At this moment, my whole body exudes a vast sense of righteousness, which is born in my bones. It will not be eroded or eroded, and it deeply exists in my character.

Of course, I know that in my present situation, I can only get rid of the predicament and retreat completely by agreeing to he Yunxiang, forbearance and compromise. But in the end, I still refused he Yunxiang's request according to my own heart. It's not that I am not afraid of death, but I know that I can't retreat at all.

As a matter of fact, if I could walk out of this villa safely today, I would be very lucky. I also felt a trace of happiness. However, it violated my bottom line to stay away from Peng Xuefei.

I tried my best to catch up with Peng Xuefei. Seeing that she had come to this stage, Peng Xuefei had changed her outlook on me, and even for me, I could not give up her at such a time. If I promised he Yunxiang to leave Peng Xuefei for my own safety, it would not mean that everything I had done was in vain. In the future, I might go completely Out of Peng Xuefei's life, at that time, what can I rely on to get close to the Haibang and get the news of my father?

Even if I pretend to promise first and then go back later in order to escape the danger, what will Peng Xuefei think of me? Forced by the pressure of the Haigang, I tried to compromise, which proved my cowardice. In the future, I turned back and proved my dishonesty. How can Peng Xuefei have a good impression on me like this.

What's more, once I renege, it will certainly arouse the anger of the Haigang. At that time, they will not only abolish me, but also kill me.

Therefore, I clearly refused he Yunxiang. Even if I knew that rejecting him was tantamount to finding a way out for myself, I still did it without hesitation. In front of Peng Xuefei, I always showed that I was not afraid of heaven and earth. In any case, I could not admit his advice. Moreover, I did not want to be looked down upon by Peng Xuefei, let alone completely Stay away from her.

When I refused, my voice was loud and heroic, and the voice was swirling around the courtyard for a long time. The noisy crowd suddenly came to a standstill. The scene was silent for a moment. Everyone's eyes were fixed on me. There were only four words in the eyes of all people, which could not be considered.

Even Peng Xuefei was shocked by my words. However, in her shock, she was mixed with many complicated looks. She was worried, had a little appreciation, and had some helplessness.

As for that he Yunxiang, he saw my refusal, and he was furious. He yelled: "I want to die!"

With that, he struck me with one hand. The speed was extremely fast, and he didn't give me a chance to resist.

When I reacted, I was attracted by the magnetic field. I couldn't move at all. I could only watch his thunderbolt hit me.

All of a sudden, my body flew upside down, and finally fell to the ground heavily. A mouthful of blood spurted directly from my mouth and splashed all over the ground.

He yunxiangqiang, I knew this for a long time, but at this moment, with one move, I have a new understanding of him. His strength has exceeded my expectation. He is so strong that ordinary people don't see how he started. Even Peng Xuefei, who is in front of me, is not sure.

When she responded, I had vomited blood and fell to the ground. Peng Xuefei ran over and asked with concern: "Jiangnan wind, are you ok?"

I shook my head bitterly, and then struggled for a few times, trying to get up from the ground, but after moving, I found that my bones were creaking, as if they were broken, and the blood circulation seemed to be blocked. This move really hurt me very much. If it wasn't for my strong physical quality, it would have been abandoned directly.

Peng Xuefei saw this, quickly helped me, while holding, she still did not forget to say to me: "Jiangnan wind, why are you so stupid, hurry to promise him, do you want to die?"

Although, Peng Xuefei's tone with a trace of blame, but I know that she is too worried about me, she does not want to see me injured, will be like this.

At this time, other people wake up one after another, the shock in their eyes gradually subsided, but many people can not help but show contempt, some still blame me, saying that I do not know good or bad, do not cherish the opportunity, and have to seek my own death.

It can be said that I am now killed, and no one will sympathize with me. After all, he Yunxiang did give me a chance, and I refused fearlessly to die. Then, even if I have something to do, it is my own responsibility.

Even Sheng Mingjie, who is very hidden, has a chill in his eyes. I can't see his thoughts clearly, but I know that he must want me to die.

Of course, other people want me to die. I don't care. What I care about is Peng Xuefei. Seeing that she worries me so much, I have no regrets. On the contrary, my faith in my heart has become more and more firm.

With this belief, I raised my eyes and looked at Peng Xuefei. Then, I wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth and said to her word by word: "I can't promise this condition. You know my character. No matter what happens, I won't shrink back easily. Especially, for you, I like you, I will try my best to pursue you, how can I give up halfway because of a little setback. I want you to know that I am different from Du Haichao, sun Yunlong and Sheng Mingjie! "The last Sheng Mingjie's name, I said very seriously, the purpose is to give him to listen to, when I really finish this sentence, my body's blood is surging, chest will, also become unprecedented firm, I broke free Peng Xuefei's help, Dayi walked forward two steps, facing he Yunxiang, and said aloud: "elder he, don't rely on your force If you are strong, you can bully the weak. I tell you, my Jiangnan style is not frightening. Everyone has the right to love freely. As long as Peng Xuefei is still single, I have the right to pursue her. No one can stop her. I want me to stay away from her and dream! "

At the moment, although I was seriously injured, my momentum was not reduced at all, as if every cell in my body was jumping, and the spirit of power and unyielding was displayed incisively and vividly in me.

However, even if my words are reasonable, they only get the approval of a small number of people. After all, this is a predatory society, and there is not so much truth to say. In the eyes of these people, I am not worthy of Peng Xuefei, which is an unreasonable excrement stirring stick, which disturbs the atmosphere of the scene and affects everyone's mood.

He Yunxiang thought that I was provoking his majesty and the dignity of the sea gang. At this moment, his anger became fiercer and fiercer. Even the murderous intention in his eyes burst out. He glared at me and yelled: "OK, OK, OK, you have backbone. Jiangnan style, I give you a chance. You don't know how to cherish it. It's true that our Haigang is vegetarian If you want to die, I will help you. Come on, kill him

The last three words, from he Yunxiang's mouth, almost shook the whole world and roared out his endless anger. He was very smart and knew that Peng Xuefei had been guarding against him for another attack. Therefore, this time, he didn't do it himself, just gave an order. In this way, he could not only maintain his supreme majesty, but also make Peng Xuefei unable to stop it.

This old fox is really going to kill me. He ordered me to be killed in front of so many important people. However, those people in the sea Gang coveted me for a long time and were eager to eat me alive.

At the command of he Yunxiang, the sea gang members headed by Zhang Wenshan and Fu Gang immediately attacked me.

Although their strength is not as good as he Yunxiang, it is not comparable to ordinary people. They are united together, and their strength is extraordinary. With the strength that I have shown now, I am vulnerable to he Yunxiang. But in their hands, I am not ready to die. Seeing them attack, I immediately fight with them with injuries.

Peng Xuefei on one side saw that I was besieged and immediately called to he Yunxiang: "elder he, please tell them to stop!"

However, he Yunxiang was not moved by Peng Xuefei's words. He said calmly: "Miss, you have heard that Jiangnan wind has not paid any attention to our Haigang. I have given him a chance, but he won't listen. If I let him go, how can we still have a foothold in H Province in the future?"

He Yunxiang's words are very severe, and his tone is more decisive. His attitude shows that I will die today.

Indeed, with the strength of my disguised identity, it's just a dream to escape from the clutches of the sea gang. He Yunxiang's voice has just dropped over there. Here, I was knocked down by the joint attack of Zhang Wenshan and Fu Gang. I've fallen into a dead end. When I fell to the ground, my whole body was paralyzed and I couldn't move. Zhang Wenshan and Fugang seemed to be fighting for credit In spite of the occasion, they almost went up together and killed me on the ground.

Seeing my life hanging on the line, Peng Xuefei rushed to me in a hurry and rushed to me, blocking the attack of Fu Gang and Zhang Wenshan. At the same time, he hissed and yelled: "no one of you can move him!"

In order to protect me, Peng Xuefei has already put everything down. She is a proud girl, but also a stubborn girl. She doesn't want me to die in the bottom of her heart. Therefore, she will always adhere to her original heart and try her best to save me, even if she loses her image.

When he Yunxiang saw Peng Xuefei like this, his face was green, and his eyes were full of discontent. He directly said to Peng Xuefei: "Miss, you should know how much the Jiangnan style's practice has affected the reputation of the Haigang. He has openly challenged us. How can I keep him?"

Peng Xuefei knew in her heart that it was I who failed to seize the opportunity and fell out with the Haibang completely. However, she still didn't want to see me die. Seeing that there was no reason to talk about it, she simply called out: "I don't care. I said you should not move him, just don't move him. If you want to kill me, kill me first!"

However, Peng Xuefei can only move out of her own life to protect me. However, Peng Xuefei has a keen mind. She is very aware that it is impossible to protect me by playing such tricks. Therefore, after she finished her speech, she could not help looking up at the protagonist Sheng Mingjie.

In order to protect my life, Peng Xuefei looked at Sheng Mingjie with a hint of prayer. She understood that although he Yunxiang was the one who wanted my life, it was Sheng Mingjie who could dominate everything.

To Peng Xuefei's despair, Sheng Mingjie didn't protect me this time. He just said to himself, "the wind in the south of the Yangtze River is really a bit excessive!"

A simple sentence shows Sheng Mingjie's position that he doesn't want to take care of my affairs, which also directly shows that Sheng Mingjie really wants me to die.

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