From squatting to standing up, the whole process, originally just a moment, but I seem to have spent a long time, like an old man's action, so slow.

When I stand up straight, I will look, slowly swept to the scene that a different expression of people.

At this moment, the blood in my body is burning crazily. Every cell in my body is moving rapidly. My eyes and eyes have become red and red. The red ones follow the devil like, so vicious, cruel and terrible.

Zhang Wenshan's group, from the death of Lin Shihan to the closing of my eyes for Lin Shihan, never started with me. They just surrounded me in a circle and waited for an opportunity.

At this time, they lost the chip of Lin Shihan. They all seemed to have lost their confidence. Even if there were too many people, they did not dare to rush into action. Especially, when they found that my eyes were red, they could not help showing a little fear in their eyes. After all, all the elites in the five halls were present, and they had seen me furious What kind of metamorphosis is it.

To me this monster, they can't be fearless, no one dares to be a first bird and come to die easily.

Even Zhang Wenshan, the original master, could not help but exude a cold sweat on his forehead. He stopped and then yelled at me: "Suluo, you can see that this woman committed suicide, which has nothing to do with me. You'd better go with me honestly, and don't do unnecessary resistance!"

Obviously, Zhang Wenshan didn't want to see me go mad. He didn't want to lose too much manpower because of catching one of me. He wanted me to be arrested.

But he didn't open his mouth. As soon as he opened his mouth, his voice directly stimulated my nerves and exposed the blue veins on my forehead. In my mind, all kinds of painful expressions flashed through Lin Shihan. Unconsciously, my fist squeezed tightly. In the strange air, I remembered the squeak of my finger joints, which was particularly harsh.

Suddenly, I suddenly opened my mouth and yelled at the audience: "you all have to die!"

After saying this, the blood in my body completely boils, my whole person's reason is more and more disordered and uncontrollable. I have a violent outburst of ferocious rage. In my consciousness, there is only one thought, killing all the people present.

Only by killing can I resolve the endless hatred in my heart and make me no longer depressed or miserable. With my red eyes, I clenched my fist and opened my feet, like a ghost, I walked towards the culprit Zhang Wenshan step by step.

Zhang Wenshan's eyes were suddenly startled, and his steps could not help but regress. He quickly yelled at his men: "let's get on together and take down Suluo for me!"

Many elites of Wutang, though full of fear, still rushed to me regardless of Zhang Wenshan's order.

These people killed the sound everywhere, the momentum is soaring, one by one is not afraid of death warrior general, swarmed to attack me.

Seeing the impact of the dense crowd, my eyes became more and more red. I felt that I was holding a strong and powerful force all over my body, waiting for vent.

In a person first sprint to me in front of, with his knife mercilessly split to me, I clenched the fist, roared out.

My speed is extremely fast, the strength is extremely fierce, his knife, did not cut me, but my fist, but bang in his chest.

In a flash, the man flew out like a shell. Because the impact force was too strong, he even knocked down several people in succession.

This scene, startled a lot of people, let many people's eyes can not help flashing fear color, but those people still dare not stop, still like crazy rushed to me.

I have been attacked by the enemy in all directions, and one after another has been knocked down in an endless stream.

Although, I have infinite strength to break out, although I have a towering sense of war, I need to fight, but I am always a person, without three heads and six arms, I can not resist the attack of all the people around me at the same time. I can't look forward to the future, and before long, I have a lot of scars on my body.

Blood, constantly out of my body, however, pain, did not slow down my movement, on the contrary, the smell of blood, more stimulating my nerves, let me more angry, more violent.

I am like a crazy lion, in the crowd constantly collision, constant fighting, my mouth also occasionally issued the beast like roar, I completely lost my mind, completely became a madman, too violent, too fierce, too bloody, frightening people.

In the late night sky, people's howls are constantly sounded. The road covered with blood is like a slaughterhouse of human beings. There are people falling on the ground constantly. The smell of death, terror and blood pervades the whole air.

With the passage of time, the elite of the five halls have no confidence in the Vietnam War, but I am more and more brave. I feel that the strength in my body is about to burst my body. I must use the life of the enemy and the blood of the other party to release my strength and anger. Only by constantly fighting and killing, can my body not burst completely.

In the process of madness, my reason and consciousness are not, but the pictures in my mind are still there. There are more and more scenes and characters in the pictures. Many sad memories about my past seem to appear in my mind disorderly. All the darkness that I have experienced is still in my mind. I suddenly feel that I am the most in the world Sad people, no matter how alive, are in the dark, never see the real light.Such a day lasted for a long time, I was always in disguise, always in forbearance, who bullied me on my head, I tried not to be crazy, but this time, Lin Shihan died, her death is like a lead, completely detonated me, let me in the heart can not be touched the string suddenly broken, let me become violent and fierce, let me wantonly use killing to slow down To relieve their own heart's oppression and pain.

The more I kill, the more red my eyes are, the stronger my strength is. The corpses on this road are also increasing. These so-called elites of the five halls are just like ants, vulnerable to a single attack.

Those who are close to me are only killed. Even the first level masters can't pass a few moves in my hands. I don't need weapons at all. I can find out the key points of the other side only by feeling. The people I hit are either dead or disabled.

I seem to be possessed by the devil on the surface, and I seem to have lost my sense completely. However, in terms of fighting, I am particularly keen. My moves are flexible, disorganized, extraordinary in strength and amazing in speed. No matter how many people there are on the other side, I am not equal to one.

Finally, hiding outside the crowd, Zhang Wenshan panicked, completely flustered. He thought that he should not be a problem to deal with me alone. But now, seeing that his elites have fallen down one by one, the fear on Zhang Wenshan's face is becoming more and more serious. He realizes that he has made a mistake and is a bit at a loss at the moment.

And the people under his hand, although they are not afraid of death, they will not be stupid enough to die. In particular, I am a madman who has lost human nature. My strength has surpassed human cognition. In their eyes, it is more terrifying than the real devil.

My shirtless upper body, countless wounds, blood dripping, the whole on a bloody person, my whole body up and down the momentum, let people can not contain the suffocation.

In my crazy dry down more than half of the people, my anger has reached the peak, I completely lost my reason, the whole person has become more and more manic and abnormal, those enemies I locked in, all died miserably.

My terror is really frightening. Even if the people in the five halls are brave, they are scared. Some of them even run away in fear. One of them will drive the other to run. They have no intention of fighting at all, or dare not to fight again. They dare not touch the devil face to face. Even if some of the bold people don't run, they are always behind Back, dare not stop my step.

Zhang Wenshan was terrified. He roared wildly and let his men attack me. However, those people still escaped and retreated. I did not pursue these small characters any more. There was only one person in my eyes, Zhang Wenshan.

Although my consciousness is chaotic, I always remember that Zhang Wenshan is the biggest enemy in my heart and the culprit of the whole thing.

In this moment, my eyes again tightly locked Zhang Wenshan, eyes exuded endless terror.

He touched my eyes, and his face was pale with fear. He put down his mobile phone and threatened me: "Suluo, tell you, I have informed the headquarters of the Haibang. They will come later. If you know the right way, you will be arrested!"

At this moment, I couldn't hear any words at all. I just kept staring at Zhang Wenshan and kept moving forward, pressing towards him step by step.

Zhang Wenshan also knew that he couldn't hide himself. He quickly said to Zhang Wen, "Su Luo is seriously injured now. Let's join hands to take him down!"

Zhang Wenyuan nodded and immediately cooperated with Zhang Wenshan. Their two brothers, like two hounds, fiercely attacked me.

It is worthy of being a brother. We can complement each other with each other. We have a tacit understanding. One is on the left and the other is on the right. We lock me up and attack my vital points.

I was like a trapped animal, suddenly roared, a roar, roared out all my hatred for them, roared out all my momentum, my heart was more murderous, the whole person became more violent.

In the madness of me, there is no sense, but my feelings still guide me, let me have the direction and goal, in front of the two prey, which is easy to deal with, kill which one first.

Obviously, the wounded Zhang Wenyuan was much weaker, so I didn't take care of Zhang Wenshan, I just attacked Zhang Wenyuan crazily. Although my attack had no rules, it was to seize the enemy's key points, and its momentum was overwhelming. Ordinary people really couldn't resist. In a moment, Zhang Wenyuan was like a chicken, and I pinched his neck.

Seeing this, Zhang Wenshan suddenly raised his momentum and called out: "no!"

Say, he whole person to rush to me crazily, attack to me suddenly, I don't care about him at all, just force a twist. In an instant, Zhang Wenyuan's neck was broken. The powerful vice leader of the five halls, who had no strength to fight back, died in front of me.

Zhang Wenyuan's death did not stir up a ripple in my heart, but made his big brother angry to envy. He tried his best to give full play to his own strength and constantly attacked me. His fist kept hitting me.

Although my body is full of knife wounds, but the body bone is abnormal and strong, I only rely on a pair of physical body, then hard to resist Zhang Wenshan's attack.Zhang Wenshan knew that I was crazy and my strength was against the sky. However, he didn't expect that I was so powerful that I seemed to be invulnerable. The more Zhang Wenshan fought, the less confident he was. Finally, his anger gradually turned into panic and more and more scared.

When people are in panic, their minds are disordered, and their moves are easy to show flaws. Zhang Wenshan is so flustered that his flaws are suddenly revealed. I took the opportunity to attack him and hit him in the chest.

Zhang Wenshan was caught off guard and was directly kicked by me, immediately. His body then flew backward and fell heavily to the ground.

My simple move, but hidden thousands of potential, power is extraordinary, so that he fell in the moment, mouth suddenly spit out a big mouth of blood.

However, Zhang Wenshan is not a weak master. When he fell to the ground, he did not care to breathe. After he got up, he did not attack me again. He just looked at me like a monster. His eyes were full of wonder, and he kept murmuring: "you are not a human being, you are not a human being!"

At this time, Zhang Wenshan, like a fool, kept repeating a sentence, his voice had been shaking.

I didn't pay any attention to him at all. I walked forward step by step and approached him step by step, while Zhang Wenshan was still murmuring to himself. But as I approached, his eyes became more and more frightened and his face turned pale.

Walking slowly, I finally came to him. Without hesitation, I was ready to quickly harvest his life.

But at the moment when I was about to make a move, Zhang Wenshan, who was trembling in front of me, suddenly thumped and knelt heavily on the ground, followed by Zhang Wenshan's voice of extreme fear: "Suluo, granddad Su, please let me go, don't kill me, I am willing to be your dog and serve you!"

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