What, do her a favor? Peng Xuefei's words and deeds made me feel more and more wrong, especially when she said the last sentence, her face was very serious and serious, and I felt something was going on.

I did not dare to think further, and immediately asked her, "what's busy?"

Hearing my voice, Peng Xuefei's face suddenly became cold, like ice, like frost. Her eyes showed a look of extraordinary firmness, as if she had made some important decision.

She was like this, cold looking at me, the tone of resolute said: "kill me!"

Three words, as if three steel thorns, straight into my heart, let my whole person suddenly tremble, I how did not think, Peng Xuefei suddenly so wrong, unexpectedly is to want to die, she is a girl of the right age, there are a lot of time in the future. No matter how difficult and difficult the situation is, we still have hope at least. Why does she not value her life so much?

I looked at her in a daze and asked, "Feifei, what do you mean?"

Peng Xuefei's eyes are still looking at me, but, her eyes, from firm gradually into pain, she with infinite pain, hoarse voice said to me: "we can't go out, we must not go out, rather than waiting here to die, with the miserable death of living, I would rather be killed by you."

After listening to Peng Xuefei's words, I suddenly stopped. She was right. The taste of death may not be so painful, but the taste of waiting for death is the most painful thing in the world. Especially, waiting for death in such a terrible dungeon is indescribable. Peng Xuefei, a girl child, can't bear that kind of suffering, so she thinks so extreme, I want to die.

However, it is not an easy thing to die happily. I looked at her helplessly, and said with a bitter smile, "do you think I have to do it?"

This is a problem. It's a big problem. As long as I'm alive, I can't let Peng Xuefei die in front of me. On the contrary, I will try my best to save her life.

However, I simply can not manage so much, she has been unable to bear, has been about to collapse, she only wanted to die. Almost no hesitation, she once again said to me decisively: "Jiangnan wind, you should help me, I really can't stand it, I can't hold on, I'll go crazy again!"

When she said this, her body was a little shivering, and her mood was almost out of control. It was torture to stay in such a dirty, airtight and smelly place for one more second. Peng Xuefei couldn't stand the torture, not to mention the mental torture of waiting for death.

I don't like to wait for death. I can't bear the suffering in my heart. But if I'm broken, Peng Xuefei can't stand it any more. Therefore, in any case, I have to be positive and optimistic, and I must try my best to make Peng Xuefei have the belief to live.

Thinking of this, I immediately stood up and said solemnly to Peng Xuefei:

"Feifei, no matter how dark our road is, no matter how hopeless our hope is, we should not think about death. Death is the most vulnerable performance. In the past, I was also vulnerable and defeated by reality. I wanted to die many times. However, later, I realized that no matter what, we should not seek death. This is a manifestation of cowardice and irresponsibility. If you die easily, it is absolutely unfair to those who love you. Have you ever thought about how sad your mother will be if you die, and how she can live in the future? Do you have the heart to let your mother live in humble and painful life? "

What I said, let Peng Xuefei's expression momentarily stop, she did not again resolute, no more extreme, just self-care in a daze, as if in meditation.

After a long time, she was slightly relieved. She looked at me dejectedly and said in a sad tone: "I don't want to leave my mother behind. I also want to be strong, but in the end, we still have to die here, just to bear more torture before death."

See Peng Xuefei so, I can't help heartache, I went directly to her, squatted down, took her hand, said to her firmly: "no, believe me, we can escape!"

At this moment, I completely showed a man's spirit of indomitable determination. My eyes were full of brilliance, and my faith was particularly sufficient, which virtually gave Peng Xuefei a certain sense of security and trust.

She couldn't help but raise her head and look at me deeply. My courage passed to her. Her look began to shine. Her eyes began to glow. Finally, she clenched her teeth and nodded heavily at me.

we supported each other in this abyss without light. I encouraged Peng Xuefei, but also encouraged her I will never give up until the last moment.

However, the reality in front of us is sharp and cruel. The air in the dungeon is always airtight and smelly, and the light is dim. In particular, if there is too little food, there are only three pieces of bread and a bottle of mineral water. How long can this thing keep us going?

This is forcing me to despair, but I can not despair, only in the heart of silent prayer, someone can find us, save us.Peng Xuefei and I were so silent in silence. After receiving my comfort and encouragement, her expression was no longer so dim, but she could not be happy. She was just in a daze without expression.

Also do not know how long, Peng Xuefei suddenly looked at me, this look, her face is a little red, do not know is suffocating red or shy red, in the end, she forced herself to speak to me, she said to me in a very weak voice: "I want to be convenient!"

Although her voice was so small that she could hear it, I understood her meaning by combining her expression and her mouth shape. I know, she must be unable to hold back, will put down the arrogant attitude, say such words with me.

It's a real pain. I didn't eat anything. But Peng Xuefei had eaten bread and almost a whole bottle of mineral water before, and now she has been able to bear it.

However, this place is not big. There will be smell everywhere, and there will be sound, and there are only me and her here. If she does pee, it's really embarrassing.

Peng Xuefei has always been a high cold lady. She was not used to touching others before. But now, how can she stand to be convenient in this small space with men.

I sympathized with her, but I couldn't do more. I could only promise her, "you go, I won't see it!"

Hearing what I said, Peng Xuefei bit her lips and said something, but it was not easy to say. After holding for a long time, her face became more and more red. Finally, she could not hold back. The whole person directly stood up and walked to the corner on the other side. Seeing that my eyes were looking at her side, she said quickly, "turn your face away!"

I shrunken mouth, immediately turned around, face on the wall.

However, Peng Xuefei did not give up, and then said: "cover your ears!"

I'm a little speechless. But still obediently did, and quickly covered his ears with his hand. However, it was also a pose, because soon, I heard the sound of clattering behind my back. Moreover, the sound was very loud. It seems that Peng Xuefei was really choked.

I kept this position, face the wall for a long time, Peng Xuefei came back, sat in the original position, said to me softly: "OK!"

As soon as I heard this, I immediately put down my hand, turned around, and sat down as if I didn't know anything.

However, Peng Xuefei is just as guilty as she is. Her pretty face is still slightly red, to be honest. Peng Xuefei's bashful appearance is really attractive. However, in such an environment, no matter how beautiful the other party is, I can't pick up any evil thoughts from me. My heart is still thinking about how to live and how to persist.

In this ghost place, it is very difficult to sleep and go to the toilet, not to mention washing face, brushing teeth, washing hair and bathing. As far as our treatment is concerned, we are not as good as beggars. It's really difficult for Peng Xuefei, who is a well respected lady, to support herself strongly.

And those perverted kidnappers are too hard and cruel. As the bread man said last time, they really didn't care about us any more. The wooden door of the dungeon was never opened again.

Peng Xuefei and I had too limited food. I didn't want to eat it for a moment. Every time she tried to give me food, I would try to find various excuses to refuse. But even Peng Xuefei could not hold on to the dry food for a long time. When she ate all the bread and water, the kidnapper still didn't show up.

I was so hungry that the whole person was in a muddle. Peng Xuefei saw that I was hungry like this. The person who delivered the meal didn't appear again. Even though she was stupid, she realized that something was wrong. So she asked me directly, "why didn't the person who delivered the meal come back? It's been two days now

I also know that this matter can not be concealed, and there is no point in hiding it. Because the food has been finished, so I simply honest back to Peng Xuefei: "they will not send food, unless, your father promised their conditions!"

Peng Xuefei a listen, the whole person is muddled, she stupidly looks at me, wooden said: "so, you just don't eat bread!"

I smile bitterly for a while, bravado way: "I don't like to eat!"

This moment, Peng Xuefei's eyes are hazy, she hoarse voice, called to me: "you cheat, you are to leave me to eat!"

Peng Xuefei's tone is full of guilt, suffering, but also deeply moved.

I had no choice but to smile. Then, I licked my lower lip and said weakly, "even if it is, it doesn't mean anything. My body is stronger than you and can hold on to it. I'm afraid you will be hungry. In such an environment, we have to rely on each other to survive. If you fall down, I can't live alone! "

It's hard for me to say such a long paragraph. Peng Xuefei was more moved by her red eyes and said to me seriously: "Jiangnan wind, you are not allowed to die before me, certainly not!"

Peng Xuefei's meaning is very obvious, for her, the only belief to survive is me. If I starve to death, she will certainly not be able to live.In order to reassure her, I immediately grabbed the maggot like insects on the ground, put them into my mouth, chewed them, and said, "don't worry, I'm not hungry. For me, anything can satisfy my hunger!"

I have received special training. I really want to die. I can use anything as food. Even disgusting insects can enter my mouth. I haven't eaten any food in front of me. I think I can bear it. But now, I'm so hungry and dizzy that I can't speak. I can't hold on to it.

Pengfei's mouth is so disgusting that I can't feel guilty if she doesn't want to see her dirty, so she can't live without hesitation.

But, speaking of it, the insect is disgusting. But at least protein, water, can supplement nutrition, I in order to survive, barely can eat.

But Peng Xuefei is different, she is a girl, for this kind of thing, she simply can't accept, see me so leisurely eating insects, she is like looking at monsters, even, she can't help but vomit up, as if the person who eats insects is her.

Seeing her nauseous, I feel more and more upset. Originally, I didn't think too much, but I could barely eat. Now I can't help but feel sick when I see Peng Xuefei's nausea. However, no matter how hard I feel, I can't show it. On the contrary, I have to pretend that it's not very difficult.

I did this for Peng Xuefei. I made a special demonstration for her, because there was no bread and no mineral water. After that, she could not be hungry all the time. If she wanted to survive, she had to eat these things.

For now, we can hold on for one more day, even if one day, there will be more hope. Living is better than dying. As long as there is a trace of hope, we should strive to live on.

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