Qiqi always speaks softly. I seldom see the angry appearance of ponytail. But at this moment, she shows a brave and domineering side for me. Like a sick girl, she shows a different charm of women. And, as soon as the voice fell, she helped me again, trying to take me out of this land of right and wrong.

However, Qiqi was angry, and he Yunxiang was also angry. He ignored and directly ordered: "leave the Jiangnan wind to me!"

Immediately, Zhang Wenshan and others quickly attacked and surrounded me.

In the twinkling of an eye, I seemed to fall into the bottomless mire again. The momentum of the top masters of the sea gang was like a heavy haze. The people who were pressing were not breathing freely. They were about to press me. Suddenly, a loud voice of thunder rose up: "stop it!"

This voice is very powerful, let Zhang Wenshan and others stop the action. At the same time, a free and easy figure suddenly appeared in the crowd. As soon as he came out, he went straight to Qiqi and me.

Then, he ignored me, affectionately looking at Qiqi, asked in a low voice: "Qiqi, Jiangnan wind, is it really your friend?"

This intimate guy named Qiqi is the eldest young master of Haibang, Peng Yu.

At the moment, Peng Yu has no attitude of playing games. His handsome face is full of solemnity. In his eyes, he seems to have a lot of different emotions. Obviously, he is puzzled about the relationship between Qi Qi and me. At the same time, he is very upset.

However, Qiqi did not change her face in the face of Peng Yu who was killed in the air. She still looked at him calmly and said concisely: "Well!"

Qiqi's attitude seems very cold. It seems that she doesn't want to talk to Peng Yuduo at all.

When Peng Yu heard Qiqi's voice, his eyes could not help becoming more sad. He turned his head and looked at me seriously. Then, he looked at Qiqi and asked in doubt, "do you come here to save the wind from Jiang Nan?"

Qiqi pursed her lips and asked, "is what I did not make obvious enough?"

Hearing this, Peng Yu suddenly turned down his mouth, revealed a trace of bitter smile, said: "OK, you go!"

With that, he made way directly. Peng Yu's meaning was obvious. He respected Qiqi and didn't want to violate her meaning. Therefore, he wanted to let her go.

Qiqi seemed to take Peng Yu's actions for granted. She just said thanks in a soft voice and wanted to take me away.

But at this time, he Yunxiang came out again. He stopped our way and said to Peng Yu, "young master, you can't let them go."

Peng Yu gave he Yunxiang a cold stare, frowned and said, "let them go!"

However, he Yunxiang didn't give up his heart and said, "but"

before he finished his words, Peng Yu suddenly became angry and directly roared: "I said, let them go!"

The sound was so loud that my eardrum was shocked. Peng Yu, a teenager in his twenties, showed his extraordinary momentum at this moment.

Feeling his momentum, my heart suddenly burst. It was really shocking, strong, and really strong. I can't imagine that this seemingly rebellious teenager has such a strong strength. The eldest young master of the Haigang is really extraordinary and unfathomable.

He Yunxiang, who has always been above the sky, was angry when he saw Peng Yu. He immediately stopped cooking. He seemed to care about Peng Yu, at least more than Peng Xuefei. Before, Peng Xuefei was angry, and he dared to deal with me decisively. At this moment, Peng Yu was angry, but he didn't dare to disobey him and immediately backed away.

For a moment, Qiqi and I had no more obstacles, and only a myriad of eyes were cast on us. All these eyes looked different and varied.

Among them, Peng Xuefei, hidden in the crowd, the color in her eyes has become more and more complicated. She has faded the color of high and cold, and her eyes show happiness, comfort, shock, guilt and inexplicability. Too many emotions are intertwined together, which makes her look a little lost.

And I just glanced at Peng Xuefei, and then, with the help of Qiqi, I left the villa slowly and walked out of the gate of the villa step by step.

Along the way, no one dares to obstruct us, I so muddleheaded, escaped this hell.

Until I got out of the grotto and outside the villa, I was still in a trance. I was overwhelmed by waves of shock. I guessed the beginning, but I didn't know the end. I couldn't think of it. It was Peng Yu who was ignored by me to help me out of trouble.

In my impression, Peng Yu is a child. The first time I saw him was at school. He drove a sports car openly and made fun of me. Later, when he arrived here, he was like a follower, always pestering Peng Xuefei. In Peng Xuefei's eyes, he was like a child who had not grown up.

Who knows, Peng Xuefei does her best to protect me, but Peng Yu only needs a word. He Yunxiang can be bluffing. In this way, Peng Yu's dignity in the Haibang is really supreme. There is a clear difference between Peng Xuefei and Peng Xuefei.In the end, I underestimated Peng Yu. Before Qiqi came here, he always kept a low profile, but occasionally advised Peng Xuefei not to help me. In fact, he was just in the same camp with Sheng Mingjie and didn't want to help me. Trying to deal with me. Sure enough, like his father, like his son, as the son of the leader of the sea Gang, it is certainly not so simple.

But I still can't think of the relationship between Peng Yu and Qiqi. I can see from his attitude towards Qiqi just now. Peng Yu likes Qiqi and likes the kind he likes very much. I'm very surprised. I didn't expect that Qiqi would be favored by the young leader of the sea gang. It's no wonder that the local emperor Buddha who is far away will give Qiqi some face 。

However, it seems that Qiqi doesn't like Peng Yu. Her attitude towards Peng Yu is really a little cold.

When I was in a daze, Qiqi beside me suddenly said to me, "get in the car!"

I found that I had come to a black car, heard Qiqi's words, I immediately got into the back seat of the car, and Qiqi also followed in, sitting next to me.

When I got inside, I saw that the man in the driver's seat was an old acquaintance who had helped me for many times.

After Qiqi and I sat down, Lenghan seemed to understand the will, and immediately drove the car, leaving quickly.

Feeling the rapid galloping of the car, my heart was completely relaxed, I took a deep breath, felt the taste of living, but my side of Qiqi, or let me some uncomfortable.

At this point, I still don't know whether Qiqi knows that I am Suluo. Moreover, she has more relations with the young master of the Hai Gang, which makes me feel that she is more mysterious than I imagined. Long ago, she was a mysterious person in my eyes. Later, I had a lot of experience with her, but I still knew little about her. Today, I heard that she was from H Province The first talented woman, but for her real identity, I still do not know.

For a while, I didn't know how to face Qiqi. I didn't take the lead to express anything. I just wanted to act according to circumstances. But Qiqi didn't show any expression. She kept silent all the way. Until the car left this area completely, she suddenly turned her head and looked at me with some concern and asked, "Suluo, how come your character hasn't changed after so long? You don't know How dangerous are you in? You almost lost your life, you know? "

Suluo, these two words, clear and harsh, directly pierced into my heart, I finally determined that Qiqi knew my real identity, so she would be so unrelenting to save me.

If put in the past, I will not hesitate to remove the camouflage. Admit oneself is Suluo, and Qiqi pour out my mood, because, before me, although I don't know Qiqi, but naturally trust her.

But now, I have a guard against her, her background, and Peng Yu's attitude towards her, let me have to be cautious. What's more, at this moment, I suddenly thought of one thing, that is, the Hai Gang took great pains to capture my father. It must be that they wanted to get a thousand year old blood Ganoderma lucidum from my father. After all, apart from this snow Ganoderma lucidum, my father really has nothing useful.

However, this millennium blood Ganoderma lucidum is a kind of medicine to cure stubborn diseases. Peng Yu and Peng Xuefei are in good health. I have not heard that there is any important person in the Hai Gang who is ill. But Qiqi, Peng Yu's favorite, happens to be a seriously ill patient. It seems that she needs this snow Ganoderma most.

Thinking like this, my heart suddenly trembled twice. A sense of inexplicable fear filled me, which made me feel a little uncomfortable. Suddenly, I felt that Qiqi had some problems. Her status was extraordinary and she had such a status in H Province. How could she go to my pheasant university where birds don't lay eggs? Why did I rescue a chance encounter several times?

In the past, I always couldn't figure out why. I only thought that Qiqi was approaching me for some purpose. Now, I feel vaguely that she is also deliberately approaching me and helping me for the sake of the blood Ganoderma lucidum in my father's hands?

And Haibang needs this snow Ganoderma. Is it Peng Yu who wants to give it to Qiqi? If so, why don't they unite?

Since Qiqi has guessed my identity, why didn't she tell the Hai Gang, instead, she didn't want to offend the Hai Gang to help me? Are they playing the double roles? A red face and a white face?

Are they trying their best to perform such a big play just to get my real identity? The more I think about it, the more creepy I feel. I really don't want to believe that Qiqi is a person whose purpose is not pure. Just when she appeared in the villa yard just now, I still felt that she was the bright moon in my life and the person who wanted to give me warmth. How could such a person harm me?

I don't think she will harm me, but up to now, the only thing I trust most is myself. I can't be as simple as I used to be, and be played with applause.

Therefore, after a pause, I still covered up the different emotions in my heart. I just showed the randomness of Jiangnan style. I lied to Qiqi and said, "Miss Xia, you saved me today, not because you recognized the wrong person? I'm not the Suluo you said, my name is Jiang Nanfeng

The last three words, Jiangnan wind, my tone slightly accentuated, is to emphasize with Qiqi, I am not Suluo.When I said this, my surface was very calm, but my eyes were shining, looking directly at Qiqi's eyes.

I quickly caught her. Seeing my denial, Qiqi couldn't help flashing a trace of disappointment in her eyes. Then, she pulled down the corner of her mouth and said to me frankly: "ha ha, don't hide me, I know, you are Suluo"

and she said to me calmly

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