A word, gas engulfs mountains and rivers, in the tone, also faintly with the meaning of killing.

Hearing this, Zhang Wenyuan's face suddenly changed. He didn't dare to be wordy. He just got up from the ground and ordered, "let's go!"

Then, the people who fell down also got up from the ground one by one, and ran away in gray.

Before leaving, Zhang Wenyuan did not forget to warn me: "no matter who you are, you will be in trouble because of your stupidity tonight!"

But I didn't care about him. I went to Lin Shihan's side, lifted her up from the ground and asked with concern: "girl, are you ok?"

At this time, Lin Shihan is still in shock, a pair of eyes directly staring at me, seems a little dull, for a while, she relaxed.

As soon as she woke up, she immediately tidied up her clothes to make her look less embarrassed as possible. Then, she whispered back, "I'm ok, thank you."

At this moment, Lin Shihan is very strong. She wanders in a strange city by herself. After such a long time with an old man who he didn't like, maybe she also learned to be independent and strong. The reality forced her to this step and almost killed her. Such a fate is really cruel to her as a girl.

No matter what I say, I have witnessed her simple and beautiful high school days. As a pure goddess, I can't help but feel a burst of pain in my heart, but my mouth is still relatively cold, and said: "Oh, that's good, you should go quickly, I'm afraid those people will come back later!"

Lin Shihan listened to my words, but didn't leave in a hurry. It seemed that she was more interested in me than in running away.

With a trace of curiosity and doubt, she asked me seriously: "why do you want to save me?"

With that, her eyes still looked up and down at me, as if to see through me.

It's hard to be surprised if I look like this now. I'm covered with a face, naked, with messy hair and high strength. It looks too special to be doubted. What's more, Lin Shihan is a smart woman. When I played thirteen, she could find my abnormality.

I'm really afraid that if I talk to her more, it will show clues. So, I immediately return to her in a cold voice: "there's no reason, just seeing injustice on the road. I hate bullying men and women most. This happened to happen to happen to me today. I can't ignore it. I advise you to leave quickly, or you can't leave when they come again!"

With that, I didn't want to delay any more. I turned around and was about to leave.

But as soon as I took two steps, Lin Shihan's voice was extremely soft: "Suluo!"

Suluo, two words, once again deeply into my ears, stimulate my nerves, let my body can not help shaking.

This is the second time that I heard the name from other people since I played the role of Jiangnan wind. The first time was Qiqi. It was at noon today. But Qiqi called me Suluo at that time. Basically, she confirmed my identity. Therefore, she would come to rescue me without hesitation.

But Lin Shihan is different this time. I haven't seen her since I became a southern wind. Besides, I'm still covered. How can she recognize me?

Obviously, she must have guessed it. She called out from her feelings. In this way, I could not admit my identity. So, I did not hesitate to turn my head and deny her. However, without waiting for my response, Lin Shihan's voice came again: "you don't need to deny it. I have already guessed that you are solo, and you are solo. From your back, from your fighting moves and from your tone, I can feel that you are solo

At this moment, Lin Shihan's voice is very calm and reasonable. She seems to be free from the previous fear and become very awe inspiring.

From her words, I can clearly feel her wisdom. Lin Shihan has changed. After so long life experience, she has really changed. She has strong analytical ability. She can determine my identity through my simple actions. It seems that she has a deep impression on Suluo, and can judge my identity through small details.

However, even if she affirmed that I was Suluo, I couldn't admit it. After all, although Lin Shihan was an old acquaintance of mine, she was my enemy. If she wanted to know my identity, we two did not recognize each other, but reciprocated.

I don't want to entangle with her, just want to leave the right and wrong place quickly. After a while, I walked straight and walked forward. While walking, I replied coldly: "I'm sorry, you know the wrong person, I'm not solo!"

With that, I quickened my pace and left the alley.

Out of the alley, I continued to walk towards the main road, but Lin Shihan has been endless, as if to identify me, she has been closely behind me, did not want to escape.

Is it more important for her to decide if I am solo than her life?

If you think about it carefully, it seems that Lin Shihan came here alone, the biggest purpose is to find me. Now that she has finally found the clue, how can she let go easily. But I really don't want to tangle with her, can't help it, I stopped, turned to her and said, "what do you want to do?"My voice is very loud and my tone is very strong. I want her to retreat in the face of difficulties. But when I look back, I can see her face. Just found that at the moment, Lin Shihan has tears.

She was dressed in rags, her expression was very sad, and her eyes looked at me blankly. My threat was useless to her. Her steps did not stop at all and continued to approach me.

To my dismay, when Lin Shihan came to me, he suddenly hugged me and held me tightly.

Her embrace, let me clearly feel her body shaking, feel how much her grief is flooding, my heart is also following her heartbeat, constantly ups and downs, but my body is stiff and can not move.

When I was stunned, Lin Shihan's voice suddenly rang in the silent night: "in fact, you don't have to hide from me, because I didn't see your appearance. I don't know what you look like now. Therefore, I can't reveal your identity at all. You don't have to lie to me. I just want to thank you. Thank you for ignoring the past and saving my life in Wutang. Thank you You saved me this time. You made me believe that there are still good people in the world

Lin Shihan's words are very sincere, every word and every sentence with gratitude, her tone is sad and sincere, as if, she has no trace of hate for me, perhaps, from that day in Wutang, she stabbed me, I saved her life, she has changed my outlook on me, tonight, I once again saved her life, let me completely lose my hatred, only full of heart appreciate.

For her like this, I really don't know what to do. She's right. She doesn't know what my face looks like. Even if I admit my identity, it doesn't have much impact on my current identity. Moreover, at the beginning, I was a little worried that Lin Shihan still had hatred for me, and would pursue and beat me hard, so I didn't want to admit my identity.

Now, to see that she seems to put everything down, I really feel a lot of relief.

To be honest, Lin Shihan's affair has always been a pain in my heart. Although her close relatives suffered by themselves and deserved to die, Lin Shihan was innocent. She was a good girl. When she was in middle school, she did not exclude me because of my good grades. She even appreciated me a little. When she came to university, she met me again and didn't dislike me. She would be punished because of me Ma Qiang cheated out that she still cares about me.

But since she misunderstood me about that, many things have changed, especially her view of me. In the end, I killed song Qingfeng and her elder brother and father, which made Lin Shihan hate me to the bone. She came here alone, waiting for the opportunity to find a way to avenge me. Because of me, she destroyed herself. She should hate me.

But now, I didn't expect that her hatred for me was completely relieved. So, what can I hide from her? Even if I told her that I was solo, she didn't know my current identity. What threat did she have to me?

What's more, I also hope that the evil relationship between us will be over. I hope that she can put down the burden and be a good person and live a new self. She will not always be immersed in the shadow of the past.

After all, I still choose to admit, I gently pushed her body away, looked at her eyes very seriously, very solemnly said: "well, I admit that I am solo, you don't need to thank me, I just hope that you can forget the unhappy past and live a good life in the future. Now, you are still in a very dangerous situation. We can't stay here any more. You'd better run away. You should know the strength of the Hai Gang here. If you don't leave, you can't leave! "

When I said so much, I wanted her to take care of her life, cherish herself, and run away. But I didn't expect that Lin Shihan didn't mean to escape at all. She heard me admit myself, and her tears were more fierce. Those tears were staring at me straight. After a while, she choked and said:

"Suluo, do you know? I have a lot of things to say to you, but I have been unable to find the opportunity. This time, it is not easy to see you. I must finish my words. Actually. I don't blame you any more. Before, I was blinded by hatred and felt that I had to kill you to get rid of my hatred. Even, on the day of Ziyi's accident, I wanted to kill you and avenge myself.

However, when you desperate to save me, I really recognize myself, you are a good man, you can forget the past, can pay everything for love. You are very brave, you let me admire, that day, looking at you hurt, I am very sad, I do not want you to die, really, not at all. Today, I'm really glad to see you safe and able to help me. Thank you, Su Luo "

when Lin Shihan said this, he said so many things in one breath with a weeping voice. His tone was anxious and sincere.

Since I had a misunderstanding with Lin Shihan, she seems to have never given me a good face, and has always been a disgusting attitude towards me. Today, she suddenly appreciated me and said so many sentimental words to me, which made me a little bit unaccustomed. But at the same time, my heart kept shaking because of her words.

My eyes, looking at her deeply, sincerely said to her: "Lin Shihan, thank you for your forgiveness!"

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