Unexpectedly, the leader of the five halls of the Hai Gang would kneel down and say such words to me. It seems that the fear has destroyed his will and made him unable to calm down any more. It can be seen that he is afraid, completely afraid.

However, his kneeling could not make me waver. His words were not convincing to me. My killing intention was very strong, especially to Zhang Wenshan, which could destroy everything. I could not change my mind because of his begging for mercy.

But God seemed to be angry for my killing. At the moment when I was ready to fight Zhang Wenshan again, a hole was suddenly opened in the dark sky, and a strong lightning appeared. At the same time, a thunder burst out. Then, the torrential rain poured down without warning, and the rain quickly swept the bloody road.

All the blood on the ground floated up and flowed along the whole road because of the rain. The rain that fell on the ground was completely dyed red with blood, and the blood color was dazzling. This scene seemed to be the real blood flowing into a river. It was too terrible and bloody.

The bodies lying on the ground were covered by rain. No matter how hard the rain fell, they were still still motionless and could not die any more.

It rained heavily, but there was still a strong smell of blood in the air, which all indicated how horrible the night was.

And I was struck by thunder and lightning, suddenly I woke up a lot, my consciousness began to gradually recover, my reason slowly returned.

When I saw the terrible scene in front of me, my body couldn't help shaking. Even I couldn't believe that I could kill so many heights of Wutang with my bare hands.

the strength I showed tonight was even more fierce than when I was crazy in Wutang on that day. Of course, what shocked me most was that my methods were so cruel 。

I can't believe that I will be so cruel when I look at the people whose death is so terrible on the ground. I can't help it. I have a new understanding of myself.

But I don't regret it. Even if I wake up, I don't regret it, because I know that they deserve to die, and that's the price they should pay.

Zhang Wenshan, kneeling on the ground, thought I was hesitant when he saw that I hadn't started for a long time. He immediately continued to say to me: "Suluo, you can see it. It's raining. The heaven is angry. You should wake up and stop killing people. There will be someone coming from the headquarters. Please stop. I can follow you and help you hide today's affairs."

In order to protect his life, Zhang Wenshan is a bit incoherent. His words, listening to my ears, I just feel ridiculous.

In the past, Zhang Wenshan was so arrogant that he could deal with all kinds of things without being surprised. He always thought that everything was in his hands. In order to win the position of deputy leader, he used me as his chess piece. He thought that I could help him win Fu Gang and ascend the high position. At that time, he was so high.

Now, in the face of absolute strength, he also has such a fragile side, and even kneels down. It is estimated that he is frightened by my strength.

However, no matter what he said or did, no matter whether I was sober or not, I couldn't have any kind heart to him. Even if I could be merciful to all people, I would not spare him. It was he who killed Lin Shihan alive and I could not eliminate my hatred for him.

At this moment, my eyes are still red as blood, and the cold light in my eyes is cold and piercing. I didn't say anything else, but coldly said to Zhang Wenshan: "you deserve to die!"

As soon as the voice fell, I didn't give Zhang Wenshan a chance to breathe. Instead, I used a fist that I had accumulated all my strength and hit him on his temple. The speed was very fast. Zhang Wenshan didn't even have time to react. In an instant, his expression froze. His mouth was bleeding and his eyes were staring at him. His eyes were still full of panic.

Zhang Wenshan, who was once famous for a time, fell down like this at this moment. His body fell straight in front of me and died in fear.

For his death, I did not feel any regret, just felt a burst of joy, in an instant, my whole person relaxed, I was like a deflated ball again, I felt very weak.

After the fury, I was the most vulnerable, even my feet could not support my body, I stood in the rain, tottering.

Fortunately, the rest of the five halls, after seeing Zhang Wenshan's death, also ran away in fear.

I'm not in danger for the time being, but Zhang Wenshan said that the people from the headquarters will come soon. At that time, I'm sure that I can't fly. I can't wait any longer, but I can't leave by myself. I can't help but move my steps to Lin Shihan's side.

I slowly squat down, want to hold her, but my whole body strength exhausted, my body injury is too much, especially after the violent reaction, too strong. As soon as I squatted down, my whole body swayed up, and suddenly a piece of darkness broke out in front of me. Finally, I still couldn't hold on and fell down. My eyes were black, and I completely lost my consciousness.

Time, I do not know how long passed, I seem to slowly wake up from weakness, my eyes, slowly opened.

Opening my eyes, I found that I had been lying on a wooden bed with a small table beside the bed. The room was poorly decorated. At first glance, I suddenly felt familiar with it. I had a feeling that I had not seen him for a long time. But my mind was very messy. After thinking for a long time, I finally remembered that this was the house of grandfather Bai in the suburbs?My heart just gave birth to this idea, the door of the room suddenly opened, outside the door into a person, accompanied by an old but powerful voice: "so quickly wake up, your recovery ability is really incredible!"

This voice is very familiar, is the voice of white grandfather, I immediately turned my head and looked at the coming person.

When I saw the white grandfather's familiar face, my heart suddenly filled with a touch, and when he came to me, I sincerely said: "white grandfather!"

He nodded to me gratified, caring said: "how is the body?"

Listening to him say so, I just gently moved the lower body, found that my body in addition to the pain, has no big obstacle, so, I quickly to him: "nothing, how long have I been in a coma?"

White grandfather squinted, some exclaimed: "less than a day, your body is really more and more abnormal!"

After listening to his words, I was surprised. I knew how serious my injury was this time. It was not much lighter than the last time I went crazy in Wutang headquarters. But at that time, I was in a coma for a week. Now, I was in a coma for less than one day. This is really a bit abnormal.

When I was shocked, grandfather Bai continued: "Suluo, you are just a miracle. You killed more than 100 elites of five halls with one person's power, and killed their leader and vice leader. Your strength now is really abnormal."

After listening to grandfather Bai's words, I couldn't believe it. But when I heard him talking about the slaughter of the five halls, my heart tingled. I suddenly remembered what happened last night. It was a bloody night. Last night, I really broke through myself, but I also had a deep regret that Lin Shihan's death became indelible in my heart Pain. My last thought last night was that I wanted to take her body away, but at that moment, I suddenly fell into a coma.

Thinking of this, I quickly asked: "grandfather white, when you were saving me, did you see a girl?"

White grandfather nodded his head gently and said: "you are crazy about that girl. She was at the scene. I could only take you away. But you can rest assured that the police also came at that time. She was also a victim. Her body will be handled well!"

Hearing this, I was a little relieved. Lin Shihan didn't have a good destination when she was alive. I don't want her to die and have no rest. In the end, her body has been disposed of. Unfortunately, I can't bury her in person. I just hope that she can live happily in the next life.

Unconsciously, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. At this time, grandfather Bai's voice came again: "Suluo, you should not be too impulsive in future. Last night it was almost bad. You know, although your identity has not been revealed, what you did last night shocked the whole Haigang. Now they are looking for you in the whole city!"

Hearing this, I suddenly opened my eyes, and my mind suddenly turned to this matter. I also understood that I had done so many people in Wutang with my own efforts, which had to be paid attention to by the Haigang. However, even if there was no incident last night, the Hai Gang would have wanted me. As long as I didn't expose the identity of Jiangnan style, it doesn't matter.

Grandfather Bai seemed to have guessed what I was thinking, and said again: "now the Haibang has guessed that you may have a hidden identity, which is under investigation. Although your current identity is well hidden, it can't be avoided in the scope of investigation. Now you have successfully obtained Peng Xuefei's trust. Don't be a bad thing. If your body is not in any serious trouble, you can do it Go back quickly, so as to avoid suspicion! "

Grandfather Bai's words woke me up in a moment. What he said was reasonable. Suluo suddenly appeared and swept the five halls. This caused a great disturbance. At the same time, it must make people think that I have been hiding here, but I didn't show up. This can be guessed from my masked face. After all, many members of the five halls escaped last night Know how I dress up. Now, everyone knows that Suluo is seriously injured. If my identity of Jiangnan style suddenly disappears, it will inevitably arouse suspicion of others.

In order to play this identity well, I paid too much. If I was exposed like this, it would be more than the gain. Moreover, I have already offended the whole sea gang. Now, if they catch me, they will not only threaten my father, but also have my heart cut. I have to say that grandfather Bai thinks things are comprehensive.

So, listen to his words, I immediately sat up, although the body is still painful, but I still do not hesitate to get out of bed.

Seeing this, he said, "no more rest?"

I stood still, moved my lower limbs gently, and replied, "no need!"

White grandfather looked at me up and down, did not say anything, directly brought me a set of clean clothes.

I simply pack up the next clothes, and suddenly, I seem to change. The whole person does not look like a person who has been seriously injured, but his face is slightly haggard and listless. However, this does not affect my ability to move.

When I finished packing, white grandfather also told me a few things to pay attention to. I listened to them all and agreed one by one.Then, I said goodbye to him, but when I went to the hall, my steps stopped unconsciously, because I swept to the room where Ziyi was.

Suddenly, my heart suddenly quickened up, a deep emotion filled my heart, my steps because of the guidance of my heart, can't help but walk towards that room.

Although it is less than a month since I saw her last time, I feel that I haven't seen her for a long time. During this period, she has been in my heart, but I live as Jiangnan wind, and I'm losing myself. In order not to expose myself, I haven't even come here, not once.

I miss Ziyi day by day. Today, I finally come here. Of course, I want to see her. I can't help but quicken my pace. I can't wait.

But just as I was about to walk to the door, my grandfather stopped me and asked me, "sulo, what are you doing?"

I stopped, looked back at the white grandfather, said: "I want to see Ziyi, say goodbye to her!"

White grandfather's face suddenly became very serious, he looked straight at me, no doubt said: "you still don't want to see, go quickly!"

Hearing this, the rhythm of my heart beat suddenly quickened a few minutes. Suddenly, I didn't dare to think about it. I immediately asked, "why?"

Grandfather Bai frowned and wanted to say something, but he sighed and didn't say anything. I saw that his heart was raised to his throat. A very bad premonition arose, and my nerves became tense immediately. I walked quickly towards the room and opened the door when I arrived

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