At first, there were some people on the scene who wavered and their positions were not clear. Now, hearing Sheng Mingjie's words, many people couldn't help standing on the commanding heights of morality, and began to blame me one after another: "really, Jiangnan wind is too stubborn, he deserves to die!"

"Yes, Young Master Sheng and Hai Gang have given him a way to live. He doesn't know how to cherish it!"

"Well, just a little white face, still pretending to be tough. I don't want to see what occasion this is. It's really a shame to everyone!"

"He's not tough. He must rely on Miss Peng to protect him and pretend to be forced here."

"Well, I don't understand why Miss Peng insists on protecting such people."

All kinds of voices come and go. They are worthy of Sheng Mingjie's guests. As soon as Sheng Mingjie expressed his opinions, they immediately followed suit. Many people just went to persuade Peng Xuefei to leave me alone.

However, no one can shake Peng Xuefei's determination, she still stubbornly protects me, does not let others approach.

I see Peng Xuefei so resolute, see the sadness in her eyes, my heart seems to be pricked the same, faint pain. From a very early age, I hated being protected by women, I didn't want to be a coward, but now, I'm still reduced to this point, it's too cowardly.

But the fact has to evolve into this. I can't control this trend. I just follow my own heart, but I have come to such a step.

If I can, of course, I want to go out on my own, and I want to break through the shackles by myself. However, with my current strength, it is impossible to escape from the hands of the sea gang. Let alone Peng Xuefei, he Yunxiang and others in front of me can not expose the real strength, even if I recklessly exposed the strength, but also can not resist the three elders of the sea gang.

Therefore, if I want to live, I can only hope in Peng Xuefei, let the noise around me, I lie quietly on the ground. At the moment, my whole body aches, my strength is weak, and my chest seems to be blocked by something, which is very uncomfortable.

My world is noisy and dark, and the only light is Peng Xuefei. Her whole body seems to emit a unique light, shining on my heart, but Peng Xuefei is only one person, and the whole audience, so many people are criticizing me, and the Honggang people are killing me. How can Peng Xuefei resist easily.

Fu Gang and Zhang Wenshan and others, afraid of Peng Xuefei's noble status, did not dare to approach me. However, as an elder, he Yunxiang was different. He acted in a stern and merciless manner. Seeing that Peng Xuefei could not be persuaded, he suddenly took a step and walked straight to me with a manic momentum.

The other two elders also came along. The three of them formed a triangle and surrounded me.

After he Yunxiang had settled down, he immediately said to Peng Xuefei, "Miss, it's very difficult for me to do this!"

He Yunxiang wants to kill me in front of Peng Xuefei. It's very simple, but Peng Xuefei is the leader's daughter after all. Once she is hurt by mistake, his crime will be great. What's more, he has respect for Peng Xuefei, the eldest lady, and it's not easy to rush out. Therefore, he did not move me immediately after he approached me, only said such a word to Peng Xuefei.

But Peng Xuefei saw he Yunxiang close, more and more comprehensive to protect my vital point, she did not respond to he Yunxiang's words, but expressed with action not to give up my determination.

Seeing this, the other two elders could not help but persuade Peng Xuefei, but it was still useless. Peng Xuefei did not reason with them at all, but stubbornly protected me.

He Yunxiang shook his head helplessly, and then ordered: "pull the eldest lady away!"

Immediately, two members of the sea Gang came forward to carry out he Yunxiang's orders.

But this moment, Peng Xuefei was angry, completely angry, she red eyes, to those people angry roar: "I see you who dare to touch me!"

In a word, Peng Xuefei's momentum is completely displayed, which has a kind of heroine's taste. Her identity is indeed noble, and her body is more precious. Who dares to touch the body of the eldest lady easily, and how dare to drag her.

For a moment, the two members of the sea gang who came to the front were stupefied and did not dare to move again. They were completely subdued by Xia Xiaoxiao's momentum, and they really did not dare to touch Peng Xuefei.

This time, he Yunxiang's anger is even worse, his face is almost ferocious, that pair of eyes that stare at me, murderous and awe inspiring, without any cover up, but he really does not want to offend Peng Xuefei. He is resolute and severe, and can not help hesitating at this moment.

Other onlookers, already smelling the strong smell of gunpowder in the field, did not dare to speak out, but looked carefully and held their breath. The huge courtyard of the villa, instantly fell into the boundless silence, the silent air, but full of strange atmosphere.

However, in this silent moment, suddenly a figure flashed out and came to my side. This man was Peng Yu.

As soon as he came forward, he said to Peng Xuefei, "elder sister, my father has something to say to you!"

As soon as the voice fell, Peng Yu immediately handed the mobile phone to Peng Xuefei's ear.

Obviously, the other end of the phone is the leader of the Hai Gang. I don't know what he said to Peng Xuefei. I just feel that Peng Xuefei's face has changed dramatically, from disappointment to despair and deep despair.After Peng Yu took the phone, Peng Xuefei, who had been guarding me, stood up slowly.

Then, she lowered her head and looked at me very sad. Her eyes had thousands of looks, so tangled, but so helpless. For a long time, she just pointed at me and sent out an extremely bitter voice: "Jiangnan wind, I'm sorry!"

Just five words, Peng Xuefei seems to have spent a lot of effort to say it, so difficult.

Suddenly, my whole person seemed to be evacuated, the light in front of me suddenly disappeared, Peng Xuefei's leaving, let me lose the barrier, as if in the vast ocean sea, drifting alone, sinking.

Peng Xuefei did everything to protect me. In the end, she was convinced by her father that she gave up me.

Although I don't know what the sea gang leader said to Peng Xuefei, it must have been some alarmist remarks. You know, Peng Xuefei's attitude was so firm just now, and even said that even if her father came, she would take this position, but at present, the sea gang leader did not come, and just a phone call made Peng Xuefei shrink back. It is impossible to say that I am not sad.

But even if it's sad and lonely again. I can't blame Peng Xuefei. I know that she did her best. For me, she did her best. She fought against many people from the sea gang for me, and finally won the chance to let me escape. I didn't cherish it. Later, she was angry for me for ignoring all the attacks of the Haibang people.

But after all, she still because of her father, can no longer protect me, from her look, I can feel her pain and helplessness, I understand her very much. I also understand that her identity, born in the underworld family, her family must be complex, can not help her willful, she certainly dare not easily violate her father's dignity, otherwise, when Sheng Mingjie proposed to her, she would not be so entangled. If she can be free and easy-going, she will definitely refuse Sheng Mingjie for the first time.

The so-called way is one foot high and the devil is ten feet high. No matter how tough Peng Xuefei is, she can't be stronger than her father. Her identity seems beautiful on the surface. In fact, there are many things she can't control, even marriage. It's because I understand her that I don't blame her.

Seeing Peng Xuefei's remorse, I couldn't help but swallow my saliva. Then I looked up at Peng Xuefei and said gratefully, "it's OK, thank you!"

Hearing this, Peng Xuefei's sadness in her eyes became more intense. However, she didn't say anything more. She just bit her lips and turned her head. She couldn't bear to look at me.

He Yunxiang, who was still in a state of anger just now, burst into splendor in an instant. He regained his cool face and looked down upon me with contempt. He said faintly: "Jiangnan wind, there are not many opportunities in our life, but you don't know how to grasp it. You are wrong again and again. You don't know how to live or die. If you are against the sea Gang, then don't blame me for being merciless!"

After that, he bent down, shook hands and took my neck.

My life was shaking again, and it was about to end. But, at this critical moment, a calm voice broke through the air: "wait!"

This is a man's voice, obviously, not Peng Xuefei.

Unexpectedly, on the scene, in addition to Peng Xuefei, there are people who dare to come out to stop the sea gang from doing business. This is also a miracle.

For this miracle, people are curious, almost everyone's eyes, follow the sound. Even lying on the ground, I couldn't help turning my head and looking at the master of the voice.

This man is, of course, Wan Jinliang, the director of the police department who met me once.

According to the principle, director Wan can be regarded as a big white man. After all, he holds great power. When people in the underground world see him as a mouse and a cat, he has to hide. In fact, this is not the case. Under the influence of the Hai Gang and the Sheng family, director Wan seems to be a little small. Even he Yunxiang dare to kill people in front of him, but he can't show him Show what temper, even wait for two words, he said very no confidence, feel like hesitation for a long time, just shout out.

Don't be angry with me. When he Wanxiang comes out of the house, I hope all of you can stand up with me

It's very difficult to open this crossing, but as soon as he said it, director Wan said it in an orderly way. Obviously, he pleaded for me in the face of the manor master, and let me, who was on the verge of death, see a glimmer of hope again. I watched the straw tightly, hoping and excited.

However, director Wan's face didn't seem to be big enough. He Yunxiang didn't care at all. He just said calmly: "director Wan, you've been on the scene all the time. You should be clear that what Jiangnan Feng has just done is not paying attention to our maritime gang. I've given him the opportunity, but he doesn't want to. He still wants to pester our eldest lady If I let go of a scoundrel, where will the face of our sea Gang go? "

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