My violent state is related to my reason and mood. It is often out of my control. Generally, once my life is threatened, my anger will be very strong, and I will have a violent gas in my body, and then I will burst out.

Originally, if Zhang Wenshan took advantage of the victory and pursued me, if he pursued me hard, I would probably be furious and burst out my strongest strength when my life was on the line.

But I didn't expect that Zhang Wenshan could continue to attack me, and with my current strength, he could easily defeat me, but he threatened Lin Shihan at this critical moment, which was like pinching my lifeline and making me unable to move at will.

I looked at Zhang Wenshan angrily and scolded: "you are really so mean!"

Zhang Wenshan didn't pay any attention to my anger at all. Lin Shihan, who was being held hostage, saw that I cared about her and became very pleased. However, she was more worried. She ignored the threat and directly called to me: "you run, don't care about me, please, run!"

Lin Shihan's voice is heartrending. Her most worrying thing is to implicate me. But in the end, it happened, and she could only cry out helplessly.

One side of Zhang Wenshan, hearing Lin Shihan say this, immediately slapped her in the face, angrily scolded: "Stinky ladies, shut up for me!"

Lin Shihan is a weak woman. She is very tired. How can she stand Zhang Wenshan's big hand? After a while, I can see a bloody palm print on her face and blood on her mouth, which makes her already very embarrassed become more and more unbearable.

This time, my anger gushed out directly, burning my whole chest. I raised my knife and pointed it at Zhang Wenshan, shouting: "don't hit women!"

My tone, very fierce, chest anger, non-stop burning, my eyes locked Zhang Wenshan.

Zhang Wenshan seemed to feel my strangeness, but he was not afraid. On the contrary, he also showed a smile of success. He grinned and said to me: "ha ha, it seems that I have guessed it. If what I expected is right, you are thirteen. Oh, no, it should be Suluo. Besides you, I really can't think of anyone who dares to fight against the sea gang 。 Who cares about the affairs of a woman who has nothing to do with her. She has such a special dress and strength! "

With that, Zhang Wenshan also cast a strategic look at me, feeling that he had played me between applause.

Sure enough, Zhang Wenshan still guessed my identity. Therefore, he mobilized the public to arrest me and Lin Shihan.

It's no wonder that Lin Shihan was kidnapped after he defeated me. In other words, he tried to test me. Almost no one knew more about the strength and moves of shisan than he did. Based on his experienced experience, he would be able to guess what he had done. After he knocked me down, he didn't follow me up because he knew me too well and knew that I would go crazy Come on, how abnormal the power will be, he won't ask for trouble.

However, even if my identity is exposed, I don't worry. As long as they can't see my face clearly, I'm not afraid. Therefore, I have nothing to hide. I said frankly: "yes, I'm Suluo. You should know my strength. I hope you don't force me to release Lin Shihan quickly."

Seeing that I had confessed my identity, Lin Shihan was stunned. His eyes were full of shock and inconceivable.

Zhang Wenshan laughed wildly. After a long laugh, he said to me: "Suluo, ha ha ha, it's really you. However, don't think I don't know. You are just like a mad dog. Only when you are mad, you are a waste. I'm afraid of you? Even if you are crazy, I don't worry about it. I brought all the elite of the five halls today to keep you

Zhang Wenshan's words were very arrogant. I felt that he didn't pay attention to me at all. In other words, he was ready to catch me. After finishing this sentence, he immediately said:

"of course, although I will make great contribution to capture you, I don't want to lose my people. Therefore, the best way is for you to put your hands down and I will fight Yes, this whore is your former classmate. She has a lot to do with you. I left her beside me for this purpose. Since you want to save her, prove that you don't want her to die. I'll tell you again, put down your weapon and follow me, otherwise, she will die

With that, Zhang Wenshan put his gloomy eyes directly at the man who held Lin Shihan.

The man took the handle of the knife with a sudden effort. Immediately, I saw the blood oozing from Lin Shihan's neck. The bloodstain was so clear that my heart was held by him. I quickly called out, "stop it!"

Seeing that I was so nervous, Zhang Wenshan became more and more rampant. He was a little elated. He raised his eyebrows and said to me, "don't you put down the knife?"

His words are light in tone, but full of threat. I have to say that Zhang Wenshan is smarter and more ruthless. In order to catch me, he has nothing to do with anything else. This move is really my weakness. What I fear most is that women die in front of me, especially those who are related to me.Lin Shihan, she has been very poor, I do not want her to die like this, I really hope that God can give her a chance to live again, let her also enjoy the bright life in the future.

At the beginning, in Wutang, I watched Ziyi fall in front of me. It was my biggest pain. I couldn't let such a tragedy happen again. Although Lin Shihan's status in my heart was incomparable with Ziyi, she was after all an old acquaintance of mine. I knew her bitterness, her past, and everything because I knew her too well I can't bear to watch her die in front of me.

In particular, seeing the man holding Lin Shihan, he specially increased his strength in his hands, which made the bloodstain on Lin Shihan's neck deeper and deeper, and my heart trembled more and more.

At this moment, Lin Shihan was so sad, miserable, pathetic, painful and worried. I really didn't dare to think about it. Suddenly, I felt a deep weakness. When my hand was soft, my knife fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Zhang Wenshan was very satisfied. He immediately indicated his subordinates with his eyes.

Immediately, there are two people holding chains, slowly approaching me.

When Lin Shihan saw that I had lost my knife, her tears were more fierce, and she did not care about life and death. "Don't, don't!" he kept saying

So big scene, also only Lin Shihan issued weak voice. The night sky is very dark, but it is very bright all around. We all have no escape from the light. Under the light, we have our own expression and state.

I stood in the same place, my body did not move, but my heart was in a frenzy. Although I put down the knife, it did not mean that I had compromised. I was still tangled and struggling. I knew too well that once I was caught, I would die. Even if I didn't die, my identity of Jiangnan wind was completely exposed. At that time, I would not be able to save Ziyi, my father, or even my father. I can't let it all go. I can't ignore my father and Ziyi. In order not to expose the identity of Jiangnan wind, I have paid too much. I'm not willing to destroy it like this. I'm very unwilling.

But I really don't want to see Lin Shihan die in front of me. I don't want to. This kind of entanglement makes me crazy. My thinking is confused and my face is red. The whole person seems to be trembling.

But when two people came to me with iron chains, suddenly, I heard a very affectionate voice from Lin Shihan: "Suluo, I love you!"

This is the voice of confession, but also like the voice of farewell, it made me suddenly wake up, I immediately raised my eyes, looked at Lin Shihan.

At this moment, Lin Shihan's hands have already grasped the back of the knife which is placed on her neck. Her red and swollen eyes are staring at me. When I lift my eyes, before I can speak out, Lin Shihan moves. Her hand grabs the back of the knife to her neck. At the same time, her neck twists.

In an instant, sharp knife cut her carotid artery, blood, like a fountain, sped out, floating to the sky, dyed black night.

Lin Shihan, the last left me is her affectionate confession, and her happy smile when she turns her head.

With this resolute smile, she wiped her neck with a knife. In the shock and dismay of all, her body fell to the ground.

The blood was still flowing from her neck, but she didn't stop breathing immediately. Her body seemed to be shaking. She fell to the ground, and her body still had a conditioned reflex. She struggled, twitched and trembled. Her tearful face was on my side.

I see her mouth has been shaking, at the moment, she has been dying, but she still tried to open her mouth, but she did not make a voice, but her mouth seems to be saying to me: "run!"

Run, these two words, for Lin Shihan at this time, is so difficult to say, how she can not make a voice, only try to make this mouth shape, her eyes have been looking at me, tears are still flowing, but her neck blood, but stopped gushing, her body, no longer twitch, become rigid, her expression solidified into a picture, no move Move, her eyes, finally are open, that pair of tears, red and swollen.

From Lin Shihan's confession to her wiping her neck to her breath, it was only a moment. But I seem to have gone through a century, so long, so painful, so incredible, I did not expect, really did not expect, Lin Shihan would commit suicide, she would end her young life so resolutely.

I know, she does not want me entangled, do not want me exposed, do not want to implicate me, she chose to understand their own life, let me be free.

She committed suicide so decisively that she did not hesitate to give me a chance to persuade or discuss with me, and she ended up on her own.

At this moment, I was stunned. Zhang Wenshan was stupefied. His arrogance in strategizing disappeared. His eyes were full of shock. Zhang Wenyuan was stupid and looked at Lin Shihan on the ground. Even the two people who wanted to arrest me with iron chains were stunned. They stopped and did not move.

The man who held Lin Shihan was even more stupid. His hands holding the knife were shaking a little. All the members of the five halls were stupid. Everyone was staring at the scene.Silent space, only the sound of breathing. No one spoke again, and no one moved a minute. Unexpectedly, Lin Shihan chose to sacrifice himself in order not to implicate me. As a result, all the people present were astonished.

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