For a moment, I became very tangled. At this time, my remaining light suddenly caught a glimpse of Peng Xuefei's mineral water bottle which had just been thrown aside after drinking water. All of a sudden, my eyes locked on the bottle. To my surprise, I found that there was still a little residual water in the bottle. I picked it up recklessly, and then suddenly fell into my mouth and drank it dry.

Although there was not much water left in it, it was still water. It dripped into my dry mouth and made me feel like a new life immediately. Peng Xuefei looked at me like this and thought that I was drinking the water she had drunk to take advantage of her. She couldn't help but glared at me.

At this point, Peng Xuefei seems to have some spirit obviously. Maybe she just ate something and added some physical strength, which made her regain some popularity.

When I saw her staring at me, I could not help but feel that it was worthwhile to be hungry. At least Peng Xuefei could support a little more time. As long as she could live, I think I would be able to persist in living.

After a moment of silence, Peng Xuefei suddenly opened his mouth to me and asked, "what do these people want to do with me? When can we go out? "

Peng Xuefei's tone is a little sad and helpless. She seems to have lost her temper. She is a good young lady and treated as an animal. This is really unbearable for her.

For her question, I didn't know how to answer it. After a while, I slowly explained to Peng Xuefei: "don't worry, just listen to the delivery, the other party seems to be negotiating with your family. As long as the negotiation is made, they will naturally let us go!"

As for Peng Yufei, she said, "I can't feel the pain of dark color in her eyes, but I can't feel the pain in her eyes."

This sentence is so cruel. Peng Xuefei also knows that her importance is not very great. It can be said that she does not have much status in the eyes of the family. Her father will not compromise because of her.

This is also a problem that I worry about. I have long felt Peng Xuefei's involuntarily. But now I hear her say so, I can't help but despair. Maybe, in a few days, we will die in this dungeon.

I thought in my heart, but I still have to pretend to be strong. As a man, I can't be discouraged in front of Peng Xuefei. I have to give her faith. So, I directly comforted her and said, "no, tiger poison doesn't eat children. Your father won't leave you. Besides, you and Sheng Mingjie will be engaged. Even the Sheng family will try to save you!"

Hearing this, Peng Xuefei's sadness in her eyes has become a river. Her beautiful eyes, without a trace of brilliance, are all gloomy. She did not discuss this matter any more, but seemed to fall into deep memories.

For a long time, she sighed: "in fact, all along, I have not been happy, I have never really been myself, never have a little autonomy, I feel really tired and tired!"

With these words, Peng Xuefei told me her story. This was the first time I listened to her past, and it was the first time Peng opened her heart to me.

It turns out that Peng Xuefei was really wrapped up in her own life before. She did not let people close to her, and did not believe anyone. She was on guard against people all the time, and she would not talk to others. All we saw about her was just her on the surface.

Today, in such a bad environment, under the expulsion of death, Peng Xuefei seems to feel the feeling of being dependent on me. She put down her guard and put aside her worries. She really opened her heart to me and told me what she said in her heart.

I sit quietly on the ground, quietly do her listener, until this time, I calculate thoroughly understand Peng Xuefei's suffering.

Her surface is cold, but her heart is soft and lonely. She looks proud, but actually she is just like a child. She does not want much, but hopes to have a warm home and a true love of her own.

Since she was a child, she has never felt the warmth of a real home. In her family, there is a serious thought of son preference. In the eyes of outsiders, she is a bright young lady. In fact, she has no identity at all. In the whole family, the only one who has the best relationship with her is her hidden brother, Peng Yu.

As for other people, they are close relatives in name, but they never regard Peng Xuefei as a close relative. They just control and arrange her fate and guide her way. Even if she gets married, Peng Xuefei has no right to choose.

Growing up in this kind of family, Peng Xuefei has always lived cautiously. Even, she has a serious fear of her father. She is always afraid that her father will not be happy if she does something wrong. However careful and good she is, she can't satisfy her father. No matter how hard she tries, she can't change her destiny.

Her fate is doomed by her birth. She is not only unpopular, but also her mother.

In fact, Peng Xuefei's mother is not Peng Yi's rightful wife. She was originally just a maid. Because of her beautiful appearance, she was coveted by her father, and had several relationships. Only in this way did she have Xia Xiaoxiao.However, although Peng Xuefei's mother gave birth to Peng Xuefei, she has a humble status. She is doomed to be unable to enter the main hall of the Peng family, and can not form a relationship with his father. However, she loves Peng Yi too much and is reluctant to leave. She can only continue to live in the Peng family humble and bear hardships.

Peng Xuefei is also a filial child. She endures everything in the sea Gang because of her mother. She doesn't want her mother to suffer all her life. She really wants her mother to be valued and happy.

Last time, at Sheng Mingjie's party, Peng Xuefei vowed to protect me, but at last, because of a phone call from her father, she had to flinch, because, at that time, her father was really angry and threatened with her mother. So that Peng Xuefei dare not disobey, dare not to protect me unreasonably.

Here, Peng Xuefei specially told me about this matter and solemnly apologized to me. Of course, I didn't care about it, just let her not take it too seriously.

In fact, no matter how Peng Xuefei chooses, I won't blame her, because I understand her, especially after listening to her story, which makes me more considerate of her. Even, I feel a little sympathy. No wonder, Lian he Yunxiang was a sect elder at that time. Can so do not give her face, the original, Peng Xuefei at home is really not a bit of status to speak of.

In the past, I always felt that I was the most pitiful person in the world, and that others were happy, but only myself was miserable. Now, I have found that every family has its own difficulties. The more such a big family is, the more complicated life is. Even father daughter relationship can be so indifferent. Peng Xuefei, in the final analysis, is just a tool, which is used by her father.

Compared with her, I'm lucky. At least, I have a father who loves me, loves me and can go out for me. Although he has spent so many years in prison, and now he is in the sea and lost his freedom, no matter where he is, the father and son relationship between us is continuous. My father and I are always heart to heart. This is my luck and my happiness.

At this moment, my heart suddenly warmed a lot, but at the same time, I couldn't help but feel guilty. Peng Xuefei said so much to me, which proved that she had trusted me, at least willing to pour out her heart to me, but I, too, took her as a tool to use? What's the difference between me and her cruel father?

Think about it, I feel uncomfortable, all kinds of complex emotions rush to emerge, but now, the environment is bad, life and death are at stake, I can't think too much, first save my life and then talk about other things.

So, I no longer entangled, just sincerely to comfort Peng Xuefei, let her not too sad.

Under my patient persuasion, Peng Xuefei's mood finally calmed down. She took a serious look at me and then said, "Jiangnan wind, you know now, I'm not as beautiful as the surface. Do you have any regrets now, for me, falling into such a field!"

I did not hesitate to shake his head to explain: "how can, I like is you this person, is not your family background, for you, I have no fear!"

What I said was urgent and sincere, and there was no feeling of fraud. Peng Xuefei could not help but be touched. Perhaps, in her opinion, any man who approached her was for her background. Now, she saw that I was in danger for her and heard me say such a thing. Her look changed. It can be seen that her feelings for me at this moment are over It's all different. She stares at me tightly. After a while, she says, "Jiangnan, you are really different from other rich second generation. From your body, I can see that you are persistent, strong and brave. No matter what you do in the future, you will become a great success. It's a pity that I am not good and hurt you!"

Finish saying, Peng Xuefei also silently lowered head, dejected.

Hearing Peng Xuefei's words, my heart suddenly became very complicated, I don't know whether to be happy or sad.

At the beginning, I tried my best to pursue her. She didn't change her outlook on me or fall in love with me. Now, I finally got Peng Xuefei's affirmation. It seems that she is about to capture her heart, but it is under such circumstances. Do you really want me to pay the price of life, will let Peng Xuefei fall in love with me completely?

But in this way, my life is gone. What else can I do to save my father and my Ziyi.

It's really sad. Deep sorrow, however, my sorrow still can't appear on her face. Peng Xuefei is in a low mood now. I can't add fuel to the fire. I have to be a pillar to support her to live.

So, I tried to hold back the pain in my heart, and once again cheered for her: "it's nothing, Feifei. Believe me, everyone will experience different tribulations. This time, it's just a small ordeal in our life. In the end, we'll make it! "

For my comfort, Peng Xuefei was not encouraged at all. She did not lift her head, but replied in a more sad voice: "we can't go out!"

Her tone was so positive that I thought she knew something. So I almost asked her, "why?"

At this moment, Peng Xuefei suddenly raised her head. Her eyes were full of painstaking firmness. She looked at me deeply and said sadly, "because my father can't let Su Qiyao go!"

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