter of fact statement.

After Sheng Mingjie heard this, he was also calm. He did not show any humility. He still maintained that rebellious attitude. Then, he said faintly, "how am I compared with you?"

At the beginning, I wondered what he wanted. Now, listening to his question, I couldn't help wondering whether he came to show off to me.

From the moment I knew Sheng Mingjie, he always raised himself and belittled me. He seemed to want me to understand the gap between me and him all the time. However, after talking with Peng Xuefei just now, my heart has been relaxed and I will not belittle myself.Therefore, I responded to him directly: "I have to admit that in many ways, you are better than me. But to tell you the truth, in my heart, you are still not as good as me

My tone is very calm, no mystery, no hubris, if the people next to me hear, will certainly be shocked, I actually in front of Sheng Mingjie, say such words.

But Sheng Mingjie is very good at choosing when he talks to me. At the moment when he talks to me, he deliberately avoids others. Therefore, he is the only one who can hear me.

In Sheng Mingjie's eyes, he couldn't help flashing a trace of embarrassment. However, he covered up very well. He didn't show any anger on his face. On the contrary, he chuckled and said, "Jiangnan wind, since I met you at the beginning, I didn't pay much attention to you. Maybe, you will regard me as a potential opponent, but frankly, you are not qualified at all."

Finally, Sheng Mingjie said what he thought in his heart. I had already guessed his idea. However, he said it himself and showed more arrogance. He was so arrogant that I could not fall behind.

I did not go aggressive, but playful smile, light you said: "ha ha, I have you as an opponent is not important, I have enough qualifications is not important, the important is that we have not tit for tat, in fact, I have won."

What I said was quite meaningful. Sheng Mingjie was stunned when he heard it. Then, he showed a trace of doubt.

I did not wait for him to speak, and then said: "because, I am Peng Xuefei's boyfriend, and you, not!"

When I said this, my eyes were always staring at Sheng Mingjie, and my face was still smiling. Even though his self-discipline was good, he felt provocation and even contempt when he heard me say this and saw my face. He could no longer restrain his anger. A trace of fierce light flashed in his eyes, and his hand could not help but come to grab my clothes Collar.

In the face of such Sheng Mingjie, I was not afraid. Even, there was no movement on my face.

Sheng Mingjie, in his hand almost caught me that moment, he suddenly extricated from the state of anger, he knew it was his impulse, he did not do it to me, but his eyes, compared with just now, is added a trace of chill, he said coldly: "listen, Jiangnan wind, don't think I don't know, you are not Feifei's boyfriend at all The quantity, you are only she seeks to pretend, between me and her matter, you had better mind, don't lose yourself for the sake of a moment's morale. "

Hearing this, my heart can not help shaking, Sheng Mingjie, he really has seen through everything, long ago, he has hinted, he knows that I am a fake, but he has only broken it until now.

Perhaps, at the beginning, because of Peng Xuefei's face, he didn't make a clear point.

But just because of Peng Xuefei, I couldn't shrink back. I shook my head and said with righteous words: "Sheng Mingjie, I really don't want to be your opponent. However, if you want to take Peng Xuefei as a choice, I'd rather choose to be your opponent than give up her. You can't get Peng Xuefei's favor. The problem lies in you, and it has nothing to do with me."

At the same time, when you look at the cold wind in the south of the Yangtze River, you can't feel how cold it will be

I spread out my hands and didn't respond to Sheng Mingjie. Sheng Mingjie snorted coldly and walked to the side. When he left, he looked at Peng Xuefei's side. His mouth showed a faint smile that was not easy to detect. This smile was very meaningful to me.

Involuntarily, I followed Sheng Mingjie's eyes and looked at Peng Xuefei's side.

At the moment, Peng Xuefei is sitting in the middle of Hong Gang. She slightly lowers her head and frowns slightly. It seems that she is struggling with something.

A little doubt rose in my heart. Was Peng Xuefei's performance related to the message sent by he Yunxiang, the leader of the Hai Gang? So, what happened to Sheng Mingjie's smile just now?

For a moment, I was a little confused, and Peng Xuefei was in the camp of the Haibang. I could not go to ask her. After all, judging from the reaction of Peng Yu and the sea Gang people just now to me, they obviously didn't want to see me. What's more, I had hidden secrets related to the sea gang.

At present, there are three people sitting in the party, some of them are sitting on the table, some of them are sitting at the party.

But I, the one who should have been superfluous, stood quietly in a remote place after a confrontation with Sheng Mingjie. I was not the kind of person who liked to be lively. What's more, the excitement in front of me did not belong to me.

After a few minutes, the scene suddenly became comfortable, because Sheng Mingjie formally came out of the living room and set up a platform in the courtyard outside the living room.

Sheng Mingjie stepped onto the stage, which means that the party is about to officially start, and then it is time for him to speak.

At twelve o'clock sharp in the morning, all the people in the courtyard can't help but turn to Sheng Mingjie on the stage.

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