When Peng Xuefei heard my question, her eyebrows frowned slightly and seemed tangled. She bit her lips and hesitated for a long time before she opened her mouth and answered, "Jiangnan wind, I'll tell you the truth. Although our Haibang is powerful, there have been cracks in the interior. In particular, the appearance of Suluo and the destruction of the five halls have exacerbated the situation. The Sheng family has great ability and can help Help my family, I can't be willful any more, I have no choice, I hope you can understand! "

Sure enough, this is the reason. In the final analysis, it is Sheng Mingjie who can help the Shanghai Gang and stabilize Peng Xuefei's father. Therefore, Peng Xuefei will compromise and agree to be engaged to Sheng Mingjie.

But I firmly believe that Peng Xuefei is extremely reluctant in her heart. She should be under great pressure before she can compromise.

I can't bear to see her like this. I know Peng Xuefei. She hasn't been in love all the time because she keeps a desire for love in her heart. She looks forward to love. Hope to be with the man you love.

But in the end, she wants to marry a man she doesn't love. This is tantamount to destroying a girl's life. She must be unfortunate in the future. This will also be her life's regret, she has not met the man who entered her heart, she has not experienced the love she wants, how can she be so bound for life?

This is cruel to Peng Xuefei and unfair to me. I can't bear to see all my efforts wasted. I don't want to watch Peng Xuefei jump into the fire pit. This time, I didn't think about it any more. I seriously asked Peng Xuefei, "I don't understand. I think everyone has the right to choose their other half. So are you He told me that your boyfriend must have a good command of culture and tactics, and more importantly, he should go into your heart. Obviously, Sheng Mingjie has not met your requirements! "

My words are very direct, but they are also true. Peng Xuefei felt more helpless in her eyes after hearing this. She shook her head bitterly and said: "life is like this. Many times things go against our wishes and can't do what we want. Especially, the bigger your family background is, the more complex your life will be. The more restrictions you are subject to, the greater your responsibility will be. I have no right to choose! ”

after hearing Peng Xuefei's words, she felt that her fate could not be controlled by herself. In fact, the eldest lady of the Shanghai gang had more bitterness than others. She could not get what she wanted, but was forced to do what she did not want. She did not even have the right to choose her own happiness, so she was bound.

I have gone through thousands of risks and difficulties, and finally let her have a new understanding of me, but it can't resist the words of others. This is the so-called destiny, but I don't believe in fate. Fate should always be in my own hands.

After thinking about it, I was about to open my mouth and continue to persuade Peng Xuefei, but she seemed to know what I was going to say. She did not wait for me to open her mouth and said directly: "Jiangnan wind, I know you really like me and are really good to me. I don't want me to be wronged, but I also hope you understand me. I have my own difficulties in doing this. Besides, Sheng Mingjie is a very good person, and he is good with him Together, I'm not at a loss.

I will talk to you so much because I regard you as a friend. Today I look for you, I mainly want to tell you, give up me, forget me, don't contact me, and I won't see you again. You should know that Sheng Mingjie won't allow us to have any relationship. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, but also for your own safety, we should not meet again, Jiangnan style I'll never see you again

A few words. Peng Xuefei said particularly difficult, bitter, at the same time, but also so decisive determination, a voice fell, she turned away.

Peng Xuefei's back looks so lonely, strong and helpless. Her steps are slow and heavy. I stood in the same place and watched her back gradually go away. My heart was like being torn and torn. I felt very painful and unwilling. I knew that once Peng Xuefei left like this, I would like to see her again, and it would be very difficult for me to see her again.

Even, she and I may never have intersection again. In this way, I not only lost a friend so simple, but also lost all my efforts for such a long time. My hope of saving my father may be in vain. Then, Ziyi will leave me forever.

In any case, I can't let Peng Xuefei leave like this. Since she specially said goodbye to me today, it shows that she cares about me. She must not have no feelings for me. How can I fight for it again.

After thinking about it, I immediately regained my mind, strode forward and rushed to Peng Xuefei's back. I grabbed her hand and said resolutely, "I will not give up on you!"

Before this, I also held Peng Xuefei's hand, but this time I was full of determination, at the same time, with love and overbearing love.

Peng Xuefei's hand was suddenly led by me, and her reaction was very big. She quickly shook off my hand and turned to me and said, "Jiangnan wind, you don't want to be a fool!"

I also realized that I was too impulsive, and hastened to say sincerely to her, "I'm sorry!"

Peng Xuefei shrunk her mouth and didn't blame me again. After a pause, she said in a cold voice: "Jiangnan wind, I hope you don't misunderstand me. I admit I have some good feelings for you. But I don't love you, so stop obsessing and give up. We have nothing to do with ourselves. Let's end it! "With these words, Peng Xuefei turned around again and resolutely left.

Although, Peng Xuefei's words hurt people, but also can not shake my determination, I still do not give up, directly ran two steps, turned to Peng Xuefei, blocked her way, said firmly to her: "Feifei, I love you, no matter how, I will not give up you!"

My tone is full of sincerity. Peng Xuefei is stunned by my persistence. She looks at me quietly and doesn't know how to return me for a moment.

But at this time, a very impolite voice suddenly sounded: "good dog is not in the way, please don't be shameless!"

With the disappearance of this voice, a familiar figure came slowly from my side. Sheng Mingjie was awe inspiring. He was approaching me majestically. His eyes were full of pride and disdain for me.

Peng Xuefei saw Sheng Mingjie's appearance, and her face became more and more ugly. She took a deep look at me, then turned her head and looked at Sheng Mingjie. She asked in doubt, "how did you come?"

Sheng Mingjie showed a gentleman's smile and said faintly: "I heard you came to school. I'm worried about you, so I came to have a look."

After that, he pointed his sharp eyes at me and accused me of dissatisfaction: "Jiangnan wind, please have a little self-knowledge. Don't think you can do whatever you want if you know Miss Xia. You really haven't seen such a thick face. If you want to have a little face, don't pester Feifei any more!"

Sheng Mingjie's words are full of thorns. Every time, he is so proud in front of me. Every time, he can make me step on the garbage. He really disgusts me. Today's everything is caused by him. If he had not put pressure on the Peng family, Peng Xuefei would not have engaged him. For him, I can't bear it Knowing his background, I immediately retorted to him: "I don't know who didn't know himself. Sheng Mingjie, did you forget that you asked Feifei to make a choice at noon yesterday, but she chose me instead of you?"

After that, I straightened up my chest, showing my pride and strength.

Peng Xuefei on one side, after listening to my words, her look changed and became a little guilty. Sheng Mingjie's eyes flashed a trace of anger. However, in front of Peng Xuefei, even if he had anger, he would not easily expose it. Soon, he suppressed his own anger and played with me. "So what, but in the end, Feifei is still Will follow me, because you don't deserve it

The last three words, Sheng Mingjie said very loud, very arrogant, again and again, he took the trouble to raise himself, belittle me, this is his hypocrite's trick, but for his this trick, I know it well, there is no need to block himself.

Slightly pause for a while, I suddenly cold hum life, very disdainful to Sheng Mingjie said: "do you think you deserve? In the final analysis, you just have a strong family background, which can only represent your good birth, not your ability. Compared with me, you still lose. In addition, I hope you can understand that marriage without emotion will not be happy. If Feifei doesn't love you, she will be married to you. Do you think she will be happy and you will be happy again? "

My words are full of thorns. Every sentence points out the key point without any cover up. I just hope that this young master can wake up and stop bullying people too much.

Unfortunately, I was wrong. No matter how much I said, Sheng Mingjie's determination could not be shaken. He seems to have been used to hegemonism. Perhaps, for him, he only cares about gain and loss, and doesn't need love and love at all. He listened to my words, chuckled, and then said to youYou: "Jiangnan wind, I find you are still stubborn. Yes, free love is good However, in front of love, there are also high and low, you and Feifei gap is too big, you do not deserve to be with her, perhaps, Feifei has no feelings for me now, but feelings can be cultivated, I believe I can make him fall in love with me in the future, and you can only retreat! "

Sheng Mingjie is domineering, arrogant and conceited. It makes me feel sick, but his words do have some truth, which makes me a little tongue tied.

Seeing that I didn't reply for a moment, Sheng Mingjie immediately went on: "Jiangnan style, maybe you won't be convinced, but you can only accept your fate. I'll tell you the truth, your identity is in front of ordinary people, and you are a second generation of rich people. But for Feifei, you are nothing, because you have no ability to protect her. What's more, Feifei's family has some conditions, so you must I'm the only one who can fix it, and you'll only drag Feifei down. So, if you're smart, you'll stay away from her. You'd better not show up in front of us, understand? "

When he said this, Sheng Mingjie's nostrils were a little bit cocky. He was extremely arrogant. I hated his gesture, but there was no denying that he had the capital to show off. I couldn't refute it. As he said, I couldn't protect Peng Xuefei, and I couldn't solve the crisis of the Shanghai Gang.

In the eyes of ordinary people, my only capital is my beacon fire club. Therefore, I don't know what to use to counterattack Sheng Mingjie, let alone persuade Sheng Mingjie.

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