Now, Ziyi's life is in danger, and there is not much time left for me. I can't delay it, and I can't delay any more. I've already decided to deploy the strategy from tomorrow. I need to make use of all the resources that I can use, including my current beacon club, the flying car party, my war, and even uncle Yang, my father's former headquarters, in order to save them My dad, I'm really going to let it go.

Thinking about it, I had an impulse to contact uncle Yang immediately and take action. However, before I picked up my mobile phone, the phone ring suddenly rang, and the voice was harsh and abrupt. I took out my mobile phone and looked at it. Immediately, my eyes brightened, and my spirit was shocked. I was drunk.

Because, the caller ID turned out to be Peng Xuefei.

She thought that I would never be able to get in touch with her, but I didn't think that I would get in touch with her.

For a time, I was a little elated, a kind of quiet joy hit my heart, feeling very excited.

Without any hesitation, I immediately picked up the phone. Suddenly, Peng Xuefei's cold voice came from the phone: "Jiangnan wind, where are you? I want to meet you!"

Peng Xuefei's voice still sounds cold, but her words give me great hope. I feel that Peng Xuefei has not completely abandoned me, or that my last kiss has worked. She must never forget the kiss, and then she would ask me to meet at night.

Thinking of this, I got up and got out of bed. I was excited and said, "where are you? I'll find you."

Immediately, Peng Xuefei reported a position to me, and I did not delay, directly said: "OK, wait for me!"

After hanging up the phone, I casually cleaned up and made a personal appearance. Then I quickly went downstairs and drove to the place she said.

The address she gave me was the rich man's villa area in the city. We met next to a small bamboo grove. Peng Xuefei seemed to have chosen this secret location on purpose. It took me a long time to find her.

When I saw her, she was standing alone by the woods. The moonlight poured down on her, making her feel as if she had put on a layer of beautiful gauze clothes. This layer of gauze clothes, coupled with her beautiful appearance, was a rare work in the world. The picture was beautiful and the painting style was moving.

However, I didn't appreciate her beauty much. Instead, I paid attention to her surroundings. Unexpectedly, her bodyguards were not there. Obviously, she came out to see me by herself.

This time, I can't help but be excited and overjoyed. She is a very cold person. She can ask me alone in the middle of the night. This shows that she is interested in me?

The more I think about it, the more excited I am, the more I can't help speeding up my pace. Soon, I ran to her and showed her a brilliant smile, and said, "Feifei, what are you looking for?"

Peng Xuefei did not immediately return to me, just looked me up and down, and then, with a look of disgust, she said to me, "did you drink?"

When I heard this, I couldn't help but feel a little stiff. When I came out just now, I specially cleaned it for fear that the smell on my body was too heavy. But I really drank too much tonight, and the smell of the wine could not be eliminated at once. Peng Xuefei could smell it directly.

I couldn't help it. I curled my mouth awkwardly and explained, "ha ha, yes, I had dinner with my brothers in the evening. I drank a little more!"

Peng Xuefei a listen, can't help but white my one eye, speechless said: "can't be the evening thing, you still feel aggrieved, just go to borrow wine to worry?"

When he said this, Peng Xuefei's eyes were obviously tinged with resentment.

I didn't dare to delay. I quickly explained, "no, how can it be? Don't get me wrong. It's just my brothers who want me to drink!"

My explanation is really a little pale, Peng Xuefei would not believe it. She snorted at me and said angrily, "I tell you, Jiangnan wind, you are really too much. If there were not so many people present, if Sheng Mingjie was not angry, I would have killed you. Do you know, no boy dares to despise me, never!"

The last three words, Peng Xuefei especially accentuated the tone, expressed her serious dissatisfaction, but listen to in my ears, but let my heart can not help but the deer bumped. I even took Peng Xuefei's first kiss.

Although, I guess Peng Xuefei did not experience this kind of thing, but at the moment, I can't help but feel a little excited when I hear her say it.

However, what makes me more excited is that I finally understand Peng Xuefei. Before I was at the school gate, I was in a daze. When I saw Peng Xuefei angry, I thought she really hated me and gave me up completely, so that I was so desperate at that time.

Now, listening to what she said, I suddenly realized. It turns out that Peng Xuefei was so tolerant to me at that time.

At that time, what I forcibly seized was Peng Xuefei's first kiss, which was unbearable for any girl. What's more, Peng Xuefei was always cold and never allowed a man to get close to her. She also had high requirements for her boyfriend. She had to go into her heart to accept Peng Xuefei's first kiss.And I have not entered her heart, at best, that is to get a little favor from her. But I kiss her domineering, which is a bit risky. If I'm not careful, Peng Xuefei will be furious and kill me, but she didn't do it. On the contrary, she also protected me. She knew Sheng Mingjie's character very well. If she didn't say such unfeeling words to me, Sheng Mingjie might have killed me, so Xia Xiaoxiao stopped Chu Jie and scolded me Some time, and then decided to leave.

What she did was not really a complete blow to me. But in a different way, to protect me.

Think of these, my heart immediately flowed a thick warm current, more gush a torrent, I sincerely to Peng Xuefei way: "sorry, Feifei, thank you for your understanding!"

My tone is very sincere, and I am also happy from the bottom of my heart. Peng Xuefei can defend me even when I take away her first kiss. This is enough to show that my desperate effort has achieved success. Peng Xuefei has never tried the kiss before. With a different feeling, even though she was dissatisfied with my behavior, there was no denying that she was infatuated with that kiss, otherwise, she would not spare me and secretly meet me.

At this time, Peng Xuefei may feel my sincerity, she did not blame me, but her look is still heavy, looking worried, she slowly raised her head and looked at the bright moon in the sky.

After staring at it for a long time, Peng Xuefei sighed softly: "in fact, I envy Chang'e very much. I stay alone in the Moon Palace, alone and carefree."

I couldn't help but be stunned. In a flash, I reflected. Peng Xuefei said this as if to show that she would rather die alone than marry. It seems that she really does not want to accept Sheng Mingjie.

While Peng Xuefei's heart was shaking, I immediately stepped in and said generously, "I know you don't like Sheng Mingjie at all. It's all from the family's righteousness, but you are a human being, not a puppet. Now it's the 21st century, not the old society. Feifei, you can learn to refuse! "

Hearing this, Peng Xuefei can't help but turn her eyes to me, and her eyes are still full of helpless color. She said to me somewhat powerless: "no, Jiangnan style, you may be used to growing up abroad. No matter what you do, you can do whatever you want, regardless of the consequences, but I can't. since I was born, I was doomed to lose my freedom, and my road is my home It's arranged step by step. I don't have the right to choose. I'm different from you. So, I hope you can understand me, don't force me, and don't bring me trouble and forget me, OK

Peng Xuefei's words like a bolt from the blue, let me climb full of joy, suddenly split again, I came with full of joy, especially just after listening to her words, I more and more think that she is a change of heart, even, I think it is possible to elope, but did not expect, Peng Xuefei still this attitude, iron is not moving, indomitable, she must abide by the broken Family rules must restrict one's freedom.

I understand her helplessness, but I can't agree with her. I stare at her deeply and say painfully: "do you ask me out in the middle of the night to say this?"

Peng Xuefei should have felt the bitterness in my voice. She immediately said to me, "I'm sorry, Jiangnan wind. I know it's unfair to you, but I hope you can understand that some things can't be forced. My identity determines that it's impossible for us. So I hope you give up and I'll ask you out now. The main thing is to tell you, don't stay in this city, leave here and go abroad

"Why?" I asked blankly

Peng Jie can't bear to kiss him in the evening, but he can't bear to kiss him in the evening, because he can't bear to kiss him in public.

In the evening, he was considerate of me, and there were many people present, so he restrained himself from killing you for the time being, but that doesn't mean he won't move you secretly. I know him, and he won't give up if he doesn't kill you. At dinner in the evening, I tried to persuade him, but he also perfunctorily perfunctorily. So, you'd better leave here. You'd better go abroad to ensure your own safety! "

Of course, I could hear that Peng Xuefei said this for my good, but it was obviously impossible for me to escape. Without any hesitation, I directly replied, "I will not leave!"

No matter as Suluo or Jiangnan style, my character has always been unruly. I can't be a grandson when I encounter any difficulties. My father and Ziyi are still waiting for me to rescue me. How can I escape alone? Even if I die here, I will not hesitate.

Peng Xuefei saw that I did not hesitate to refuse, she was a little anxious, and again tried to persuade him: "Jiangnan wind, can you not be so stubborn, I know your character is very strong, but you also need to distinguish what things, you do not doubt the strength of the Sheng family, Sheng Ming wants to kill you, there are 100 ways to let you die, I hope you are rational, leave here!"

The more persuading Peng Xuefei, the less I feel in my heart. Previously, I was so excited that I thought I had a chance and finally captured her heart. However, Peng Xuefei asked me to ask me to leave. I was speechless.But at the same time, Peng Xuefei did this to remind me. Let me have more eyes on Sheng Mingjie. Originally, I was thinking about how to confront the Hai Gang and forgot Sheng Mingjie. Now, I know that my situation is much more dangerous than I imagined. I don't have a chance to win just against a sea Gang, even if I try my best. Now if there is another Sheng Mingjie, I can hardly win.

Thinking of this, I no longer have the slightest excitement, filled with all the distress. However, no matter how upset I am, I will not show it in front of Peng Xuefei. I still maintain self-confidence and pretend to be tough and say to her: "I know, thank you for your kind reminding, but I still said that, I will not leave!"

After that, I directly turned and left. I knew that there was no room for recovery. Peng Xuefei's road was still not workable, and I was going to face a more severe reality.

With this heavy, I decided to go forward, but I just took two steps, I suddenly felt a cool behind, a very strong killing intention lingered in the vicinity, suddenly, my step stopped, only in the next second, around suddenly flashed a few ghostly shadows.

These dark shadows are like hell shuras. They are very close to this side from all directions. Their faces are covered with black cloth in night clothes. Under the moonlight, they can only see their glittering eyes, which is particularly penetrating.

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