Qiqi's dignity is not small. Even he Yunxiang, who is arrogant, is shaken by it. He says that he doesn't give any face to him. At the moment, he seems to care about Qiqi very much, because since Qiqi appeared, his hands did not pinch my neck any more, but grabbed my collar. This small move proves that he Yunxiang takes care of Qiqi very much.

Seeing Qiqi looking at him, he Yunxiang coughed softly and then said, "Miss Xia, do you know Jiangnan wind?"

This time, he Yunxiang even changed his language. He was not as arrogant as he was just now, and obviously eased a lot.

See this situation, I stretch the string finally loose, the heart suddenly had a sense of relief, feeling that Qiqi is really capable of saving me safely.

My heart just gave birth to this idea, 7 Qiqi suddenly moved, she walked forward two steps, directly supported me, asked with concern: "Jiangnan wind, are you ok?"

Qiqi didn't pay any attention to he Yunxiang, and used this action to show that her relationship with me is not general.

Although, I am in a bad condition, my whole body aches and I feel weak, I still shake my head at Kiki. "I'm fine!" he whispered

And Qiqi nodded to me, with her eyes to convey a layer of information to me, that is to cooperate with her.

Then, Qiqi looked at he Yunxiang again, and she specially looked at he Yunxiang's hand holding my neckline, looking dissatisfied.

He Yunxiang's face became more ugly than eating excrement. Originally, Qiqi didn't pay attention to him, which made him embarrassed. Now, Qiqi motioned to him to let him loose me, which made it even more difficult.

Tangled for a long time, this lawless judge, after all, still chose to let go, temporarily released me.

Seeing he Yunxiang let go, Qiqi opened his mouth and said coldly, "Jiangnan wind is a very good friend of mine. I hope elder he can open his eyes and let him go!"

Hearing this, he Yunxiang couldn't help but look at me. His expression was serious and serious. After a short while, he looked at Qiqi and said with a heavy voice: "Miss Xia, I respect you very much. But, you don't know, Jiangnan wind is stubborn and makes a big mistake. He openly challenges our maritime gang. Even if he is your friend, he can't do what he wants."

Obviously, although he Yunxiang released me temporarily, it does not mean that he would let me go so easily. Otherwise, he and his Haibang would be disgraced.

Qiqi seemed to have expected he Yunxiang's attitude, and she didn't care. She just gave a slight smile and said calmly, "I've heard about what happened here, but I don't think there is anything wrong with Jiangnan style. In the final analysis, isn't he after your Miss Peng. It's true that your Haigang pays attention to the right family, but Jiangnan style is not wrong in pursuing love !”

As soon as Qiqi opened her mouth, she simplified the matter. In the eyes of the Haibang, I was unforgivable, but Qiqi thought it was a small matter, which made the whole audience dumbfounded.

In everyone's stupefied moment, Qiqi suddenly looked at Peng Xuefei. Then, she went on to say: "maybe, in your opinion. Jiangnan style is not worthy of your eldest lady, but in my opinion, he is worthy of it. Jiangnan wind is a very excellent man. He doesn't like me. If he likes me and pursues me sincerely, I'll certainly agree. I don't know what's wrong with him! "

Qiqi's words, said very sincere, very sincere, as if it was her sincere words, with her voice down, the field of the people, the moment of uproar, they all looked at me, mouth can not help but exclaim, all kinds of comments, you know, Qiqi's identity is not inferior to Peng Xuefei, but she said such words, this is completely Lift me up, stand me out.

At this moment, I suddenly remembered that the last time, at the wedding of Ziyi and Fudong, I ventured to disturb their wedding, but in the end, Ziyi was injured completely, and the whole person fell to the bottom of the valley and couldn't raise my head. At that time, Qiqi appeared in time. She not only solved the crisis for me, but even said that I was her boyfriend. She saved my lost dignity, so that I could walk out of the predicament with my head up and chest up.

Now, as the wind of the south of the Yangtze River, I once again experienced a low ebb and a dangerous situation. Although my heart is not so painful, after all, Peng Xuefei is only my target, and Ziyi can't be compared with each other. However, the blow and insult I suffered are the same. The reason why I fell into such a situation is entirely because I am too far away from Sheng Mingjie, Peng Xuefei It's Sheng Mingjie's suitor. I'm not qualified to pursue it at all. The crime I committed is also because of my obsession with Peng Xuefei, which makes the people of the Hai Gang angry and want to kill me.

I was reduced to a ravaged dog under the anger of the sea Gang people. My body was beaten and my dignity was trampled on. The appearance of Qiqi not only saved my life, but also specially recovered my dignity for me. She was still so intelligent, so calm, and orderly. Not afraid to offend people, just to clear the haze for me.

In fact, Kiki's words did play a role. The people who were amazed and talked about the topic were obviously about my mystery and my ability. I can be so cared about by the second Miss Xia family. At this moment, in their eyes, I'm no longer just an unscrupulous jerk, but my status seems to have been upgraded abruptly.When people are talking about it, Peng Xuefei's look has changed. It's a little complicated. She may not have imagined that I have such a relationship with Qiqi. Her eyes swept me and looked at Qiqi. In the end, she still didn't say anything, just looked at in silence.

As the master of my life and death, he Yunxiang had an ugly face. This time, he was frozen and became stern and angry. In any case, Qiqi's words were questioning his means and challenging his authority, which made him, as a high-ranking law enforcement elder, endure.

However, he had a bad temper, but he didn't break out. He just looked at Qiqi angrily. He was eager to talk but stopped. He was very stubborn.

However, no matter how frustrated he was, Qiqi didn't care about it. Even more, Qiqi didn't care about other people's comments. After recovering face for me, she helped me to turn around and aimed at the gate of the courtyard. Then, she took a step, and at the same time, she said to me in a soft voice: "let's go!"

These four words, Qiqi said very light, feeling, in her opinion, take me out of this abyss, is a very simple thing. Before, Peng Xuefei did her best to take me out, but when I got to Qiqi, things became so easy.

From Qiqi's appearance to leaving now, there is not much time in total. I seem to be still in a dream, a little trance, some ethereal, and feel a little unrealistic.

Think about it carefully, in the whole process, what Qiqi said was actually just a few words, but each sentence was to the point. She didn't beat around the bush. A few words expressed the whole meaning, especially when she said that I had not pursued her. If I chased her, she would have agreed.

Her words are obviously to restore my dignity for me, but in my heart, I can't help but have another feeling. It seems that she really said to me, but what she said is too natural, so that I can't understand her mind.

At that time, at Ziyi's wedding, Qiqi pretended to be my girlfriend, and she was also very natural. She was a person who didn't leave any traces, but she always made me feel warm and gratified.

In my mind ups and downs, my steps have been involuntarily moved, in the support of Qiqi, I follow her, together to the door.

But we just walked a few steps, suddenly, a rough voice came from behind us: "wait

This voice is obviously he Yunxiang issued, his tone with obvious dissatisfaction, his words let me and Qiqi unconsciously stopped.

This moment, my heart set off some waves, but Qiqi is still ancient well, she gently helped me back to the body, then, she looked at he Yunxiang coldly, asked faintly: "what's the matter?"

Qiqi speaks softly, but she has an irresistible momentum. Perhaps it is her inherent charm that makes people unconsciously respect him. He Yunxiang is so arrogant that he dare not be unreasonable to Qiqi. He just glanced at Sheng Mingjie and then said in a voice: "Miss Xia, you should know that no matter how the Jiangnan wind is, he is He contradicted me and challenged the dignity of the Haigang. Everyone present saw it with their own eyes. If I let him go like this, where is the dignity of our Haibang? "

At the moment, he Yunxiang can't find out what I'm responsible for. He can only use the sea Gang to talk about things again. Anyway, he is holding on to this point, and regards my provocation to the dignity of the Hai Gang as a big thing, and he will not let me go.

However, I just noticed he Yunxiang's glance and finally understood why he dared to obstruct us. It turns out that everything is Sheng Mingjie's meaning. This hypocrite is playing tricks in the dark, but he pushes the Hai Gang on the stage.

Although Haibang cares about Qiqi, he also cares about the Sheng family. If I just let me go, it will not only hurt his Haibang's face, but also the face of jet Chan. After all, I disturbed Sheng Mingjie's proposal in public, and finally let me walk out of his territory, which is a slap in the face.

I know better that Sheng Mingjie is angry at this time. It may also be related to Qiqi, because since Qiqi came here, he didn't give him the face of the host. If Qiqi took me out of the gate and spread it out, I'm afraid his grandmaster would not be able to raise his head in the future, at least he would be suppressed by Qiqi. That's why he wanted to keep us, but the way he kept us was to put pressure on the people of the sea, and he watched the big drama coldly beside him.

Of course, I can see that this is Sheng Mingjie's meaning, and Qiqi can see it more clearly. But she didn't point it out. She just said in a cold voice to he Yunxiang: "you people have beaten this little thing. What else do you want to do? Do you want to kill people? Are you so lawless?"

Qiqi's body is weak, but her temperament is so tough. Her attitude is beyond doubt. In this way, he Yunxiang is in trouble. He is an outstanding law enforcement elder of the sea Gang, who is ignored by a girl. Of course, he will be angry. He is a little impatient. The whole person is also on the edge of rage. His face is like ice cream, and there is no just now To Kiki.After holding back for two times, he Yunxiang opened his mouth and gnashed his teeth and said, "this is the business of the Haibang. I hope Miss Xia doesn't interfere!"

Knowing that it was useless to reason, he Yunxiang became tough. Before, in order to deal with me, he didn't even give face to the eldest lady of his Hai Gang. Now, he, a cold faced judge, did not hesitate to offend Qiqi. After all, Haibang is the largest gang in the city, and Qiqi, even though he is fierce, can't make the Hai Gang afraid.

Seeing he Yunxiang like this, my heart is even more worried, and I'm almost at a loss. Always, Qiqi, a weak girl, is omnipotent in my heart. But today's scene is really too big. People who want to deal with me can only cover the sky in H Province. I'm really worried that Qiqi can't cope with it.

However, when I was worried, Qiqi beside me suddenly raised her voice and cried out: "Jiangnan wind is my friend, no one can touch him, I am going to take him away today!"

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