I am a big man with strong physical quality and can bear this kind of pain, but Peng Xuefei is different. The longer she stays here, the more she suffers. Slowly, Peng Xuefei is a little bit unable to hold on. Her head is slightly raised, but she seems to be powerless. Her body is gently shaking, as if she can't sit still.

Looking at her like this, I can't care so much. I quickly move my body and lean to her side. At the moment, Peng Xuefei is really on the verge of falling. Her face exudes sweat, and her lips are white and even cracked. It is estimated that she is hungry and thirsty.

We wake up, to now the water has not entered, nothing to eat, plus has been smelling this disgusting smell, I am a bit unbearable, let alone Peng Xuefei, can't help it, I put out my hand to hold her, concerned asked: "Feifei, are you ok?"

Although, Peng Xuefei tried to avoid herself and didn't want to let me see her so embarrassed image, but now she has no strength to take care of the situation. In the face of my concern, she just shook her head weakly and did not respond much.

In order to avoid Peng Xuefei's emotional collapse, unable to hold on, I always stayed by her side, gently hugged her, let her head rest on my shoulder, let her have a sense of security, not too depressed.

The two of us, like a couple who are starving and cold, are in a desperate situation, sitting in this hell like dungeon, waiting for nothing.

About a few hours later, I began to feel a little confused, dry mouth, trance, feeling that if we continue to stay, Peng Xuefei and I may become two mummies.

If I were like this, Peng Xuefei was even more confused. Her eyes were closed, but her lips were still moving gently. She made a very weak voice to me: "Jiangnan wind, are we going to die here?"

Her tone became extremely desolate, listening to my heart have a burst of cold, feel like dying in general. However, I really don't want to die. I still have a lot of unfinished wishes. Ziyi is waiting for me. My father is waiting for me. I can't die. Maybe a lot of times, I walk on the edge of death. But as long as there is a ray of life, I have to grasp it hard. Especially in this situation, this is a time to kill people's will. I can't let Peng Xuefei collapse.

So, I forced to calm down and comforted Peng Xuefei: "no, how can we die? No matter who it is, since we have caught you, we have no intention to kill you. Maybe, they just take you as a chip and take them as hostages. They can't let you die. Don't worry, your father will try to save you out of here!"

After listening to my words, Peng Xuefei just showed a bitter smile and didn't say anything.

Next. In the dungeon, I fell into silent silence again. I began to suffer from the corrosion of my soul. I kept telling myself to hold on. However, no matter how strong my spirit is, my body can't stand it. Originally, I was scarred. Now every pore of my body is being eroded by the stench of cold and dampness. My wounds are beginning to become inflamed, my whole body is aching and my mouth is dry No matter how strong my physical quality is, I can't resist the ravages of the harsh environment.

The breath of death is hanging over me. Even if I don't think about it, it still haunts me. Maybe, I may die here.

Think of their own fate, it is really sad, bumpy, wave fold, finally, and the enemy's daughter died together, what's more, to death do not know who the enemy is, the death is not clear, this taste, is the most painful.

I don't know how long it took. I just felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier, and my body began to wobble. Peng Xuefei relied on my head on my shoulder. I felt so heavy that I couldn't bear it. I wanted to persist. I couldn't hold on to it. The whole person suddenly fell to one side.

Peng Xuefei with my fall, also fell to the ground, she seems to be more serious than my situation, although I suffer, although chaotic, but I still conscious, I subconsciously want to ask Peng Xuefei's situation, but I have been weak voice, my eyes began to slowly close.

Just when I was about to faint completely, suddenly, with a creak, the door panel above the dungeon was opened. With the opening of the door panel of the dungeon, the strong light suddenly shone into the dungeon and stimulated my eyes, so that I, who had been in the dark for a long time, suddenly shed tears and hurt my eyes.

Pain stimulated my nerves, so that I was about to lose consciousness can not help but wake up, my heart can not help shaking, I finally saw the light, finally felt the hope, the night will all my will wear away, at this moment, suddenly accepted the baptism of light, I immediately excited, I know, those terrible kidnappers in a silent fold to us After grinding, it still shows up.

Immediately, I tried to open my eyes and looked at the entrance of the dungeon above my head. However, it didn't matter. My heart suddenly sank again, because no one came down at the entrance.

After waiting for a long time, there was only a slap and a bag of things was dropped from the top of the dungeon. Then, a cold voice came from the top of the dungeon: "Miss Peng, this is your food. Your father seems to be a bit uninteresting. I hope your life has some value in your father's place, otherwise, when your food is finished and he hasn't compromised, you can only blame your life! "The voice was extremely cold, and the words were merciless. As soon as the voice fell, only a bang was heard. The wooden board of the dungeon was covered heavily again. The dungeon was once again in the darkness, and the air was suffocated again, making people unable to breathe smoothly.

For a moment, the only hope that rose in my heart was completely annihilated, and a deep sense of despair filled me. I finally understood why they wanted to capture Peng Xuefei. Originally, they really took her as a hostage. They caught Peng Xuefei here and let her live and die. The purpose was to coerce Peng Yi. However, don't they know that Peng Xuefei is at home No human rights at all? What's the use of threatening her?

What's more, these people seem to be planning to go all out. If Peng Yi doesn't compromise, they will not really care about Peng Xuefei. That is to say, Peng Xuefei will die here at that time, and I will make a pair of desperate mandarin ducks with her. This kind of ending is too cruel, but it seems inevitable.

Thought of this, my heart more and more heavy, the whole person is not good, and at this time, Peng Xuefei suddenly leisurely woke up, she looked at me with that pair of very sober eyes, blankly asked: "just what happened?"

Peng Xuefei's voice was very hoarse. She should have noticed that someone was opening the dungeon door, so she managed to recover some consciousness.

I didn't tell her what the man had said just now. I just whispered, "it's nothing, it's just that someone has come to give us food!"

Finish saying, powerless I, forced myself, slowly climbed to the edge of the bag, took that bag of things to come, and then sat down beside Peng Xuefei, helped her up.

Then, I slowly opened the bag, for me, these things are our life-saving straw. According to the meaning of the man just now, the contents should be enough for us to eat for a while. However, when I saw the contents, I was immediately confused because there were only two bottles of mineral water and four pieces of bread in the bag, which were all our belongings.

These things are not enough for Peng and me to eat. Even if we can bear it, we can't last for a few days. Isn't this accelerating the destruction of our lives?

Peng Xuefei on one side looked at the things in the bag, and then looked at me with a dim expression. She couldn't help but smile bitterly, but didn't say anything.

I knew that she must have been hungry. I did not delay. I immediately helped her to tear up the bag of bread, and then helped her twist the lid of mineral water. Then she put it in front of her and said softly, "eat it!"

At the moment, Peng Xuefei did not care about her image. Her hunger and thirst controlled her thoughts. Seeing bread and water in front of her, she took it up and drank and ate.

A bottle of mineral water and a loaf of bread seem to be more delicious than the delicacies of mountains and seas for Peng Xuefei now. She has a lot of fun. For her daughter, such food is really simple, but in this environment, in the case of extreme hunger, she has felt great happiness.

And I saw that she ate so vigorously, my saliva came out, saying it was saliva, in fact, it was a feeling, because now I have no saliva to swallow, but even so, I still did not eat the things in front of me. I know that these foods are the last food for us to support. If I eat Peng Xuefei, I will eat less. In this way, she may not be able to support her father to save her. I really can't bear to eat.

However, Peng Xuefei did not know that this was our only food. After she wolfed down, she found that I was looking at her dry. She was a little embarrassed. She gently wiped her lower lip and said to me with some shame: "why don't you eat?"

I laughed and said, "I'm not hungry."

Peng Xuefei shrunk his mouth and whispered, "you are not a fairy. How can you not be hungry?"

I chuckled awkwardly, continued to lie and said, "I don't like bread. If you don't have enough, eat more!"

Peng Xuefei doesn't say much when she sees me like this. She knows what kind of person I am, a super rich second generation. How can she get used to this kind of dry food? She only regards me as delicate and expensive.

After a while, she opened her mouth again and said to me, "drink some water. I see your lips are dry and cracked!"

Peng Xuefei's words stabbed my heart. Indeed, for me, I can barely bear it when I'm hungry, but the feeling of thirst is really hard. Even if I want to swallow water, it's beyond the limit of my thirst. Especially, I'm seriously injured now. I guess I can't hold on to this thirst any more.

Therefore, when Peng Xuefei said this, I almost can't help but stare at the mineral water, but I still can't bear to drink it. I'm afraid that I can't help but dry this bottle, and then we'll completely cut off water, which is more terrible than food shortage.

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