Lin Shihan, one second is still wandering in front of me, the next is dead, so tragic death, in the end, I still owe her, if there is an afterlife, I will use my life to repay her.

Time, as if silent, stagnant.

In the end, it was the man who took Lin Shihan as his hostage and took the lead to react. He may have realized that he was careless and made a mistake. Immediately, he squatted down and explored Lin Shihan's breath. His face turned white and his eyes were full of fear.

He stood up trembling and stuttered to Zhang Wenshan beside him: "hall, master, she's dead, dead!"

As an elite of the five halls, this man would not be so timid, but he was also too aware of the importance of Lin Shihan as a hostage, which could be said to be Zhang Wenshan's chip. Now that she is dead by her own knife, how can a strong man not be nervous.

As soon as his voice fell, Zhang Wenshan suddenly broke out. He slapped the man heavily in the face and roared angrily, "nonsense, you won't even be able to hold a person in his mother's hands!"

Zhang Wenshan's anger, let the scene of the gas, changed more strange, all people are silent.

However, I didn't realize that my eyes were always on Lin Shihan's body, and my ears seemed to have been circling two words, dead.

Lin Shihan, she's dead. She's dead. She's dead. She's dead.

These two words, like a magic spell, entangle me. My heart is twitching, and my steps can't help but move. But my feet are like deep swamp. Every step, it's so difficult. Every step, the earth seems to tremble. Every step, my heart is heavy. Every step, I get closer to Lin Shihan.

I don't know if my eyes are too terrible at the moment, or they are afraid of me to be crazy. In the process of my walking, no one even stops me. Even Zhang Wenshan, when he saw me approaching, could not help but regress. The other members of the five halls all avoided me one after another.

So I came to Lin Shihan's side, slowly squatted down, my hands gently stretched out, touched her ugly face, the temperature on her face began to fade, her breath of life completely disappeared, she died, completely dead, so fast, so silent and endless.

Unconsciously, my hands on her face vibrated gently. I touched her eyebrows and her eyes. Her nose, her mouth, every part of her face, were so familiar.

A long time ago, when I was in junior high school, the days were very dark, but every day I had an expectation to see Lin Shihan. Her face was a glimmer of light in my dark life. Only when I saw her could I feel the breath of life.

At that time, Lin Shihan's face was very young, but very pure, with beautiful facial features, simple but fresh clothes, clean and pure temperament, which made people feel like spring breeze when they saw it.

At that time, I was a mangy dog that everyone hated. At home, I was always oppressed and attacked by Miaomiao. At school, I was snubbed and ridiculed by my classmates. However, Lin Shihan, a pure and beautiful girl, had no prejudice against me. Her eyes did not contain any impurities. Her personal life did not have messy habits, Many people wrote love letters to her. She would not attack those people, but she did not accept them. She just focused on reading her books and studying hard.

This kind of her, in my heart is perfect, I can't help but pay attention to her, over time, this kind of attention, seems to have become a secret love, but, my inferiority, let me not dare to express, I can only take her as an example, as a light, guide me forward, study hard, to follow her steps, want to enter the same high school, the same university with her, so that I can I've been paying close attention to her.

God's favor, let me and her classmate for six years, six years have her, I have comfort in my heart, but, classmates for so long, I never dare to talk to her, I know she is impossible for me, can only watch from a distance, many times, I have been in the classroom after the completion of the person, secretly to her seat, looking at her homework on the beautiful handwriting, smell her seat The residual fragrance on the position, I am very intoxicated, very satisfied.

It's always nice and happy to have her. Even though life is cruel, I still keep this little beauty in my heart. But since Miaomiao left home, everything changed. My grades fell sharply, and Lin Shihan was further and further away. Finally, I was admitted to a pheasant university. I thought that from now on, Lin Shihan and I would become permanent peace Line.

However, fate arranged for us to meet again, but the beginning of the meeting doomed our tragic ending, because Ma Qiang, the re encounter of Lin Shihan and I became the fuse, and we buried a seed of misunderstanding. It was those misunderstandings that changed Lin Shihan's view of me and made her gradually misunderstand me and hate me.

But I am silent attention to her, still only dare to look far away, but I learned to resist for her. For her, I disobeyed Ma Qiang. For her, I was more willing to endure humiliation and kneel down to drill my crotch. Maybe I didn't understand at that time, but in fact, it may be love, very pure love. It is because of love that I care about her people, her ideas and her prejudice against me.If at that time, I explained everything to Lin Shihan and believed that she would forgive me, there would not have been a tragedy later. Such a tragedy changed me and Lin Shihan, and changed the fate of both of us.

However, I am stubborn, not willing to explain, not willing to solve this misunderstanding, so that we two go further and further, and even become the enemy of life and death.

In this city, we meet again. I am shisan. She is Zhang Wenshan's lover. She seduces me. I scold her for being dirty. In fact, this is not my sincere words. It is precisely because I care about her that I can say such words. Because her degeneration makes my heart ache, I will say the words that hurt her.

But later, she suddenly took thirteen as the object of her talk, saying that she was alone here, and that she had no one to talk to, and that life was very painful.

At that time, I was dead and resurrected. She said that she trusted me and no longer doubted my identity, so she wanted to treat me as a friend and confide in me. At that time, she said a lot. She said that when she was in high school, she had a good feeling for Suluo. Later, she said that Suluo's image in her heart had changed. She said that Suluo killed her father and elder brother, which made her feel guilty all her life and made her bear the burden and vow to revenge.

In order to revenge, she came to this strange city alone, suffered a lot of hardships, suffered a lot of loneliness, and finally became the plaything of an old man. Everything was just because she had a hatred in her heart. She wanted to rely on others to revenge me. Hatred changed her and made her lose her mind. But let her live to lose their own, unbearable pain.

Because of her pouring out that time, I thoroughly understand her suffering. I know that it was I who caused her to change from a simple girl to a dirty woman full of burden and hatred. Therefore, I feel guilty for her and deeply guilty. It is because of this guilt that I can save her instinctively when I am furious.

Now, the turning wheel of fate turns again. We meet again. Finally, all the misunderstandings are solved. She puts down the burden, puts down the hatred, and lets go of everything. She can finally cheer up and have the opportunity to live a normal life again. But in the end, she chooses to die in order not to drag me down.

All the hatred and resentment, in Lin Shihan's heart, there are only three words left: I love you.

These are the last three words she left to me. They are the entanglement of our life, the fetters of our life, the final feelings she determined. For this love, she did not hesitate to die, because of this love, she died with a smile, perhaps, this is her final happiness.

But it's my deepest regret. I haven't seen her live again. I haven't seen her enjoy life like an ordinary girl. She lost her life completely for me.

In a trance, my heart seems to be stirred by something, and it is painful. In my mind, there are many illusions of Lin Shihan:

the pure Lin Shihan meets the annoying me and smiles.

Lin Shihan looked at my grades and asked me why.

Lin Shihan misunderstood me and slapped me. Looking at Han Boyang bullying me, Lin Shihan asked me to release her cousin song Qingfeng. Lin Shihan asked Lin Feng to revenge me. Lin Shihan knelt down for me and pleaded for Lin Feng. Lin Shihan, Lin Shihan.

Too many pictures, messy but clear, clearly printed in my mind, the more pictures, the more painful my heart, the more sour my eyes.

Can not help, I closed my eyes tightly, tears from the corner of my eyes. With the flow of tears, my mind from the memories of the extraction.

I opened my fuzzy eyes, and suddenly found that my tears just fell into Lin Shihan's open eyes, moistening her dry eyes and making her eyes crystal clear. The tears, as if they were from her, were vivid.

Through her eyes, I felt her heart stop beating. Slowly, my hand moved to her eyes and closed her eyes.

When Lin Shihan's eyes closed gently, my hoarse voice floated in the strange night sky: "Lin Shihan, I can't afford you, I hurt you, but you can rest in peace, I won't let you die with injustice, I will revenge you!"

With the words behind, my voice said more and more loud, the voice said more hoarse, the voice fell, I squatted body, slowly, slowly, slowly stood up from the ground.

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