In this dark dungeon, Peng Xuefei and I have little hope for life. We are all walking on the edge of despair. However, I don't want people to collapse before their spirit breaks down. Therefore, I have been listening to Peng Xuefei's heart, and at the same time, I have been trying to persuade and encourage Peng Xuefei.

I am ready for any answer, because I know in my heart that Peng Xuefei thinks we can't go out because she is not valued by her father. Her father can't be controlled by others because of her personal safety.

The only hope I have is Sheng Mingjie. After all, Sheng Mingjie is powerful, and he seems to really like Peng Xuefei. Now Peng Xuefei has fallen into the tiger's mouth. I think Sheng Mingjie should try his best to help him. Even if he is not good, he will at least put some pressure on the sea Gang to help them.

However, I did not think that Peng Xuefei suddenly jumped out of his mouth Su Qiyao.

These three words are like a huge thunder. I was stunned in an instant. At the beginning, I spent a lot of effort to extract my father's information from Peng Xuefei's mouth. The best way is to gain her trust, so as to break into the inner part of the Hai Gang and try to rescue my father.

But I haven't even tried to ask my father about his situation. Peng Xuefei first told me about my father. Suddenly, how can I not be excited? For a time, I didn't know the situation at all. I just asked, "what do you mean?"

Peng's family would try his best to help me, and then he would help me out. But from the present situation, there is only one possibility for my kidnapper, that is, solo.

Su Qiyao is Su Luo's father. Now, Su Luo has done everything in order to save his father. I think, as long as Su Qiyao is not rescued, Su Luo will not let us go. However, Su Qiyao, my father, can not be released, absolutely impossible! "

Although Peng Xuefei has fallen into such a difficult situation, her thinking is still very clear, her words are orderly and reasonable. If she is not sitting in front of her, I would believe that the person who arrested her is Suluo.

However, this is obviously impossible ah, I really want to rescue my father, but I did not take this step, I also know that this step is not feasible. My route is to gain Peng Xuefei's trust and tell her what she said.

Now, the opportunity is in front of me, I can't contain the excitement in my heart, but I can't show it. I tried my best to restrain myself, pretended to be very calm and naturally asked my doubts in my heart: "Feifei, what kind of hatred does Su Qiyao have with your family, so that your father won't let go, and Suluo will arrest us madly!"

In order to get the information out, I have ignored everything. Even if I know that it is not Suluo who catches Peng Xuefei, I also want to echo Peng Xuefei like this.

Sure enough, Peng Xuefei heard me say that, almost without much consideration, she solved my doubts. She told me what she knew.

It turned out that the truth of the matter was similar to what I had inferred. Haibang wanted to get the medicine from my father's hand and take this thing to cure Qiqi.

Peng Xuefei's younger brother, Peng Yu, does like Qiqi very much. However, it is not Peng Yu's selfish intention to arrest my father for taking Millennium snow Ganoderma lucidum. He also has no right to lead the whole Haibang to do such a big thing.

The reason why Haibang caught my father was Peng Xuefei's father. He wanted to marry the Xia family, so he tried his best to catch my father.

Peng Yi attaches great importance to Xia family. The reason is that Peng Yi wants Peng Yu to take over the position of leader of the gang.

It is not easy for the successors of such big gangs to succeed. In addition to the leader of the gang, there are many people with great power. This is not the traditional emperor's inheritance. It is a bit like the shareholding system of a company. Besides the chairman of the board, there are many shareholders who have the right to decide.

If Peng Yu wants to take over the position of leader, he must have certain strength and prestige. It must be convincing. It is more important to marry a wife with a good family background than anything else. At least, it can consolidate your position. At the beginning, Peng Yi refused to ask Peng Xuefei's mother and chose Peng Yu's mother to marry. That's why.

Once Peng Yu marries Miss Xia, he will not only be able to take up the position of the leader of the gang. I'm afraid that the Haibang will carry forward in his hands in the future. But the biggest problem is that Qiqi is ill and may die at any time. The Xia family is not unwilling to marry with the Hai Gang, but not at all. Therefore, the Xia family makes a request that if the Hai Gang has the ability After Kiki's illness was cured, they agreed to the marriage.

Peng Yi was able to stabilize his son's status and agreed to this request without hesitation. It was in order to cure Qiqi's illness that Haibang caught my father by any means.

However, they tried their best to extort confessions in various ways, but they couldn't force my father to tell the whereabouts of Ganoderma lucidum. My father was a real tough guy, and he couldn't give in to others. However, Haibang had to change direction and attack me. Because the people of Haibang knew how much my father loved my son, and understood that my father kept it mainly for the sake of keeping it My mom, and me.So, the sea people naturally feel that Ganoderma may be in my hand, even if not, I use me to threaten my dad, but also can force it out of the place.

But finally, the gang of the sea still looked down on me. They didn't expect to catch me. It was more difficult than my dad. They had been so long. They not only failed to catch me, but instead converted the domestic bad war into the gang, and the whole five halls were brought to the end. All kinds of these made the gang lose their face.

Recently, there are some people in the gang who are panicked. They are all saying that sulo is a devil, a bloody and cruel devil. In order to save his father, he has been insane. Pengxuefei has prejudice against me, and it is also because of this rumor.

Peng Xuefei said that her father would not let my father go, mainly because she felt that blood Lingzhi did not get there. If suqiyao was released, all the efforts of the gang were equal to their previous efforts. In addition, she heard that suqiyao was a god like existence. When she first caught him, Haigang was a great master who had been in full swing and made a ten face ambush to put him in the dark Given the uniform, once the tiger returns to the mountain, the consequences are not conceivable.

For these reasons, Peng is very sure that her father will not let my father go anyway.

After listening to Peng Xuefei, my thinking also had a sense of soberness, to say. All of this, is from Qiqi's illness, Qiqi is a good girl, kind-hearted, smart and cute, if the two groups of people sit down to talk about, everything is good to discuss, even if my father to give her blood Lingzhi, it is possible.

But now, the more complicated things are, it is almost impossible to make it impossible to get involved. Moreover, Ziyi is unconscious. How can I leave this medicine to Ziyi. My biggest wish is to revive Ziyi. I can't negotiate with the gang. Besides, the hatred between me and Haigang has reached an irresolvable level.

But what I don't know, or Qiqi, I don't know what role she plays in it. I don't know what role she plays in it. I can't understand if she was close to me, whether she was really trying to get rid of her blood.

Now, what I care about most is not this. What I care most about is how to see my father and how to rescue my father. So after I have brewed it in my heart, I asked casually: "since sulo has such a horrible strength, why should he take you to do more threats? Why not rescue his father directly?"

At this point, Peng Xuefei was stunned for a while, and then she returned with a serious face: "because he can't know where his father is, even if he knows, with his present strength, he can not save his father!"

Pengxuefei said the most important part directly. Indeed, I didn't know where my dad was and couldn't rescue. So, I would try to get close to pengxuefei. I tried to know the place where my father was held and wanted to use her to enter the inner part of the gang, so that he could not help my father without knowing the ghost.

At present, although I don't know if I can live out, although I haven't captured Peng Xuefei's heart completely, I have a good chance. Let's talk about my dad. How can I miss the opportunity, so I stare at Peng Xuefei directly, and I am about to open up and ask my father's detention point.

But then, pengxuefei suddenly came to say, "OK, don't say that, anyway, you should be ready to be ready, we may not be out this time!"

After that, she lowered her head again, and she was reluctant to think about these sad events.

When I get to my mouth, I will hold back hard. I can see pengxuefei. My mouth doesn't feel like wriggling for a few times, and I want to talk and stop. I know that if I ask again, Peng Xuefei may doubt me. Moreover, as Peng said, we may die here. In that way, even if I hear my father's whereabouts, it will not be helpful to fart.

I think it is important to think about it. If we have the chance to escape from the life, I can then try to ask. So far, pengxuefei has almost trusted me and has a great affection for me. So far, she will be very sad to me.

Maybe when we walk out of this Grottoes together, a lot of things will change quietly. In that way, pengxuefei's feelings for me will not stop. At least, I should be able to pry my dad out of her mouth.

As for entering the inner part of the gang, it depends on the creation. After all, there is a mountain of shengmingjie in the block. Even if I capture pengxuefei's heart, it is difficult to be well-known and be with pengxuefei.

However, even if I can't get into the gang, I'm ready to go out because once I get my dad's place of detention, I will take all the people I can call in to rescue. At that time, even if he was in prison, I believe that as long as I try my best, there is still a glimmer of hope.

However, the most urgent problem is not to save my father, but to save myself. I can say that my situation is worse than my father. After all, he has no life danger. I am going to be a corpse at any time.

Thinking like this, the more eager I am to rush out of this grottoes, the waves in my heart are rolling, and the more intense the desire for life.At this moment, my motivation is very strong, plus the previous drink of saliva, my whole person seems to recover a lot, hands and feet are also a little flexible, so, I directly support myself, stand up.

Then, I wandered around in this small dungeon, only to find that it was really a deep pit. It was a deep pit dug by human hands. The only exit was a thick wooden board on the top of the dungeon. The other places above the dungeon were filled with cement, leaving only a thick plank as the only exit It's a place where people are specially detained. From the stinky smell inside, this place has absolutely imprisoned other people before.

Originally, I was still holding a glimmer of lucky hope, to see if I could find a way to escape. After wandering around for a while, I found that there was no hope at all, because the only exit, that is, the plank on my head, I could not reach it at all. I could only touch it if I could fly over the eaves and walk on the wall, but even if I could, I couldn't pry it open. Moreover, there were no stairs, no climbing tools, and I couldn't do anything about it.

Disappointed, I can only dimly return to the original place, sitting beside Peng Xuefei, alone sad.

The more I want to go out, the more I can't get out. This feeling is really oppressive. Especially, I'm sitting in a place more disgusting than a pit and waiting to die. This taste is more painful than my torture. Even if I have a strong will, but also can not withstand the cruelty of the environment, it can corrode your heart, gradually wear away your will, until you are no longer strong.

When I was at a loss, Peng Xuefei, who had been buried in silence, suddenly raised his head and looked at me solemnly. He said word by word: "Jiangnan wind, are you afraid of death?"

When I hear Peng Xuefei's words, I suddenly feel a little confused, but I know that no matter how upset I am now, no matter how desperate my heart is, I can't show negativity in front of me, and I can't let her be negative.

So I pretended to be calm and serious and said, "I haven't lived enough. Of course, I don't want to die. I also believe that as long as we have enough faith, we won't die here easily."

Come and go, I am some such comforting words, such words, said I almost do not believe, and Peng Xuefei listened to my words, her face more and more heavy, she locked her eyebrows, as if thinking, after a long time, she suddenly jumped out a sentence: "I am not afraid of death!"

Peng Xuefei's tone, very resolute, listening to my heart are a little scared, I feel more and more enveloped, do not know how she suddenly this is.

When I was dull, Peng Xuefei looked at me again. She looked at me with her determined eyes and said solemnly, "Jiangnan wind, can you do me a favor?"

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