At that moment, I turned my head and looked at the past. Sure enough, I saw Zhang Wenshan at a glance. At the moment, he was dressed in a black robe. He was so majestic that he exuded a fierce resentment all over his body. It seemed that he was wearing a big green cap.

I didn't expect that in order to arrest Lin Shihan and me, Zhang Wenshan, the head of the five halls, actually went out in person. Now, my brows were all wrinkling up. At the same time, I realized that today, my crisis is not small, and I may really die here.

As soon as Lin Shihan heard Zhang Wenshan's voice, she could not help shaking. She was so sensitive that she was as frightened as a mouse meeting a cat. She turned her head in horror and looked at Zhang Wenshan. After a long delay, Lin Shihan's face turned pale and explained, "I didn't, Lord Zhang. This man just happened to pass by and saved me. It has nothing to do with me Yes, let him go. I'll go back with you! "

The more flustered Lin Shihan was, the more unbelievable it was. Zhang Wenshan didn't speak, but Zhang Wenyuan stood up directly and scolded Lin Shihan: "fox spirit, do you cheat ghosts? People who don't matter will appear here in the middle of the night? People who have nothing to do with it dare to fight against the sea Gang? Just passing by, will have such strength? You two, you'd better take your hands off! "

Zhang Wenyuan deserves to be an old man with keen mind. He pointed out the main idea in a few words. Even, he might have guessed the connection between Su Luo and me. Therefore, we can let Zhang Wenshan come here so vigorously.

After listening to Zhang Wenyuan's words, Lin Shihan's face became more pale. She was at a loss. She looked at me with guilt on her face. Obviously, she was guilty.

At this moment, Zhang Wenshan suddenly opened his voice again and roared to Sulin Shihan: "hum, you bitch, don't worry, you will have a good time!"

After that, he turned his eyes to me and solemnly said to me: "boy, no matter who you are, first show your true face. Maybe, I can give you a whole body!"

I can see that Zhang Wenshan's attitude towards me is very serious, and I guess he doubts my identity.

For me, the most important thing is not to reveal my current identity, in any case, I can not take off the mask. The more they doubt me, the more natural I have to behave.

Then, pretending to be calm, I walked forward for two steps, facing Zhang Wenshan, and said forcefully and forcefully: "old man, can you point your face? At your age, you still want to eat tender grass for old cattle. Other girls have been with you for so long, what else do you want? Do you want to accompany you back to the west? If you're a person, you'll let them go, and don't delay their youth! "

This is also my sincere words. No matter how I say it, Zhang Wenshan has got a good deal. No matter how much Lin Shihan is, he is a young girl who tries to be his lover. As a result, he does not get any good, but he will be pursued. No one can see the matter on anyone.

But after listening to my accusation, Zhang Wenshan not only did not reflect, but also suddenly became furious. At the moment, he roared: "stubborn, come on, take him down to me!"

At the command of Zhang Wenshan, the people from the five halls over there immediately sent out a lot of people and all rushed to me. They didn't dare to neglect. Everyone had weapons in their hands.

You know, I can easily solve Zhang Wenyuan and his staff in the alley. It was all because the place was small, there were too many people and there was no advantage. Moreover, they had no weapons in their hands. At that time, I knocked down one by one.

But now, the space is spacious, the other party encircles me from all directions, and all of them are armed. I have no chance of winning at all. Moreover, I have to protect Lin Shihan, who has no fighting power.

For a moment, my situation seemed to be particularly difficult and stressful, but no matter what. I will not be soft, this is the stubborn in my bones.

When I was in a state of confusion, a first-class master of the other side had already rushed to me. He might be eager to make contributions, and no matter how strong I was, he would cut me mercilessly as soon as he arrived in front of me, with a clean and neat method.

However, at the moment when his sharp knife was about to chop me, my eyes were cold, and I suddenly put out my hand. I grabbed his wrist and pinched it hard. At the same time, my foot also moved and kicked him to his chest. This first level master was vulnerable to a single blow in front of me, so he flew out directly, and his knife fell down. I took over the machete in his hand. In a flash, I blocked the attack of another level master with his knife.

For these people, I did not take the initiative to attack. I just squeezed the handle of the knife and danced wildly to resist the attacks from all sides. A machete is in my hand. It is powerful and powerful. It has driven back many people.

I beat while retreating, with Lin Shihan kept back, always let her retreat to the wall, I just stopped. Standing in front of her, I have been stained with the blood of many enemies.

In fact, if I just want to beat these people back, it's not too hard. But it's really difficult to protect a person at this time. I can only let Lin Shihan retreat to the wall, so that I can stand in front of her and be on my own. At the moment, I am in a position of one man and can't open anything. Even the panicked Lin Shihan is infected. At the beginning, she still shouts at the attack of many enemies, and suddenly she is quiet and full of deep feelings Meaning of looking at me, eyes, full of happiness.I didn't care too much, just told her: "be careful, don't move!"

Even if you concentrate on dealing with the enemy.

In the end, the enemy is still too many and too strong, and the offensive is too fierce. No matter how powerful I am, I can't stop so many people's attacks in turn. After all, there are experts from the five halls. They come in one after another. I hurt one, and the other one comes up immediately. They keep on coming, which makes me overwhelmed.

I have no three heads and six arms, so I can't resist at all. Seeing that the situation is becoming more and more critical, I almost use all my strength to fight more and more fiercely, and all the momentum in my body has also burst out. It can be said that I have played all the strength in the state of no rage, but even so, I still can't cope with the continuous five hall army. I have already got out of my body There were several injuries.

However, tired and hurt again, I did not give up, still firmly protect Lin Shihan, do not let people close to her.

Lin Shihan was not stupid. She saw my situation and was unable to do what she wanted. She knew that I was trying to support her. She was also flustered, and she immediately cried out, "Master Zhang, stop it. Please call someone to stop!"

She kept calling, but her voice in the killing sound of the night, seems very small, no one paid attention to her. All around me, there was only a terrible smell of killing and blood, and the eardrum was filled with the roar of the five hall people.

Although I know, their resistance here, is just a mantis arm in a chariot, do futile resistance, but I have no choice but to continue to fight hard, my blood tells me, can not retreat.

I am more and more frustrated and courageous, as if, guard Lin Shihan has become my duty. Even if I am injured, my faith is still firm, and my machete is still bloodthirsty. With the white heat of the battle, I have more and more injuries and more blood. I am in a very dangerous situation.

When Lin Shihan saw me like this, she cried and said to me: "fool, you don't care about me. Do you want to die here?"

This time, Lin Shihan is trying his best to shout, her voice is very loud, into my ears, but I turned a deaf ear, still trying to fight.

Zhang Wenshan is on the side watching the opera. Of course, he also heard Lin Shihan shouting. Originally, he was very upset to see that he didn't take me for such a long time, and even lost his own people. Now, when he heard this, he was even more angry. He was impatient and roared in direct anger: "a group of rubbish, you all get out of here!"

With these words, his whole person like a hurricane, swept towards me personally.

Zhang Wenshan is different from other people. His five hall leader is very powerful. I have seen his strength. If I was not in a violent state, I would not be his opponent at all.

Seeing him from the side of my body rushed over, I dare not neglect, immediately raised the knife to meet him.

Sure enough, Zhang Wenshan's strength is extraordinary, too strong, too fierce, as soon as I fight with him, I immediately seem to be in short supply. Don't say that I am injured, even if it is intact. I couldn't resist his fierce attack. Although he didn't have any weapons, his iron fists were as hard as iron sand palms. What's more, Zhang Wenshan was an expert. His boxing skills were very organized. When a set of punches came out, he only felt that it was changeable and dazzling.

I'm already sensitive, but I feel overwhelmed. The more I hit, the more powerless I am. And Zhang Wenshan doesn't know whether he wants to establish prestige in front of his subordinates, or whether he thinks too much of me. At the moment, he is really like a mad lion. He is very fierce. His strength has reached the peak. All his fists can bring out strong wind and rush to me, which makes me feel suffocated.

At this moment, Zhang Wenshan was really like a devil. I almost had no resistance. Finally, Zhang Wenshan caught a flaw in me. With his boundless momentum, his iron fist hit me in the chest. My body was immediately beaten out and fell heavily on the ground.

As soon as I fell to the ground, I couldn't help but spit out blood from my mouth. My internal organs seemed to be shattered. It was very painful. But even if I was defeated, my heart was not defeated. After I fell down, I hardly gave myself a chance to breathe. I just tried to get up from the ground.

However, this time, Zhang Wenshan didn't attack me again. He stood still and looked down at me with God's eyes. The meaning in his eyes was hard to understand.

What surprised me for a moment was that Lin Shihan, who I had been trying to protect, had been held in his neck by a man of Wutang with a knife after I was knocked down.

At the moment, Lin Shihan is more embarrassed than at the beginning. Her face is full of tears, her eyes are red and swollen, her eyes are full of pain, and she apologizes to me. She is extremely sad. She wants to say something, but she chokes.

When I saw her like this, my heart suddenly burst twice, and a very bad premonition suddenly came. At this moment, in the bloody air, Zhang Wenshan's voice was unusually bleak: "put down your arms and arrest me, otherwise, I will kill her immediately!"

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