When Peng Xuefei's hand fell to the ground, my heart seemed to explode a thunderbolt. My breath was not smooth, and my soul seemed to be destroyed by the shock, so painful.

If I hadn't seen Peng Xuefei close her eyes in front of me, I might never know how much I care about her. Maybe I can't realize how terrible it was to lose her.

For a long time, I always use Peng Xuefei as a tool to get close to her and pursue her only for my own purpose. I have almost never treated her sincerely. However, I am a person, not a cold-blooded animal. After so many days of getting along with each other, I am not totally indifferent to Peng Xuefei, especially after knowing her poor life experience, I can't help but give her deep concern.

But all this, I think, is just a good impression, and it will not affect my plan, because, no matter what, she is Peng Yi's own daughter, is my enemy's daughter, I will not change my plan for her.

But now, I heard Peng Xuefei's true words. Seeing that she was tortured so badly, and even in the end, watching her slowly die, all of which made me physically and mentally split, I finally found that I had more than a good impression on her.

Peng Xuefei, her position in my heart is more important than I imagined. We live together and depend on each other. In this dark dungeon, we have experienced so many hardships and tribulations. In these tribulations, our feelings have changed by leaps and bounds, almost to the point of indivisibility.

I always remember what Peng Xuefei said to me. She said that she would not allow me to die before her. Originally, death is a painful thing, but watching the other party die is more painful than death.

The two of us are now like a union. Without one, the other is really cutting off the body's flesh. The pain is unimaginable at this moment. I can't describe my state at all. I just feel that the whole person is fluttering and wandering. My lips can't help wriggling, making an extremely hoarse voice. I keep shouting: "Feifei, Feifei..."

while speaking, my hand, P, constantly shakes Peng Xuefei's body. However, she does not respond at all. She is just paralyzed In my arms, my face was bloodless and motionless.

I felt the unprecedented panic, the body all softened, slowly, I stretched out my trembling hand, put out Peng Xuefei's breath, this exploration, my whole person was stunned, but I was shocked by the waves in my heart.

I was surprised to find that Peng Xuefei even had some weak breath. She was not dead, she did not die completely. It seems that she just completely fainted in the past. At this moment, I was surprised, happy and afraid that Peng Xuefei would die in the next second.

Looking at her dying, my heart suddenly rose a strong belief, no matter what, I can't let Peng Xuefei die, at least, I can't let her accompany me to rot here, I promised her, we can escape, how to go out, I can't watch her die in front of me, absolutely not.

Think of this, I suddenly heartless, directly with teeth, bite his finger, fresh blood, soon flow out, I immediately put my finger into Peng Xuefei's mouth, let her suck.

In such a difficult environment, blood is manna, which works better than anything, especially for Peng Xuefei, a hungry and thirsty person.

My blood moistened Peng Xuefei, let her gradually have some reaction, and the smell of blood, also constantly stimulate me, let the tide in my body surging, as if, I suddenly came to a very strong spirit, only feel the blood spurt, the blood in the body can not flow out. I kept squeezing my fingers, squeezing blood to Peng Xuefei.

Finally, the vain Peng Xuefei wakes up, her eyelids are trembling, trembling for a long time, she just struggled to open her eyes, her eyes are confused, the whole person is still weak, as if not completely recovered, just staring at me.

I quickly pulled my finger out of Xia Xiaoxiao's mouth. Maybe my mouth was bigger and the blood was still dripping. I was afraid of waste. I immediately put my finger in my mouth and sucked out the excess blood.

Peng Xuefei see me like this, her godless eyes suddenly have a flicker, she seems to understand what I am doing, immediately, her eyes are filled with tears, tears are dim, she is very puzzled to me issued a very weak voice: "Jiangnan wind, you this is why?"

I licked the lower lip, firmly looked at her, sonorous powerful said: "I do not allow you to die, never allow!"

When I said this, my blood was more surging, my breath was full, and my self-confidence rose abruptly. I had a stronger belief in my life. In particular, I could not bear Peng Xuefei's death in front of me. This belief almost burst my body.

However, I have faith does not mean Peng Xuefei also has faith, but she has never hoped to live. For her, death is the inevitable result. If she wants to live, it is nothing more than a fool's dream and self deception.

She gently left the corner of her mouth, showing a very bitter smile. Struggling to me said: "don't be silly, we can't go out, I can't hold on, you don't waste energy on me, after I die, if you still want to continue to insist, you can drink my blood, eat my meat, I will!"Hearing Peng Xuefei's words, I just feel my heart twinkle. I shake my head constantly and say in a panic: "no, you won't die. I don't want you to die. I promised you to take you out. I will do what I say. Can you stick to it for a while?"

At the moment, I, like a madman, at a loss, incoherent, but my inner faith is more and more profound, I red eyes, keep asking Peng Xuefei, ask her to insist on living.

When Peng Xuefei saw me like this, she couldn't bear to say any more depressed words, or, tired, she had no strength to speak any more. She just gave a gentle um, which could be regarded as an agreement to my request and as a way to let me relax.

I got Peng Xuefei's consent, and my eyes suddenly glowed with brilliance, and my confidence exploded directly. My internal Qi was furious. In my mind, there was only one idea, that is, I want to go out, and I must go out.

Thinking like this, I directly put Peng Xuefei down gently and told her again: "wait for me, must wait for me!"

After saying that, I quickly stood up. I didn't know whether it was stimulated by Peng Xuefei's departure or by the bloody smell. Anyway, I'm full of strength now, and there is no tired state at all. On the contrary, the blood in my body is still boiling, and the breath is still surging. What I need most at this moment is to vent, which is to realize the faith in my heart.

Since those crazy kidnappers have forgotten us, since no one has come to save us for so many days, if I want to go out, I can only rely on myself to find a way. Although I wandered around last time, I felt helpless and hopeless.

But this time, I will try my best to do the impossible. The first way that flashed through my mind was to call for help. No matter where I was, no matter what happened, there was nothing wrong with calling for help. So I immediately went to the bottom of the wooden door of the dungeon, looked up at the door above, clenched my fist, and yelled: "help! Help

My voice is very loud. It's just that the dungeon space is too small and airtight. The wooden door above is so tight that it seems that the sound can't be transmitted. No matter how loud my voice is, I can't get outside. I just let my deafening echo reverberate in the small dungeon, which almost broke my eardrum.

Crazy like me, my voice was hoarse, but there was still no movement on it. Obviously, this method didn't work, but I still didn't give up. I was thinking of other ways and trying hard. Remember the last time, I thought of the way is to open the wooden door above my head, but the wooden door is too far away from the ground, and the door panel is locked again. I can't reach the wooden door, let alone open it.

However, this time, I intend to go all out. Since I can't reach the wooden door, I will pile up the soil under the wooden door. When I stand on the soil, I can feel the wooden door, and I have hope to open it.

thought of this, I did not delay any more minutes, and immediately went to dig the soil with my hands. There was no available tool in this place. I could only use my hand as a spade to dig the earth and shovel the soil.

However, no matter the soil on the wall or on the ground, it is very strong and hard. Even though my hands are hard, it is difficult to dig them. My fingers are all broken, my nails are broken, and only a little soil is dug out. At this speed, even if my hands can hold on, it may take at least a year and a half to use them. That is to say, this method is not feasible for me.

Failure again and again, the more failure, the more anxious I am. I seem to have lost my sense. Just like a mad dog, I have been wandering in the dungeon. I have thought of all the ways I can think of and have done everything I can, but the results are useless.

It seems that it is impossible to escape from this place by ourselves. Just like Peng Xuefei said, we can't get out, we can only wait here to die.

Waiting for death, how terrible the word is, I don't want to wait for death, I gave myself such a strong belief to support, but when there is nothing to do, my heart will still hurt, or will be depressed.

Frustrated, I finally had to return to Peng Xuefei. At this moment, my ambition was all gone, and there was only guilt and helplessness.

What's more, when I came back to Peng Xuefei, I found that she had closed her eyes at the moment, lying quietly on the ground, motionless. I squatted down, touched her, and found that there was a faint breath. However, I did not dare to save her, because I had no face to wake her up, I did not know how to face her, if she had been awakened Come on, it will only hurt her more and let her down more.

It's better to let her die peacefully than to let her suffer for another moment, so that she doesn't have to continue suffering. However, watching Xia Xiaoxiao's life slowly disappear, my heart can't help shaking, and the fury in my body is surging again. I can't stand it. I can't see Peng Xuefei die. It's really hard and hard By.

What's more, the reason why I can stay here for so long is also related to Peng Xuefei's company. If Peng Xuefei turns into a corpse, I'm afraid I don't want to live for a moment.

The more I think about it, the more I fear, the more painful I think. In my mind, I keep flashing the fragments of our two together. In my mind, she is beautiful and moving, extremely cold, and sometimes there is a smile of youth, so she is so beautiful, so lively.But in front of her, miserable withered, extremely embarrassed, the breath of life is also gradually fading, not like a person, but like a tortured woman corpse, such a gap, let me collapse, I really can't let a beautiful girl become a real body, I can't do it.

Suddenly, my heart burst, out of control, thinking disorder, my eyes began to become very red, more and more red, in this dark dungeon, seems to send out a terrible red light.

The fury in my body trembled more and more, and it was about to break out. My muscles and veins were all bulging up. I felt like it was going to burst. It was very painful.

Even if I bear the ability again strong, can't carry, crazy I, feel lost in general, my body suddenly fell down. Lying on the ground crying, I keep rolling, rolling, but my body, still bear the pain of being torn, feel every cell is pierced by a poison needle, this pain, has exceeded my limit.

The pain is extreme, but my consciousness is still there. I know that the reason why I become like this is because I have been completely furious. The torture of this bad environment and the disappearance of Peng Xuefei's life have made me crazy. But before, every time I go crazy, there are enemies in my opposite. I can use killing to vent, to release my fury and relieve me The pain.

But now, this time, I'm completely angry. I need stronger and more ferocious vent. But in front of me, there is no enemy. What I face is boundless darkness. I have no place to vent at all. I can only bear the heartrending pain alone.

I really didn't think that the harsh environment, cruel reality, did not defeat me, did not take my life, and finally I would die in my own hands, this is really a sad joke, the more I think, the more crazy I am, my body has been rolling on the ground, my clothes, have been torn to pieces. My sweat keeps coming out of my body. The pain has squeezed out all the water left in my body. I'm going to be a corpse.

My voice can't stop. The more painful I am, the more crazy I yell. The more painful it is, the more painful it is. This is an endless circle. In the end, my whole body is about to explode, and I am about to suffocate in pain. Perhaps, only when people reach the last moment of life can they give full play to your final potential. This may be the reflection of the legend.

At this moment, at the last moment when I felt that I was dying, my confused brain suddenly became quiet, and I didn't think of anything. I seemed to forget everything. I didn't want to go out. I didn't want to save my father. I didn't want to save Ziyi. All those miscellaneous thoughts were thrown out of the sky by me, but a deep memory buried in my heart suddenly emerged Come on. It is the way of Tai Chi taught me by grandfather Bai.

Tai Chi, a martial art, I learned it a long time ago, but the level I reached was far worse than that of my grandfather Bai. It's not that I didn't practice hard or I didn't have qualifications. Even in practice, I used it many times, but after all, I still had a little superficial knowledge of Tai Chi.

At the beginning, grandfather Bai said that he only valued my qualifications and thought that I was a genius, so he was willing to accept me as an apprentice. However, I felt that I would never catch up with him. For this, he told me that when I mastered the essence of Tai Chi, I would not be far away from success.

Although, in the past few months at my grandfather's house, he had taught me the essentials of his Tai Chi without reservation, but I had not been completely sure of the mystery and essence of Tai Chi. In particular, there is a paragraph of the most important program, the key to self-cultivation. It means that you can adjust your breath, be calm, let you forget yourself and let everything go. This section is the most difficult for me. No matter how I understand it, I can't understand it, because I have never really let go of all the burdens.

But at this moment, the secret is very clear in my mind. It is like a banana fan that specializes in the fire mountain. As soon as the secret comes to my mind, the fury in my body disappears. It seems to help me adjust my breath and control my emotions. In the next time, my world is completely quiet.

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