He Yunxiang's words were extremely solemn. He even did not hesitate to move out of the gang leader to put pressure on Peng Xuefei. It seems that he Yunxiang has received the death order that Peng Xuefei must agree to Sheng Mingjie's proposal. It can be seen that Sheng Mingjie's status has really reached a height that can not be achieved.

After listening to he Yunxiang's words, the people on the scene were all sober up. They finally understood that I was a shield. I could not really be Peng Xuefei's boyfriend for such a small role. This time, no one would waver. We all firmly believe that I am a shit stick and a person who deliberately does bad things.

Under such circumstances, Peng Xuefei was speechless. Her cold face became tangled. She could not take any words to refute he Yunxiang. Judging from her appearance, her criteria for choosing a mate seemed to be really restricted by her father. This seemingly unrestrained young lady also had unknown sufferings. No wonder at the beginning of the face of Sheng Mingjie, she did not immediately refuse, appears so embarrassed, it turns out that she is really afraid of her father.

When Peng Xuefei was entangled, Peng Yu couldn't help but echo: "elder sister, Jiangnan wind is not pure at first sight. It's a little bit like climbing dragon and Phoenix. You have to help him. If this kind of person is abandoned, it will be abandoned. You must not be silly and disobey your father."

Although Peng Yu also used the leader of the Hai Gang to put pressure on Peng Xuefei, it was obvious that he intended to help his sister. He didn't want to see his sister disobey their father for the sake of me, an irrelevant person. After all, today's occasion is very important to the Hai Gang. They can't offend Sheng Mingjie for my small role 。

Today, I disgraced Sheng Mingjie, and the people of the Haigang had to abolish me in order to save Sheng Mingjie some dignity.

The pressure around her is too heavy. Peng Xuefei, who has always been indifferent, is a little breathless at the moment. However, she is arrogant, and how can she be so easily submissive. Suddenly, she suddenly looks at he Yunxiang and others with cold eyes, and says firmly: "no matter what, I just don't allow you to move the south wind of the river!"

Peng Xuefei's voice is very loud and shocking. At this moment, she shows the momentum of the underworld Princess incisively and vividly. In an instant, the whole audience becomes silent, even the slightest voice of discussion disappears. The atmosphere of the whole villa courtyard appears dignified and depressed.

Even he Yunxiang was shocked by Peng Xuefei's actions. Maybe, he didn't understand how Peng Xuefei would be reckless for me.

On the other side, Sheng Mingjie's face became more ugly. He, a hypocritical villain in the city hall, could not help but show his anger. His eyes were staring at me as if he were about to swallow it up.

However, Sheng Mingjie, in the end, values face most. Even if he is dissatisfied with me, he can't attack on the spot. After all, he has just said that this time he won't move me, so it's hard for him to turn back and hit himself in the face. Of course, he can kill people by using the knife if he doesn't do it himself. Therefore, he cast his dissatisfied eyes directly To he Yunxiang, no words, only through the eyes, Sheng Mingjie passed on his meaning.

Sheng Mingjie immediately understood. He turned his eyes to Peng Xuefei and said solemnly: "Miss, our Haibang has its own rules. As a law enforcer of rules, it is impossible for me to violate the rules in consideration of personal feelings. In that case, we will not believe me in the future. Jiangnan Feng, he has offended our Haigang. According to the rules of our gang, abolishing him is a leniency. I hope you can respect me and carry out the guild rules! "

Indeed, he Yunxiang is a shrewd old fox at first sight. He Yunxiang is a shrewd old fox. If he can take the position of law enforcement elder, he must have his ability. As the saying goes, the son of heaven has committed the same crime as the common people. As long as he violates the interests of his maritime Gang, no matter whether he is a young lady or a young master, he will not bend the law for selfish ends.

Although the Haibang is just a gang, it is unique in the underground world of H Province, and it is a well deserved leader. No one can compete with them. It is really a simple thing to abolish a person in the Haibang. Peng Xuefei, as the eldest lady of the Hai Gang, has a noble status, but she can't be tough enough to help her.

At this time, Peng Yu came forward again. He didn't want his sister to get lost. He quickly tried to persuade him: "sister, don't be silly. You should know that father doesn't want you to get involved in the gang's affairs. As a law enforcement elder, he always has his rules. Don't worry about your father's unhappiness."

Obviously, listening to Peng Yu's words, he Yunxiang was hard tempered. He was the young master. I'm afraid it's hard to control him. After all, all this is the right of he Yunxiang. Besides, Sheng Mingjie, the leader of the gang, probably means that he Yunxiang wants to disobey the leader. Naturally, he Yunxiang can't be hindered. What Peng Yu, the prince, can do is to admonish his sister.

The situation is in front of her. What he Yunxiang and Peng said deeply stimulated Peng Xuefei. She gradually realized that she did not have the right to prevent he Yunxiang from enforcing the law. Even if she said more, even if she showed the momentum of the eldest lady, she could not influence the elder.

She understood all this, so her hard, slowly disappeared, replaced by worry, deep worry, her eyes, can not help looking at me, her eyes showed helplessness and frustration.All the people on the scene understood that Peng Xuefei made such a series of amazing moves to protect me. Originally, I was a fake boyfriend in everyone's eyes. A bug, no one can look up to me, now, I hide under a woman's wings, silent, this is even more despised.

Many people can't help blaming me, and the comments are like a raging flood again:

"this Jiangnan style is really ungrateful and doesn't look into the mirror. There is a big difference between him and Young Master Sheng. I don't know who gave him the courage to rob women with him!"

"Look at that Jiangnan wind. I knew that young master Sheng was magnanimous and would not deal with him. So he was very arrogant at that time. He didn't pay attention to him at all. Now the people of the Haigang wanted to deal with him, he immediately exposed his nature and didn't dare to speak out!"

"Dare to wait for him to eat the fruit

"Young Master Sheng and Hai Gang have been offended by the wind from the south of the Yangtze River. It's a pity that he will die young at this age."

"Yes, such people just don't clean up. If they don't give a lesson, they will be arrogant."

"That's right. He didn't know how high heaven and earth are. He dared to compete with young master Sheng and get his hands on the young lady of the Hai Gang. This is his own way to die!"

"Yes, but it seems that Miss Peng is a little different from the boy. She has been arguing with her own people for him."

"What's the matter? Miss Peng is kind-hearted. Look at this boy. I don't want him to be abandoned here!"

All kinds of comments have been introduced into my ears, but I have left ears in and right ears out. However, I am also very clear in my heart. Now that things are in such a state, I just want to escape, but I can't escape at all.

Peng Xuefei has tried her best to help me. No matter whether she helped me out of her guilt for me or anything, she helped me and did not hesitate to confront her own people.

For her behavior, I am very moved. At the same time, I also know that her appearance can not save me from the fire and water. I also don't want her to tangle up and even offend my father. Therefore, after Peng Xuefei's struggle, she still wants to speak for me. I suddenly said to her: "Feifei, forget it, you don't care about it. It's all caused by me. I'll take care of it myself

I take the responsibility to myself, but I don't want Peng Xuefei to have too much burden. Indeed, I am in such a situation today because Peng Xuefei asked me to impersonate her boyfriend, so that I can get into Sheng Mingjie and get into this painful party and become the target of public criticism.

However, I do all this voluntarily. After all, my goal is to catch up with Peng Xuefei and become her boyfriend. This is a dangerous thing in itself, anyway. I want to offend Sheng Mingjie, the rival in love. I can't see Peng Xuefei become his woman. In the end, I have to face this situation. Since the danger is coming, I have to deal with it. Since Peng Xuefei can't help me, I don't need to implicate her any more.

Moreover, for me, no matter the identity of Jiangnan style or Suluo, I don't want to linger under the wings of a woman. Even if the people of the Hai Gang are terrible, I am not afraid.

But Peng Xuefei must understand that I am in this situation, and it has something to do with her. Even if I take everything to myself, she doesn't want to let me live and die on my own. She said with some reluctance, "but."

Without waiting for her to finish, I directly waved my hand to interrupt her. Then, I took two steps forward, looked directly at he Yunxiang, and said forcefully: "now is the 21st century. I think everyone can fall in love freely. Therefore, I will bravely pursue Peng Xuefei. In my idea, as long as men and women really love each other, they can be together. I like it It was Peng Xuefei, not her identity. I also thought that even if the Haibang was powerful, it would not interfere in personal love. But I was wrong.

As a big gang like Haibang, it's still feudal and conservative. It's only with the permission of my father to fall in love. I don't have any freedom. Today, I'm a big eye opener. I'm unlucky. Since I've met them, I'm doomed. However, I still want to say that marriage is free, and there is no need for Peng Xuefei to like Sheng Mingjie. It's useless for you to force her to be independent. "

I said such a long paragraph almost at one breath. I told Peng Xuefei most of them. In order to win her favor, I dare to say anything. Anyway, I have offended the Hai Gang, and I am not afraid to speak frankly. Of course, the other half is from my heart. This practice of the Haibang is indeed too arbitrary and feudal.

Peng Xuefei listened to my words, really was not small shock, she looked at me, are filled with color, she may not have thought, I am dying, but also speak for her.

However, Peng Xuefei was the only one on the scene who was moved by my words. In the eyes of other onlookers, I was just pretending to be forced. I was stubborn and meddling in my business, and I was trying to kill myself.

As for he Yunxiang, the leader of the Hai Gang, after listening to my words, they were directly angry. My words were obviously accusing them of the sea Gang's conduct style and violating their dignity. He Yunxiang, as a judge, raised his eyebrows in anger. Without hesitation, he yelled at me: "Stinky boy, you're looking for death!"With that, he did not give orders. He set out in person and attacked me. His momentum was extremely fierce. It seemed that he wanted to take my life directly.

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