Although it was a big match, many influential people were present, and there were many big men on the white road. However, no one on the scene stopped the Hai Gang from doing things. He even met me once and helped me. Seeing this, he also chose to ignore it. He did not open his voice from the beginning to the end and kept silent.

In fact, I know that under such circumstances, no one can say anything, because helping me is tantamount to offending the Hai Gang and Sheng family at the same time. The energy of their two families can tremble in H Province. No one is willing to take such a big risk for me.

I'm afraid that I'm really doomed today, but in the face of a crisis, I never wait to die. Just as he Yunxiang attacked me, I clenched my fist and was about to resist.

However, at this emergency moment, a graceful figure suddenly blocked me in front of me. She did not speak. With this simple move, he Yunxiang, who was like a tiger, stopped. A second ago, he was still so fierce, but this second, he stopped fighting and did not dare to have a trace of action. Because Peng Xuefei is in front of me.

Even if Peng Xuefei is cruel and heartless, he dare not hurt the eldest lady of his sea gang. He can only stop and say anxiously to Peng Xuefei: "Miss, what are you doing? Get out of the way quickly!"

This did not make Peng Xuefei moved. She still stood still in front of me. Her small figure, however, was as strong as Mount Tai at the moment. Her actions directly touched a chord in my heart and made me feel the security of being guarded. This is a taste that has never been seen for a long time.

He Yunxiang saw that Peng Xuefei's mind had been decided. He frowned and said again, "Miss, why do you have to do this? Jiangnan wind is too arrogant. I must abolish him. I hope you don't interfere any more."

After all, he's in a bad mood when he's in charge of law enforcement. After all, he's still in a bad mood when he's in a bad mood.

Seeing this, other people of Hai Gang tried to persuade Peng Xuefei to stop being stubborn and protect me blindly.

However, no matter who tried to persuade her, Peng Xuefei's determination could not be shaken. She seemed to have completely settled down her doctrine. Her expression was so firm. Despite the chaos of the scene, she was still standing in the same place as a mountain.

When the scene was about to get out of control, Peng Xuefei suddenly yelled at the audience and said, "if you want to move the Jiangnan wind, you must step on my corpse!"

Peng Xuefei's tone is so resolute, but her voice is hoarse and bitter. Her voice has just fallen, and the whole audience is boiling again. The voice of discussion is like a rolling wave, one wave higher than another.

And those people of the Hai Gang were even more surprised to close their mouths. Peng Yu, the eldest young master of the Hai Gang, exclaimed: "elder sister!"

No one can believe that Miss Peng, who has always been arrogant and coquettish, even said such words in order to protect me, a little person. This completely shows her position that Peng Xuefei wants to live and die with me.

Don't mention other people, even I was completely shocked. After so many days of getting along with Peng Xuefei, I also learned something about her. I know that she is a girl with a cold appearance but a warm heart. Today's business started from her, and I helped her, so she stood up to help me, which can be said in the past, but I can't think of it Save me. I'm scared by death.

This moment, I suddenly feel my heart has melted, become very soft very soft. I deeply stare at Peng Xuefei's back. I have to say that Peng Xuefei, standing in front of me, even her back is so enchanting. Her domineering and stubborn are all fully displayed. From her body, I suddenly feel the shadow of Ziyi. Ziyi is also a girl who sacrificed her life for me.

It's just that I'm not Suluo now. I'm playing a dandy dandy who approaches other people's rich second generation with purpose. In the final analysis, I'm not really me, and I'm not sincere to Peng Xuefei. But she should have done so for me, which makes my heart feel like a spider's silk, complicated.

After a long time, he Yunxiang, who was in shock, regained his consciousness and stammered: "Miss, you."

Just said a word of you, Peng Xuefei suddenly interrupted him and said without doubt: "even if my father came, I still mean it!"

Peng Xuefei's words, instantly blocked he Yunxiang can't speak any more. As the law enforcement elder of the sea Gang, he can severely punish anyone, but for Peng Xuefei, the eldest lady, he has no courage to move her, and can only rely on the leader to suppress her. Now, Peng Xuefei seems to be rebellious, really rebellious. No one can stop her willfulness. She seems to have been completely forgiven Go out.

Under this situation, he Yunxiang completely fell into a dilemma, the atmosphere of the scene, also changed very embarrassed, this originally was a festive party, but now it has evolved into an inseparable farce, even more and more fierce, has been unable to resolve the situation.At this time, Sheng Mingjie, who has been silent for a long time, finally stood up. He timely gave a round to he Yunxiang and said, "elder he, today is a happy day. Don't make such a scene. No matter who comes to my party, it's a face for Sheng Mingjie. The Jiangnan style is the same, no matter what kind of resentment Let's play it all today. Do you think it's ok

Sheng Mingjie's fair words, once again deeply reflects his magnanimity, at the same time, also let me more deeply realize his hypocrisy. He hated me so much, but he was able to speak so artistically, which was also his skill. For Sheng Mingjie, the more Peng Xuefei is toward me and protecting me, the more he would like me to die.

However, in the end, he stood up to help me out. I'm afraid only he can do this kind of forbearance. Of course, he did this for Peng Xuefei. He didn't want Peng Xuefei to be sad. He didn't want Peng Xuefei to break up with her father because of his party. Therefore, he had to stand up.

Indeed, in addition to Sheng Mingjie, there is no one else on the scene who can solve this embarrassing situation.

With Sheng Mingjie's appearance, he Yunxiang was also liberated. He is not stupid. He certainly doesn't want to fight against Peng Xuefei, but he let me go easily. First, he has no face of the Haibang, and the second is that he doesn't behave in front of Sheng Mingjie. Now, the host has opened his mouth and played the game, which gives him a good step. Of course, he will follow it.

He Yunxiang's gloomy face was finally relieved. He showed a faint smile and replied to Sheng Mingjie: "good, good, good. Master Sheng is indeed a large number of adults. Since you are willing to let go of the past, I can't say anything more!"

He Yunxiang's voice dropped. Other people at the scene echoed Sheng Mingjie's praises. However, while praising Sheng Mingjie, they did not forget to belittle me and put Sheng Mingjie and me in the most extreme two points. He was the most noble and I was the most humble. I was a rat excrement in this grand party, which stirred everyone's good interest. Many people were looking forward to me Roll as far as you can.

These so-called friends in Sheng Mingjie's mouth are really friends and righteous. At a certain time, they will come out and stand up to Sheng Mingjie and step on me, but. I don't care about these villains any more. As long as I can leave safely, it's the best.

However, he Yunxiang didn't seem to want me to leave easily. After being polite to Sheng Mingjie, he turned his eyes to me and said very harshly, "Jiangnan wind, since young master Sheng has spoken for you, I can let you go, but what you have done has greatly affected the reputation of the Hai gang. I must give you some punishment. From now on, you will be punished You must stay away from our eldest lady. No matter intentionally or unintentionally, you are not allowed to approach her for half a step. Can you do this? "

He Yunxiang's tone of saying this is still so overbearing. It can be said that he is clearly threatening me, so that I can't get close to Peng Xuefei from now on. Obviously, his intention is to save some face for the sea Gang, and also to remove this obstacle for Sheng Mingjie.

He Yunxiang's words are reasonable to the onlookers. The supporters of Sheng Mingjie and the apple polisher of the Haigang couldn't help but agree that this is the extra French kindness of the Haibang. Let me promise and get out of here.

Even Peng Xuefei felt that it was very rare for me to escape the robbery. Although she might not agree with he Yunxiang's request, she was too clear that this was the last bottom line of he Yunxiang. Peng Xuefei had no bargaining card at all. She had no choice but to turn around and gently persuade me: "Jiangnan wind, please promise him!"

At this moment, all the people in the audience, including Peng Xuefei, pointed out a clear way for me, that is to say yes to he Yunxiang's request. It seems that this is also my only choice.

Suddenly, I raised my head and looked directly at Peng Xuefei, and Peng Xuefei's eyes happened to be aimed at me. We didn't open our mouth. We only used eye contact. We could see that Peng didn't want to become a complete stranger with me. But the current situation forced her to say such words. The reality is always helpless. In the end, she still chose Compromise.

He Yunxiang, a cold faced judge, did not say a word to me. He was still making an eye contact with Peng Xuefei. He was so angry that he raised his eyebrows again. His eyes were ablaze. His figure suddenly moved. He came to me directly and threatened me: "Jiangnan wind, I have given you the opportunity. I hope you cherish it. Tell me quickly. Do you agree to my request?"

When he Yunxiang said this, his momentum suddenly exploded and oppressed me.

Under the strong pressure, my tangled heart suddenly precipitated, and a belief was supported in my heart. I gave Peng Xuefei a smile. Then, I turned my head and looked at he Yunxiang, who was furious.

At this moment, my face in also did not have the color of pondering, my expression became extremely serious, my eyes were full of firmness, my eyes looked directly at he Yunxiang, said solemnly to him: "sorry, your request, I can't do it!"

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