In fact, this is my most sincere words. It is also a kind of relief for me to get Lin Shihan's forgiveness. At the beginning, I had a good feeling for her and hated her, but in the end, my deepest feeling for her was only guilt.

It is because of understanding that I have been merciful to her for many times. No matter how, she exists in my green years and gives me beautiful green memories. I know her nature is not bad, so I can't always hate her, I can't kill her.

Now, the hatred between us has been resolved, which should be the best ending between her and me. This thank you is also expressed from the bottom of my heart.

However, Lin Shihan listened to my words, her tears were still flowing, and her sad expression did not decrease. She just cried and asked me, "Suluo, there is a problem I have always been unable to think about. You used to be so honest and kind-hearted, but now you have not changed. You are good to everyone. Even if I am an enemy, you can sacrifice your life to help. Why, when you just went to university, you should Do you harm me in a deliberate way

Hearing this question, my heart couldn't help shaking. It turned out that the deepest thorn in Lin Shihan's heart was really this misunderstanding. Such a small misunderstanding made the gap between Lin Shihan and me bigger and bigger, until I became the enemy of life and death.

In fact, several times before, I had the opportunity to explain this misunderstanding, but when I saw that Lin Shihan vowed not to believe me, I was too lazy to explain it.

Now, when Lin Shihan asked me this question sincerely, it showed that she had no doubt about my character. She believed that I was a good person. Therefore, she could not understand the matter and suddenly wanted to know the answer.

And I, what reason not to explain?

Since we want to solve the hatred between us, we should explain the most fundamental problem clearly. Is not better, this can also untie a thorn in Lin Shihan's heart, let her really put down everything.

Thinking like this, my mind can not help floating up, those things in the University, as if vividly remembered, one after another, suddenly became very vivid.

As the past is like wind, I can't help feeling, and said to Lin Shihan: "if I said that the first time you were stopped by Ma Qiang, I called the police to save you. As a result, he was beaten to death by Ma Qiang. Do you believe it? If I said, the second time you were nearly ruined in the woods, I was beaten to death by him in order to save you, do you believe it? If I said that I was guarding your house, I was afraid that Ma Qiang would make trouble for you, but instead I was beaten to death by your brother, do you believe it? If I say, I kneel for Ma Qiang in order not to bully you, do you believe it? If I said, I never hurt you, would you believe it? "

This large paragraph, I almost hold my breath to finish. At last, my voice is hoarse, and my eyes are gradually blurred. These past events are the unbearable memory of my dark life and the beginning of pain. It is just because of the accumulation of such pain that I was forced to commit suicide by jumping off a building.

After hearing what I said, Lin Shihan suddenly stretched out her fists and kept hitting me in the chest. She said to me: "I believe you, I believe you, but why didn't you tell me earlier, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Her voice is very painful, just like an aggrieved mistress. Her fist, which does not hurt me, has exhausted all her strength, representing her endless grievances.

I know that Lin Shihan has such a strong reaction, it must be because this matter is too important to her. If I had explained to her earlier, she and I might not have been able to co-exist with each other. However, I never thought that things would get out of hand.

Once I remember that day, Ma Qiang and I went to Lin Shihan's home. On the bench in front of the building, I stayed for one night. At that time, although I was a toad, I still had a swan dream. I wanted to solve the misunderstanding with Lin Shihan and tell my heart. But the next day, what I saw was Han Boyang riding her bicycle around the world.

From that moment on, I lost the chance to daydream and explain to her. After a step, I made mistakes again and again, and let us go further and further. I think, if I had solved the misunderstanding with her earlier, even before I fell in love with Ziyi, maybe Lin Shihan might have become my girlfriend, because she told me that she still had feelings for the former me.

If I really walk with Lin Shihan, then. There is no Ziyi thing, I'm afraid there is no later variety, my life, maybe will completely rewrite.

However, the past is the past, there is no way to change, there is no regret medicine to take, my Suluo dictionary, there is no word regret, my only hope is that the future no longer regret.

So, after Lin Shihan stopped beating me, I sincerely said to her, "I'm sorry!"

Lin Shihan heard my apology. Emotional more excited, but she did not blame me, just once again hugged me.

This time, she did not speak, so quietly hugged me, sobbing softly, her shoulder in the twitch, voice a little hoarse, mood, but gradually stable.

Time, as if static in general, the air seems to have fallen into a quiet, since the south of the Yangtze River wind, I have never been intimate with anyone, live too false, almost let me forget my original appearance, forget how low self-esteem.When I met Lin Shihan tonight, it was the first time for me to express my feelings. As Su Luo, I talked to an old friend who had deep roots. I could feel the sincerity of Lin Shihan, and she could also feel my sincerity. At the moment when she hugged me. My heart seems to get unprecedented relief, the soul is like empty in general, I just stand still.

But when we forget ourselves, the silent night suddenly burst out a loud voice: "come on, they are here!"

When I heard the sound, my heart suddenly jumped, and I immediately woke up. At this moment, I realized that Lin Shihan and I were still in a dangerous area. This voice was obviously aimed at us. Needless to say, it must have been the people of Wutang who came to find it.

At the same time, Lin Shihan also responded and left my arms in a hurry.

Without hesitation, I pulled Lin Shihan's hand and said urgently, "run quickly!"

After that, I took Lin Shihan and ran together

however, after running for less than a minute, at the end of the road in front of us, a number of cars suddenly came out, directly blocking our way.

At once, I pulled Lin Shihan back and said that at that time, many cars and people with machetes were killed at the other end of the road.

In the blink of an eye, those cars and people came like a flood, blocking the road and completely trapping Lin Shihan and me.

At this moment, the whole road was illuminated by the lights, just like in the daytime. My heart was suddenly awakened. I knew that the people from the sea Gang came to me. Lin Shihan and I were in ambush on all sides. However, the more dangerous the situation was, the more calm I had to keep. There was no wave on my surface, but I was still grim and calm.

However, Lin Shihan is different. Today, she just solved the misunderstanding with me, put down all the hatred and became her real self. However, she did not try her best, and was suddenly broken. The arrival of Wutang people was just a nightmare for Lin Shihan. After a while, she fell into a panic and was full of faces The fear of.

She looked around at the people who came from our encirclement and suppression, and immediately, she said to me anxiously: "solo, you go quickly, don't care about me, I believe you can escape alone!"

At the most critical juncture, Lin Shihan said such a remark without any thinking. It can be seen that this is exactly what she said in her heart. She was afraid that she would implicate me, so she asked me to run away by myself. Indeed, if I ran away alone, it would not be a big problem. It is very difficult for anyone to stop me.

But I can't do it. Even if she is an irrelevant woman, I can't help her. What's more, she is Lin Shihan, a very special woman in my life. I have no love for her, but I have different feelings. I almost witness how her life changes and watch her step by step With this kind of Jedi, it is not easy for her to find a new life and live a new self. How can I let her die.

I stood in place did not move, holding her hand also did not release, just very calm with her said: "I will not leave you regardless, since I have decided to save you, I will save to the end!"

My tone is very firm, no doubt, I also want to let Lin Shihan know that there is warmth in this world, I will not let her feel too lonely, she has been very miserable, I can't let her be destroyed again.

However, Lin Shihan seemed to have made up her mind. She didn't want to involve me. She directly shook off my hand and said to me seriously: "I'm a burden. If you take me, you can't run away. We'll all die at that time. You know what? In fact, I tried my best to escape from Wutang, just to find you and ask about the situation. Now that I know the truth, I'm satisfied. I'm a bad woman. I'm on the road of no return. For me, I'm homeless. I can't find the direction. So, don't worry about me. Go away! "

Listening to Lin Shihan's sincere words, I can't help but feel heartache. She is still so young, but she has to say something that is not worth dying. This is really unfair to her. I believe that as long as she is given a chance to live, she will surely live another wonderful life. Even if there was only a glimmer of hope, I wanted to keep her.

At this time, the enemy on both sides had quickly encircled and exterminated the people in the car. All of them came down, and they surrounded me and Lin Shihan in an orderly way.

I can see from the costumes of these people that they are all from the five halls. There are not a few elites from the three classes. I feel that this time, the five halls seem to have gone out to catch me.

However, I am still fearless, just with my firm eyes, tightly staring at Lin Shihan, looking at her tears blurred, I can't help but stretch out my hand to wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes, comforting her: "don't worry, I will take you out!"

Maybe I don't have so much confidence, but my heart tells me that I must spare no effort to protect this sad woman. For her sake, I am willing to risk myself, because I owe her this.

Lin Shihan heard my warm words, and finally did not say anything, or she also understood that the enemy has surrounded, what to say, is meaningless, she just showed me a happy smile, this smile, expressed her mood at the moment, she is happy, is happy, perhaps, she has never experienced this, men for her shelter from the wind and rain Fu, today this rare experience, let her can not help but excited.But happiness is just a moment, the next second, a tyrannical voice cruelly interrupted her happiness: "Stinky bitch, I treat you not thin, give you glory and wealth, you do not cherish, but try to escape, thanks to I have always been unable to understand why, today, I finally know that you are carrying my father's back to steal a man outside!"

This voice, full of resentment, I heard it at once. It was Zhang Wenshan's voice.

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