Sheng Mingjie saw me for a long time without saying a word. He thought I was convinced by him, and he didn't want to talk nonsense with me any more. Finally, he reprimanded me: "Jiangnan style, you'd better be your boss in school. Things in society are far beyond your imagination. Don't participate in it. Some people, you don't deserve it. It's better for me to say so much. You can do it yourself!"

"Feifei, a French restaurant opened recently. It's very popular. Their dishes are in line with your taste. Why don't we try it?" he said

If we put it in the past, Peng Xuefei would certainly not hesitate to refuse Sheng Mingjie. At the beginning, in order to let Sheng Mingjie retreat, she did not hesitate to let me pretend to be her boyfriend. It can be said that Peng Xuefei had no interest in him at all. Even at noon yesterday, she resolutely chose me, which completely shows Peng Xuefei's self-reliance on feelings.

However, such a girl, there will be a compromise one day, she still bowed her head, for the so-called family justice, she chose Sheng Mingjie, so that Sheng Mingjie just ridiculed me and hit me, she did not come out to help me say a word, and even, in the end, in the face of Sheng Mingjie's hospitality, Peng Xuefei did not hesitate to agree, directly nodded and said "Well, yes!"

Just one day, Peng Xuefei has changed so much. I'm not used to it. At the same time, I can't help but feel sad. I still like the former Peng Xuefei. She is unruly, extremely cold and arbitrary. But today, she is completely hardened, aggrieved and saved her family. She has lost herself. I really don't like her Know what to keep.

And Sheng Mingjie got Peng Xuefei's affirmation, and immediately showed a proud smile and said with concern: "OK, wait for me, I'll drive the car here!"

As soon as the voice dropped, he immediately turned to his car.

At the scene, only Peng Xuefei and I were left. We looked at each other, and the atmosphere was awkward and suffocating. Neither of us spoke, or did not know what to say.

After a while, Sheng Mingjie drove the car aside and said to Peng Xuefei, "Feifei, get in the car!"

In a word, Peng Xuefei was immediately awakened from her silent state. She said to me directly: "I'm sorry, Jiangnan wind. I hope you take care of yourself."

Then she turned and left.

At this moment, my heart seemed to be emptied, empty, Peng Xuefei, she always insisted on leaving my life, let me completely lose the opportunity, I said so much, can not change her determination.

Just now Sheng Mingjie's appearance made me fall again. My dialogue with Sheng Mingjie was also a contest. But obviously, I lost and I lost.

If Peng Xuefei left like this, I didn't fart a, then I was really too weak, I am equal to admit that I am not worthy of Peng Xuefei, is equivalent to a complete retreat. It's not my style at all, and I can't just give up Peng Xuefei's.

Seeing that Peng Xuefei was getting farther and farther away from me, I couldn't help crying out at her back: "Peng Xuefei, I don't care what pressure you have, but I still want to say that you were not like this before. In the past, you had your persistence and your principles. Even if the Sheng family was powerful, you didn't care. You also deliberately asked me to pretend to be your boyfriend, so as to eliminate Sheng Mingjie's Thoughts on you. You didn't love him at all.

Even, for me, you have repeatedly reprimanded Sheng Mingjie. In your heart, I should be more important than Sheng Mingjie. It doesn't matter if you don't choose me in the end. But you also don't choose a man you don't love, even for your family. You won't be happy like this! "

My words are straightforward, urgent and reasonable, but Peng Xuefei only slowed down a little after listening to it. She was still walking forward, still slowly approaching Sheng Mingjie's car.

The weak sunset, shining on Peng Xuefei's back, gives her a layer of red glow, which makes her more and more moving, just like a celestial being. Such a celestial being will be put into the arms of other men, enter a loveless life, and completely lose myself. As her pursuer, how can I let go?

What's more, this afternoon, I learned that Ziyi's condition had deteriorated, and I realized that time was running out. I wanted to catch up with Peng Xuefei immediately.

Up to now, I have a clear feeling that Peng Xuefei has been wavering to me. She has such a good impression. She is just about to fall in love with me. How can I give up on this? No matter what, I can't do it. I can't let her go.

The more I think about it, the more anxious I am. When Peng Xuefei is about to get to Sheng Mingjie's car, I can't help shouting: "Peng Xuefei!"

Three words, called out my extreme unwillingness, called out my firm determination, but also called out my deep love, finally, Peng Xuefei's body stopped, she did not go forward, but gently turned around and looked at me, eyes full of confusion.

The crowd around gradually increased, and many people could not help but stop to watch. However, they were very sensible and did not dare to get close. They just watched from afar and talked quietly.Looking at these gathered students, my confidence increased unconsciously. In any case, I am the overlord of the school. I don't need to feel inferior at all. Besides, I come here with my faith and my goal. I don't allow any mistakes. I will take Peng Xuefei as soon as possible. It is urgent.

At this moment, my eyes suddenly raised a domineering look, I suddenly burst out of the momentum, I can not help straightening out, the sun, I look tall and powerful, dazzling.

In the attention of the public, I opened my feet and walked towards Peng Xuefei at the fastest speed. I was walking. There is no more dandy pompous, lingering in my body, only the heroic male spirit, full of charm.

When I arrived at Peng Xuefei's, I immediately stopped and ignored everything. I only used one of my eyes to stare at Peng Xuefei's eyes. Without blinking, my eyes seemed to be able to shoot tens of thousands of volts of electricity, which made Peng Xuefei, the goddess of high cold, somewhat shy. Her beautiful face was dyed with a blush, which was set off by the setting sun, and looked more and more Charming.

She looked at me infatuated, very don't understand to me falter way: "Jiangnan wind, do you still want to do?"

I did not speak, just gently raised the corner of my mouth, and then, at the moment when all the people didn't respond, I suddenly reached out and put my arms around Peng Xuefei, and with a lightning fast momentum, I kissed her red lips.

My kiss is extremely overbearing, unexpected, very sudden, let Peng Xuefei was completely caught off guard, in a moment, my lips on her lips.

When the two lips meet, Peng Xuefei's body suddenly trembles. It's almost a reflex. Peng Xuefei wants to resist. But when I kiss her tightly, she suddenly stops as if she was shocked.

Peng Xuefei, as cold as snow, was surprisingly no resistance, no struggle, even did not move, so straight standing, let me fool.

We are like two magnets, deeply absorbed together, as if everything between heaven and earth has nothing to do with us. We forget ourselves, just immersed in this kiss, unable to extricate ourselves.

At this stage, I am also forced to do it. This may be the last move I can make. I will either succeed or fail completely. Anyway, I have thought well. If Peng Xuefei is allowed to leave like this, I still don't have a chance to fight.

This bully kiss, although dangerous, but at least have a chance of success, at least let me fight.

I'm not very good at chasing girls, but I have accumulated some experience. I know that Peng Xuefei is an absolute cold goddess. If she doesn't look up to a man, she can't get close to her, let alone kiss her. Therefore, she should be very pure in this respect.

If I am a person she dislikes, then this kiss will probably make her disgust. But if she doesn't hate me so much, maybe, this sudden kiss will make her have different feelings. If she has never tried to kiss, then this kiss will make her more attracted.

For the pursuit of Peng Xuefei, I used almost any moves, soft and hard, determined, all kinds of performance, but she still wants to leave me and marry others' wife. Therefore, when I have no choice but to break through this most important defense line, I have to use my Assassin's mace.

Now, my breakthrough seems to be successful. At least, Peng Xuefei didn't push me away, which shows that she is not so disgusted with me, so she doesn't refuse my kiss. Moreover, she is a little dull and immersed in this kiss.

Although my love for Peng Xuefei is with a purpose, at this moment, she and I blend together, but my heart is not controlled by ripples, some heart, some intoxication, some enjoyment. Her lips are very fragrant and soft, giving me a confused feeling.

As time went on, thunderous applause broke out suddenly on the scene. Obviously, this is the blessing of students around me and Peng Xuefei, and the emotional expression of my overlord's successful capture of cold beauty's kiss. However, these students wish us well, but some people would like to kill me.

In this thunderous applause, a very loud burst of applause suddenly passed through the applause, and roared over: "let go of Feifei!"

As soon as the voice fell, I immediately felt a strong killing opportunity. I didn't have time to think about it. I pushed Peng Xuefei away and looked at the source of the sound. Sheng Mingjie had already got off the car. At the moment, he came to me with a strong momentum.

Soon, he came to my side and stood still. He didn't speak, but his momentum was extremely strong and pressing. I felt his tremendous momentum. The air around him seemed to vibrate and the thunder like applause stopped. The whole scene fell into a dead silence, strange and solemn.

Peng Xuefei in front of me seems to be in a trance. Her expression seems to be a little spoony, but there is a look of shame in her eyes. I don't pay attention to Peng Xuefei any more. I just keep my eyes on Sheng Mingjie. I can see clearly that Sheng Mingjie's anger is burning wildly. His momentum is becoming stronger and more frightening. What I just did It seems that he has completely exceeded his bottom line, which makes him unbearable.Finally, he still broke out, this hypocrite broke out in front of Peng Xuefei, between electric light and flint. He suddenly raised his leg and kicked me.

His strength is very strong, fast, as sharp and invincible as the scabbard of a sharp sword. I couldn't resist it at all, so I was kicked by his foot. The foot he shot was like a shell, which hit me straight into the air. Finally, he fell heavily to the ground, and my mouth suddenly spewed out a big mouthful of blood.

This is the first time I have seen Sheng Mingjie's real anger. In the past, even if Sheng Mingjie was not happy with me, he would have tolerated it, would not attack, or at least would not have started.

But now, I am completely infuriated, he used a foot on me without any politeness. What surprised me more was the power of his foot. Only one foot fully exposed his strength. This foot really surprised me.

No wonder he has such a high attitude. No wonder he can become the leader of the young generation of Sheng family. No wonder he is so valued by the Hai Gang. It turns out that Sheng Mingjie is not only of good family background, but also has a side that I don't know. His strength has reached a certain level and is about to reach the peak.

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