He Yunxiang is a smart man. Even if he doesn't care about director Wan, he still wants to move to the sea gang and use the sea Gang as support when he speaks. After all, director Wan no matter how to say it, is the existence of power, and only by using the name of Hai Bang can he frighten director Wan.

However, even if director Wan is afraid of the Haibang, even if he can not give us the face of the Jiang family, as a parent official of H Province, he can't tolerate someone killing in front of him in broad daylight, which is equivalent to hitting him in the face.

Therefore, director Wan stopped and continued to say: "elder he, in any case, today is a happy day, and there are so many people present. It's not good for you to kill people in public. You'd better give me a face and let the Jiangnan style go first."

Director Wan's words are very implicit, but he Yunxiang, the arrogant sea law enforcement elder, is still not willing to listen. He sees director Wan's meddling again and again, and his majestic face shows anger. Suddenly, he squats down, pinches my neck and lifts me up from the ground. Then he angrily says to director Wan: "Wan Director, you should know my style. I have no human feelings to talk about when I do business. I didn't give you face. Do you think I will give you face? I tell you, I must deal with the Jiangnan wind today. If it's a big deal, you will act according to law and take me away! "

For he Yunxiang, killing is just like killing a chicken. He has no worries at all. Even if he is caught, I'm afraid he will have a way out at will. Therefore, he doesn't care about director Wan at all. After saying this, he also increases his strength in his hands and pinches my neck fiercely.

My whole person is suspended, want to struggle, but the whole body is weak, want to breathe, are so difficult, feel more and more suffocating, the blue veins on my skull have skyrocketed.

He Yunxiang wanted to strangle me in front of director Wan.

When director Wan saw that he Yunxiang was like this, he had a flash of anger in his eyes, but the anger remained tight for no more than a second, and then disappeared immediately, replaced by helplessness.

He said all his words, but still can't save me. He has no choice, or in other words, he knows that with his strength, he can't save me from he Yunxiang. He can only look at me with a little pity. For director Wan, he has done what he should do. Even if I die here, director Wan is not dereliction of duty.

Perhaps, the other bigwigs on the white road also know this truth. In any case, they are all on the scene. If they have been indifferent and watch me die in front of them, their reputation will be affected. Therefore, after the persuasion of director Wan, several other bigwigs of the white road have come forward one after another, symbolically begging for me I hope he Yunxiang doesn't kill me on the spot.

Their pleading seemed so false that they didn't try their best to act as if they didn't have any persuasion, and they couldn't stop he Yunxiang's action at all.

I was still held by he Yunxiang vigorously. The pain of my whole body was covered by the discomfort of suffocation. At this moment, I only felt that I had difficulty breathing. I was very uncomfortable. My eyes almost burst out and my life was in danger.

Seeing that several figures in the white way all tried to persuade them to quit without success, I had no chance to live. Suddenly, a man jumped out of the underworld.

This man, who was the leader of the flying car party, Mu Nan, suddenly stood up and said to he Yunxiang politely, "elder he, the Haibang is the biggest gang in H Province. He has always been our model and our object of admiration. This boy is just an ignorant student. He has offended our flying party before. However, I let him go because he is young. Today, the Jiangnan wind does damage the dignity of the Hai Gang. It is proper for the Hai Gang to establish its prestige. However, we can teach him a lesson. There is no need to kill people. If it is spread out, it will be to the Hai Gang It's a bad reputation

Finally, Mu Nan couldn't help but stand up bravely and said a fair word for me.

You know, Haibang is the biggest force in H Province. It is the object that other small gangs want to join. In the past, sun Yunlong, a fast car party, approached Peng Xuefei and wanted to get some light from the sea gang. Who dares to offend this giant crocodile easily? However, Mu Nan, for my sake, risked offending the Hai Gang and said this.

If we say that the people on the white road come out to ask for love for me, this is in the past. After all, they have to go off the stage, but the people on the underworld have offended the Hai Gang for me, which is a bit unreasonable.

Therefore, the appearance of Mu Nan startled the people at the scene. Even Peng Xuefei looked at Mu Nan with an incredible look. Peng Xuefei was the most clear about the hatred between me and the flying car party. Originally, she was more strange when I walked out of the base camp of the party. Now, in this big field, Mu Nan even begged for me. How can she tell her No surprise.

Even he Yunxiang, the cold faced judge, was shocked by Mu Nan's words. He could not help but lower his hand, so that my feet can stand on the ground, not suffocated to death, but he pinched my neck strength, still did not change, my lifeblood is still controlled in his palm, he was very puzzled to look at Mu Nan, and said in a sharp voice: "boss mu, Hai Gang is working, when will you get your car Party's advice?"

Although Mu Nan's words are very euphemistic, in any case, they are against he Yunxiang. He Yunxiang, who is already in anger, will not give Mu Nan face.Mu Nan, as the leader of a gang, was completely crushed by an elder of the Hai Gang. He Yunxiang's words made munan a little dumb. He didn't dare to continue to contradict him, but quietly focused his eyes on me and waited for my instructions.

At this moment of life and death, I fully feel the loyalty of Mu Nan. I really need help, but I can't pull others into the water. Although the party has become my power secretly, I am also clear that the party is just a cup of water in front of the sea gang. Even if Mu Nan tries his best to help me, it will not help, but will harm himself So, I didn't give him any instructions.

I don't know if he Yunxiang is too arrogant and overbearing, which makes people feel uncomfortable. Maybe it's because of Mu Nan's influence. Anyway, after Mu Nan finished speaking, several big gangs, including the chairman of the green dragon Association, stood up and said a few words for me. However, these are relatively small gangs and some gangs that have little relationship with the sea gang, They have opened their mouths to speak for me. This may be a kind of oath and a kind of dissatisfaction of the hegemonism of the small Gang and the big gang, which was ignited only through my introduction.

Although they did not have much right to speak in this big scene, their standing on the sidelines also eliminated my situation of being alone and helpless. It also reflected a kind of sadness of the weak. Some swaying wall grass came to my side. There were many people who helped me to speak. Even if I was guilty, I would not die.

The wind, which had been leaning to the side of the Haibang, began to change. Finally, the development of things has a little turn for the better, and my desperate heart also got a little bit of comfort.

But this relief soon disappeared, because. The pressure of public opinion not only failed to stop he Yunxiang's atrocity, but also infuriated him. Seeing more and more people speak for me, he Yunxiang broke out directly. He suddenly roared and said, "Whoever dares to speak for Jiangnan wind is to openly oppose our Haibang!"

In a word, the whole discussion suddenly stopped. After he Yunxiang's voice dropped, his momentum also spread out and became extremely strong. In the desperate situation, I not only had to bear the suffocation brought by his pinching my neck, but also had to bear the repression from his momentum. This feeling was really too hard.

However, no one dares to say a word for me no matter how hard I feel. The majesty of the Hai Gang is so terrible. He Yunxiang's thunder is so angry that the whole audience is shocked. Everyone is silent. They just look at me with different minds.

He Yunxiang saw that all the people on the field were drunk by him. He could not help flashing a hint of satisfaction in his expression. Then, he looked at me with cold eyes and said in a gloomy tone: "Jiangnan wind, tell you, there is no one who wants to kill by the sea gang. Since I have decided to kill you, it is the heavenly king and Laozi who has come. You can't stop it. Go to death for me!"

As soon as the words fell, he Yunxiang's eyes suddenly jumped out of a fierce fierce light. At this moment, he was like a bloodthirsty hungry wolf. The fierce light in his eyes flashed, and his strength in his hands suddenly increased. He tightened my neck and lifted me up again.

He Yunxiang is strong, very, very strong. No matter how fierce the master is, if he pinches me like this, I'm afraid that he will become weak, let alone me, a seriously injured person. I want to resist, but I have always been in vain. The heavier and heavier breath of death oppresses me, making my breath weaker and weaker, and my eyes are gradually blurred.

Such a big scene, this moment, very quiet, all people are witnessing my death, death is really closer and closer to me, I feel unprecedented pain, but my only consciousness is still, I am not reconciled, I don't want to die, I can't die, I still have a lot of things to finish, Ziyi is waiting for me, my father is waiting for me, many of my brothers are waiting for me I'm not willing to die like this. I'm more angry at he Yunxiang's tyranny and indifference.

His persecution made my anger rise slowly. The oppression of death made me want to look for the hope of life more and more. The blood in my body was rolling, the gas in my chest was boiling, and my eyes were rapidly turning red.

The more I feel suffocated, the more red my eyes will be, the more fierce my breath will be. My strength is growing, and my fist is slowly pinching and tightening.

At the moment when I was about to lose my mind, suddenly, a very ethereal voice came from the silent scene: "Jiangnan wind is my friend, none of you can hurt him!"

This voice is very abrupt. Although the volume is not big and the tone is very young, it seems to be infected with magic. It has a full deterrent force. He Yunxiang's strong intention of killing is removed in a moment, and he unconsciously slows down the strength of his hand and slowly puts me down.

And I was on the verge of an outbreak when I suddenly heard the sound, like a madman who was suddenly injected with a tranquilizer.

This voice is too familiar, familiar so that almost no sense of me, suddenly woke up, almost at the same time, the scene of people, all coincidentally looked at the source of the sound.

I saw, a thin figure, from the courtyard door, slowly walked in. Her step is very light, but it is not that light in the wind, but the weakness of her body, which makes her step very light, slow and makes people can't help thinking of helping her in the past.In the sun, she stepped on a pair of black and white canvas shoes, long hair shawl, let her look young and beautiful, just. Her face is particularly white, white like the kind of critically ill, white let her lose the color of life, she is not other people, she was the first several times to save me in the fire, Qiqi.

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