Walking in the silence of the night, my mind was immersed in the past, thinking of the past life in a familiar person, now, suddenly, and heard a very familiar voice, suddenly, my heart on the fierce shock two.

My vigilance suddenly increased, and my eyebrows wrinkled unconsciously. Just for a moment, I recognized that it was Lin Shihan who made this sound.

Lin Shihan is the goddess I secretly love in middle school. From the beginning, she gave me the impression that she was pure and beautiful. Later, she had a deep feud with me. Finally, when I played thirteen, I met her in Wutang. At that time, she had become Zhang Wenshan's mistress.

It can be said that Lin Shihan is the girl who meets with me the most. We are in the same class in middle school for three years. When I go to university, we are in the same city again. Even when I get here, we can meet her, and we have a cross relationship with her.

Now, Lin Shihan fell into this situation, and I can not get rid of the relationship, and it is because of this that I feel guilty about her, but I can have today, she has changed me.

I remember that the last time I saw her was on the day when Ziyi committed suicide and I was crazy. At that time, she took the opportunity to walk behind me and tried to stab me with a dagger. I knew her action very well, but I didn't fight back against her, but saved her because I owed her.

At that time, in Wutang, Lin Shihan came to me several times to test me. Later, I came back from the bottom of the river. Suddenly, she completely trusted me and took me as the object to talk to. She told me all the pain in her heart without reservation. I had to move my face. I knew that she was a pure girl, and her heart was still kind, just because of the seeds Her experience led to her self degradation.

She couldn't control her hatred, so she would go astray step by step. I hurt her, but I also saved her once. We were basically even. I also completely cleared her from my heart. For her, I have no extra feelings, not to mention love, also no hate, just as she is a passer-by of life.

But who knows, this passer-by should be in the middle of the night, suddenly broke into my life. Unconsciously, I stopped, hidden in the alley, listening to the movement in the alley.

With Lin Shihan's words falling, soon, a man's voice came from the alley: "Miss Lin, in H Province, you don't want to escape, do your Canary well? My elder brother treats you well. Why do you want to escape? "

This voice is familiar to me. Obviously, it is the voice of Zhang Wenyuan.

Through these two simple dialogues, I fully understand the situation of Lin Shihan. She still can't stand this kind of captive life. She wants to escape, but she is caught by Zhang Wenyuan.

When I thought about it, Lin Shihan's voice came again: "I told Zhang Wenshan that I would leave. He would not let me leave. I couldn't escape. I will not go back with you after I die."

Lin Shihan's tone is particularly firm, but it is full of heartache and helplessness. Originally, she did not want to be around Zhang Wenshan for a long time, but she did not have freedom. She was controlled by Zhang Wenshan and could not get out of the grotto.

But Zhang Wenyuan didn't have so much compassion. After hearing Lin Shihan's words, he directly threatened: "Miss Lin, in this case, I have to blame. You should know that my elder brother's temper and temperament will be destroyed if it is not for him. Besides, you also know that my elder brother has a lot of things, and I can't let you go!"

Zhang Wenyuan's words showed that he wanted to kill people.

Lin Shihan of course felt this layer of meaning, she was scared did not think much, directly yelled for help.

However, it was late at night and in such a secluded place that no one would rescue her. Even if there were any, they would not dare to openly oppose the Hai Gang. Her cry for help is just an instinctive response to death, which proves her unwillingness and does not want to die.

Hiding in the alley, I heard Lin Shihan's cry for help. I wanted to save her, but I couldn't help it. I couldn't reveal my identity. Today, at Sheng Mingjie's party, Zhang Wenyuan met me, and he knew me very well about the thirteen I played. If I showed up, I would be easily exposed.

I will not easily risk exposure, but listen to Lin Shihan's painful cry for help, I can't ignore it. My fists are tightly pulled together, and my heart is tangled and swaying, one side is justice, the other is caution. Finally, my sense of justice triumphs over everything.

When Lin Shihan's cry for help was about to pierce my eardrum, I suddenly loosened my fist, took off my shirt and tore it into several pieces. Then, I wrapped a piece of cloth around my face, showing only a pair of sharp eyes. To avoid suspicion, I've also made my hair look very messy.

At this moment, the shirtless me, at first glance, looked very sleepy as a ruffian, which was also the camouflage I needed. After finishing, I immediately stepped forward and walked into the entrance of the alley. When Zhang Wenyuan wanted to strangle Lin Shihan alive, I gave a big drink inside: "stop it!"

This lane is a street lamp, which is located at the entrance of the alley, that is, beside me. The slight light sprinkles on my body and reflects my light. It makes me look very powerful, just like the God of war. My voice is very bright and extraordinary, which suppresses Zhang Wenyuan and his gang in an instant.Of course, Zhang Wenyuan had seen the world after all. He was shocked at most, but he would not be bluffed by me. His hand still held Lin Shihan's neck. His head turned slightly, looked at me, and said haughtily, "boy, if you don't want to die, get out of here!"

As soon as Zhang Wenyuan's voice fell, several of the horses he brought over immediately came forward and scolded me in turn. They all didn't want to look at me more. They just disdained to scold me a few times. They were too lazy to do anything. They just wanted me to leave their sight as soon as possible.

I don't care what they think, and I don't want to look at them. I just stare at Lin Shihan.

At this time, she no longer pure, scenery no longer, enchanting no longer, looks particularly embarrassed, perhaps she is deliberately disguised under, now she, like the village girl in distress, dressed very earthly, there are many scars on her face, her eyes are still hung with tears, people can not help but feel pity.

This group of Wutang's running dogs actually killed a woman who had no strength to bind a chicken.

Suddenly, a nameless anger rushed out of my heart. My eyes were cold, and I directly pointed to this group of people. I said coldly, "let go of that girl, and then go away. I can treat it as if I didn't see anything!"

It's ok if I don't speak. As soon as I speak, their group of people are completely shocked. Maybe, they didn't expect me to be so arrogant, after all. They add up to more than ten people. Zhang Wenyuan's strength is needless to say. His subordinates alone are all their strength. It is estimated that they are all his close followers. Everyone's strength is extraordinary.

And I, in the face of them did not shrink back, but also showed so overbearing, so arrogant, how can we not let them surprise. Even the well-known Zhang Wenyuan was stunned. After a long pause, he roared at me: "where's that little B-Boy? Who the hell do you want to frighten? Come on, kill him for me!"

At once, a man behind Zhang Wenyuan led the way out. As he walked, he still couldn't help cursing at me: "where's a fool? Do you think you're a masked great Xia by learning from other people's Heroes? Today, my grandfather will let you know the price of pretending to be forced!"

With that, he suddenly accelerated his speed and attacked me. His action was extremely fast and fierce. He ran in the lane like a whirlwind.

At this time, Zhang Wenyuan's face, can't help showing a trace of arrogant breath, other people are also pretending to look at the good play, I guess, they all think I'm dead.

However, when the man roared to me and attacked me, those who watched the play were stupid. Because, this seems to be a very powerful person, in the blink of an eye, he lost that crazy power, called out in pain directly, and flew backward.

This time, Zhang Wenyuan and other talents finally wake up, their faces suddenly become dignified, and their eyes can not help but show a surprised color. In this moment, they all realized that today, they are facing a stubble.

Unconsciously, Zhang Wenyuan released Lin Shihan, came forward and said to me very seriously: "who are you?"

Obviously, as soon as I made a move, Zhang Wenyuan realized that my skill was extraordinary, so he had to take care of it.

I don't have time to talk to him any more. For me, what I want is a quick decision. If I talk a lot of nonsense, I will be exposed to more risks. Therefore, I continued to say in a cold voice: "let go, get out of here!"

My voice pretended to be deep, and there was no sense of languor at all. I was afraid that people would recognize the style of Jiangnan style. After finishing my speech, I focused my eyes on Lin Shihan again. After she was released by Zhang Wenyuan, she fell to the ground, paralyzed. However, her eyes had changed from helplessness to radiance, and her eyes were still full of energy Looking forward to it.

Because, she also felt that I was different. At the beginning, I was alone, and Lin Shihan didn't hope much. Now it's different. I beat one person with one move. This strength makes Lin Shihan see the hope.

Zhang Wenyuan, after all, is the vice leader of the fifth hall. He is highly respected. Even if he knows my strength, he can't be scared off by my words. On the contrary, when he saw me so arrogant, he immediately yelled: "everybody, follow me!"

When the voice dropped, he directly led the other men and rushed to me.

To tell you the truth, although Zhang Wenyuan's skill can be regarded as strong, but compared with me, there is an obvious gap. Even if I am not in a violent state, I can completely abuse him. Since he is stubborn, I don't need to be polite.

When they rushed to the moment, I directly clenched my fist, did not retreat to advance, quickly met up. Fighting with them.

In the night breeze and under the light, I showed my absolute strength without any reservation. Although I have been living in the identity of Jiangnan style and seldom use my real strength, my strength has not regressed, but has improved a lot. The agility of my fists and feet has become more and more rapid and changeable. The momentum in my body is also extremely fierce and strong.

In my strong momentum, Zhang Wenyuan, this group of people, it is really a little trivial, my arrogance, my power, all show incisively and vividly, in the narrow alley, my body wantonly swims, the fist and foot use, in the silent night sky. There was a constant howl.Before long, everyone, including Zhang Wenyuan, was knocked down by me.

And I, in addition to the strong arm stained with some other people's blood, undamaged, even my face wrapped with cloth, all motionless, did not fall.

My strength was beyond their expectation. Even Zhang Wenyuan, the vice leader of the five halls, turned pale with fear. He still reminded me: "who are you? Do you know what the consequences of offending our Haigang are?"

He couldn't resist, so he had to move out of the sea Gang to oppress me. However, even if they didn't move to the sea Gang, I didn't intend to kill them. I was prepared to teach them a lesson. It's impossible to kill them. Otherwise, it would not be good for me if things were too big.

However, when they all fell to the ground, I growled again, "get out of here!"

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