At this moment, the first figure in my mind was Sheng Mingjie. Just now, Peng Xuefei reminded me that I should be on guard against him. Therefore, I could not help thinking that these people were probably the killers sent by Sheng Mingjie to kill me.

When I came up with this idea, Peng Xuefei also seemed to feel abnormal. Immediately, she rushed to me and protected me.

Her expression is very strict. It can be seen that Peng Xuefei has the same feeling as me. She thinks that these killers are probably Sheng Mingjie's people, and it is because of this that she will protect me without hesitation.

I also know that it is impossible for me to deal with these uninvited visitors only with my usual strength. If I want to save my life, I can only rely on Peng Xuefei. After all, Sheng Mingjie can't ignore Peng Xuefei's safety if he wants to die again.

At this moment, in the face of a strong enemy, I would rather shrink up and remain silent. In the blink of an eye, those black shadows were close to us and surrounded me and Peng Xuefei.

I have a rough look and found that there are eight people in each other. Each of them exudes a sense of terror. Among them, the leader is also the only one who wears a pair of gloves. I can't see through his strength. It seems that he has reached an unfathomable level. In particular, the gloves on his hand seem to be made of special metal materials, which shine with penetrating light in the moonlight.

The leader, after encircling us, took the lead in coming out. He even ignored me and said coldly to Peng Xuefei: "Miss Peng, please come with us!"

His voice is cold and harsh, and has a sense of hoarseness. People's scalp is numb. However, what surprised me was not his voice, but his words. What did he mean? Are they not aiming at me, but Peng Xuefei?

This time, don't mention me, even Peng Xuefei was completely shocked. Her eyes were full of surprise. Her posture completely disappeared from the appearance of the heroine just now. Now she has only surprise in her expression. She locks her eyebrows tightly, stares at the glove man, and seriously asks, "who are you?"

Peng Xuefei's question poked the doubt in my heart. I wonder, this is the world of the sea gang. Who dares to move the eldest lady of the Hai Gang?

Of course, in the eyes of the sea Gang, the person who dares to move Peng Xuefei is probably Suluo. Otherwise, Peng Xuefei would not have been forced to drop out of school yesterday. However, Suluo is me, and I can't hurt Peng Xuefei. Moreover, I know that Peng Xuefei's father seems to value men over women, and Peng Yu has great power, but Peng Xuefei is just a pawn that has been used If I catch her, I will not pose any threat to the sea gang.

Well, besides me, who will attack Peng Xuefei? I can't think of it. I can't think of it. I still have some worries. It's Sheng Mingjie who is playing tricks. Therefore, I haven't relaxed my vigilance and stare at the people in front of me.

But he didn't look at me at all. His eyes were only on Peng Xuefei. When he heard Peng Xuefei's question, he didn't give any answer. He waved his hand and ordered in a cold voice: "take it away!"

His voice dropped. Two people behind him immediately flashed out, trying to catch Peng Xuefei.

From their words and deeds, I can see that they are not acting. These mysterious people are really aiming at Peng Xuefei.

Seeing that the two people were about to rush to me, I suddenly moved, pulled Peng Xuefei and protected her behind me. Then, I directly called out to those people: "who are you? Do you know what she is? Do you want to live?"

Previously, I had something, Peng Xuefei rushed to me without hesitation to protect me. This time, it was her turn to do something. As a man, I couldn't be a turtle with shrinking head. However, I also knew the situation in front of me. In terms of strength, the strength of my current identity, it was not their opponent at all. On identity, I couldn't bluff them. I had no choice but to put Peng Xuefei To move out in order to intimidate them.

Unfortunately, this move is obviously useless. Since they are aiming at Peng Xuefei, they can't be unaware of her identity. For my weak threat, they don't care at all. The leader finally glanced at me, but it was a very contemptuous one. He gave me a scornful glance and said sharply, "if you don't want to die, go away!"

His words brought out his momentum. It was a strong murderous spirit. Only those who have been killing for a long time can emit such a murderous spirit, which makes people shiver.

However, I am not greedy for life and death, and I am not afraid of their momentum. They are domineering. I can only be more domineering than them. In a word, I can't watch them take Peng Xuefei away. So I squeezed my fist and yelled at them angrily: "Peng Xuefei is my girlfriend. You must not touch her

And the other party's people see me stubborn, also don't want to talk to me again, direct order way: "seek death, kill him!"

The two men who had just rushed forward took orders and shot at me. They attacked me with lightning speed. I didn't wait to die, but threw out my clenched fist to meet their attack.

This is a simple trick. I was shocked again, because their strength was totally beyond my expectation. I had already guessed that they were not ordinary, but I didn't expect that they would be so fierce that I was beaten away and fell in the grass.Originally, my injury was not good, and suddenly suffered such a thunderbolt, I was a little confused.

Speaking of it, I was extremely unlucky. Last night, I fought with Zhang Wenshan, and my strength broke out. Finally, my body collapsed completely. After being treated by grandfather Bai, I was barely able to travel. However, the injury was not alleviated. In the evening, Sheng Mingjie kicked me off again. At this time, I met this group of abnormal people. Even though my body was steel and iron, I could hardly travel It's going to be weak.

For these masters, not to mention that I am seriously injured, even if I am in the peak state of rage, I am afraid they are not their opponents, especially the leader, whose unfathomable strength seems to be a bottomless pit, which makes me unconsciously fear.

In my panic, one of them suddenly took out a short knife in his hand and rushed to me, trying to take my life.

I obviously feel the killing intention of the other party, almost instinctive reaction, I want to turn over to avoid, but for a time, my body seems to be out of control, very painful and soft. My head is also dizzy, the whole person is like being pressed by a ghost, want to move but can't move.

Seeing that my life was threatened, Peng Xuefei on one side was in a hurry and called out: "stop it!"

The voice broke through the strange silence of the night. In an instant, Peng Xuefei's momentum was revealed, so that the people who attacked and killed me stopped subconsciously.

When Peng Xuefei saw this man stop, she immediately came to me and yelled at the group of killers: "what you want to catch is me. It has nothing to do with Jiang Nanfeng. Let him go and I will go with you."

Peng Xuefei's words have a lot of courage, righteousness Ling ran, let my heart can't help shaking for a while.

Although, I know Peng Xuefei has some good feelings for me. I know that if Sheng Mingjie deals with me, she will not hesitate to protect me. But now she can say such words in the face of such a vicious killer. You know, she is a gold branch and jade leaf, and her identity is so noble. In order to protect me, she is willing to take the initiative to go with these people.

Her behavior really moved me. At this moment, my heart was very warm, my dim head gradually became clear, and my body recovered a little strength. Then, I got up from the ground, looked at Peng Xuefei deeply and said, "Feifei, you"

before I finished speaking, Peng Xuefei reached out to interrupt me and motioned me not to speak Her eyes were just staring at the man with a cold light in them.

The person with gloves also saw Peng Xuefei's difference to me. He asked a little playfully: "if I don't put it?"

Peng Xuefei listened, directly cut the railway: "then you don't want to take me, I will die in front of you!"

Said, Peng Xuefei's eyes more cold, her expression cold and solemn, no joke meaning.

Glove man may not want to waste any more time, or he may be really afraid of Xia Xiaoxiao's suicide. He didn't say anything else. He directly aimed his sharp eyes at me and said coldly, "you go!"

For his amnesty, I am not happy, on the contrary, the mood is more heavy, Ziyi accident, Lin Shihan accident, are my heart's regret. My heart has been hurt again and again, now it has been scarred, I can no longer tolerate the occurrence of similar, as a man, I can not let a woman ignore, their own escape.

Therefore, I said to him without hesitation: "I don't allow you to take Peng Xuefei away!"

My voice is sonorous and forceful, and my tone is unquestionable, even if I am not as powerful as them. But I did my best to show my desperate manliness.

Peng Xuefei saw this, not only did not appreciate me, but angrily rebuked me: "Jiangnan wind, you hurry to go ah, this matter has nothing to do with you, what are you doing here?"

At this moment, Peng Xuefei spoke in a loud voice with some anxiety. Obviously, she knew that I couldn't deal with these people. She didn't want to see me involved.

However, I still stubbornly said, "I will not go!"

My stubbornness, let the side of him are intolerable, indifferent his eyes are flashing a touch of anger, he suddenly drank a sentence: "stubborn!"

As soon as the voice fell, his steps suddenly moved, and his body suddenly attacked me.

The momentum of his whole person was overwhelming, too violent and powerful. After a while, I felt an unprecedented sense of crisis. Such a feeling was too strong and exciting, and my heart could not help shaking.

In this fatal moment, my fist clenched tightly. My eyes began to turn red, my blood began to boil, the violent breath of my body was shaking, almost instinctively, I wanted to burst out, I wanted to fight.

However, when I found Peng Xuefei by my side, my thought was stopped for a moment, because I knew that once I broke out, it meant that my identity was completely exposed. Originally, some of my heroes saved the United States. Some of them were really humanitarianism, out of my original intention, but some of them were actually showing themselves in front of Peng Xuefei, so maybe I still have some opportunities Yes, she can really capture her heart. She won't have to fight with the sea gang.

In this way, I restrained myself more and more. I couldn't break out and lose my nature. But I couldn't do it. I didn't know the origin of the other party. If these people really killed me, I would die in the dark.At the moment when I was extremely tangled, he had come to me. His momentum was so fierce that I felt like I was in a whirlpool in front of him. The fury in my body was suppressed by his momentum, and my soul seemed to be lost.

At this moment, I couldn't move at all, and he didn't give me the chance to resist at all. As soon as he came over, he suddenly gave me a hand. His palm directly hit my neck, and the palm wind made my hair float.

Suddenly, I feel two eyes a black, the whole person completely lost consciousness, do not wake up.

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