I never thought that, under such an occasion, Qiqi would appear here, and also appeared in such a timely manner. For me, this girl is like the light in the night, always appears when I need it.

Qiqi, this sick and delicate girl, has gone through my life deeply. The time that we two get along with is not long. Even, the words we have said together are few. But she is clearly branded in my memory.

At the beginning, my impression of Qiqi was that she was a weak little girl, clever, kind, quiet and lovely.

However, later, I learned that under her weak appearance, there is a very strong heart, as well as her intelligent mind, and the heart not to panic. No matter in any situation, Qiqi I see is so indifferent, not afraid of danger, not afraid of power, as if there is nothing to let her fear in the world, even her looks particularly serious disease, she all It doesn't seem to be particularly worried. It seems very natural and strong.

Compared with her strong, at the beginning of me, seems to be a little dwarfed, I am too impulsive, too reckless, too emotional, no man like. Once many times, I was in danger, and finally Qiqi appeared in time to save me.

I will never forget her kindness to me. What's more, she helped me several times, but never asked for anything in return.

She is like a bright moon in my life, always guiding my direction, illuminating my heart, giving me light and warmth. With her around, I always have a light sense of satisfaction and a strong sense of security.

The relationship between us can not be described as falling in love with each other. It seems that we are ordinary friends, but there is a trace of special flavor more than friends. It can be said that as long as I am in danger, Qiqi will help me without hesitation.

Helping me has become her mission. What's more, her help not only saved me in a critical moment, but also comforted me when I was sad. The deepest memory was that on the rooftop of my former university, Ziyi went to the rooftop to look for me because of Fu Dong's affairs. She completely hurt me and made me heartbroken in the rain.

At that time, Qiqi suddenly appeared, weak she, for me to hold up the umbrella, covered the wind and rain. Helpless, I couldn't help hugging her, but she didn't refuse, but let me feel infinite warmth, but it was pure warmth, I always had no evil thoughts towards her, only felt that she was a girl who made me feel very comfortable, at the same time, also let me appreciate it.

Ever since my dad was arrested, I've been here alone, and I've lost contact with Kiki and even my former friends.

In this strange big city, I did not rely on others. I always wanted to rely on myself to save my father. Although the process was hard, I finally survived.

In order to protect my life and facilitate my action, I first disguised my identity and mixed into the five halls of the Hong Gang. Then I disguised myself as Jiangnan style and approached Peng Xuefei.

The identity of Jiangnan wind has firmly shackled me. It seems that I have really become a rich second generation of dandy. Every day, I want to capture Peng Xuefei's heart. In my daily life, there are all these new strangers in my life. It seems that I almost forget my old acquaintances. They're almost derailed from their past.

At this moment, suddenly saw Qiqi, my heart couldn't help but tremble. A long lost sense of familiarity was drawn out and touched the softest string in my heart. My wandering heart was surrounded by a strong sense of security in a trance.

Any time, any scene, as long as I see Kiki, I will feel hope. Maybe, her position in my heart is so strong that I think she can do anything. As if, as long as she appears, it will be able to solve my dilemma.

Although I am in a huge whirlpool, the enemy I am facing is the unfathomable Sheng Mingjie and the powerful sea Gang against the sky. But I still trust Qiqi. When she comes, she immediately clears the haze in my heart, and my anger goes out. My red eyes slowly brighten up and my fists gradually loosen.

In a flash, my whole person is like a ball of vent gas, become extremely weak, I was seized by he Yunxiang body, natural droop down.

At this time, Qiqi was still walking towards me step by step. She didn't care about the attention of the whole audience. She didn't look left and right. She just went straight ahead. She was weak and slow, but her whole body seemed to radiate brilliant light.

The stunned people in the field spontaneously gave her a way. Along this road, Qiqi came to me freely.

When her feet stopped, the audience was still silent, silent, no one spoke, no one moved, all of them just looked at Qiqi quietly.

Finally, Sheng Mingjie, the protagonist of the scene, took the lead in breaking the silence. He suddenly opened his feet and strode out.

But surprisingly, Sheng Mingjie went to Qiqi with a big smile on his face. While walking, he said enthusiastically: "I thought it was Miss Xia. I sent the invitation to your home in person. However, I heard that your illness was unstable, and I thought you would not participate. I didn't expect that you would come. Your arrival really makes me this It's bright and brightSheng Mingjie's polite remarks, said a model, which directly shows that Qiqi's dignity, even Sheng Mingjie is very important.

This really surprised me. Although I was powerless, I was still conscious. I finally knew why Qiqi dared to say disobedient words to the sea gang. It turned out that she had an unusual background.

After Sheng Mingjie's voice dropped, the silent crowd. All of a sudden, the voices of discussion rang out: "my God, I say who is so bold, it turns out to be the second miss of the Xia family!"

"Yes, I heard that the second lady of the Xia family is not in good health and seldom appears in public. I didn't expect to come to Master Sheng's party today!"

"Who are you talking about, Miss Xia er? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"You're not local, are you? The first talented woman in H Province, the second miss of Xia family, has never heard of Xia Yuqi? "


perhaps, there are not many people who have met Qiqi, but there are not a few people who have heard of her name. It seems that Qiqi has a high prestige in this city. When it comes to Miss Xia Er, all kinds of praise come in one after another.

In the past, only Sheng Mingjie could enjoy such praise. Unexpectedly, Qiqi came and had such treatment, which was praised and praised by all.

However, I was full of shock. Although I had already guessed that Qiqi's identity was not ordinary, I still couldn't help being surprised when I heard people talking about her, especially when I heard that she was the first talented woman in H Province.

I have seen Qiqi's wisdom. Every time she shows up, she can inadvertently reflect her wisdom. I have to admire her. But it turns out that her intelligence is so famous here, and she is known as the first talented woman.

God is finally fair, it gave Qiqi a sick body, but compensated her a wisdom brain, let her have extraordinary mind at the same time.

In such an occasion, Qiqi's performance is still as usual, so indifferent, even if praised by so many big people, she can still be calm, her face is still calm like water, she just said politely to Sheng Mingjie: "thank you, brother Mingjie's welcome, the weather is hot recently, I really shouldn't go out, but I heard about my friend Friend, that is, Jiangnan style, was bullied at your party, so I came here to have a look! "

Qiqi sounds like a polite reply to Sheng Mingjie, but in fact, it is once again a very strict statement that she came to save me.

One word wakes up the dreamer. All the people present understand that Qiqi came here to save me, which makes people more and more surprised. Many people can't help but wonder what the relationship is between me and the first talented woman in the provincial capital.

Even Peng Xuefei, with incredible eyes, looked at me and Qiqi, and seemed to be entangled in the relationship between me and her.

At the moment, I also gradually wake up. Just now, I have been in shock and surprise, but I seem to forget the most important part, that is, my identity is not Suluo, but Jiangnan style, a super rich dandy.

At the beginning, I knew Qiqi as ye Zixuan, but she certainly knew that I was Suluo. Therefore, no matter who I was, Qiqi and I were friends. But now, my identity is Jiangnan style, and Qiqi has nothing to do with it!

At present, people who know my real identity, in addition to grandfather Bai, are taking in my family. In addition, no one knows that I'm solo. Is this my identity investigated by Qiqi?

She just opened her mouth twice, and both times emphatically mentioned that Jiangnan Feng was her friend, which sounded like it was meant for the whole audience. On the other hand, it seemed that she was deliberately told to me. After all, only in this way can I know how to cooperate with her so as not to expose my identity.

It's just, even so, I still don't know if she knows I'm solo.

If I know my true identity, it is natural that she saved me. If she did not know, what would she do to save me? Because they have a relationship with the Jiang family. She was asked by the master of the Jiang family to help me?

I don't understand, really don't understand, at this moment, all I can do is to look at Qiqi quietly.

On the other side, Sheng Mingjie can't help but restrain his fake smile after listening to Qiqi's words. Obviously, Qiqi's attitude makes him lose face a little. After all, Qiqi didn't want to attend his party, but for me, Qiqi specially rushed to come here. You can imagine that Qiqi pays more attention to me, which makes Sheng Mingjie, a superior man, stand up.

What's more, Sheng Mingjie and I are on the opposite side. He wants me to die more than anyone else. However, he comes in the shade and kills people with the help of the sea gang. Qiqi points out that he wants to save me. Sheng Mingjie must be upset, but he doesn't directly express his dissatisfaction.

After a pause, he quickly gave a false reply: "ha ha, Miss Xia, what do you think is bullying? It's all a festival between the Jiangnan wind and the sea gang. I've adjusted it, but it's useless. On the contrary, it's more and more noisy. I can't help it!"Qiqi and Sheng Mingjie have just a few conversations to show that their relationship is not harmonious. What they say is also scene talk. However, Qiqi's sentences are direct, while Sheng Mingjie falsely thinks that he is a snake. He puts all his responsibilities on the head of the sea Gang, while he is indifferent to himself and hangs on high.

Ordinary people are really cheated by his hypocrisy. After all, he didn't aim at me on the surface, and even offered to let me go several times. This makes others think that his mind is extremely broad. Sheng Mingjie is really deep enough in his mind.

And his move to shirk responsibility, but also very cow force, Qiqi listened, naturally did not chase him. Even if she had guessed Sheng Mingjie's thoughtfulness, she did not break it. She just gave a smile and then turned her head. He Yunxiang, the elder of the Hai Gang, is looking at him.

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