Next, I felt as if I had stepped into another situation and got spiritual sublimation. My body, like an invisible force, sat up naturally. I folded my legs, sat on the ground, and meditated.

at this time, my mind has ruled out all kinds of distractions, and really reached the realm of selflessness. In this void state, I am fully aware of the essence of Tai Chi and use it to control the rage in my body.

On the surface, I don't seem to have any movement. I sit cross legged and still, but in fact, my body seems to be fighting a holy war. I use the way of Tai Chi I understand to suppress my fury, so as to refine it.

My constitution is obviously different from that of ordinary people. Once I get angry, I am a lion, which can erase everything and show incredible power.

Although this is my special advantage, it can save my life, but this kind of strength can not break out anytime and anywhere. It has a lot to do with my personal mood and state. What's more, once I break out, I easily lose my sense and become an indifferent machine, which is very cruel. It is just because it is too bloody and violent that I fight in the bottom of my heart I don't want to be violent, because I lost my original nature when I was furious.

That is to say, I need to be in certain circumstances, such as life is greatly threatened, such as when the brain is stimulated, such as when the heart is too angry, in addition, I am very crazy when I am crazy, even if I want to control, I can not control this state, for this state, I feel happy at the same time also feel confused, confused in their own irrational , bewildered by their own inability to grasp. It's like another magical me. I can't really control it.

But at this moment, the magic of me, seems to become docile. My brain has also become clear, I seem to be able to control myself as I like, which has completely broken through the former me, allowing me to regain my sanity.

I know that it all comes from the essentials of Tai Chi that I have learned. It can produce a kind of special gentle Qi, which is just in harmony with and complementary to my violent Qi, so that I can really control this anti heaven power.

However, this fury is like a wild beast, which is hard to tame easily. I have been meditating and struggling with this beast.

Time, quietly passing in silence, I constantly overcome myself, into the state, with another I struggle.

In the end, the emperor paid off those who had a heart. I finally suppressed all my rage into my elixir field. Now, I completely tamed them.

Then, I slowly vomited out a turbid breath. After a while, I felt refreshed. The sweat on my body, inadvertently, had dried up. My torn body did not hurt at all. I didn't have that restless breath in my body. I just felt calm and had a feeling of being immortal.

Moreover, my eyes seem to be much brighter. In this dark dungeon, I can see things more clearly than before. Even my breath has become rhythmic. The whole person has a kind of flexible feeling, especially free.

I know that all these represent that my strength has been greatly improved. However, I am not happy because of this. Finally, I come back to say that I am still in crisis, still in the middle of the Jedi, and Peng Xuefei's life is in danger. How can I be happy.

Of course, I am not discouraged. It seems that after my strength has been improved, my mood has been broadened and I am open to everything. Naturally, I can be calm and calm.

I just slowly stood up, gently swung off his legs and arms, found that my body in addition to a little bit of pain, nothing serious, my spirit seems to be better. The color of decadence was removed.

Slightly relaxed for a while, then, I went straight to Peng Xuefei, and then explored her breath. Fortunately, she still has a little breath. As long as she is not dead, my hope is still there. Now I have learned to be calm and calm. I know that the more anxious I am, the more I can't escape from this dungeon. Although my strength has been improved, I haven't reached the point of climbing on eaves and walls It's impossible to open the dungeon door out of thin air. If you want to go out, the only way is to pile up the soil.

I believe that as long as I can touch the dungeon door with the help of the mound, I will have the strength to open it. This method did not work just now, because I did not have the strength to dig so much soil. But now, I have the faith, the courage and the strength to dig the required soil.

After I figured it out, I immediately put into action, I touched the four walls, and finally stopped on a relatively soft wall.

Then, my hand on the wall, gently stroked, my eyes slowly turned red, issued a dark red light, I looked at it closely, the anger in the eyes, more and more exuberant.

In my opinion, this wall is my enemy and my great enemy. I must eradicate it with this belief. I slowly accumulated strength, the strength of the whole body are concentrated on the arm I stroked the wall.If it is only with my normal strength, then I can't shovel this wall in any case, so I have to use my transformation to achieve it.

For me at the moment, the state of fury can be controlled by me, which is equivalent to my first trial. Before that, I was forced to be desperate to be crazy. This time, I used reason to be violent. I controlled my own Dantian, let the rage in the Dantian, slowly released.

In an instant, this Qi quickly penetrated my whole body, making my veins swell and my eyes more and more red. My whole human strength has been extremely strong, just like turning into a super Saiya. This is the first time that I have used this anti heaven power in a rational way. This time, I really feel how powerful it is.

With this power in my body, I feel that every cell in my body is extremely active, and there is endless force all over my body, even more and more fierce. When my momentum reached its peak, I held my hand in the shape of a claw. Then, I gave a big drink and hit the wall violently.

With a strong wind, my claws swept over the wall. Just listen and clap. In a moment, a lot of soil fell from the whole wall. I didn't stop. My other hand clenched my fist into claws, and once again a claw flashed against the wall. Claw after claw, hands alternately, constantly toward the wall planing.

My two hands are as hard as iron sand palm. They are comparable to sharp weapons. They are invincible. Especially, my momentum is strong. Every time I take a hand, it seems to be full of endless strength.

The soil rolled down from the wall, falling more and more, but after all, I was flesh and blood. No matter how strong my hand was, no matter how hard it was, it was still flesh long. After a while, my palm became flesh and blood blurred.

However, even so, my actions are still more than that. I always attack the wall as if I have no consciousness. With my unremitting efforts, the soil on the ground is finally piled up like a hill. I feel that the soil is enough. What's more, I'm almost exhausted. I eat very little and rely on some insects for a few days. Now, I burst out my strongest strength again. After grasping the soil for so long, I can't stand it even if I'm a fairy. My hands and feet are shaking unconsciously and shaking.

To tell you the truth, at this moment, I really want to lie down and have a sleep. Even if I sleep in the past, I would like to, but I know that I can't, I can't delay any more, and I don't have time to rest. Peng Xuefei is going to die. She can't hold on. She has only one last breath. Even if there is food, she can't resist it. She has a high fever. She must hurry up Only when she leaves this ghost place can she hope to live. Moreover, she must leave here as soon as possible.

So, I resisted the fatigue and pain, continued to support myself, and piled up the soil that I had caught. I tried my best to pile the soil under the door of the dungeon. The more the pile was, the higher it was, the stronger it was.

Previously, it was so hard to grab soil from the wall that I nearly collapsed. At the moment, it takes a lot of time to pile the soil right under the door. I have only one person and two hands. Even though I move fast and I can't breathe, it still takes me some time to pile up all the soil.

By this time, I was no longer human, but I still did not stop, immediately climbed to the pile of soil, happened to stand on the pile of soil, I can reach out and touch the door panel on my head, but touching it is one thing, trying to open it is another.

I tried my best to push the door panel twice, but it didn't work at all. The door panel couldn't move at all. It seemed to be locked. There was something pressing on it, so it couldn't be pushed at all.

The most important thing is that at the moment, I have been exhausted, the strength of the whole body is very little, no matter how hard I try, I can't move the door.

Looking at the hope on the top of my head, I can't realize it. I have done so much and worked hard to get here, but I want to lose in the last step. In that case, I would die with my eyes closed.

I can't give up all my previous achievements. In any case, I will continue to insist. Unconsciously, I lowered my head and looked at Peng Xuefei lying on the ground.

At the moment, Peng Xuefei looks so calm. Her face is dirty and haggard. Her body is motionless. She looks like a real corpse. However, I believe that she is not dead. She promised me to insist on it. I also promised to take her out and let her wait for me. With her personality, she must be able to carry, will not really die.

I can't let her down any more. I can't let her rot here. I want to take her out of this cage. I want to save her. When I think of these things, my fighting spirit is rising. But my strength can't open the door of the dungeon which seems to be heavy.

Slowly, I raised my head, looked at the top of the strong door panel, gradually, my eyes in the red, my heart in the tremor, anger erupted from my body. I keep telling myself that this door is a barrier, which is the biggest obstacle to save my father, Ziyi and Peng Xuefei. Therefore, in any case, I must break it.The more I think about it, the more red my eyes are. Unconsciously, I stretch out my bloody right hand and put it to my mouth. I smell the bloody smell greedily, and even stick out my tongue to taste my own blood.

The smell of blood stimulates me, burns me, and makes the blood in my body surge again. The rage in my elixir field does not need my command. My desire to live directly makes it gush. This endless fury gas runs through my whole body in an instant.

My fist involuntarily clenched up, powerful breath burst out, let my body almost burst. My face is red and red, and my eyes are red like the devil.

At this moment, all my strength accumulated on the fist of my right hand. The more I accumulated, the stronger I accumulated. Finally, my right fist suddenly moved, and with infinite momentum, it soared into the sky and hit the dungeon door which blocked my way out. With a loud bang, the whole dungeon door flew up, with a piece of dust flying, with the breaking of the dungeon door Open, under the dungeon, I, like a beast out of the cage, roared up to the sky, and made a crazy roar, and the voice went straight into the sky.

On the top of the dungeon, the sun is shining brightly. The strong light penetrates through the dungeon mouth and directly into the dungeon. The dazzling sunlight sprinkles on my body, which makes me look like the son of light.

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